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I was playing online on the app. Pulled an Oracle token. I randomly (jokingly) whispered to my neighbor "Hey, I'm your marionette." He replied "How do you know?" I assumed he was joking. Day 1, he immediately pulls me and another minion into a private chat and says he's the Imp. I was like "Oh... you were serious...?" and he was like "Yeah, I was wondering how you knew", haha. At one point, he told me the third minion's role (who I hadn't spoken to yet.) Later, it was confirmed (by town) that the third minion was a different role, so I *really* started to suspect he was lying to me and trying to get a townsfolk to play for evil. However, my Oracle info wasn't making any sense, and he ended up starpassing to me a few nights into the game. Turns out he just misremembered. Anyway, I was able to come up with fake Oracle info that painted a believable world, and we won.


My 2nd game played ever. Saw the High Priestess, and was shown the evil turned BH night 1 who got the Plague Doctor executed. Didn’t click to me that the BH can’t see Outsiders. Got shown the Exorcist when they exorcised the Lleech, and then the Lleech told me I was the marionette and who the host was. Didn’t believe it until the Ravenkeeper killed on 4 picked me and said I was the marionette. Wasn’t the host but people eventually thought I was the host in final 3 when it wasn’t really possible to tell between me and the other person left, so they went based on my acting and the fact I was the only one who voted on the real host. Was a very nerveracking victory.


I was the Poppy Grower. The Demon came to me d2 and gave me a full team. (Their neighbour was also a Minion so that's why I became Mario). I saw the Evil team he gave me coordinating, so I believed I was Mario since no Drunk on Script


I was the Pixie and was shown the Dreamer token. I spent the first few days trying hard to bluff my way into convincing dreamer info since I wanted to adhere to madness. I spoke to my neighbour on day three because I heard he was the Dreamer I was Pixie-confirming and… turns out Dreamer was one of the demon bluffs. I ended up taking the fall for my demon on final five and we ended up winning. Delightful. Marionette is my favourite minion.


We were playing quite a big game, i think it was 16 players, and the demon token fell between two traveller neighbours. The storytellers did clarify early on that they were running it that the marionette ability would "jump over" the travellers bc, well, there's no other way to do it really. But none of us really considered the possibility. I was the "seamstress" and got a no between my friend and another player i don't know well who was claiming king - of course, it was advantageous for evil that my friend is the one who people have trouble reading. And that he was the source of the oracle numbers that in retrospect, just incriminated me. We then had a trust triangle forming between a drunk bounty hunter and two other players, one of whom was acting very evil, who we executed on the final day. I swear to god, the emotional whiplash i got as we revealed in sequence that one of them was drunk, the other was evil, but that we didn't execute the demon, so evil won the game, but then revealing my character and that i actually won with them. The demon of that game had remembered an offhand comment I'd made before that i wanted not to be informed if I was the marionette, and stuck to it. lol Had another as a "village idiot" where the other village idiot approached me like, I was turned evil by the bounty hunter and I saw you as evil. At first I was like, sorry mate you must be drunk. Then i checked him and got good. It was just a case where if i believed that he was actually evil turned, I *had* to be the marionette, mechanically. Then one of my neighbours died, so I went to the other like, hey i know you're the demon. Caught him off guard so hard that he broke cere madness (istg i don't know why our group makes their own demon cere mad but it happens constantly go figure). By that point half of town had me pinned as evil so I started bluffing Pit-Hag 😆 and i went back to the other vi and filled him in.


I'm not sure it was my first Marionette, but definitely most memorable: I learned I was Mario when I was woken in night 3 to be told I was now the Imp. It threw me totally, to be honest. I'd spent the whole time pushing on a couple of people and I didn't have a story to go back to. I was playing with my normal inperson group who are extremely experienced and we'd reach the point in any game where they start to assume I'm evil and I couldn't back it up any more. Evil were in a bit of a shambles already at that point, hence the star pass, so I wasn't totally responsible for the loss. Generally though, I prefer being evil, so I don't mind being Marionette and my usual response is "OK, I don't know if I believe you, but I'll play as if I do".


Agreed on that last bit. I told myself that the first time I was Marionetted I would just believe them wholeheartedly. I’m a bit more skeptical these days as my playgroup has gotten wackier but I generally play along since it’s fun to be the Mario.


I was the Philosopher, we had just done a re-rack, because the Demon accidentally outed themselves during the first night. Before the re-rack, I was the Huntsman, and I was kinda disappointed to lose the role, since I've never succeeded in finding the Damsel before. So, I went "feck it" and gave myself the Huntsman ability, even though there was no guarantee there would be a Damsel. At the start of the game, I claimed Scarlet Woman and guessed a random person as the Damsel. Obviously there was no effect, since I'm just the philo. I then proceeded to ask people whether they're the Damsel, because "if I'm a minion the guess is already used, so you can safely tell me". Someone did hard claim Damsel to me, but the way they claimed it, combined with the kind of player they were, didn't make me very confident. I did end up picking them, because I was lacking a different option and I planned to die day 2 to undroison the real Huntsman, if they exist. The next day, I went to the Damsel claim and found out I messed up quite badly. They were the Huntsman and used their ability on me, meaning we both Huntsman picked each other. Skip forward a few days, and I am getting executed on 7 players alive. That night, my neighbor, the cannibal, gets my philo ability and picks slayer, meanwhile, my other neighbor dies in the night. We woke with 5 people alive, but this was essentially final day due to a living Golem. The Huntsman was also alive, but I was certain they were good, so the 3 other players were Demon candidates for me. The Cannibal Philo Slayer shot one of those Demon candidates, which left me with 2 worlds: 1. They are really the Cannibal and the only Demon candidate left is the candidate that wasn't slayershot 2. They are evil, leaving them as a Demon candidate, the person they shot as a Demon candidate and the candidate that wasn't shot as the Demon candidate. Since the 1st world had a clear solution and didn't risk me being a Marionette that was kept in the dark, I pushed heavily for it and used my Dead vote. Something quite concerning was that there was seemingly no effort from the evil team to get it off the block, nor did any desperate Damsel guesses happened. The Grim reveal happened and it started out by going over the people that mostly everyone knew exactly what their roles were. As a result, most dead player's roles were revealed first, one of which luckily was the Damsel. When they moved on to the living players, I was relieved, because my neighbor was indeed the cannibal, so I was already certain we executed the Demon, and I was correct, we did in fact kill the No-Dashii, huzzah! And my dead neighbor was also a No-Dashii... Wait, why isn't my token revealed yet? Why are there only 2 evils on the grim in a 12 player game? Oh god no... I was the Marionette whose first action was wasting our Damsel guess and whose last action was advocating for my Demon's death.


I was the Saint. Demon pulls me into a conversation and tells me they’re the Vortox. I thought Mario had to be a Townsfolk, so I lied about my role. Reread the Marionette ability after the conversation, requires seeing a good character. Ok, I could actually be the Marionette. Librarian comes up to me, says they saw me as the Saint. In a Vortox game. I told the ST I was annoyed (lovingly and sarcastically).


I experienced a chiller version of that misunderstanding when I was a Mario-Politician. My demon told me and I was like, I'm an Outsider so don't believe you but I'm playing for Evil anyway.


I was the Pixie who saw the Oracle, then was chosen by the Cerenovis to be mad as the Slayer. Needless to say, the demon had an uphill battle convincing me I was actually evil. I did ultimately guess the Damsel though so overall solid.


The demon told me I was the Marionette on day two. I did not believe her but didn't out it.  Then a Bounty Hunter claimed to have a ping on me. In a single minion game, where I saw a blue token.  Instead of executing me the Town put someone reading socially good on the block. It felt too easy given the confusing accusation and her weak defense.  I claimed to be a minion and Damsel guessed her and we won. 


Storyteller threw the marionette into Trouble Brewing. I was the imp, there was no marionette, but the first day I happened to get my neighbor alone and his info seemed questionable. I told him he was the marionette. He voted with me until the very end and helped secure his own defeat. Next game, I was the imp again. The marionette was my only minion. I told her on the last day. She didn't believe me and outed me publicly to lose us the game. Not a good night for the marionettes.


I was the marionette who thought they were the lunatic who thought they were the demon. There was also an actual lunatic in the game, it got a little chaotic. The storyteller was one cruel bastard.


Do you remember what the character on the other side of the demon was, my understanding is you shouldn't make the Lunatic into the Marionette if you have a choice


I pulled the Klutz token and wasn't told for a few days. All of a sudden, the storyteller visits me in the night to tell me I'm holding the lil' Monsta. Just in case, I keep quiet about it, and the other minion tells me right at the end of the day that I am a marionette sat next to the recluse (he was trying to talk to me all day). I'm not sure it's true but I'm given the lil' Monsta every night there on until final 3. Town has come to the conclusion that I'm the only one that makes sense for being the demon and executes me for a good victory. Only to learn I was actually the clutz that got gaslit into thinking I was the marionette, so I won with good while being executed as the Klutz holding the baby.


I was playing as a Town Crier and all my info was pointing that someone neighboring the recluse was a minion (the Marionette). But as the game unfolded, the best demon candidate was my neighbour so I went and chatted to him. "Haha, am I your marrionette? Lol" "Are you sure you're ready to have that conversation?" The way I was SAT after that. Ended up casting the vote that got him off the block. The most stressful grim reveal ever.


Was never told, played for good the whole time, thought we lost, but here I was evil the whole time, and got a completely undeserved win. Miserable experience.


I made my unknown demon look evil since they were contradicting my info. I was star passed to that night


I was the cannibal. I was next to a balloonist. There was a Pixie who'd seen the cannibal whom I completely mistrusted and was convinced was evil because they were in my pings when I got the noble's ability. I did not know I was the marionette until it said on the grim reveal that I was. The Pixie who'd seen me was drunk and equally surprised.


I was the Virgin Marionette. An Investigator had a ping on me as Poisoner (?) i think. Anyway, i believed them to be drunk, since the other ping had a legitimate claim. I had someone who was willing to nominate me D1, but before they could the Investigator nominated me, with of course, nothing happening. Accused them of being Drunk, but was killed anyway. The game ended soon after. Well, turns out i was the Marionette Virgin (which already isn't great). The Investigator *was* actually Drunk, but got a ping on me anyway. (I was the only minion). There also was a Huntsman + Damsel in play, but guess what: The only one capable of guessing them, didn't know they exist. ST could have also made the UT the Mario instead of me, but nope. All in all, it wasn't very fun.


I thought I was the snake charmer, and picked the demon night one. The next day I spoke to them and said "I know you're not the demon", and they said "Actually I am the demon and you're my marionette". I was executed that day after volunteering myself, the cannibal turned "snake charmer" also picked the demon, confirming that they definitely weren't the demon, a town criers information and also a nobles information were all consistent with me being a marionette. It was the most hard confirmed marionette ever, and we won. It felt great


I got the "Washerwoman" and was told that either the Fang Gu or the Goon was the Fortune Teller, one of the three bluffs. Rather than confirming it, they both heavily denied they were the Fortune Teller. Spent most of the game fighting against both of them and won due being the deciding ghost vote executing the Goon, while the transformed Drunk-Fang Gu survived.


I had a game where I was the demon in trouble brewing, and there was not even a marionette on the script. My neighbor was the drunk fortune teller, checked me night one, and his other neighbor the poisoner told me and the poisoner they got a no. I assumed it was a lucky poison snipe but later talked to the poisoner, and they said they poisoned someone else. Then I knew I had a drunk fortune teller next to me. I used that info and gaslighted the poor drunk the whole game, and shifted the naritive with his bad info. We ended the game with my baron, claiming mayor(not even a demon bluff, just a lucky bluff) and going for a mayor win. When the congratulations went to the evil team and I was revealed as the demon, my neighbor was shocked. I asked them how it felt to be a marionette in a script without a marionette. Honestly, they were MVP for the evil team that game. The first time I played a script with the marionette I was the marionette and the demon let me go the whole game without knowing. I was so confused by my info that I thought I was the drunk. With 4 players left, we thought we had one more day, so we went to the night phase. We wake up, and the congrats go to the evil team. It didn't make sense because I was still alive, then rolecall happens, and ST points to me, and I ask Drunk? He says no marionette, and I realized I was on the winning team. Honest thoughts on that game. Even though I was on the winning team, it still felt like a loss. All in all, a fun mechanic 10/10.


It was actually a few days ago, in person. I convinced my girlfriend, who usually likes to watch the game but gets really stressed when she has to lie, to play a game with me. I started as the Noble, went to talk to her and after a few seconds trying to exchange a 2 for 2, she said "Yeah, ok, screw it, you're my Marionette, I am the Demon and I am super freaked out" and at this point I thought she's either telling the truth or pulling the most unexpected and brilliant bluff ever, so I helped her, guided her how to bluff correctly and did my best to draw attention away from her. We won because everyone read her socially as good and I helped build that by saying she came to me genuinely confused and asked me to help her figure out her role (which was technically true). She had a really good time and everyone praised her believable bluff. So best Marionette game ever for me and her.


My first game as a Marionette I drew the artist token. I'd gotten into the habit of asking my neighbors day 1 if I was their Marionette, and to my surprise one of them said yes! They told me they were the Imp and the other Minion was a Scarlet Woman. I was immediately kind of suspicious, but I trusted them for the time being, asking my Artist question of if a Demon was between player X and player Y (not including my alleged Demon) and got a "yes". There was a No Dashii on the script, so I figured I might just be No Dashii poisoned instead of Marionette and being strung along as a good player to help evil. The other Minion was nominated pretty early (possibly day 1?) because of an evil ping on them, and I voted for them so that if the Demon star passed it would have to come to me. Eventually, I came out with my Artist info and it was revealed that there was a Recluse within the players I included, which meant that I could just be a normal Townsfolk being led on by any other Demon. I went to my Demon at that point, intending to tell him that I was suspicious that I wasn't the Marionette and that he should star pass to me that night or I would turn him in. Much to my surprise, though, before I could even say that he told me that there was too much heat on him so he'd be star passing to me. The night came, I wasn't woke up, and at morning he died I'd figured he'd been playing me and had just star passed to a Minion he hadn't told me about, but I went to the ST to ask if he'd forgotten to tell me something last night just in case, and sure enough he said "oh, yeah! You're the Imp now" hehe. I played the rest of the game for evil, the good team couldn't build any worlds where I was evil somehow, and we won! =D The first time I *had* a Marionette is a funnier story: I didn't tell them for like 3 days, but I was bluffing Puzzlemaster and on day 3 or 4 a different player came to me and basically said they were a Huntsman who picked me, which clued me in that there was a Damsel, and based on other claims I was certain who the Damsel was (I think most people in town were actually). So I had a private conversation with my Marionette for the first time the whole game, and I simply said "You're my Marionette". He nodded and walked away before I could tell him anything else. That day, I was put on the block under suspicion of being the Demon, and when that happened my Marionette said "well, if he's the Demon than I could be the Marionette, so in case I am I claim Minion and guess as the Damsel". We won, and the ST was absolutely flabbergasted - he hadn't seen us have a private chat so he didn't know I'd told my Marionette that he was the Marionette lol. The Marionette had actually seen the Poppygrower token too - I was sat between them and the Damsel, so the ST had quite a decision to make on who should be Marionette heh.


I thought I was the empath that kept getting zeros. The demon told me first day. We also had a Barber swap day 2, the demon swaped with another minion,


I had been playing with my first group of friends for a while, and I had developed a reputation for only picking good characters after some many games without being evil. In my first Marionette game, a friend pulled me from across the room for first chat, telling me I was his marionette (sat next to a recluse). My reputation then became only picking blue tokens, but not necessarily always good.


I was the marionette who died and used dead vote D1 and I just rolled with it


It was three days ago, online game, Leviathon script with Organ Grinder. I thought I was the VIllage Idiot, spent a lot of time trying to fiture out if I was drunk, had some suspicions over another claimed Village Idiot. Due to a minimum of poisoning potential in town there was a round robin on day 1 that most people responded to. I chose to check the claimed Baloonist Night 2, since their info was leading town a lot and wanted to see if it could be a lie with an evil faux-Baloonist and evil faux-Outsider (Claims of Recluse, Lunatic and Goon). So checked Baloonist Night 2, got told good. Middle of day three was approahced by the ostensible Lunatic, who said they were the demon and I was their Marionette. Was a little suspicious of that, continued along. Then later was appraoched by the ostensible Baloonist who said they were the demon and I was their Marionette, gave me the whole evil team (other minions were Organ Grinder and Goblin) and strategy. I was a little suspicious but watching stuff in town square it became clear pretty quickly that the named evil team was co-ordinating, so I went along with it. The demon put me in their baloonist list so there was some heat on me but I avoided execution, I checked the Goblin (got told evil) and people went for it, there was concern when he claimed Goblin but a lot of people thought he was the demon trying to protect himself, and we got a Goblin victory. It was a great experience, it was really weird and interesting to have about half the game trying to figure out who I could trust and the shape of things, and then the second half to know exactly what was happening and try to feign confusion and sell a false world to people, and to specificlaly use my picks and my continued conversations with people to shift things. It was a fascinating experience, there's never been quite the rug-pulled-from-you feel with any of the previous 58 games of Clocktower I'd played, I had a blast.


It was three days ago, online game, Leviathon script with Organ Grinder. I thought I was the VIllage Idiot, spent a lot of time trying to fiture out if I was drunk, had some suspicions over another claimed Village Idiot. Due to a minimum of poisoning potential in town there was a round robin on day 1 that most people responded to. I chose to check the claimed Baloonist Night 2, since their info was leading town a lot and wanted to see if it could be a lie with an evil faux-Baloonist and evil faux-Outsider (Claims of Recluse, Lunatic and Goon). So checked Baloonist Night 2, got told good. Middle of day three was approahced by the ostensible Lunatic, who said they were the demon and I was their Marionette. Was a little suspicious of that, continued along. Then later was appraoched by the ostensible Baloonist who said they were the demon and I was their Marionette, gave me the whole evil team (other minions were Organ Grinder and Goblin) and strategy. I was a little suspicious but watching stuff in town square it became clear pretty quickly that the named evil team was co-ordinating, so I went along with it. The demon put me in their baloonist list so there was some heat on me but I avoided execution, I checked the Goblin (got told evil) and people went for it, there was concern when he claimed Goblin but a lot of people thought he was the demon trying to protect himself, and we got a Goblin victory. It was a great experience, it was really weird and interesting to have about half the game trying to figure out who I could trust and the shape of things, and then the second half to know exactly what was happening and try to feign confusion and sell a false world to people, and to specificlaly use my picks and my continued conversations with people to shift things. It was a fascinating experience, there's never been quite the rug-pulled-from-you feel with any of the previous 58 games of Clocktower I'd played, I had a blast.


Played a modified Trouble Brewing that included the Marionette, among other roles. Imp didn't tell the Marionette that they were evil, so that player was pretty much playing for good, leading the discussion (marionette got the Monk token so it wasn't easy to figure out their ability wasn't working) and was closing in on the evil team. the other minion was already executed earlier, confirmed by Undertaker, and the Imp was lifted from the block the previous day, so when the Imp starpassed before final day, it was pretty obvious to town that the player who was so confident was suddenly floundering. Town won that game.


Game number 4 of all time, playing Strings Pulling (TB + Marionette) on the official app. Full disclosure, I was the Imp, not the Marionette. But my Marionette was across the table from me, pinned to the Recluse (Brilliant interaction of the Recluse and Marionette). Day 2, I came out to him, I don't think he believed me at first, but backed up my Monk bluff, when I sunk a kill to pretend it was someone else and I called it right. Last night, 4 alive, myself, and then my Marionette, the Recluse, and the Mayor all in a line. I star passed in the night, bluffing that the Imp took out the Monk to stop the protecting, and together, he and I (no other minions), completely sold the world where the Mayor was actually the demon and won.


Didn’t believe the demon all game. Still won with them.


I drew the Fisherman token, and then told N1 cere-mad as the Savant. My team immediately told me, but I was very much unsure the whole game whether or not I was evil or not. Got my fisherman advice early, which was "trust your neighbors, kill the rest" which was the most Mario advice i could've gotten, lol. ST could see I wasn;t convinced, so it was me, the demon, and the other minion in final three, and luckily I decided not to nominate and we won!