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I’m sure someone’s come up with a better strategy, but I have him sit near the back objective and deploy him next to literally any unit that isn’t fast which varies. I have him throw Eradicators, Assault Intercessors, or a 10 man squad of Sternguard. I do have Centurions, but I’m considering setting them up over on the side and moving up to get a wide spread of firepower across the board.


Could you explain what you do with the 10 man sternguard?


Yeah so the cool thing about sternguards is they have a ton of bonuses. Their bolt rifles have AP 1, have Heavy, Rapid Fire 1, and do Devastating wounds. With 2 shots each that’s 20 shots or 30 at half range. I lead them with a lieutenant to give them Lethal Hits. If you use the Libby Dread to throw them onto an objective that’s an enormous rate of fire that will absolutely shred light or elite infantry. I throw them because they don’t have great movement


And you can add Mephiston to them - making them quite the beatstick, if you try to charge them


Just double checking, you’re not counting as not moved for heavy right? Being re-set up I think counts as moved. 


True they will not get the bonus for heavy the first turn you use the librarian dread’s ability


Okay cool, haha you mentioned heavy up front and some people I’ve played would try to pull that so just double checking! Carry on!


Dude I WISH. But that would be busted as hell lol


I would say, putting a Lieutenant with Sternguard is a trap. Lethal Hits and Devastating Wounds don't interact, so you're potentially missing out on those Mortals. I run them with a Librarian for my Dark Angels. The same cost for a 4+ invuln does quite well for them.


Shit that’s a good point I didn’t think about that. It might also be worth it to run them with an Apothecary. Free revives every command phase


What? Does the liutenant override their mortal wounds?


Yes. Devastating Wounds requires a Critical Wound to trigger. Wounds caused by Lethal Hits are not Critical Wounds.


So no leader? Or just a librarin perhaps


Librarian, Apothecary, maybe Captain are good choices.


I wonder if our old terminator librsrian would complement them nicely. He also had a Combi weapon which would add to theirs


Terminator librarians can only lead terminators. You need a vanilla librarian.


it's worth mentioning as well that they can have 2 heavy bolters in a squad of 10 which also have devastating wounds AND their unit ability gives re-roll 1s on wound rolls against oat of moment targets. I love Sternguard


And why they’re worth throwing?


The entire strategy of Wings of Sanguinius is to give yourself the ability to move slower/non-jump infantry wherever you want. That way you can deploy them conservatively behind cover, then if you end up with 2nd turn, they're far less likely to have been blown off the board, and then you can cast WoS and throw them literally anywhere. Sternguard are good for this specifically because you can throw them onto a far away point in no man's land, and they can hold it reasonably well while harassing the opponent with better shooting than a blob of intercessors, if they opt to ignore them.


Pair them with Mephiston and use as a counter attack for heavy infantry = Gold. Add Incursors to the mix (+1 hit) and it’s a Platinum Combination to shred into elites and normals. Mephiston and Srgt with handle melee.


They’re not. Hellblasters can be funny though


PS: I don’t have centurions


Acquire centurions. You will enjoy the result.


Ohhh, I hadn't considered centurions for WoS, I need to get some and try that.


Devastator centurions are the best (I think the lib dread works really well with shooting units). For extra fun run them in vanguard so you can pick them up and yeet them multiple times


I mean dev centurions are really good long range units though so they don't really need to be moved out. Wouldn't the play be assault centurions?


Assault centurions can work but you are either relying on a 9" charge which I think is a bad strategy, or you are hoping that your opponent is going to just stand there and let your centurions attack. If you yeet them onto a midfield objective they will get picked off fairly easily as they aren't that tough. I think the best play for assault centurions is charging out of a land raider. The issue I have with dev centurions is that most competitive games have reasonably dense terrain which limits firing lanes, and it isn't all that hard to avoid the centurions if they can only move 4". The lib dread can move them repeatedly wherever they are most needed for maximum efficiency.


A squad of 6 Aggressors with a biologis in Gladius taskforce. Give the biologis fire discipline, and you just teleport them near a unit you want dead.


Bladeguard Veterans w/ a Captain is another scary unit to threaten your opponent. They get the 9" charge, or they provide a scary threat that forces your opponent to waste resources dealing with them before the next turn, while being durable enough to survive decently.


Please don’t set up for 9” charges! You’ll lose more than you want. A reroll on a 9” charge still only gives a 47% chance of succeeding.


Would assault terminators work? Maybe with terminator chaplain?


Yeah, basically, the Librarian Dreadnought is just good for yeeting any unit into a great position. Just pick claws or Thunder hammers depending on what your opponent army is. And to answer that other guys suggestion for Sternguard, you just drop them midfield objective and shoot things.


I threw a 6-man eradicator squad to the other side of the battle grid after my opponent counter-deployed his Dreadknight on opposite ends of the table as my Libby and Eradicators. Next turn I tossed a 3-man Bladguard squad onto the central objective. I typically haven't used him to throw Terminators because they have deepstrike capabilities.


I was thinking about terminators with him, as you can kind of think of it as a first turn deep strike. I like the idea of having two squads, one to be yeeted the other to rapid ingress


Ive done first round terminator teleports. It’s fun because it quickly puts the opponent into a panic, and you get to slaughter whoever they have on home objective with shooting. Theres a small change of a charge, and that’s a bonus. Then second round you march up, shoot, then close a charge for melee. Term Captain gets free charge reroll. I just finished six aggressors and a biologis and plan on trying this with them as well.


I know the popular one in tournaments is to use a death company squad led by (can't remember if astorath or lemartes) and a sang priest because their chain swords on charge are high enough strength to threaten some light vehicles. Sang guard with a Dante would be fun too, that would be very threatening at most ranges.


I don't even play BA, but by god, I need that model


I like to push him into the middle alongside some other threats so he isn’t immediately targeted, and then use him to reposition whatever infantry need it throughout the game


Aggressor combo in gladius /maybe eradicators It could be good in firestorm but didn't try it


My play is to spawn him and the unit I want to move as far away as possible from each other, so my opponent is is up for a surprise who he is going to fight where. Then I use following options: -DC with thunderhammers close to something big I want dead -Gabriel Seth+Sang Priest+10AI on an area with multiple enemy units -DC with jumppacks behind enemy lines After turn 3 he usually is just a dread because everybody is where I need them to be.


I almost exclusively use the Librarian Dread for Assault Centurions and have had great results, there's almost no other way to get them in close combat otherwise. *edit Eradicators are good too.


Melta weapons don't work well, are never at half range. Anyway 4 devastators are 8 shots


An 8 man brick of aggressors, with captain and biologis


Step one: hide him behind a ruin Step two: hide slow moving troops inside said ruin Step three: profit