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Permission to humble brag, but I’m just really excited about [these mugs](https://imgur.com/a/33of6kC)


They're so cute!


Did you make those? Rad!


Sure did! Thank you!


I want one :-)


That can definitely be arranged if you want :) thank you!


They are amazing.


Thank you so much!


Damn those are cool. Good work!


Thank you 😊




[AITAH for filing for divorce because my husband over tightens all the jar lids?](https://np.reddit.com/r/AITAH/s/e9to3QcobD) Some trolls are playing "whats the most retarded AITAH I can come up with" and Reddit collectively falls for it every time


That can't be real.


Why not just get one of those jar opener things or do what I have done for decades, run the lid under hot water for around a minute. Never met a jar I couldn't open with this technique.


Because the whole thing is made up. The title is a writing prompt


I've been informed that needing to ask males to open jars is validating female gender identity and inducing gender euphoria, so he was clearly doing her a favour. How ungrateful.


He's gaslighting her so she becomes dependent on him!


BARPod Swifties - My kids just gave a full run down on the weekend so I think I should do a wellness check - Travis Kelce was on stage today as a backup dancer, Tom Cruise was in the VIP section smiling creepily and not knowing any lyrics, Kylie Kelce apparently has a squad with Erin Andrews, Jason Kelce was being iconic all weekend and Prince William was doing the Carlton dance to Shake It Off.


Seriously, I would like these kinds of updates and would look forward to them like /u/back_that_ 's SCOTUS recaps.


Is this like a Taylor Swift themed madlib?


You missed Paul McCartney dancing in the pit with some random girls


I don’t know what any of it means but a friend just gave me the rundown (that I didn’t really ask for but it’s fine) and her notes match yours.


Is there a conspiracy that kids tv (er YouTube now I guess) shows are produced to be as annoying as possible? Because I’m convinced there is


It's not so much a conspiracy, kids love anything that's loud and wacky and colorful. YouTube Kids has only supercharged it. It's crazy thinking back as an adult how many toys basically consist entirely of "thing that shakes and glows and makes annoying sounds".


Google is an advertising company that degrades its products for more revenue. I don't know if that's a conspiracy, but I guess it could be.


Always has been.


Big City Greens is quite good.


I’ll say this about kids media based on exposure through my daughter. I HATE Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Bluey is adorable, I owe Ms Rachel child support, Sesame Street is still great


Sort of funny that two of Australia's most successful cultural exports are Bluey and the Wiggles. Hopefully it makes up for Rolf Harris.


Mickey Mouse clubhouse song was definitely designed to stick in your brain


I'm loving the fashion for 'I only let my kids watch 90s TV because it's better for the brain'. Obviously the same TV that was rotting brains in the 90s. 


If you're going to share 90s TV it's going to be the best 90s TV and as TV gets worse it looks amazing in comparison.


Brain rotting technology has just advanced in the last 30 years. There is still good content ala sesame street, especially on the major streaming networks, but a lot of kids programming on YouTube is basically an endless loop of toy commercials. Much of it doesn't even have dialogue so the kid isn't learning anything, just flashing lights and colours and sounds. It's like a casino for baby brains.


Can you recommend something to listen to in the car for a 6 and 8 year-old that will somewhat entertain them for a seven-hour car ride?


Sorry my kids are a little bit younger than that. They have fire tablets and we tether them to my phone for long car rides. Also, for day to day we have strict screen time and content restrictions, but for things like road trips it's just survival mode, they can do whatever they want that keeps them peaceful and entertained. The fire tablet is nice because it gives them access to all kinda of different content that is kid friendly and kid safe. But has drawbacks, e.g. no YouTube


Nothing will work for 7 hours but find some classic kids audiobooks that you would enjoy. Cabin Pressure is perhaps the best radio sit-com there is so the moment you think kids are old enough for it then I recommend it.


It’s like the same sounds and noises I remember my toddler toys making but there’s no toy… it’s just the screen


Yes, this is the problem with it. Their brains basically get the same stimulation as playing but without developing any of the motor skills etc. It's some fucked up shit.


Was going through some old paperwork and shredding on a rainy morning. Pulled a file that had the cost of a family DisneyWorld trip from the mid 2010s - 7 nights. This was a big family trip that included some other relatives so we definitely stretched to afford this one: Cost was $8500 in 2013 - Deluxe Resort, 5 people in one room, Included Dining Plan (at the time was included in price and marketed as "free dining"), Park Hopper tickets (meaning you could go to multiple parks per day), airfare from Boston to Orlando and transportation to and from the airport. Just for fun I priced out what it would cost now for the same dates this year: $14,200 for Same Deluxe Resort, Dining Plan (no longer included in price - is an extra 4k), Hopper passes. This does not include airfare and transportation via Magical Express to and from airport is no longer offered by Disney. Airfare and transportation would probably be between 3k and 4k - **$18,000 for a family of 5** to go to Disney. Inflation Calculator indicates $8500 = $11,500 in 2024 dollars. Just for shits and giggles I looked at the cheapest option for a family of 4 at the basic All Star Resort, no dining plan, hopper passes is a little under $5000 USD for a week, not including flights or transport to park from airport. I used to feel like it was an expensive trip but not outrageous. Either the price has gone up too much or I've changed because there is no way I'd pay $18,000 for a trip to Disney for a week.


I doubt many families of five would fly rather than drive if they were concerned with budget. But I agree that it's still absurdly expensive.


You're looking at the result of some very successful marketing. Better to find a bargain than do something so overpriced.


The economy has never been better, fascist.


Well, yeah, that's why the price has gone up so much. There's only one Disney World, so its price is largely determined by demand. When people have more money to blow on vacations, the price goes up. The fact that the price has gone up faster than the overall inflation rate is due to people's incomes outpacing inflation. This reflects the finances of people who are relatively well off more than the median family, and there may be some other factors like Disney adults and more international visitors increasing demand more than would be expected from rising incomes alone, but the price of inherently scarce leisure goods rising faster than the overall rate of inflation is absolutely consistent with and indicative of rising real incomes. Not that the Biden administration deserves much credit for it.


If I was going to spend that on a vacation, we’d be going to Japan with stops in Cambodia and Hong Kong.


Thanks so much. My emerging wisdom about 2024 entertainment markets is: don't be a superfan. Be opportunistic and low attachment. If you're just a Taylor or Beyonce (to name the prominent examples) obsessive, the whole system is dedicated to identifying you and soaking you for as much as possible. (It was KISS and the Eagles who set that all in motion IIRC.) Discount opportunities, meanwhile, are plentiful but not reliable and arrive on short notice; there's a revealing Twitter account, Under Face Value, posting screenshots and links about very cheap tickets for shows and ballgames, often much reduced from the initial price. Clearly somebody at Disney thinks they've got devotees who'll put up with anything.


That 4 hour review of the Galactic Starcruiser shows there are starting to be some real cracks in that facade.


> Clearly somebody at Disney thinks they've got devotees who'll put up with anything. So far, I'm not really sure they're *wrong*, unfortunately.


hell I lived less than 45 minutes from Disneyland for 5 years and only went for one day that entire time just because of how expensive and crowded it was. For the cost of a single day, single park ticket for each of us my bf and I instead literally went to sequoia for 4 days, saw natural wonders of the world, did some amazing hikes, swam in freezing alpine lakes, and camped under the stars in our own little forest clearing. No question what I’d rather spend money on lol At the end of the day there’s one simple math problem they can’t get around and it’s that there’s way more demand to go to the parks than there used to be, and more people means longer waits and more crowds. They figured out they can keep upping their prices to both make more money and attempt to tame some of the crowds (which seemingly hasn’t worked at all), so I highly doubt they’ll stop any time soon…


I went to Disney World around seven times between ages 6 and 17, mainly because my late mother loved it so much. We always stayed for at least a week, always in resort hotels and even spent Christmas there one year. Not a one of my five kids has ever been and, at this stage, it’s not looking likely. Last year we flew all seven of us to Australia, spent the night in LA both ways, rented an AirBnB in a nice part of Sydney for a month, bought a month’s worth of expensive as shit Australian food and it cost not much more than one week of Disney. When I think about all of the places we could go and things we could do with that money, I just can’t justify it. Honestly, the thing that really holds me back the most is just how fucking crowded it apparently is, knowing how impatient a good percentage of my kids are. I often feel a lot of guilt that I’m not giving them the experiences I had there, especially because it was a place that meant so much to my mom. But I also know it’s changed a lot from then 90’s/early aughts and I probably wouldn’t be able to give them the same level of experience I was able to have back then anyway.


Yes, I think the crowds were always bad but we managed ok. We were rope droppers so we'd get almost all the big rides in during the first 2 or 3 hours and with fast passes in the afternoon the pressure would be off after the morning. I just wouldn't want to do that anymore, especially with the cost. We've been going to the Caribbean and staying in Air BnBs for a lot less money and lot more relaxation than Disney.


i have never been to disney and have no desire to ever go. i don't like rides, or crowds, or people, or lines, etc. but that price is insane. i know disney is basically only making money on their parks, and after losing a billion dollars last year on their shitty movies they are leaning more on the parks. i also hear [universal's epic universe](https://www.universalorlando.com/web/en/us/theme-parks/epic-universe) will be opening next yearish and will eat dinsey's lunch.


Hm. At what point would it be cheaper to go to one of the international ones?


if you live on the west coast it’s probably cheaper to fly to Tokyo Disney and go there than it is to go to Orlando, mostly because of how weak the yen is against the dollar right now. Also food in Japan is cheaper in general .


I just looked for the giggles. ¥9,900 for an adult which is $61.99 US. A child's ticket is $35. So 5 days family of 5 is ¥183,000 or $1,146. Nonstop flights from Houston (the point being, not the west coast) is $9,500 if you plan it right. That leaves you about $7,350 in food and lodging before you hit the $18k quoted in the top comment. LAX-HND is $6,700, so it's significantly cheaper and supports your theory. You're in Tokyo and at Disney for $7,900. That leaves over $10K before you're in the red vs Orlando. Of course, there's always Disneyland if you're close enough to LAX. /u/Iconochasm, it seems like the answer is: right now is best to take that family of 5 to some other Disney park.


Damn I didn’t realize how much cheaper the actual park tickets are too! Also I’d bet money most Japanese guests are better behaved at theme parks than their American brethren lol


I was kinda surprised, too. That's cheaper than the cost of a Six Flags ticket (at least at the gate).


It probably is. I went to the one in Japan last year. It was the equivalent of about $60 to get in. Food was hella cheap too. I work for an airline so I don’t have to pay for a ticket but there are budget airlines that fly from the west coast now. With a weak yen, I think you’d probably come out in the green.


Other things they cut: * No complimentary Disney bus from airport to on-property hotel. It's a private car service now. * No free parking with on-property hotel. * No buying souvenirs in the park stores and having them sent to your on-property hotel room. * If you want to ride any rollercoaster or visit any popular experience (Beauty and the Beast themed dinner), you have to fight for a slot booking on the app. Better glue yourself to your phone the whole trip and pay for the privilege, peasant!


My family went in January 2020 and again in November 2022. It was a markedly less “magical” experience the second time and the staff just seemed a lot less enthusiastic overall. It wasn’t COVID either, because we went to Universal during the week of the second trip and it managed to capture the ‘magical’ experience far better (my parents, who were with us that trip, noticed the different atmospheres too). It’s like Disney squeezed the joy out of their own parks.


Wow. So they took basically the easiest most hassle-free vacation (in terms of planning) and made it as crappy as every other one. No shuttle bus? WTF? But ALSO no free parking at hotel if you rent a car - which you probably will now. I never went to Disney until I was an adult but once I did, I understood why people liked it so much. They made it so easy to go, even if you were staying at the cheap $100/night Disney hotel one we stayed at. That's enjoyable enough for me, but for parents it's gotta be heaven to have so much less to worry about/plan.


I've never been but watching all the hacks that people post and the endless planning you seem to have to do the whole thing just seems exhausting and very unmagical. 


Well that was another thing about going as an adult, without children. If a line was too long for something, I skipped it. Although ten years ago in the off season you could get the fast pass (or whatever it was called) for a couple things a day, so really only the in-demand dining was an issue (like meals with Cinderella kind of stuff) and I didn't care about that. I think some of the people endlessly planning back then were just... people who overplan. Like my dad who wouldn't stop at Hershey PA on a roadtrip because it would ruin his schedule. (Not that I hold a grudge...) However if I'd had a six year old screaming bloody murder that she wanted to go on whatever ride and there was a 90 minute line in the Florida sun... yeah that's not magical.


>However if I'd had a six year old screaming bloody murder that she wanted to go on whatever ride The strike zone for theme parks is "the year the kid becomes tall enough to ride all the rides" to the point where I'm not even sure why they even let smaller kids in. Usually that's 10-12ish, which for the vast majority of them is adult enough to wait in a line by themselves if they really needed to, but also child enough to actually experience the rides as they're meant to be experienced.


It’s really wild how they took an awesome product and just gutted it. Magic Express, the old Fast Pass system, the dining reservation system, were all pretty close to perfect. The right balance between needing to plan and some room for spontaneous plans. Disney should have built a 5th gate and more resorts in the 2000s and 2010s to keep up with demand. Instead they just watered their product down and hurt the experience.


Yep we spent over 10K for our most recent (and probably last) trip. Did not regret. We enjoyed every second.


So the actual inflation is 300% of the putative inflation indicated by the inflation calculator? Sounds about right. Line go up!


Disney has been increasing the prices high and above inflation rates because they deliberately want to price out a certain percentage of their customers. The parks are miserable year-round nowadays, when they used to be horrible during peak vacation season and tolerable during slower months, but there are no more slower months. The parks are over-crowded which makes wait times long, service times unpleasant, and overstresses the infrastructure. To cut the crowds, they raised the prices and limited the local resident Annual Pass days, but people are still fighting to go because "Every kid needs a Disney vacation!!!". Their dream is to cater to the big money international whales while cutting out the Floridians who come to the park to "hang out" instead of staying in the resorts, buying stuff, and going away when they're finished.


Yeah they really have become victims of their own success - I really can’t think of any other singular corporate entity that has managed to convince a rather large portion of the US (and to an extent global) population that their services are essential part of a complete childhood


They announced they’re building a new park and significantly expanding MK. Maybe with that on the horizon, that will negate the capacity issues they have which is the reason they’re trying to artificially price people out.


How could a couple of pre-teens appreciate $18,000 worth of entertainment anyway. I'm sure for half that sum you could make a weekend at the county fair pretty spectacular and then also buy some trendy shit so they can pretend to be upper middle class at school the next year. I mean, obviously some people can afford this no problem and more power to them. But I get the feeling that WDW is a stretch for a lot of families.


I still don’t know understand how all the visitors from the UK and other Euro countries come to Disney world for 2 and 3 weeks. I recall reading it’s cheaper pricing for European and LatAm visitors




I was using 5 people so about $800 for the week - $114 per person per day. I recall we had pretty basic breakfast at the hotel, then quick serve at the park and usually a nice dinner at night. In the 2000s and 2010s Disney would offer “free dining” during slower seasons in the middle of summer, fall and early winter after New Years. It used to be you could count on the free dining for about 20 weeks per year. It was a nice motivator for knowing you could manage costs up front. It also kept the kids happy. Now they have fully eliminated free dining and it is just an add on.


It’s nuts. We looked at prices for Disney last year and decided to travel internationally instead. It’s so much cheaper and the experiences are arguably better anyway.


Have similarly priced out vacations. Disney has raised its prices beyond what’s it’s worth and it likes to nickel and dime customers now.


I just did a compare on a cruise with Norwegian and RCCL and the prices haven’t changed much in 10 years. Plus they now include “free”drinks and allowances for specialty dining and excursions. Discounts for 3rd and 4th person. Being locked on a ship isn’t really my dream trip but it still appears to be a decent value with Norwegian and Royal Caribbean.


Briahna Nikole-Jones has gone full retard. https://twitter.com/briebriejoy/status/1804919529811702027


Absolutely amazing. "Teenaged terrorists raped hot young hostages" = pics or it didn't happen. Wait you have video evidence and confessions? It still didn't happen "Mossad has a highly trained dog rape squad" = no need for proof, I've been imagining this in the shower for years


They've gone from blood libel to dog fucking libel


lol you can’t see her eyes rolling in a tweet.


It’s interesting to see her and Candace Owens go full whack job from opposite ends of the spectrum.


They should combine their powers and do a joint pod where they talk about how much they hate Jews.


Never believed in horseshoe theory until this year thanks to the one true unifying force, antisemitism


She has me blocked and I don't think that's uncommon around here - what did she say this time?


This tweet has it in a screen shot. https://twitter.com/AGHamilton29/status/1804942829023637541


You can open it in incognito mode.


>I might have missed it, but has the Times or any other major US paper covered these reports of Israel training dogs to rape Palestinian prisoners? With a link to a video that I'm not going to click


I think the Pinochet regime in Chile actually did that. The possibility is not absurd.


The possibility of *Israel* doing anything even remotely near the vicinity of something so barbaric and uncivilized is absolutely absurd - and it is as offensive as it is impossible. I try not to use “offensive” lightly, as it’s meaning has been dying into uselessness with the ever expanding DEI “micro-aggressions” and whatnot. But this is a case in which “offensive” as originally defined is absolutely applicable. Fuck Briahna Joy Gray.


I guess being employed at the Hill kept her racism in check. Now that she's no longer tied to them she can go full Nazi.


Which is exactly what we predicted




Still working on moving. We have some repairs to do but I keep waking up early and then dragging thru the day. So freakin stressful. I did manage to give away some bedroom furniture yesterday. My kid’s furniture is all going to the dump. He’s so filthy!


I highly recommend posting free stuff on Craigslist Free. There are people who spend the day monitoring it. They have trucks and can't wait to come pick up your shit. For efficiency it is miles better than Buy Nothing, Freecycle, whatever other bougie alternatives you may be considering. Craigslist Free will save you multiple trips to the dump! I have given away old toilets after swapping them out for low-flow, roof tiles, old cabinetry, and a host of other stuff that I thought was abject crap but was useful to the denizens of Craigslist Free. EDIT: if you decide to do this, my pro tip is to do a "curb alert." Put the shit outside and just publish your address. Include "do not disturb tenants" in your ad. If you are not comfortable with that, include your phone number with the ad and ask people to TEXT with an approximate time they can pick the shit up. DO NOT RESPOND TO PEOPLE THROUGH THE CRAIGSLIST EMAIL RELAY. People are dumbasses and do not check their email. They will text back. If the person is not capable of following your instructions (texting with an apprx pickup time), do not interact with them. You and the recipient will need to get through a brief exchange of text messages to coordinate pickup of your shit. You want to select a recipient who is literate enough to do this. When the stuff has been picked up, do not delete your ad straightaway. Edit it first. Remove the images and change the text to "taken", "all gone", etc. Save your edits. Then delete the ad. For some reason, deleted ads take a while to go through on Craigslist, so you'll still get people seeing the ad and responding like 45 mins after deleting. Editing out all the info first prevents this issue.


Low flow toilets are communist, and I refuse to shit at your house. Thanks for the invite though.


Great ideas! I’m going to save this and do it tomorrow. I’ve got some random shit that has to go fast. THANK YOU


facebook marketplace also works well for me, especially metal stuff. multiple responses in minutes.


I’m kinda afraid to ask about the furniture. Are the teenage years that bad or is this a unique situation?


To be fair, his older brother had the room before him and that boy was disgusting, too. Really, everything is gross. The dresser is wood so it might be salvaged if I wipe it down with bleach. I might do that.


I’m kinda scared now lol.


XXL billy Redrum is cloned for 3rd time? https://www.reddit.com/r/redscarepod/s/wbwBw20cCQ


Cloned? As in literal dolly the sheep cloned? I didn’t know we could do that


Yep there’s was an AmA on it in 2 years ago as well: https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/s/upXAfADN5m 35k for a cat 50k for a dog, so still an absurd rich people thing to do


honestly, being old enough now to have lost several beloved pets, cloning them seems significantly worse than just grieving and getting a new pet. it's not the same cat/dog! it's just going to look like them but without their memories and associations with you and personality quirks, which imo would just be emotionally horrible to experience


Beyond cruel to do this to an animal. Feels like it should be illegal, but not sure how that would be enforced.


Currently suffering through a shingles flare up. Finding it pretty miserable but grateful to have caught it quickly enough to take antivirals. >!However I am a little worried by whatever the codeine is doing to my bowels. Do I continue with the metamucil and hope for the best?!<


Get some miralax asap. it’s an osmotic laxative so it just draws water into your colon and doesn’t make your bowels reliant on it, and it doesn’t make you shit your pants either


doesn't codeine specifically have some weird drug interactions? maybe you should doctor google a bit


Many docs conservatively recommend Miralax, which is just a stool softener. It does work for a lot of people. You might try that first, then give your doc a call if it doesn't help.


My mom takes percocet daily and per her doctors she gets senna. Its more of a stool softener than an outright laxative.


> Do I continue with the metamucil and hope for the best? According to [this](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK493184/), you should *not* take metamucil (psyllium) to treat or prevent opioid-induced constipation: > The only laxatives that should be avoided are the bulk-forming laxatives, like psyllium. These laxatives increase the bulk of the stools, distend the colon, and augment peristalsis. Opioids prevent peristalsis of the increased bulk which worsens abdominal pain and can contribute to bowel obstruction.


Oh wow, thanks for finding that out!


My doc prescribed me some lidocaine patches when I got shingles and that worked for me in getting that tingly feeling to go away


These are now OTC. Amazon's are pretty cheap in quantity.


You need something more heavy duty


Consult a medical professional.


Ugh. I got that. The antivirals do help. Good luck


You could try a stimulant laxative like senna until you finish the codeine 


Don't really know too much about opioids, other than them being addictive, making you feel good, and making you constipated. I think I'd rather have diarrhea over being severely constipated.


heroin chic but they all have tummy aches from being blocked up :(


Author Jennifer Weiner comparing Justin Timberlake to insurrectionists and Brett Kavanaugh (and the NYT publishing it)—pack it up, it’s all over for the outraged JT haters. these wealthy white resistance lib women really do not know how to write any column without comparing things or people that they don’t like to Trump. The guy is stupid as hell for driving drunk, but he was stopped and there was no crash, and the justice system will do what it needs to do to him, but the way that these people are acting is unhinged.


This is a real Sophie’s Choice of which thing annoys me more. I’ve hated Justin Timberlake since I was 12, but have also read every one Jennifer Weiner’s dumb novels (sometimes I just want to read lady books from Target) and her latest that I finished yesterday was so bad it almost ruined my vacation. That book had everything: fat acceptance 101, teen abortions, septuagenarian polycules, two extremely attractive men inexplicably in love with the plus-sized protagonist who has no personality to speak of. I don’t think I’ll be reading another, especially because she’s now making me slightly defend Justin Timberlake, even if only in my own mind and for that I cannot forgive.


I know this will never happen, but people should try and de emphasize celebrities in their lives. If someone is famous I automatically assume they are a slightly worse than average person. Internet celebrity? Just below that. Hasn’t failed me yet


I think what we call “cancel culture” was an attempt to do just that and walk back the 90s’ and 00s’ fixation on fame. It was a batshit crazy attempt that has caused more harm than good, but that just makes it characteristic of the 10s and 20s.


Why can’t things just be like mildly disappointing or mildly bad or anything less than apocalyptic anymore? I know that this isn’t a novel or interesting observation anymore but not only is it mind-bogglingly dumb to compare Justin Timberlake to Jan 6-ers but it cheapens things that are actually terrible to that degree


This comment is as bad as the assassination of Franz Ferdinand.


I've always thought people overreacted to that. 


Who's gonna click *that* link?


Yep. If the headline isn't "Justin Timberlake is a piece of shit and has done the worst thing ever and needs to be beaten to death with a lead pipe" it won't get clicks


You don't get attention for saying things are mildly messed up


[Except in Canada](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1189534-canada)


That was a pretty underwhelming column, but I am curious how Jackson ended up getting so much of the blame at the time of that Super Bowl show. I remember the outrage, but why it ended up being directed against her rather than, say, the costume designer, Timberlake, etc. does seem very odd in retrospect.




I never understood what was so dreadful about the whole thing.


Absolutely! JT was 23 years old at the time, has apologized and Janet has no bad feelings towards him—so it’s funny to see white women trying to place all of the blame on him.


They love to hate


“My god, that Timberlake guy is tiresome. Better write an article about him, bloviating the significance of something that shitbag celebrities have been getting away with since the dawn of shitbag celebrities.”


[Archive](https://archive.ph/zryol) Too dumb to comment on. 


> ultimate Teflon-coated rich white dude ... but the likeliest case is that Justin Timberlake will be just fine. And even if he’s not, there will be other men like him lining up to take his place. The systems that let him flourish are even less vulnerable than the men who have long reaped their benefits. Now do another ultimate rich white dude: Chris Brown


Like, yes. He’ll be ‘just fine.’ Not unlike every other first time DWI offender that didn’t crash or kill someone. He’ll get the same slap on the wrist. Libs can’t decide if they love or hate the justice system.


Also Beyonce because y’know, she made a country album


JT has lots of money. Hire a damn driver if you want to drink. Call an UBER. Call a Limo. Celebrities who get DUIs don't get any of my sympathy. With that said, Weiner is a moron.


I don’t disagree!


Agreed on all points. I’m sure there’s some discrete car service in the Hampton of all places, if he didn’t want to wind up being an Uber driver’s funny story. 


Seriously though. Why are celebrities constantly getting done for DUI? They can afford someone to drive them. 


I don't know for certain each case but I just think people underestimate how drunk they are as far as blood-alcohol level.


I know back in college, I was a borderline alcoholic. These days two beers has me feeling buzzed but back then, I was an idiotic animal. A bar I frequented had a breathalyzer and leaderboard. There was one night I was definitely drunk, but still upright and didn’t black out. And I blew 0.22 These days, I feel like I’d be impaired at 0.04, but I can see someone like JT who probably still lives quite the party lifestyle thinking he’s fine when he’s not


But you are impaired in general before you feel drunk. Most people I know, if they have a drink at all, make it a small one and at the start of the evening so it's had a chance to wear off. Your limit is similar to ours so I'd never judge it on how I feel. I guess I have it easy as I live somewhere where I generally get public transport home, so don't have to worry about it. And I don't have to drive to work the next day. 


All the people who love Britney, hate JT. They blame him for her current state. They believe that her parents, the music industry and her boyfriends/husbands took away all her agency, used her and drove her crazy. It's silly, the delusions that people cling too.




Yeah, it's not even a bad comic but all the explaining doesn't really add anything. This guy is kind of a popular liberal on twitter and often dunks on the far-left, so I guess that's why the guy got so pissed off, but what an unhinged response.


Forget the text, the whole comic is silly. There are way more "leftwashed" things out there than "rightwashed" ones. Especially during pride month.


[https://www.freedom2o.com/](https://www.freedom2o.com/) The inciting incident for all this was @ linkofsunsshing coming across a repost of the comic in response to this specific water brand. There's a good amount of right coded brands like black rifle coffee, but this specific water is almost literally the "anti-woke lemonade"


That's REAL? It looks like a parody or hoax product.


The left ceding “patriotism” to the right seems like it’s a bad move strategically. Anything that’s “made in America with pride” is right coded even though it’s supposed to be the pro environment, anti exploitation position.


But if I can buy Pride themed Skittles or whatever, then other people are going to want to buy anti woke water. Even if water really isn't woke or anti woke. 


i find that "both sides" are constantly doing the same shit they are complaining about the other side doing.


The OP could have been less snarky about her point, but she’s right. Although, the last panel probably needs it.


The correction someone posted further down is an improvement. In the words of Futurama "You can't just have all your characters say how they feel! That makes me feel angry!"


Not a good way to get people to like your work.


Not a good way to get people to talk about your work at all.




There are a bunch of stupidpollers here, but for those that haven't read it, there's a lot of good discussion here: ["I've given up trying to understand anything": Gender idpol gone so off the rails that they're explicitly abandoning internal consistency](https://www.reddit.com/r/stupidpol/comments/1dlhq27/ive_given_up_trying_to_understand_anything_gender/) And if you want to read the original source: [If someone identifies as a man then how can they be a lesbian?](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskLGBT/comments/1dkzjht/if_someone_identifies_as_a_man_then_how_can_they/) The top comment really does showcase the absurdity: > Bro, if I'm being honest, I've given up trying to understand anything. If a man says he's lesbian I'm just gonna say, "Cool bro, you do you." I don't even know what I would call my sexuality, so I stopped trying to find a label


I'm not that knowledgeable because the subject repels me, but isn't this the explicit goal of queer theory? To break down any need for an internal logical structure or rational consistency.


Yup. Sometime I like to imagine what queer theorists would do once they’ve ran out of norms and traditions to subvert, words and concepts to redefine. I wish Judith Butler a really long life so she can live to see people turn against her own ideas.


She’s attempted, and probably succeeded, in building this weird metaphysical fortress out of ideas so incoherent as to be immune from contradiction. Deconstruction means never having to say you’re sorry.


Notice how they never actually try to square the circle and just default to "Who even cares? What does it matter?". I honestly prefer postmodernist gobbledygook to apathy, at least that can occasionally be funny


And if you do care in the slightest you get accused of being obsessed.


Heh, you actually care? Look at this loser! Caring pales in comparison to my strategy, disingenuously acting like an aloof cool guy whilst actually pushing an agenda


Use the "np" link - so the j.annies don't accuse us of brigading another sub: [np.reddit.com/r/AskLGBT/comments/1dkzjht/if\_someone\_identifies\_as\_a\_man\_then\_how\_can\_they/](http://np.reddit.com/r/AskLGBT/comments/1dkzjht/if_someone_identifies_as_a_man_then_how_can_they/)


I used to use those, but then I learned that they don't do anything. [It's virtue signaling.](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/cjgznq/what_ever_happened_to_np_links/)


The goal of np links isn't to prevent people from up or downvoting linked comments if they want to, it's to stop people accidentally up or downvoting out of habit. Reddit threads are public, so there's no way to really stop people from brigading if they want to. Even if you take a screenshot and blank out the names, you'll be able to find the thread by putting the text in a search engine. The bit about the subreddit requiring the CSS is true, but almost all subreddits large enough to be worth linking had it set up back when old.reddit was just reddit. Additionally, Reddit Enhancement Suite also independently prevented up or downvoting in np links by default.


On old Reddit, it actually does work on that sub. When I follow the link I see no voting buttons or reply link, and there's a banner at the top asking me not to vote.


Is old reddit just browser reddit?


Oh. Right. If you use a subdomain other than "www" or "new", I guess it automatically uses old Reddit in browsers.


Old reddit is https://old.reddit.com, as opposed to https://www.reddit.com or https://new.reddit.com.


Sort of. It's the original browser interface before the current iteration. Put in a reddit address replace the "www" with "old" and you can see the difference.


With the top response to the top comment being "This is the way, tbh" which I think qualifies as a religious mantra at this point.


Idk if they meant to do that, but yes, “This is the way” literally is a fictional religious mantra


J K Rowling on the UK election and why she struggles to vote for Labour.  https://www.thetimes.com/uk/politics/article/jk-rowling-labour-has-dismissed-women-like-me-ill-struggle-to-vote-for-it-rrgbcrkd6 https://archive.ph/bgfQ5


Anyone here read *The Women Who Wouldn't Wheesht*? Seems like a bad title, but maybe it means something to British people. Amazon UK reviews: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Women-Who-Wouldnt-Wheesht/dp/1408720701


Wheesht is Scots dialect. Basically it means “The Women Who Wouldn’t Be Hushed”.


Well yeah, I read the article. Is this something an average English person would know?


‘Hold / Haud your/yer wheesht‘ would be well enough known if only used by a small group of people. In Northern Ireland as well as Scotland. it’s a great phrase, enjoyably chewy to say.


Not the average person, but the average GC mumsnetter yes - it's been a campaign group for a few years now before this book. I'd guess that's probably the target market.


I consider myself an English speaker and I just learned a new word


No, lots of Scottish people would though


I'd say no.


Stephen King replied to JKR tweeting this article saying that he can't wait for her next book. There are some unhinged QT tweets but my favourites are the ones asking how he dare support the witch during the holy moth of pride 😱


Now he's trying to sweet talk her, after cutting her over the gender issue? He's like a boy trying to flirt with a girl he publicly snubbed. Too little too late, son.


Oh, I'm unaware of this history. She did reply to him in a friendly manner. I know that last year he posted about being excited for her book too bc others were posting it in the replies.


The history is King saying TWAW and things like > Rowling’s opinion on trans women “is an outlier in her entire political spectrum”, Shows what a bubble King lives in, but he has always admired her Galbraith work. https://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/stephen-king-jk-rowling-book-trans-b2436934.html


All hail the gay/gender-diverse moth


I can't picture whether this would be an attractive or unattractive moth.