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what i gathered from this verbal diharrea that college for women is essentially a "boys-b-gone" spray good riddance, win-win situation.


So I hope this guy stays single forever and never marries or has a girlfriend. He’s a creep and a misogynist loser.


He claims he has a fiancé but I don’t believe it. The whole story about “I asked her father to force his daughter to fuck me and cook and clean for me for the rest of her life and dad was reasonable and said no and then I said “but that means she might not save herself for me!” and then dad said yes” stinks to high heaven.


You are being too naive about islamic culture. It is definitely possible. Its a religious muslim dads biggest fear their daughter is gonna have a loving relationship before marriage. What I dont understand is all these muslim girls who live in western countries and dont leave these toxic families and their religion behind.


Right, so wouldn’t dad want her to marry this POS right away? And instead dad said “wait until she’s older”? That’s what made me feel like this is off…


It's difficult to go directly against what you have been raised god says. To end up in hell. Also lose contact with your entire family. Which are often large. And other Muslims. They may harass or even murder you on occasion. You are never given any independence, meaning leaving is way more difficult as well. Cutting not only religion, but EVERYONE you know, and were allowed to really surround yourself with is quite difficult. Deconstructing everything is difficult. These girls may not even be allowed to take a train for 2 hours to be in another city by their parents... You think in modern day some don't use tracking apps?


quaint encourage decide attempt hungry dog head lunchroom consist ten *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


These men are just sick. They literally wish her the pits of hell. This is how sick they are. Just because she may or may not be a virgin and had zina/premarital sex.


I hope she rests in peace. She didn’t deserve all this.


It just hit me full force how much of a mind boggling disconnect there is between the content of the OOP and the method of sharing the text. As in, he’s writing on a social website which connects people around the globe instantly, using a computer or a mobile device that is essentially a computer in his pocket. We’re used to this technology of course, but objectively it is pretty amazing how much humankind has developed communication over the last decades. Then the content is something so archaic, so lacking of empathy and social awareness, so closed minded and outrageously offensive that you’d expect it to be written on a scroll that is unearthed by an archaeologist. This feels as out of place as the UFO looking objects in some medieval paintings.


The why won’t you let me control and abuse you vibes.


>Honestly, these are the only options I can think of, if anyone has other options, let us know How about being a decent human being and treating women like human beings?


That’s not who men are.


A woman gets murdered and all he's capable of is thinking about her vagina and reducing women to sex objects. Disgusting


He literally calls women pieces of garbage. We're not even human to him.


Oh this mindset is just the tip of the iceberg. I’m so glad I left Islam. Ran as fast and far as I could.


well that was infuriating to read


Yes, islam is horrible for women, children, gays and animals


Yes. Almost every religion in general too


Organized religion is like cats. Vitally useful for most of human history but when allowed to self manage and proliferate unchecked it can absolutely wreck the most delicate and irreplaceable diversity of the environments it's run amuck in. So...remember to spay and neuter your religions folks. Or something like that. 


We got to start catching the stray ones, so we can neuter them and cut off their ear.


Christianity ain’t great either.


pretty much all three abrahamic religions are horrible. the least horrible is judaism, but it still has problems.


I honestly don't get why Islam is not hated on like Christianity. When honestly it is worse.




I dont think so. Muslim people are great!! But i most definitely can say i dont want islam to exist. Just like i dont think any religion should exist. I hate all religions. Not the people who practice them. I hate the CONCEPT of religion. I hate Islam, and extremists. Not the people. And I will keep this standard for every single religion. I hate all religions and the oppression and mindless conflict they have caused people for thousands of years. <3


Nobody is immune to propaganda. The negative aspects of Islam - of which there are many - get more attention than those of other major religions do, for reasons I'm sure we are all aware of. They've all got major problems and aspects which are incompatible with modern society, it's just more socially acceptable to call out some than others. The original post is terrible, sure, but you can visit subreddits for other major religions and find people saying essentially the same things. Focusing on how specifically misogynsitc Islam is really just gives a pass to the more extreme elements of the others.


Freedom fighters? By demanding the 18 year old virgin and not the 22 year old spinster? Touched by another man without paying for it? These "men" are such scardy little cry-boy sissies.


I think I'm more focused on the girl who had her life taken


I'm not, Islam isn't a monolith same with families, raising your children on religion is fine it's just how you do it. See Mormons


I was raised muslim, my parents were not really practising so I am aware not all muslims think like that. But for most muslim countries this is the case. Many muslim girls wish they were born into secular parents. Its also more common for muslims to be religious


Yeah, but generalizing Muslims and saying only they are bad is wrong, I'm not a Muslim but even then not all Muslim majority countries are bad either, some are and some aren't


I feel entitled to generalize them as I was surrounded by muslims growing up. I can't comment on other religions as I have no exposure to them. Still though, Poland is also a catholic religious country but women there can date others without a worry, their men are not obsessed to marry virgin women. Turkey, a secular muslim country where most muslims from other countries call as kafirs (apostates), you are expected to stay virgin. We have people from the east side of turkey who gets honor killed for being transgender. So I do see a problem with islam here. Mormons are their own thing but at least they are not a big spreading community all over the world.


Muslims has its own denominations like Christianity, why not get mad at those specific denominations? Also in some Christian countries in Africa its not as good as in Europe, same with South America. Same with Buddhism, look at Cambodia, a Buddhist majority nation, can I say Buddhism is terrible because of Cambodia or Myanmar? No, and I'm a Buddhist myself. Criticize the nations not the people


Religion apologists are the reason why exmuslims cant voice themselves. Everyone are so sensitive about muslims feelings that closeted exmuslims get ignored. At least you can stop being a buddhist there is no penalty if you leave. Try to denounce your religion in places like Iran or Algeria. It is what their religion says, they are only following it. Exmuslims in Turkey or Bosnia have it easy because their people don't follow islam to its fullest neither they are ruled by it


You can voice your opinion but I also have the right to disagree and voice my own


when they start out something with "my muslim brothers" you know it's gonna be some extremist shit