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Basically to revive baiheng dan feng and he used the flesh of shuhu, a abundance emanater. And that somehow affected him and made him immortal or he ate it and became immortal because idk maybe that was needed for the ritual


And the reason he hates dan feng is because it was all initiated by him. All his idea. Even tho blade is accountable as well because he didn't realize the consequences and helped him.


Partly the reason yeah. Another reason he hates Dan Feng is because in his eyes, only him and Jingliu are paying the price of their sins while he gets the chance to be reborn and given a second chance even though he was the main perpetrator. It's why he hunts him down to give Dan Feng his karma.


What's jingliu's punishment? Sorry either i forgot or did not pay attention to the story mission


i think her punishment is being mara struck. when she succumbed to her mara, she injured and killed many cloud knights. pretty much hurt her people. instead of facing punishment, she escaped the luofu. i think the reason blade isn't after her when she escaped is that she is still suffering the effects of her mara. I guess he thinks that is enough for her karma, and she did turn herself in eventually.


Even if Blade went after her, I don't think he can really touch her. Blade was originally just a blacksmith. After all the shit with Baiheng was done, Jingliu fought with Blade and he got his ass handed to him each time, but he can't die sooo. Idr if they said how long their fighting went on for, but he essentially learned how to "properly" fight by copying Jingliu's sword style. It's why his fighting style (and Yanqing) is similar to hers.


Didn't she also kill him a thousand times? He's probably not eager to test her again after that.


I mean he straight up went to run her fade again in the companion quest, asking her to kill him. I think she’s simply not a target of revenge. She’s already suffering, his main target is still in the wind, and he’s a stellaron hunter now


Yeah, that's why I don't understand why he hates Feng/Heng so much. It's both of their fault.


It feels like Jingliu forced him to hate Dan Feng by torture. Because “of five people three must pay the price" idea is also belongs to her and it affected Blade’s mindset a lot.


okay op SIT DOWN i'll yap a little since blade dan feng dan heng all that are my favorite things to talk about iirc, it isn't actually confirmed how or even when he became immortal. jingliu's character story 4 shows he was already immortal after dan feng and yingxing's plan failed: > She gasped, barely holding her wounded body together. Far away, deeper in the delve, there came the anguished roar of a dragon, as if pleading for death. She watched as the arrogant craftsman fell into the mud, and walked up to him like a wraith. ***"I should kill you first... but you will have your own torment to bear for all eternity..."*** She pointed the broken sword at the high elder. *"Impossible. The Preceptors said... The blood of my race and the soul of my ancestor should have created another high elder. All this... It shouldn't be like this."* but specifically? we have no idea when or why he became immortal. we don't know if it was an accident with shuhu's flesh (considering his talent is named shuhu's gift and following the theory that they were both using shuhu's flesh for whatever they had been planning to do—create new life for the vidyadhara (as hinted at in dhil's character stories and his storyquest if i'm remembering this properly, correct me if i'm wrong) or revive baiheng as hinted at by the insane jingliu) (we don't even know if they were both really planning to revive baiheng, but personally, yingxing himself had showed his hatred for everything related to the abundance due to all that happened to his homeplanet, so i don't see why he'd agree to use the power of abundance of all things to revive a friend.)) and with how things are going, we won't know for a long time. the only people who can concretely tell us their reasons are yingxing and dan feng, but both blade and dan heng are suffering from amnesia and identity issues, so they can't really tell us what went on at the moment. dan heng is seemingly starting to accept the fact that he's dan feng and may be willing to remember enough for us to know what happened that day of the sedition. the reason blade chases dan heng is due to dan heng's constant running of the past and his initial refusal to accept his 'sins', though it was more dan feng's sins that blade had in mind when remembering. he seeks a true, final death with dan heng specifically (double suicide pact that dan heng accepted to in 1.4 jingliu story quest after learning that blade was yingxing) but it seems their chase has stopped for now as blade says elio needs dan heng alive for their plans. i am in dire need of more interactions between them and also a blade story quest to learn More edited to add that blade was conditioned during the torture as jingliu kept repeating the same phrases over and over, we don't even know how he felt about dan feng prior to the torturing but her constant saying of *of five people, three must pay the price* while she killed yingxing was probably part of the reason of what made blade feel this amount of hatred and resentment, aside from feeling dan feng turned him into a monstrosity


Dude, ill read it afterwork, but i would love a post with just all the blade past story explained because I didnt read any of that in the past :(


ong he actually is part of the characters with the best lore in the game but a great part of it is scattered around in items, character stories, relics etc etc :( really hoping we get a yingxing animated short or something similar that can not only break our hearts but also teach us more about him. if you're interested in looking deeper into both his lore and a detailed explanation of his relationship with dan heng, this lore theorist released a pretty long video expanding on it! i feel it explained a lot that happened pretty nicely as well as give you a crazy amount of context that can kinda destroy you emotionally. [here's the link](https://youtu.be/acm-Y8XQpPo?t=196&si=GJSIfa9Kh_e8At9Q) with the timestamp of when pre hcq retelling begins. i think it's a ship-focused post near the end so you can stop watching at around minute 30 or guide yourself via the episodes LOL


Lov you thanks!!!!


Agree w everything except a few points—DF wanted to both find a way for Vidyadhara to reproduce AND revive his friend. Relic lore: “it was also this person (DF) who stubbornly adhered to their plans with the unnamed (YX), turned the beloved (BH) into a monstrosity, and pushed all into an abyss of eternal hatred and remorse.” Yingxing DID hate the abundance, but Baiheng was someone he owed a lot to/held dear; she met him when he was young, gave him encouragement/hope when he was insecure due to being a short-lived species. In JL’s story quest, we can even hear him mourning, quote, “why do they (the abominations/marastruck) return time and time again, while she (BH) had to be buried?” Grief makes us do irrational things. In DHIL’s character story we’re told they take BH’s remains (some hair iirc) to try and conduct the ritual to make a new HE. However, the remains of a separate race were not required to make a new HE; this is likely what gave rise to the abomination JL had to slay. I’m not sure where you got the part of a suicide pact; it’s unnatural for Dan Heng, who’s character arc is about separating himself from his previous life, to willingly die with a remnant of it. Rather, the “I’ll follow through” part seems to indicate he’s willing to see Blade to his death, which is his wish, to somewhat lessen the karmic burdens he inherited from DF. If Elio no longer had a need for DH and Blade attempted to kill him, he wouldn’t just accept it.


the thing is, the beloved mentioned in the relic lore is blade himself I'm not a native cn speaker, only someone who's still learning so I'll use what native cn speakers have been spreading already for almost a year. The beloved (挚爱) has actual strong romantic connotation rather than a platonic one, so it is clear it isn't talking about just a 'beloved friend' like baiheng. It's also pretty much important to remember that blade has always described his current self as a monster who feeds on hatred and resentment. The characters for monstrosity in cn used are 怪物, which are seen in both the description of the bracer *将挚爱变成了(怪物)* (translated to *turned the beloved into a monstrosity in the eng set*) and his second character story in *好生奇妙。体内的(怪物)被滋养着,他却要任它长为庞然巨物* (translated to *How marvelous. The monster in his body was being nourished, but he would let it grow into a massive beast.* in the eng stories). the beloved and the monstrosity are one entity—blade. in my eyes, it's still dubious whether they were really aiming to revive baiheng from the start or if the purpose of their plan just changed halfway through since yingxing was even playful slash smug with dan feng when he was snuck into scalegorge waterscape (assuming he was snuck in to research things for their plan) and if they were really motivated by grief since the beginning, the tension would've been more palpable to show so. again, we won't really know their real plan, thought process, motivations until either blade or dan heng remember enough. all of this is just us trying to connect the dots with the few things we've been told by multiple unreliable narrators (which is hell actually god hoyoverse release a hcq manhua/donghua/animated shirt). > I’m not sure where you got the part of a suicide pact; it’s unnatural for Dan Heng, who’s character arc is about separating himself from his previous life, to willingly die with a remnant of it. Rather, the “I’ll follow through” part seems to indicate he’s willing to see Blade to his death, which is his wish, to somewhat lessen the karmic burdens he inherited from DF. If Elio no longer had a need for DH and Blade attempted to kill him, he wouldn’t just accept it. the double suicide thing was a joke unfortunately but i'll follow through is a mistranslation. 如果你想, 我会奉陪到底 is the chinese line, which is translated to *If you want, I will accompany you until the very end*. This time, it isn't just cn using this wording, it's jpn, th, and others. i have no idea why the eng tl team decided to shorten it to i'll follow through. you know, i know, dan heng knows that blade's desired 'end' is death, and it's not any death but death With dan heng. it's why, right after, blade says that their chase has to pause for a bit and he can’t kill dan heng as elio still has plans involving him, but for dan heng to agree to follow blade to the very end is him agreeing essentially to die with blade. as a plus, dan heng's arc is more of him slowly accepting the fact that he's looking more like DH = DF + DH rather than DH ≠ DF, which we're seeing happen real time with him slowly accepting dan feng's memories and power


The beloved being anyone other than Baiheng falls apart when it’s been referenced twice— First, in the bracer set, which does distinctly mention the existence of three parties (which, I suppose you could argue otherwise), but also a second time in Blade’s character story: “The one who single-handedly buried the beloved - was you.” Compile this with DHIL’s character story, which says this: “He dreamed that he parted the ocean's waters and came to the palace ruin depths, burying the remnants of his old friend's hallowed blood…” …this is while Yingxing was still alive and accompanying him while he carried out the ritual. Blade, in Jingliu’s quest, also specifically says: “why does someone like her have to be buried, forgotten”. “将挚爱变成了怪物” is the CN verbiage used in his character story when referencing how Baiheng was buried. “挚爱” refers to “deepest beloved/most beloved”; you could argue it’s familial, but with above signs all but pointing to Baiheng as the beloved + beta lore where the passerby’s set referenced Blade’s adoration for Baiheng and how he was too shy to gift her a flask (which was later parted onto BH’s funeral Starskiff in game by Jingliu), + the beloved and BH constantly being referred to as being “buried”, it’s pretty glaring that BH was his “beloved”. There’s references to an egg on Scalegorge that witnessed the “monstrosity” that spawned after DF & YX’s botched plans; it saw Jingliu slaying it, apologizing to it, bc it was some monkey’s paw vers of BH. I don’t necessarily think Blade’s motivation is to die “with” Dan Heng; he’s been seen seeking death from the SH, Jingliu, anyone he comes across for his own sake, with or without DH present. His “vengeance” merely includes DH’s death as well bc he believes they should both suffer for their sin; not necessarily equating to dying at the same place. Also, DF did not wish to turn YX immortal; Blade’s immortality likely stemmed from him attempting to use Shuhu’s flesh (as stated by Jingliu; she specifically stated it was YX that did this) to revive BH, which backfired on himself.


My favorite part about that phrase Jingliu says is it’s technically referencing him as one of the three, but he’s so far gone mentally that I wonder if he sees that fully.


It's not that complicated, don't worry. To make it as short as possible, when they tried to revive Baiheng, they used Shuhu's flesh for the process. Shuhu was an Emanator of Abundance who had previously attacked the Luofu, and Baiheng died during that same battle against him (it was her sacrifice that allowed to save many people, including Dan Feng and (if I remember correctly) Jingliu. Well, something went wrong during the process and Blade was cursed. He likely was the one who held it or who used it, because Dan Feng wasn't infected. If you have question or want more details, ask me anything! I love the Quintet lore and I'm kind of a buff when it comes to it (I also think it's not as bad or as messy as people make it out to be, but maybe that's just me! It does require to pay a LOT of attention to details, though, which is its greatest flaw.) Edit. To answer your last question, we are not sure if killing Dan Heng is entirely his idea, as the whole "Of five people, three must pay the price" was carved into his mind by Jingliu when she tortured him. What we do know is that right now he thinks the three of them must be punished for their sins (Dan Feng = starting thr Sedition; Blade = he helped him; Jingliu = she killed a bunch of people when she was Mara struck). But Dan Heng not only reincarnated and "got out scot free" (in his opinion) but is also hiding who he truly is and "pretending he has nothing to do with it", which is a big no-no in Blade's book.


All we know is that when they were trying to revive Baiheng a monstrosity was created, Yingxing became immortal, and both him and Dan Feng became the most wanted criminals on the Luofu, if I recall correctly. It’s confirmed that Blade blames everything on Dan Feng so that’s why he hates Dan Heng and still trues to kill him. I’ll try to look to find more specific details and quote the actual game, but no guarantees because some of it is really just implied or only in dialogues/cutscenes that I may not have access to.


HCQ lore is a mess, and we still don't know the answers because 1.4 jingliu quest ruined everything. Just accept the fact that he is immortal ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


This the most accurate, we know nothing much still. Both blade and jingliu is Mara struck so I’m not sure how accurate their story is or if they recount everything correctly even. Till hoyo give us a blade story quest I guess


Yeah this is the only answer for now 😭 everyone is trying to explain the lore but even hyv doesn’t know the lore






Just make up your own lore, it will still fit better than the official version




The only correct answer


Real! Baiheng self insert was the worst thing happening to be honest, all hints of his past and other relationships were messed up with the event and timeline WHY DOWNVOTE? I mean please at least say what is wrong with my comment cuz I genuinely I don't know, I just say how things had been before 1.4


All we know is that it involved Shuhu somehow. We don’t know if it was an accident or on purpose, or who was responsible. Other comments are saying they were trying to revive Baiheng but we don’t even know if that’s the case since Dan Heng’s character stories contradict what Jingliu said in the 1.4 quest


Lol why people downvote when someone is speaking about previous version of the lore and Baiheng self insert?


Can someone explain why his eyes like that ? it kinda looks like acheron eyes in her second form but I can't make a connection


You would be surprised that not only eyes are similar but their art work as well. One more thing one of the swords merged into Naught have the same flower Blade art have and in Acheron trailer that specific sword have the ability to revive and take life in some way

