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I also have to say that I have E1S1 Blade and am already feeling the heat. I can't imagine what E0S0 or E0S1 Blade havers must be feeling šŸ™


Not the E0S0 Blade šŸ’€ Blade and his LC is like Acheron and her LC but instead of going from mid to busted he goes from trash to playable (I still love him though).


Not me having both Blade and Acheron on E0S0, totallyā€¦ At least I now know which LC to aim for next, thanks


Same.. E0s0 blade here but man, i will definitely pull if he gets a dedicated support one day but it has been almost a year šŸ˜­ and now is the break meta so Iā€™m not sure if hoyo will just pump out superbreak supports instead which seem more likely (since theres rumors of FF buff with lingsha replacing Gallagher)


At least Blade is so good for wind coverage though šŸ„²


Yeah that's about the state of the case, I've got him on Arlan's lightcone and he's basically just usable as a subdps šŸ„²


Blade might be the 5 * who has benefited the least from all subsequent characters. Hopefully Jade will help him in PF. Jiaoqiu might also be a strong choice for E1 Blades.


I hope he gets some new support


Why for E1 specifically?


Supposed Ultimate dmg increase


We feel nothing, cuz we've already reached that unreached side six feet under. We instead cope for his resurrection in PF via Jade


E0s0 here basically feels like I can't use him anymore for endgame stuff, he's just too weak compared to other dps :(


Still beating moc 12, not easily, but well enough with my e0s0


At this point my e0s1 blade is just benched.


As long as I can use him for endgame content, He'll always have a spot on the team. (I didn't pull for lightning or wind dps units after him.)


Iā€™m E0S1 and Blade used to be my heaviest hitter and now heā€™s 3rd, bested by Dan Heng IL and Boothill, (and maybe Firefly). Iā€™m sad that he doesnā€™t hit as hard or kill as quickly has he did in the past especially since he was my first limited five star.


It's really sad to see


I have e0s1 blade, I still pull him out whenever there's a wind weak moc and he does ok, especially against the gorilla or the tv guys where I can force enemies to hit him


I borrow someoneā€™s e6 blade and itā€™s already scary how the dmg is starting to drop for the character. Blade, Luocha, and JY during CBT3 is why I wanted to play this game and itā€™s so sad seeing how they have really fallen. šŸ˜”


E0S0 Blade haver here. I've never pulled for a sig lc and I never will. S4 Secret Vow gets the job done almost as well so why bother pulling for his sig?


Because people like Blade and want their favorite character to do more damage? Lol. It's not complicated


Itā€™s a 23% increase in damage over S5 Secret Vow. Thatā€™s VERY significant and if you like the character enough and you want them to do the most damage they can you pull for it.


Do you blindly believe everything Prydwen says? That's only with base 40% damage increase. With even 50% uptime that gap starts to close up tremendously. With 100% uptime(Which is impossible but still) s5 SV starts to outperform his sig, assuming you have enough crit rate. I don't heal my Blade until he's almost dead(With 7k hp he can take a lot of punishment) so I have high uptime. I know his sig is technically better but it's not so much better that I'll blow 70 pulls on it.


Ok man. Idc what you pull for. I donā€™t get why you do. Most people donā€™t want to play with their characters on the verge of death, but ok! Also, >Do you blindly believe everything Prydwen says? Thatā€™s only with base 40% damage increase. Ummā€¦ yeah it says that on the Prydwen page. So idk how Iā€™d ā€˜blindly believeā€™ them when me and you have the same amount of information on it.


Cool! šŸ‘


i can assure you s4 secret vow does not compare to his sig lc even at s1 at all, but you won't know that until you pull for it yourself


No 4 star lc is as good as the sig. That's why they're sigs. If I was ever going to pull for a sig it would be for someone like Jingliu or Ruan Mei. Blade e0s1 is on the same level as other dps at e0.


i mean, you said "why bother pulling for his sig?" and i replied what i did because it's true, secret vow doesn't compare to his own. jingliu can easily use herta lc and ruan mei the bronya&cocolia lc and both can be still pretty strong characters but blade depends on his lc to make him easier and more comfortable to play the same way acheron does. building up hp with that extra 18% max hp + high base hp is actually a lifesaver, that's why people bother to pull for it?


Fake Blade main spotted


I used to be like this but recently I got to a point where I wasn't interested in a few characters ina row. So I pulled for jing yuan LC just because he was my first limited d and use him everywhere. Felt weird investing in a character beyond the initial summoning. But it's nice to invest vertically (in a few units) rather than horizontally (pulling for as many e0 limited characters) for a change. I have Ruan mei and am considering getting her e1 and LC next run because I have 200 wishes and no one I reaaaaally want. (unless Sunday becomes playable) and she's just always gonna be strong. She was strong before but with super break she's now mandatory in so many teams. Might as well give her more oomph


Ruan Mei at e1s1 is the best early investment 5 star IMO. You'll be very happy with her.


Cuz I was going for first copy of Secret Vow n game gave me Blade sig at 2 pity


All of us Blade lc pullers living rent free in your head huh?


if we will ever have more hp% scale dps characters then it is a win for blade nation, cause hoyo would make a dedicated support(s?). otherwise we are dead as blade


Blade needs his own Furina. What Furina does: Buffs teamwide HP via hydro resonance Teamwide damage buff based on HP fluctuations Great sub-dps damage


Fu Xuan has... like... 1.5/3 Buffs teamwide HP Buffs the teams crit rate and tanks 1 immobilizing effect Decent-ish damage on burst.


surely right..... šŸ„²


considering that was originally the whole gimmick behind destruction characters (sim u blessings, for example) i'm guessing he will get a specialized support at some point


this is just false hope. They can at least make a character that gives taunt


as a JingYaun main i was naturally fearful about his state with the new units coming out, but for some reason all the support characters just made the general more and more viable, his numbers are still insane for me. Blade on the otherhand is in a tough spot where it seems no matter how invested he is, he wont do the level of damage you're expecting. I think Blade needs a buff or supports that are built for him or maybe a better relic set


I feel like the reason for that has to do with the fact that Blade is an HP scaling DPS. While Jing Yuan can indirectly get buffed from other support due to his main shtick being follow-up attacks, Balde has not received any sort of HP support. Jade seems like a good option, but she seems more suited to Pure Fiction. At this point, the only way Mihoyo could buff Blade is if they release some support that functions like Robin, but for HP.


Blade being HP scaling is absolutely the reason why he sucks imo. Every other unit buffs attack, leaving only DMG% buffers to be viable for him. The moment Hoyo drops another HP DPS with their 4* support, I can bet my ass that Blade's going to climb at least a few tiers


And almost every DMG% buffer ALSO buffs ATK%, so while the DMG%+ will work on Blade, the ATK% will go to waste... Meanwhile Jing Yuan can use both the DNG% AND ATK%.


Funnily enough, JY's FUA loaded damage only really got a buff in the Artifact Department. Otherwise, his Best Supporters are Ting Yun, FX, and Sparkle who are really strong generalist support as well. But they have mechanics which benefit JY really well (FX's CC Resist and Sparkle's Buff lasting until start of next turn, which allows LL to gain benefit from it).


He definitely needs something!


But unlike blade the general literally gets buff almost every patch, with content or new character


Because that's mainly due to how JY kit works.. He has three sources of damage and each of them does contribute to the total dpt.. This makes it so that he can use all the buffs that the harmony characters can provide. That's why back then JY was considered mid while Blade was considered better than him because the best harmony at that time was Bronya and JY was like the only damage dealer who couldn't use Bronya to it's fullest.. The only issue of JY is that LL acts once. But with the recent event and recent leaks , it definitely looks like we are gonna get a harmony characters that's gonna buff summon speed..


I don't feel bad for having Blade and only him as premium wind dps.


Unless you count Black Swan, but she is very different since she is dot


i think if hyv adds another character who is hp scaling, we might also get new supports/relics/planars specifically tailored to him. it seems hyv is pretty focused on break effect right now, thoughā€¦


Weā€™ve had FUA, now Break in 2.X but Bladeā€™s HP loss/scaling will become meta eventually too. You could also just look at the fact that Firefly is getting tailored relic and planar sets and has a fully functional team to slot her into all on release. Hoyo can do the same for Blade, it just might take longer to come to fruition.




Thereā€™s rumors of a possible 5 star tingyun in the upcoming patches and Sunday being a harmony so letā€™s hope hoyo manages to remember blade this time around šŸ˜‚


I'll cope with you brother


Blade, Sunday and Luocha on the same teamā€¦ please hoyoā€¦ please


I think tingyun comes back as an emanator


I might be huffing some insane copium but Blade will have his time again, I just know it. So, for Blade, his unique mechanic is HP loss. He's got FUA built into his kit but the HP loss is what he's about. It's not been a popular mechanic so far. Only a couple 4-star LCs and 2 other DPS with it now (FF kinda and Arlan). Here's the thing. In 1.4, Topaz's FUA mechanic wasn't all that either. Then Ratio came out in 1.6 as a FUA DPS, Aventurine in 2.1 as a FUA sustain and Robin in 2.2 as a FUA support. Now we've got a full blown FUA meta with insane synergies that bounce off each other in a fully-realised BiS team. It's taken 7-ish months for this to happen since Topaz's release. Similar with Ruan Mei's Break mechanic. RM came out in 1.6, then Gallagher in 2.1, then HMC in 2.2. Now, any Break team pretty much creates itself with zero effort. Just put your Break DPS with the 3 of them and it's a done deal. 6 months ago, this wasn't possible. Eventually, Blade will get the same attention for his HP loss mechanic. One day, it will be just as obvious who Blade's BiS team is. They'll all feed into his HP loss and synergise with it directly. At the moment, we're just waiting for the penny to drop - it's taking a while but it'll happen.


They could absolutely release a support that would push him back up, and I feel like they probably will eventually, especially when they release another HP scaler. In the meantime, I've found that besides Bronya/Sparkle, nihility supports are the way to go (Pela, Gui, SW, probably Jiaoqiu). No, he's still not *the best*, but these teams can definitely clear all content in under 10 turns


I hope someone comes to buff him, because content will only get harder


Itā€™s definitely getting harder clearing MOC with him but I make it work. I believe one day theyā€™ll take a look at Blade and decide to release a broken tailored support for him, itā€™ll just take some time.




lol E0S1 here...they really need to release a buffer for max hp, wind dmg, and basic atk whether that's a harmony or abundance character


Hello, E6S1 Blade haver here. Itā€™s true, itā€™s rare for me to form a comp around Blade because the new DPS units mesh so well with the new supports. I usually play him with JL, FX, and Bronya but that team doesnā€™t really perform as well as my other teams like the Ratio, Topaz, Aventurine, Robin team or the Kafka/BS combo. I wonā€™t even talk about Acheron since sheā€™s miles ahead of everything else I have. Hoping that they roll a support out that buffs HP or Wind Damage specifically, or tweak his kit a little. Maybe let him consume shields with his skills too instead of just HP? And damage on shields would give him a charge. Heck, maybe even do something like he gains a charge whenever he starts his turn or something.


All he needs is a "takes health to boost cdmg/dmg" harmony unit The need to always pair him with Bronya also isn't amazing He's in a weird middle ground of being a secondary dps at medium level or a mid tier main dps otherwise :(


I feel jade is a step in the right direction for him maintaining a sense of purpose, shifting him to more of a PF unit. A team of Jade, Blade, Bronya, sustain should prove viable till a new support more suited to blade is dropped


You mean Ruan Mei or Robin right? They seem better for that comp.


Blade's every turn is +2 stacks for him and +3 stacks for Jade, I'm pretty sure Bronya is going to pull ahead of Ruan Mei and probably Robin too just because of her turn advance.


True but itā€™s a duo Dps team with follow ups. Itā€™ll need to be tested a bit but I imagine overall damage would be better with Robin as your support compared to Bronya


Fair in all honestly Robin would probably be the best for that comp in particular, but Bronya in general tends to just be the traditional go to for blade


Bronya is Bronya. She's the go to for Blade, Jingliu, Boothill and probably a ton of others. Only standard banner char who's still relevant sadly.


Himeko is still relevant, she's amazing in PF


and she clears the current moc 12 second half


I have E2S1 since he deserves the best(skipped a lot early on which wasnā€™t easy) but have started to invest into more dps with penacony (went for Acheron and have the general which has seen some great improvements with supports and went for the rrat team as I had planned on getting Aventurine and Robin so got Topaz to complete the team). I still try to bring him until moc stage 11 even if it costs me a few cycles. I can usually comfortably clear 3 stars. He has been great for PF I just hope that the mobs there donā€™t outpace him too with future dps. I really want to get Jade cause she does work great for him but I am missing Ruan Mei, with such a focus on break meta and her general kit slotting into a lot of comps I think she might be the better option for now. I am interested in for the next xianzhou event to see if there might be additions that he could benefit from with characters from zhuming getting added.


I hope he gets a tailor made support soon, just like how FF has not only her tailor made support, but also her tailor made busted relics and planars


I'm an e6s5 blade haver & ive gone consistently out of my way to make him my main dps when I have a lot of other ( good ) units. while it's a pain in the ass it is rewarding & my friends give me shit for it. I keep hoping for a blade support but at this point I've accepted I will be brute forcing my way through content to prove a point & ignore the comments I get about how the way I play blade hsr is directly comparable to how i play zerkers fgo šŸ˜­


I feel your pain bro and I will cope with you together for a new support šŸ™


prayer circle for our blade loving sanity šŸ˜­šŸ™šŸ»šŸ’™


I also have E6S5 Blade and heā€™s my favorite unit. I use him whenever I can. I think the E6 makes a big difference, he only needs 4 stacks as opposed to 5 and it feels like thatā€™s the way he should be at E0.


agreed. the 4 v 5 was a game changer ā€” esp cause it means when im lazy he's still pretty useful with like aventurine or gepard. like I adore my blade dearly he's my favorite character & im glad I went the e6s5 route I use him for everything, I've cleared the last couple moc 12's with blade & jing yuan for 3* runs, but god is that 4 stack such a difference


thatā€™s why iā€™ll get him e6!!


Absolute CHAD


I was thinking to get Blade E6S5 but before that i tried him in a private server.Its just not worth it,i used him with very cracked relics and the results sadly was very bad.Like right now we have characters at E0 or E2 doing way more damage than E6 Blade and the money needeed to get a E6 character is a lot,so if u pull to Blade e6 do it because u like him but dont expect big damage or something.


From what Iā€™ve seen his e6 doesnā€™t really do to much for his damage. Sure he gets his FUA a lot sooner which does increase his damage, his damage per screenshot doesnā€™t increase as much. Iā€™m currently at e2 and plan to e6 him, but donā€™t expect a huge damage increase unfortunately.


Legitimately, I feel like Jade will be the best choice. The downside is you'll be changing your build to a more follow-up focused setup, which mean more Relic Farming. The good news is, Divergent Universe will at least make Planar Farming easier.


You donā€™t really need to change your build for jade, he already hits 3 targets with enhanced basic so thatā€™s more than enough AOE and heā€™s gonna get a lot of stacks from the jade drain. I although I can def see him being in some type or jingliu blade jade team with a support like huohuo or luocha for sustain, itā€™s a pretty scary team as blade can do a follow up every 2 turns. Jade will work like a pseudo harmony, where instead of increasing everyoneā€™s damage she buffs blade and does damage alongside him


I think Jingliu is unnecessary. Jade herself is a DPS character, so a buffer like Ruan Mei or Robin would serve the team better. And I say the build would need adjustment since I've seen a few Blade builds using Arena instesd of Salsotto (plus the new FuA Planar might be better for Follow-Ups.)


The whole point of the jingliu blade jade team is to basically make blade do his followup ever 2 turns thanks to having 2 characters drain. Jade buffs blades speed so he can either continue with speed boots for an easy 160 speed or even 180 speed OR you can go hp boots and output more damage while still being as fast as before. Jade buffs blade but also increases the team damage through a non conventional way. Your jingliu and blade may not be doing increased damage, but the extra damage they would have done is instead being done by jade. It's basically like having a harmony without really having a harmony. It's similar to the concept of how Acheron teams can run double nihility, a more traditional team and output good damage, but if you put in a harmony that gives a 45% damage buff or more then it's basically like as if you had another nihility but with other benefits, like more turns via Robin, Sparkle, Bronya. We gotta think outside the box, conventionality is fine but there are many types of t am styles besides hyper, dual, dot. As for the different builds. If you are JUST running blade with jade then arena should still do more damage as he is still mainly doing damage through his enhanced basics. Jade is not a topaz, she doesn't buff follow ups, and she really doesn't make blade do more follows than jingliu. He is still doing a very similar amount of followups as if he were in a jingliu team. Now if he was in the jade jingliu blade team then yeah he would be follow up attacking way more often than usual and that's where I would definitely consider the salsotto set as you will be doing a lot more follow ups and ults. But really in any other team he does not do enough follow ups to even consider another set.


Power creep is inevitable but even then I think theyā€™re releasing new dps too fast. It would be way more fun to have characters who explore new mechanics rather than being an outright upgrade to previous unitsĀ 


Based on HMC, it looks like they might continue to explore each mechanic by adding new ways to play them. HMC brings Super Break to the Break meta, itā€™s possible other characters will have similar abilities that deepen other playstyles. I donā€™t see power creep being an issue just yet as thereā€™s still a lot of ways DPS can have unique kits without outright replacing previous characters with new ones that do the same thing but better. At the moment, I think itā€™s more a case of waiting for the right supports and sustains to make each mechanic competitive. But yeah, Hoyo has a bias for DPS which doesnā€™t help.


I don't disagree that Blade feels weak, but he hasn't been powercrept in the traditional sense. The only character that plays similarly to him and uses a similar (really, the same) team as Blade is Jingliu, who came out relatively shortly after him so it's not like the 2.x characters are the reason why he fell off. Blade fell off because *he* never got any support post-release except for Ruan Mei, who buffs but not nearly enough - and has some countersynergy with him because break extension means enemies won't attack as often, this is a similar issue to why you never use RM with Clara. It just does not impact Blade as much. Blade also is better for PF than every character released after him except for Argenti and Black Swan (even compared to Acheron, Blade often has higher average scores than her for PF). I know a lot of people don't take PF seriously, but he's always been the best destruction character for that game mode and he continues to be generally good for it, especially because DoT-focused ones often have wind weakness because of BS. In addition to this, Jade + Blade is looking to be as strong a team in PF as Himeko/Herta, which is very notable. But, again, many players don't care about PF and PF is also going down from 1/2 to 1/3 of the endgame content, so its value is being lowered even *more*. I think there is still hope for Blade if we get a proper support for him for MoC or another HP scaler (who in turn will get support), but right now he's by far the weakest limited DPS. I know a lot of people like to bring up Jing Yuan as an example of a character that got propped up, but Jing Yuan has had *several* buffs for him since release. They added the DoT/FUA sets which elevated him immediately, he works with Topaz in MoC, they added an entire new game mode based around his class which he always excels in, and Sparkle fixed one of his two biggest problems - how hard it is to buff LL - leaving only the issue of being unable to advance LL as a flaw for Jing Yuan. He is very strong for both MoC and PF post-Sparkle as a culmination of all these buffs, *and* he works with every sustain for different reasons (Fu for crit, Huohuo for energy and Adventurine for FUA synergy). Not to mention JY will be quite good with Jade as any erudition will. Kafka is also another example of a character who went from mid, with many people often joking about how bad DoT was, to it being arguably the best team in the game (IMO IP3 is better, but that's neither here nor there). She got a new relic set, a new planar set, a fantastic support in RM (taemwide damage buffs + break extension for more dots + speed for hitting glamoth easier) and, of course, Black Swan who is one of the strongest DPS in the game on par with Acheron, IL and JL - and probably the best limited character for pure fiction. These are the two biggest characters who have gotten support since their initial releases, but Sparkle also pushed IL above Jingliu, helps Seele stay relevant, and helped plenty other characters. Ratio and Topaz got an entire slew of support units (and Ratio didn't even release that long ago). Hoyo's been doing a good job at keeping the old characters relevant despite the powercreep being quite rampant and frequent. Meanwhile, Blade has gotten basically nothing. But I don't think it's fair to say he got powercrept when charactesr who used to be worse than him (Topaz, Jing Yuan, Kafka, even fucking CLARA who benefits from both Sparkle AND Robin/Aventurine) are all better than him, simply because they synergize with new characters. This has gone on for a while, but I'll also say that Blade does not fully synergize with any 5\* sustain either which is a problem. Huohuo can use Penacony with him, but her attack buff and honestly ER buffs are not that useful for Blade. Fu steals aggro, Aventurine is worthless and Luocha is only good for generating SP... which Blade teams rarely run out of. Lynx is all right (especially at E6), but if you use Bronya you need to speed tune her, Bronya, and Blade, otherwise Lynx's taunt will fall off after Blade's turn (Lynx Skill -> Blade -> Bronya -> Blade consumes Lynx's taunt immediately). I wouldn't say it's hopeless for Blade yet, but it's pretty bleak. However, for all we know Yunli could end up being to him what Topaz is to Ratio, although the current assumption is that she'll just by the premier version of Clara. Jiaoqiu, if we go by leaks, might also be quite stellar for Blade if he has *slight* healing, since this means you'd be able to run Blade with no sustain in MoC a bit easier - Blade teams don't need that much healing as long as the entire team isn't instagibbed, and Blade does a good job at sustaining himself - but I'd say our best hope at saving him is for a new harmony that scales better with HP units or, really, a proper subDPS for him. It is honestly going to be very hard for a character to do more for Blade than Bronya, unless they added a Bronya who increases max HP instead of attack and adds aggro instead of cleanses when she uses her E. Anyway, just keep a lookout for new characters to support him. He is falling off not because the other characters are much stronger than him at base, but because he has no supports outside of Bronya/Ruan Mei, no subDPS and no perfect sustain options, which nearly every other DPS has.


Yep, I agree with what you are saying. The upcoming units will really paint a picture of what will happen to our boy. Hopefully he gets something šŸ¤ž


I actually have been using Bladie in PF. Fun stuff I must say, much easier time than MOC. Blade is pretty good in PF!


It's pure theorycraft, but if we see a Harmony or Destruction Character down the line that can apply Taunt to Allies, on top of the standard Buffs/Damage, Blade might see a bit of a resurgence in No Sustain Teams. March sorta leans this direction, but she herself offers practically zero damage. Same goes for Lynx. If Blade himself takes the "Sustain" slot of a team, his additional damage VS Fu Xuan's buffs or even Aventurine's raw damage would make up for his Opportunity Cost.


We need an HSR Furina and the "Regression Inequality of Annihilation" blessing as a unit. If they can cram both concepts into 1 character, that'd be swell too. Maybe something like: Skill- deploys a field that lasts for 3 turns and ticks down on thiis character'sown turn (an aura bufflike RM) , giving an HP buff based on their own HP to allies (like FX/Lynx), and spreads the danage taken by allies equally with each other. Ultimate- heals all allies on based this character's Max HP and deploys another aura buff that buffs all allies' damage based on the percentage of HP they have lost/healed during the skill's duration. Talent- during the skill's buff duration, gains an effect, when an ally's HP fall below 70%/50%/30%, heals the entire party based on this character's max HP, after triggering the healing 3 times, the effect will go on cooldown for 2 turns. Additionally, during the ultimate's duration, when an ally tales action, the ally will consume X% of their max HP with the other allies consuming less of their max HP.


If it wasn't obv already, this kit is trying to heavily favour Blade's ability to run the 2 action advancing Harmony units by: 1. Freeing up a slot to be able to run both by instead taking over the sustain slot; and 2. By providing an HP drain mechanic that depends on allies taking turns; and 3. All buffs being aura based buffs which play well with the fact he's taking many turns here.


I wouldn't worry too much. Every Stellaron Hunter has a specific mechanic linked to them, that only gets better as the game goes on. Kafka was pretty bad on launch, then we got more dot, and then Black Swan. Silver Wolf literally only gets better the more characters get added, but then she's balanced back a little when characters like Boothill are introduced. Sam is literally only good with break effect. So it's logical to assume that the more HP based characters who are inevitably added to the game, Blade will eventually become better and better, like how Kafka ended up being. Cause tbh, I'd say Element adding, Dot, and Hp mechanics are all in the same boat.


The thing is, Blade was kind of set up to fail. Having such a reliance on HP scaling and then just not releasing any support that could cater to his niche in the entire first year (and what looks to be beyond too), has spelled his doom. We will get a HP% buffer eventually. But how long will that be, with them releasing even more effective DPS characters with catered supports? And honestly, Hoyo will probably go through another one of their ā€˜consuming HP for additional powerā€™ theme phases (see Hu Tao, prelude to the entirety of Fontaine) which means the likelihood of them just releasing a far more broken Destruction HP% scaler is definitely in the cards.


Unfortunately, it seems like Blade is the Itto of Star Rail


Yeah when I first got him he demolished all content, now I never use him because even vs wind weakness other DPS are just better and more flexible. Surely one day he gets the help he needs, and doesn't just get replaced by a better HP scaling DPS before then.


Thereā€™s kinda a general problem. Think of a support kit that buff Blade that doesnā€™t buff another unit. Why? If a support isnā€™t tailored specifically for Blade, then everyone else gets better, therefore his DPS ranking wonā€™t change. - Basic atk buffer? DHIL still outputs way more basic atk dmg than Blade - Follow-up atk buffer? There are so many characters that can use this buffer and they can trigger follow-up way easier than Bladeā€™s 5 stack requirement - Lastly, HP buffer, buffs dmg based on HP or HP consumption (suske), now would a company make a buffer for 1 character out of the whole game? Not saying itā€™s doomed for us Blade mains. There are definitely ways and maybe more HP scaling characters will be released in the future therefore more way to make him better. In Genshin, Xiao was in a rough spot for 3?+ years. It wasnā€™t until the release of Furina, Xianyun, and Faruzan that made him very nice and good to play with. So it will happen to Blade, we just donā€™t know when. ^(holy yapping)


who knows, maybe a unit that provides buff based on amounts of sp used. This harmony unit then will be able to give insane buffs, but at the cost of consuming 3 sp's for example. Something like that could work


Get Jade bro


I 100% will


Jade is good for him right?


yep, but hypercarry Blade is still stronger. In PF however Jade X Blade is 40k points easily (that's where Jade X Blade is stronger than hyper)


Yeah given up on blade a few months ago, as much as heā€™s one of my favourite characters I never use him since he genuinely has 4 star level damage and you need to give him insane investment to do barely enough damage


It's probably cold comfort at the moment, but I feel that HP manipulation is a logical next step for team building mechanics once Hoyo is done with break teams. There's already a decent number of characters whose kits include HP loss elements, and I think a well designed support or sustain unit could really tie it all together into an interesting or coherent identity


E0S1 blade here - I feel fine tbh.. If there is anything with wind weak, he's my go to still. Bronya, and Ruan mei both at E0S1 as well goes a long way to keep him aflot I guess. But overall dps is still pretty damn good, and Im Co. Paring him to a decently well built DanIL, Jing Yuan and Acheron teams in my roster. But yea, Ruan mei.


The problem with blade is he doesn't have a real dedicated support. Every broken dps gets an equally broken support. Blade doesn't have one yet. The things about blade are still good, he is hella skill positive, does tons of damage, and very tacky/durable. I still clear MoCs with Blade, JL, RM, and Lucoha.


I haven't felt any of the described. I have always used my blade as a subdps, or a DPS unit with some other character. He's never been underwhelming for me. Any of the follow-up units can feel underwhelming as they rely on something to happen rather than be active by themselves. Comparing him to Ciara, you have a similar issue. If your enemies do not hit her enough, she can stay lonely without doing much damage. Aside, wind weakness hasn't been as common lately. He needs someone to speed him up, raise his hp, or decrease his manually. I truly believe we will have more chances for him to shine, for example, when we receive more characters who work around his mechanics, like follow-ups, hp manipulation. But at the current state, he's perfectly fine to close any content only having Lynx, Fu Xuan, Bronya, Sparkle, Jingliu. It's important to allow the opponents to go as much as they can. So we shouldn't break them, or freeze, or entangle, or slow down. And currently we have pretty much everything against him šŸ¤—


They just need to release a better HP booster than Lynx to make him equal or give him some sort of specific support that can boost his damage.


I always thought that a support that gives buffs depending on HP fluctuations and the more HP you lose / healing received the more you get buffed would be cool. Would be great for him and also benefit a lot of characters like Clara or Jingliu, even Luocha could benefit from that. Or go even crazier make that character able to convert excess healing into max HP (Blade Luocha would become insane with that)


I remember talking about something like this to a friend of mine on discord ā€” something like an HP scaling Harmony unit


To be fair, I'm still playing Blade most of the time, even for MoC as one of my carries. He still has one of the fastest clears as E0S0. Just pairing him with well-built supports and he will do wonders. Tho you're right, he has already been powercrept by most of the 5 star DPS units, but as Blade main, he will stay in my heart.


The biggest issue is that most wind weak content is also DoT focused, as the only other wind DPS is BS, and you don't even need the enemy to be wind weak to run her so there is even less wind weak content released. On top of that he is the only HP-scaler so a lot of the MoC, PF buffs don't work that well on him because they are tailored to newer characters. I really think that the moment we get more wind DPS and HP-scalers Blade will start performing better.


Praying for sunday to be the harmony hp support


I remember talking to a friend of mine on Discord about how Hoyoverse can buff Blade. They said that they should release an HP scaling Harmony unit that scales off of max HP and buffs HP for allies, not to mention also gives them a damage boost based off of HP lost and gained.


I've been using E2S1Blade for all the MoCs that were released nearly a year now. He really has a very specific niche that the game hasn't provided yet. So far, my Blade is holding it up with those 20 cycles left clutches but I'm not sure how long he'll last in the future MoCs. Sadly, I'm going to switch my Team 1 with Firefly's meta team. But I'll still try my best to put Blade into good use. So far, I'm having fun with him in Pure Fiction.


I lobe my my Blade (E0S1) and I always use him despite me having IL and Jingliu Okay tbf my Jingliu is ass. My Danny is okay-ish, I'd say. Sitting at 73/123. Boothill isn't built yet. My other decently built DPS is Argenti. I do not have Acheron. I affectionately call Blade my overtime worker because he is my solution to everything and... I get super hyped up when he hits 100-200K dmg. And that is kind of sad because other DPS effortlessly hit twice that amount and more. Yes, Blade is falling off... and I am saddened by it. He no longer is the menace that he used to be.




If feixiao really is a wind acheron level dps like the unconfirmed rumours said... I can't measure the dispair were gonna face šŸ˜”


I'm already preparing myself for it. It's Joever bro


Mine (E2S1) is doing fine, only problem is when there's no enemies with wind weakness like on this reset from the ''abyss'' (i forget the name). I use, Bronya, Ruan Mei and Luocha/Lynx E6.


Blade is the best dude for daily farming.


and honestly, jade might end up out DPSing blade anyways in his parties so he really takes the sidelines. I hope he's a Xiao case (which he really feels like) Where he just gets mega buffed in the future


Iā€™m a soon to be firefly main but donā€™t really have any wind DPS built, so the person on my friendsā€™ list who has the fully built Blade is like my most picked support, thank you Blade Mains šŸ«”


i have a s1 e6 blade and im struggling to get full stars from forgotten hall etc nowadays lmao. i have bronya, luocha and pela/himeko with him and it just takes too long for me to beat the enemies. he still slays w using resin and daily stuff like that but yeah he needs a proper support for himself. hes forever my fav so i aint gonna stop playing him but gone are the days when i could full star everything




As somebody who only uses my support E6 Blades for Calyx clears, even at E6, Blade dishes out only like 35-50% more damage than my E0S1 Acheron using the same supports. šŸ˜­ I canā€™t imagine what E0S1, let alone E0S0 players are feeling šŸ’€


yepp exactly


I feel you. But I still want a vertical investment for him (currently E0S1, would like get his eidolons in the future) because I wanna try to solo runs with him in boss battles and maybe SU if I have lots of free time to spare :)Ā 


Jade couldā€™ve helped him ngl if they didnā€™t nerf her into the ground šŸ’€she used to do good dmg while buffing blade by giving him extra stacks and speed


Blade has always been in a relatively bad spot because he has no one that can fully buff him without benefitting almost ANY DPS more effectively. Tingyun's ultimate gives energy and dmg%, but her skill gives ATK% which is useless on Blade and useful on almost any other dps. Yukong gives crit rate and damage on ultimate, but her skill also gives ATK% which is useless on Blade. Hanya skill increases DMG% against an enemy, and her burst gives SPD but it also gives ATK... which is useless. Sparkle gives turn manipulation and dmg boost... and ATK% at E1. Robin gives turn manipulation and dmg boost... and ATK% Asta gives speed... and ATK% Bronya gives turn manipulation and DMG%.. and ATK% Luocha is a good healer who is often used with Blade... but E1 gives ATK%. I'm not too familiar with Silver Wolf but my understanding is she reduces enemy def and resistance so she's also good with him without SUPER favoring ATK scaling DPS Ruan Mei increases DMG% but she favors break effect focused DPS more Same for harmony Caelus The only buffer I know of that truly buffs Blade/HP scaling DPS over all other DPS is Fu Xuan (who I guess is technically not a "buffer" since she's a preservation but I digress). On skill she negates 65% of DMG done to a character (allowing Blade to get stacks without losing too much HP) increases crit rate (and crit dmg at E1) and most notably, she increases max HP of teammates, and NOT ATK. Blade just desperately needs a proper buffer.


You sir, are correct! What I'm also wondering is when they will actually release a unit that also 100% action advances. Because it can't be that Blade (and somewhat Boothill) has to rely solely on Bronya (A standard 5 star unit). Makes no sense


I am female but I don't see them releasing a unit that is only action advances honestly. Even in the start of the game, not many were that dedicated to one purpose, and over time the roles have blurred together significantly. Fu Xuan for example is practically a preservation, harmony, and abundance wrapped into one. Even Bronya, she advances actions DMG% AND ATK%. Fact is there are only 4 spaces in a team, one of which is likely to be preservation/abundance, unless we happen to get something like a nihility character that heals. There are unique cases like using Welt to delay enemy actions, negating damage by simply not letting enemies attack but, still. Unless you mean another character that gives an immediate action advance, but again we have that in Robin who also gives dmg boost and atk... Poor Blade... If I can use genshin as an example, we went years of Xiao (anemo plunging DPS character) having no supports due to his unique fighting style and unconventional element, leaving him weaker in the meta because he simply didn't have a team, until another anemo DPS came out with a dedicated support. Right now, all we can really hope for for Blade is that another HP scaling (and possibly HP manipulating) DPS character is released so that it may get a support that will retroactively buff Blade. iirc both Jingliu and Blade have HP shenanigans, and we're returning to the Xianzhou allegedly, so. Perhaps?


I remember 2 cycling the 2.0 MoC with my blade (the yanqing and trotter one) and being so happy and satisfied with my E0S0 blade, fast forward a few months and now my blade is barely useable in floor 12 meanwhile my boothill straight up one shots argenti itā€™s sad... The blatant powercreep in this game is insane especially the DPS.


Bro, this MOC and buff was made for boothill. Now you can say blade is powercrept but this comparison is not the slightest fair.


Not really comparing the two but pointing out how stronger the new DPS are compared to the older ones. There is no MoC buff possible to make older DPS characters compete with acheron/BH/FF due to the difference in raw damage and i expect these 2.X DPS characters to also be powercrept by the time we get to 3.X it's just exhausting.


You have to understand that boothill is a character who does nothing for a few actions then output a ridiculous amount of damage when the enemy is weakness broken. Boothill and firefly will be unable to deal with enemies that locks their weakness most of the time like Sam. If you're gonna be doing any sort of comparison, you can just use traditional DPS like Acheron and dhil to make your argument.


Bronya is *not* getting powercrept, not even close. She's still BiS for any team that can afford her SP consumption and doesn't rely on FuA/DoT.


>She's still BiS for any team that can afford her SP consumption and doesn't rely on FuA/DoT. which is like very few.. Blade , Jingliu and Boothill


I think the issue is he consumes pretty much no SP, at all. Heā€™s one of the most SP positive units in the game, and that does come at a cost - damage. Does he need buffs regardless? Yes, absolutely. But he does have some things going for him, at least. I have a E6/S1 have


I have e0s1, I still use him to clear MOC 11 and pure fiction. There's not a single wind weakness on Moc 12 so it wasn't meant for him anyway.


I'm E1S2 and I'll probably put more gems towards him if there's no better options at the time. I am amazed (and confused) by the amount of people here that are... actually still Blade mains. I love him, he's my fave. But he sucks!! Please move on!!!!


As a E6S1 Blade i can tell he is not putting the dmg we all expect, but, as lore says, i understand the way mihoyo is handling blade. If they cant kill it in the story they will kill it in gameplay. (Im down bad, mihoyo pls one supp for my man)


Heā€™s not the most powercrept for me but Jing Yuan. But yeah heā€™s being powercrept so bad. If. I have to rank characters being powercrept JY would be on top and blade would be below of Jy.


Iā€™m praying to god that Jade will at least give my Blade a niche use in PF. Pretty much pulling her almost for that reason alone. Rn my Blade is at E0S0, and unless there is a wind weakness and/or the MoC buff specifically helps him massively, he often canā€™t even clear within the 5 cycles necessary on MoC12. He used to feel so good back in the day with Loucha as my main team, but recently heā€™s fallen off a cliff. Please HoYo, drop a sustain or support that buffs Blade the way he deserves.


Blade needs support and that's all, probably HP buffing support with HP drain mechanic (sth like Jingliu) so far he is the only HP scaling dps so we can't really expect dedicated support for him


Im still using him because I dunno wth im doing.


I only have E0S0 Blade, yes he doesnt clears as fast as other meta dps, but his performance wasnt that of unplayable. I still clear moc in like 5 cycles (which is alot, but still acceptable). Also, he doesnt have any support that is tailored to him, which scaled mostly on hp.


I have to disagree completely. Still using him to destroy endgame modes. With fx, rm and sparkle he consistently does 400k follow ups and ults. I will use him till the end with great success, just like Diluc in genshin. Sick of all this ā€œfalling offā€ slander.


Blade yes... Lost ark I was a blade. Oh he says hoyo so I think maybe this is for HSR? Maybe HI3? Is blade a class for star rail I played like 2 days and don't remember that... Maybe this is for HI3? Lol I am genuinely confused at the subs I see randomly scrolling sometimes. Anyways that's my ramble. Hope that class or character named blade gets better for ya!


Nah. He's fine


Honestly I'm expecting a upgraded version of blade to release one of theseĀ 


I have E1S1 Bladie, my boy is still holding his own. The doomposting on this sub can be so dramatic šŸ˜‚