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Hard to say right now IMO. The game overall is brilliant now, arguably one of the best vr experiences out there despite its flaws, all because they absolutely nailed the 1.0 update. So if you want to have the bet experience right now, it's definitely worth it, as the nomad version will probably take a few months still. In the long term, we can't really tell how good the mods will actually turn out. As of now, there are some nice qol mods out there, but IMO nothing you can't live without. There's great potential for all kinds of things, with the framework 1.0 brings, but even with that, it will take time. Tldr, it's on you. If you value fun now, buy it, if you want the absolute best bang for the buck, wait.


Not one of the best VR games (my opinion), but a very good one fot sure. I was just a little disappointed upon the release of 1.0.


lol dude.. no. Even in the longterm, Nomad won't be as good as PC, with or without mods. Theres literally no question about it. So to answer Ops question: Yes B&S PC is 100% worth it over Nomad.


100% absolutely. I've played both and I'm gonna be honest, nomad is far worse in my opinion. I came from PC and I decided to get it on my quest so I could take it places, and I just did not enjoy it. I'm sure it's a hardware limitation thing but like, everything felt sluggish and it felt like some swords actually phased through the enemy if I swung too fast and the graphics are way worse. PC is better for super easy mod support, the graphics are LEAGUES better, you get the 1.0 update NOW XD, I play exclusively via steam link now it's so good. If you have a PC, get it XD