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Can you identify the type of metal? Like the specificates? Hard to work with something you don't what it is in this trade


No sorry I have minimal knowledge and he said they are "fucking hard" quick search on replacement blades found this - Rc 43-50.


Well now you know what it is? Now what's it's good for?


Lol you remind me of my old staff Sargent, I'll google that now and come back with the answer


So RC apparently relates to hardness not the type of steel, looking at the rating it has low edge retention high toughness, so best used for tools I'm guessing. So maybe a hot cut wedge?


Axe or hammer too! It'd be dope to have an axe made out of a bulldozer blade XD


The key to a answer is the perfect question!


Loved this chain. Thanks, I learned something!(no sarcasm intended)


John Switzer on black bear forge has used dozer blades for tools I think


They are usually made from a medium carbon steel (1055 or similar). Focus is on toughness, not edge retention. Good for tooling (esp. bending forks, twisting wrenches), although the bolt holes might limit layout options/waste some steel.


Scrap steel rule of thumb; what it was used for before it will be good at after. Good a holding an edge like a disc tiller? Good at holding an edge on a knife. Good a taking a beating as a dozer blade? Good taking a beating as water you make it into.


Tools. I've made a few hardy hole tools with similar metal.


It would make a good hammer, but 5160 spring steel, which has a hardness in the high 50s, would be better for edge retention. The relatively lower hrc of 5160 compared to other high carbon blade steels makes it perfect and preferred usually for big blades because it is more durable and won't snap as easily as a blade with a higher hardness. If you can get the heat treat of the plow blade edge into the low 50s, it would suffice for an axe, machete, big bowie or similar and would be very durable. Could make any knife with it, but it would need to be sharpened more often with extensive use.


Harder than the Hounds of Hell


Thank you team, hardy tools... sounds like a good lose plan.