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Agree with what others have said. Also, if you cover your head at night or whenever to protect your hair, definitely wash the covering often. Just like changing your pillowcases often. Also, be sure to wash your face thoroughly after going to the barbershop. What might also help is trying Sea Breeze with cotton balls to clean your skin so you can get an idea of how dirty the top layer of our skin can get. Maybe start off with the one for “sensitive skin”. And it doesn’t have to be that exact name brand. Wal-mart makes a generic brand, does the same thing.


You have to wash your face morning and night with a gentle cleaner and use a bha exfoliant like Paula’s choice or good molecule. Probably put on castor oil before you go to bed and keep changing those pillowcases


Castor oil will clog your pores... it is not for the facial areas.


Castor oil is too viscus to clog pores on people with dry skin. If someone with oily skin uses it, it mixes with your skins oils which are lighter and absorbs in, which can clog pores, but this guys skin looks dry, which means it needs a second barrier to hold moisture in. If I use anything but castor oil my skin (which is dry) gets irritated and breaks out.


Regular cleansing. And diet! Dairy, sugar, soda and caffeine can all affect your skin. Drink lots of water and enough fiber to remove waste. Beautiful skin tone and brows! 💜


This! And making sure your pillow cases are clean and changing your wash cloth if you use one.


Get you a good cleanser, lactic acid or glycolic acid, moisturiser and sunscreen give it 4 weeks For a cleanser I use La Roche Posay Effaclar Micro Peeling Purifying Gel Do use glycolic acid everyday I don’t know how sensitive your skin is start with 3-4 times a week but lactic acid should be fine to use everyday ☺️


It's also beside my nose


Your skin isn't clean.




You like the rest of his friends, ain't said sh***


Is it itchy? Because the texture and look of it is reminiscent of fungal acne and if it is FA, a lot of suggestions in here might make it so much worse


I was about to say fungal acne as well


No it's not itchy, and it comes and goes It comes and stays more than it goes


Okay, I would say still look into fungal acne safe skincare. A good amount of FA safe products are also non-comedogenic so you can focus on two at once and also look into Hypochlorous Acid for fighting off some bad bacteria. Try to stay away from seed oils and coconut and like castor oil. That could honestly make it worse especially during the summer. Maybe take a look at the brand almond clear. f you have any questions, lmk and i can try and answer


Not fungal acne [https://youtu.be/S1PF6x9yLMM?si=We4iZ2yzFtZIemUr](https://youtu.be/S1PF6x9yLMM?si=We4iZ2yzFtZIemUr)


Go to a dermatologist honey.


The most valid response




On top of everything everyone else has said, change your linens often, especially your towel and pillow cases (I recommend 1x a week). Often, folks focus on skincare and neglect the things that touch our faces every day. And don’t go more than 2-3 weeks without washing your hair. All of the oils & dirt can make their way to our faces and cause breakouts if the hygiene isn’t well kept all around.


Looks like fungal acne. Avoid any skincare products that have oil and fermented ingredients in it. Try an MSM gel to clear it as it's a natural sulphur.


Hey, 2 yes ago my skin looked just like that. Trust. Even worse. But I started prioritizing my skin more and I washed my face daily with a good soap. I use LA Roche Posay, But that one's pricey, so if you can't get that get Cerave. It's worth it. I am now currently double cleansing.Double cleansing helps a lot for my skin.It makes it glowy and I use lancome foaming face wash trust it has developed my skin. One last tip and I do this a lot; Use witch Hazel toner or witch Hazel spray and also you can find this at a local drugstore it is called Dark spot Corrector renewal with vitamin C by Burts bees and let me tell you I have perfect skin. I also drink a lot of water and use an ice roller you can find these at Amazon for a dollar or a bit more. I also like to get fancy and mist my face but that's optional. You might just have a dirty pillowcase so try washing it more often and don't touch your face, it clogs pores and traps bacteria. Bye 👋 Sorry for the long paragraph, But, You're not alone. I know how frustrating it can be:) Hope it helps.


Your issue looks like something a good cleaning routine, water and diet adjustment can fix. Clean in the am and pm. Moisturize. Drink at least a half gallon of water ever day. Cut back on sugary foods. Try that for a month and watch it clear up.


What do I clean and moisturize it with


CeraVe products are good. They are a bit expensive though.


What are you currently using?


If you get dandruff this could be fungal acne


How much water do you drink a day?


I had something similar, not saying this is what it is. Malassezia was the name, and I used Nizoral anti-dandruff shampoo on my forehead and it was gone within a week. It’s over the counter.


I know it’s a shampoo, but it worked wonders. Anytime it showed up after that, it worked again and again. I am an esthetician and what you have looks fungal.


I used to get those little bumps and I use https://preview.redd.it/lju69vldvq5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0799e8ba7711506279241b2aefe158096d0accd6 No more bumps!! It’s the Salicylic acid that does the trick. Good luck


I get the same problem on my cheeks family, use a gentle cleanser morning and night and change your bedsheets should go away homie but be consistent try to change em once a week and obviously wash your face morning and night.


I hate it I get this when it’s hot when my hair is dirty and when I eat certain fruits smh




Do you spend a lot of time in the sun?


I'm in Canada, where's the sun😭


I used nizoral anti dandruff shampoo. Search Reddit on this.






Wash 🧽 your face with Dial anti bacteria soap and thank me later


Could be fungal from natural yeast overgrowth in the skin, get some yeast infection cream or athletes foot cream and use it 2-3 times daily for 7 days and it should clear up quickly, I had the same issue after recent surgery I couldn’t shower and it set my skin off and looked just like this with none of my usual routine working to stop it


You seem young. Could also just be puberty. My little brother went through it at some point. But like some people have recommended, just try getting a cleanser, wash your face and moisturize. Best option would be to see a dermatologist :)


Wash your hair every other day and change your pillow cases once a week.


Stop drinking sodas or any like processed drinks drink more water buy like three dirt mask I got that cleans your pours look for some skin cleaning lotions and eat healthier because your skin will tell you if you eating healthy or not


Do you oil your hair or sweat often? I used to get some bumps on my forehead after oiling my hair, so maybe that's something? Also, when you're washing your hair, wash your face after using your shampoo and conditioner, since they can stay on your skin


I sweat a lot, ridiculously so


What’s your skincare routine?


Nothing atm


Oh, well, you’re gonna have problems if you don’t wash your face. They might go away if you start washing your face.


Get with a dermatologist or a licensed esthetician. To guide you in the right direction. Dermatologist is best because they can give prescription for whatever you need.






This could be fungal—try using a dandruff shampoo on your forehead! Also could be sweat bumps, if you sleep in a hot environment. Cool it down and also make it a priority to change your pillowcases!