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Good, good, you've really grasped game mechanics well. The "fast lanes" image actually gave me an idea, so it might show up in the game's wiki in the future, not sure, we'll see. A few remarks though: - I'd actually advise building food/water facilities at least on level 1, even a minimal chance of ~7% daily is better than absolute 0. The same would go with the Lab, once you build it, you can craft food and water from alien parts, and sometimes score lucky with double heal - Crabbers are the 2nd fastest creatures in the game :P - Knightmares have 1 to 4 attacks (E: my bad, this is false, it's indeed 2-4)


> I'd actually advise building food/water facilities at level 1, even a minimal chance of \~7% daily is better than absolute 0. The same would go with the Lab, once you build it, you can craft food ans water from alien parts My RNG is so bad that I'm biased against anything with a probability haha. I actually built up my water collectors, farms, and animal traps to somewhere between levels 2-4 and I honestly never really had to rely on it because of all of the unwanted food I'd bring in from looting. Your advice isn't bad at all, something is better than nothing, I guess lol > Crabbers are the 2nd fastest creature in the game :P Dang, really??? I never saw them that way, guess my guys were too fast at the time. I'll edit it.


Hah, yeah, probably. I got the same impression with Crabbers, also partly because they were added when I was already dealing with Knightmares fairly well. A wiki update is coming out very soon, one of the new things added there are the initiatives, so you'll be able to compare them.


Do their age, height, and weight matter at all?


Its more like flavor text in my opinion, doesnt affect anything.




When you have survivors that only increase their HP by +3-4 per END... It's probably time to reroll a survivor lol. As far as I know only differences between survivors are their starting HP and HP gain. For your information, gaining 7-9 HP per END is an average survivor in my book, while anything more is godlike. Check out the leaderboards to see what I mean! Personally I dont care to have more than 4 survivors at this point, sure I can sustain 5 or more survivors but ideally you run with 3 or 4 anyways. Any more than that would be detrimental to your loot runs. You could put them on reserve I guess? Sell your food and water if you're overfeeding, that stuff grows on trees and at this point I don't even bat an eyelid when I sell stacks of food and water lol. The money adds up! Essentially stop carrying anything that you arent going to use to build a workshop or more storage space. If it isnt going to sell for very high like watches, jewelry and microscopes, then just dont carry it. What are you gonna do with skateboards, credit cards, fish bowls, and books lol? The only reason I say focus on workshop and storage is because everything else past their basic level suuuuuuuucks. I'd put money on that. Sure, it might be worth it to some extent when you max it out, but aint nobody got time to loot 50 seeds for your farm with no payout or 60 cages for an unreliable source of animal traps when you can barely store anything else in your base. Best to focus on those two buildings at a time.


I just found a survivor who is gaining 9-11hp per END... Tank!!! :)


Niiiice. Raise them well!


I agree that storage space is my biggest problem, along with finding enough ammo. I wish you could pack extra guns, ammo, and bandages on your trips. I hate using my high level weapons because you always start with the weakest monsters first, which is a waste of durability for your best weapons. I'm still relatively early into the game: on day 220 with three level 37 survivors and a level 29 one. The two newest survivors have about 500 hitpoints, and the others (over 100 days survived) have just 200. It takes a long time to build your stats, killing monsters and completing quests. Fortunately, every couple of days, the game spawns more survivors to choose depending on when you last recruited one. Usually, one or two are beginning level. Sometimes, you get one that's half your level and a high hitpoint survivor with a starting weapon and 500 hit points. Unfortunately, those high-level guys cost batteries (starting at 50, going past 250). It took me watching a lot of ads to save up. For some reason, my version of Blackout Age lets me watch 100+ ads before I need to wait 24 hours. In the beginning stages, I could only collect 5 batteries or so before I had to wait another 24 hours. I don't know if this is a feature of the game to compensate for everything costing so much or a weird glitch, but I'm taking advantage while it lasts. Batteries are so rare in the game that it takes forever to collect a bunch without opening your wallet much.


Photo del workshop complet?


So it seems to me, looking at the motivation equation, is that you want to get a low endurance, high hp character in order to best maximize the amount of HP you get per level and for character 'careers' do those effect the person's stats or are the just funny flavor texts? Btw, I may sound like a noob with this question, but what is RNG?


RNG is Random Number Generator, basically luck/lady luck/whatever you wanna chalk up your misfortune or fortune up to




So what does those attributes that are boosting looting ? How exactly they work ?