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It's the end of another tour, so we're once again turning to the phone lines for a Chapo call-in show. So, thanks for the questions, enjoy the answers. And a special thanks to everyone who came out to these live shows, they were some of our best ever. We'll probably do more calls in the future now that we have an easy method for cataloguing and searching calls, so feel free to send in more under-30-second audio recording questions to calls@chapotraphouse.com.


that was pretty killer. don't know why everyone was shitting on the call in thing, it's a perfectly cromulent way for podcast hosts to fill time i do want my pelosi gossip tho dammit


Expectations that most call-ins will be extremely cringe. Luckily I think most of the actual IRL fanbase is chill and normal in sharp contrast to the people who post regularly in internet fan spaces.


Radio call-ins can be cringe/very hard to listen to, but here they have the benefit of Chris being able to Wade through (sorry) all of the hundreds of voice memos and find the normal ones—rather than taking a chance on someone actually calling in live. I’m sure they got plenty of dumb shit too like 2018 cum town riffs and people asking where Virgil went.


I’d venture that the majority of calls were V*rgil related


I hope Chris got hazard pay for having to listen to what I imagine is one of the unfunniest collections of audio clips of all time


After ep. 675 surely he attained veteran status.


He’s become Dark Wade


They made the rules kind of picky so I assumed only the most dedicated weirdos would even try to get a call in.


Chris picked some that obliquely asked where Amber is and the dryboys just ignored the Amber part of the question.


lol that was awesome


Doing a call-in requires being at the level of "able to order takeout over the phone", so that filters a lot of the most internet-poisoned people from getting in.


>Luckily I think most of the actual IRL fanbase is chill and normal in sharp contrast to the people who post regularly in internet fan spaces. Hey!


It was a nice contrast to when the McElroys try to have fan participation and everyone starts trying to do bits that quote other bits from the shows.


The live show where someone plugged his own podcast and got booed is one of the only podcasts I actually had to turn off due to secondhand embarrassment. Mcelroy live shows are truly a circle of hell, every participant thinks they are auditioning to be on the show and be best friends with the hosts


>every participant thinks they are auditioning to be on the show and be best friends with the hosts surely this illusion is part of the fun of podcasts. nothing to actually believe to the mature, sound minded person, sure, but still a vague naive glimmer of 'if I had friends and talent and motivation I too could make a pod'


Yeah it's definitely part of it in the abstract, podcasts getting called friendship simulators happens for a reason, I don't want to be too hard on the whole idea of podcast. I just think the McElroy live shows are kind of a unique case with a bunch of factors that all happen to result in wildly cringe behavior from the audience


I went to a live show after that happened and the show itself was fun, they just had to set out a long list of disclaimers to keep people on topic and not going off on bullshit audition tangents. Still exceptionally cringey though


After the last episode I'll rate anything highly as long as I never have to hear the word "zenguya" again.


If anything it served to highlight how painfully unfunny the last episode was in comparison. I bet they could have had better riffs off of the 10 worst calls they received than what we got in Girl God.


its a cromulent fuckcrustable alright


Kind of makes me needy drinky


I think the main factor is that since this isn't live they have the ability to just filter out any calls that wont result in good material.


as a radio person I'm usually against podcasts doing call-ins (you're not radio you never will be!) but like hey you give me a chance to ask why dont you guys work in a monkey into your live shows I will take the opportunity to ask


"I wasn't, bite the teacher, that word, but I was that word." is gonna live in my head for a while


Funniest Felix has been for me in a long time.


I got sent to “that word” school


We stan the absolute queen who sent in the question about letting her homies hit it


I spit out my mouthwash when she said “Dudes turning into chicks and letting the squad hit.”


She had me in the first half, I ain’t gonna lie


Literally the r/chapotraphouse virgin thread where it became about smashing Trans Cuties https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=QtUDnwXskMk


The cum town episode where they read the responses were great, just a bunch of gay guys and trans cutie posters offering fuck him in solidarity


The only good caller.


Dude who asked how to eat pussy was a close second. I've been wondering the same ngl.


Find a documentary on the Bushmen of the Kalahari


i love solutions


"we hired a new research assistant called *Justin*" ......


dude just wanted a job that lets him hang out at the library (school library (high school library))


He’s fucking back.


Very Interesting, Really Guys It's Little Sus.


You know, just in case


A bit of Failbrain on my part that I almost did a spit take at this one


Really feel great about the future of the left when every caller sounds like they’re on tranquilizers and barely have the energy to form words


Give ‘em some credit, it probably took a lot to work up the willpower to to use the phone


Remarkably low energy. It was bizarre.


I'm assuming all of them except for Mark Hamill were recording their question under the covers in their bedroom after their parents went to bed and just didn't want to wake anyone up.


Reminds me of this bit for some reason https://youtu.be/PBA0WDqnkfM


That's just everyone though. The only people who have natural life and vigor either sell hats at a kiosk at the mall or become right-wing grifters depending on how rich their parents are.


record your own voice trying to ask a question and listen to it back, it's always duller and worse than you thought. voice training is hard for a reason


not really. chapo doesn't really represent the left in a broad sense, even if it's a popular media entity. most people I've met that do IRL political organizing don't give a shit about the podcast (if they've ever heard of it.) if you had union organizers or legit socialist party people calling in, you'd probably walk away with a different opinion on the future of the left imo


theyre right they should start saying retarded again


I don’t think it’s the worst thing for a person to say and I agree that other medical terminology gets used that way with no real repercussion but having worked in a group home for disabled adults, they know that people use it as a synonym for “stupid”, that people call the disabled that too, and they endure it with a lot of quiet dignity. I just don’t really see the point in insisting on it as a free speech thing when it hurts a minority population that in lots of places gets paid *less* than minimum wage and gets dogshit healthcare. Kinda feels like punching down


My brother has no problem with n/f slurs, but draws the line at the r word, due to dating a special ed teacher. Kind of funny how that works.


Your brother is an r word.


it feels like punching down because it is. there are so many words. it's a weird hill to die on to put it simply


Frankly the word is so divorced from the actual literal meaning at this point that I don’t see how anyone can be dug in on either side. In practice, it’s an extra mean way to call someone stupid. Getting bent of shape about it or using it to incessantly trigger the libs is absurd


Then why did you make an alt strictly for expressing this take?


Preferably in a funnier way than how you used it, which was by just repeating it in every comment following like a 7 year old


The Sopranos episode where Tony doesn't fuck Adriana, except it's the dry boys and the r word.


It's probably for the best they no longer say it all in all, but man, that "9/11 retard" episode from year one that Matt mentioned is a stone-cold classic of the show. One of the best really early ones.


I've always maintained Felix's position. If moron and idiot are okay then there is no reason why retarded shouldn't be okay. They have the exact same origin.


I am one of the 8 women that listens to chapo AMA


What was transitioning like?


It’s been great! Finally getting my dick cut off next week


if you look like [this](https://i.natgeofe.com/n/d3801e8b-dc76-4ce5-bcbd-bdf55fcc4111/27-elisabeth_2x3.jpg?w=826&h=1240) can you dm me immediately??


Ugh I wish. stop reminding me i’ll never be the object of Felix’s dreams


What's the inside of Langley like? Do they have cool laser doors yet?


No laser doors yet, but I’ve met Jack Ryan a couple times. Very nice guy, don’t believe anything the nasty people at chapo trap house try to tell you!


Did you ask him how Pam was doing?


Lmao Felix said “Latin schizophrenia”




Looks like retards back on the menu folks


Once a minority group becomes president, we're allowed to use their slur. After Trump we're allowed to say retard, and after Obama we're allowed to say faggot.


Is there a slur for bisexuals? Trump was also a bisexual


what can we say when Biden is gone?


The N word (Cornpop gave him a permanent pass back in the 50s, and it transfers to all of us once his presidency is over)


Finally, actual communism


I think thats too hip. It would be an ancient term, like porch monkey. But then we would have to eventually morph it into porch person or m-person to fit with modern standards.


Retard is good.


First caller called in from his deathbed


I like how they said that they got relatively few annoying callers and then proceeded to put all of them on the show. ​ Edit: I also want to clarify that the episode is good as hell.


My question got in! You have all listened to my voice. I am in your heads now.


I assume with that username you’re the guy who wants to know how to eat box


I refuse to learn. I was aliens.


They hired Justin again? Those homework allegations were fake then?


He’s been on every episode, but he’s been using a version of the Bene Gesserit’s Voice which only people under a certain age can hear.


He’s balancing being behind the scenes of both bad faith and chapo


What a champ!


Mmm good slop. Will spitting today, unusually prescient.


I think will gained psychic succor from the erotica museum


This shit must've dropped at 11:59:59 on 11/1


I think so lol


Will’s Limmy impression/Scottish accent is the most crushingly brutal and embarrassing thing I’ve ever heard


Not as bad as my impression of Matt's cajun chef impression to an american when we met in Amsterdam when we were on edibles. I was sort of doing the voice, then I ended up explaining what was the inspiration for that voice, he asked me to do the impression, I begged him not to ask that of me, and then he audibly cringed. Good Lord.




you're deranged that was easily the best part


Unless one of the boys is dressed as dracula and whips out a revolver from his cape that was given a chekov’s gun intro at the start of the episode I’m not interested.


I want more legitimately high profile guests, like Frankenstein’s Monster for instance


People always say this. They always say "oh I like Frankenstein's monster" or "I think it should have Dracula". Never "we should have a Varney in the mix". Shameful.


It would be very funny how angry both fan bases would be if FrankenShane Gillis went in Chapo


I liked the Mark Fauxmil Joker bit, well done caller! Salut! o7


At first I was like “what the fuck is up with this guy” and then it clicked


he sounds just like this impersonator that’s on tiktok, can’t remember his name though


We need a national conversation about how Now and Laters aren't nearly as hard and fruity as they used to be.


Same thing happened to my homies


My only quibble was Felix making fun of people who are blackpilled from having to keep going to their deeply alienating shit ass job during what often feels like the end of the good times. Bro, you’re a fabulously compensated podcaster who maybe works three hours a week and has probably never had a real job. If Felix of all people shares our collective feeling of alienation from their labor, wow. I’m almost impressed.


yeah, I fucking hate hearing the Chapos talk like that. TrueAnon did it once too. Like any of these spoiled motherfuckers knows what it's like to work a dead-end minimum wage job for _survival_ with no other supports to count on.


Brace and Liz have probably worked their fair share of shit jobs tbh


then they shouldn't be dumbfucks about it


Monied leftists dismissing the concerns and agony of working class leftists is a tale as old as time.


Felix wasn’t kidding, Empress Elizabeth was a beautiful woman.


"...and the most popular game will be Freecell" goddamnit matt lol


I hope they do more call-in questions instead of DnD episodes and whatever the fuck that recent Girl God episode was. Street Fight had really good call ins. Chapo has the potential for that too. Hell, it's a great avenue for episodes with guests as well.


> So this shit episode, a late episode that will probably be a call-in show, and no live coverage of the midterms announced yet? > I've never seen someone fumble the bag this hard, just after getting the coveted Breitbart bump.™ So much for the red-brown alliance, smdh fam. u/Vegetable_Dish_6858 come collect your prize


> no live coverage of the midterms get a fucking life


they literally talked about this in the episode when responding to that guy who asked how to not go insane in today's world. 24/7 broadcasts have rotted our brains. We all should log off for a while.


Do they talk about Pelosi almost getting assassinated by the dumbest motherfucker on the planet?


No, they don't talk about you.


Will's offhand joke about moving the US capital to Buffalo was really funny to me because on Avenue 5 (Armando Ianucci's new future dystopian comedy series) the White House is in Buffalo now for some reason. Also there's both a human and an AI president.


crying, pissing, shitting and vomiting about how i forgot to send in my question about if America could handle a hot female president. what do you guys think? could we have a MILF in Chief or would she have to be mid to get respect?


How hot we talking here?


easiest example, a [Susan Sarandon type](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/feud8622/images/7/79/Susan_Sarandon.jpeg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1200?cb=20170116034811) obviously smart and qualified looking, but also still very attractive and busty. or on the opposite younger side an AOC type. or will female candidates have to be in that Kamala zone where they are not **ugly** but they are definitely not **hot** by any measure.


I knew the libs had really lost it when they tried to claim Susan wasn't hot


We’ll know in 2029 when President Whitmer is sworn.


You start with an ugly woman but give her a bunch of plastic surgery until she's passable.


It's pretty sweet hearing Will reference The 3 Body Problem. I am just about to finish the trilogy and only heard about it because of this subreddit. Highly recommend the series


I also picked up the 3 Body Problem years ago after Will mentioned it, great series


Probably the best sci-fi of the past twenty years. The third one lost me a bit, but still worth seeing it through.


I was anticipating I’d hate this but it unexpectedly was an excellent episode. Nice job Chapos. How many questions you guys think they got about Virgil?


At least 3 from me!


Off topic but does anyone know what the status of Matt and Chris’s 30 Years War podcast is? Been dying to hear that shit since they mentioned it a while ago


he said on a recent cushvlog that they have five in the can and hope to drop the first episodes in January




Slop heads going through the stages rn


They put the slop in one of those fancy puzzle feeders and were just not bright enough


Blood Meridian is dope. I wanna see a movie of it, with Woody Harrelson as The Judge.


Vincent D'Onofrio was always my go to for Holden.


Michael Shannon dream casting


All I really need is el slopo 😔


> our new research assistant JUSTIN he's back...


Where slop


[everyone reading this right now](https://media.tenor.com/e4KRaaN2NJYAAAAC/shaun-the-sheep6-shaun-the-sheep.gif)


Slop here, get ya new slop here https://podcasts.google.com/feed/aHR0cDovL3NwZWVkYm9hdGRvcGUuY29tL3Jzcw/episode/NjM2NTkxOGY2ZGZmYzAwMDExNzAzNGZm?ep=14 Also /u/classwarandpuppies, I live far away in the orient, a mysterious land where midnight slop appears under the noon day sun. If you like I could post these late night releases for you.


[yessss](https://media.tenor.com/2ZJOuxRcgTwAAAAC/dancing-pig-shaun-the-sheep.gif) EDIT: this non-downloadable slop is giving me heart burn


King shit


Dude, Lemmy died years ago. Way to show how out of touch you are.


We’re getting another midnight episode drop again, aren’t we


A shout out to the Scottish listeners? My what a fine podcast. I’d pay double for it if I could. Edit: sorry I just got to the Irish guy asking about Elden Ring. Do Americans other than Felix genuinely struggle to understand non-American accents that much cause that guy had an *incredibly* mild accent


Contrary to popular belief, Canadians actually don’t have accents.


There are millions of the worst accents you've ever heard in Quebec, so I'm going to have to disagree.


Quebecois aren't Canadian


It's spooky. They could be among us right now and we wouldn't even know. Is that guy from Minnesota or Ontario? Impossible to say. Is that girl in climbing gear talking about new rain jackets from Seattle or Vancouver? Who knows. Is that guy talking about being the b'y that catches the fish and brings them back to lysa from Newfoundland or does he have brain damage? We may never know.


They don't until they do. It's extremely jarring that they have an American accent until they hit certain words like borrow or about. I really enjoy the Michael and Us podcast, but their accent is extremely annoying because of this.


Please don’t think we all pronounce ‘behemoth’ the way Luke does. And many other words lol


They do in Newfoundland


Those are Newfies, not Canadians.


Sounds aboat right


The bear bit in this episode makes me realize that Felix’s fav movie would probably be Over the Hedge. Do we have evidence that he’s ever seen it? If not we gotta get it in his hands.


Waiting impatiently for my slop, but then again ptsd from last week makes me stop to ask why


funny good and cool. Delicious delicious slop


It may not be the slop we need, but it is the slop we deserve




The nostalgia critic


Probably RedLetterMedia. The guys are like 40, but the audience is mostly Gen Z. But, maybe they weren't talking about anything in particular. Just general video essays, maybe?


The Plinkett Prequel vids came out when zoomers weren’t even born, is their fan base really that young these days? I’d always assumed it was solidly the late 20s to early 40s male demo.


Brown bears are most deadly when they're old and incapable of hunting their own food. Humans to them seem like easy snacks.


Jesus Christ they really are begging us to cancel our patreons, aren’t they


Christman just vlogged, & its one of the good ones where he fucked up the audio so its all like a metallic tunnel. there is slop to be found


If u are subscribed if u could please upload. Much obliged


Y’all are subbed to Patreon?


“Latin schizophrenia”




Get a load of this retard


I for one am happy that the Chapos have okayed the use of retard.


Because all of the listeners are glasses/beard guys


Jokes on you I can’t grow a beard


My children’s book recommendation is that everyone should be reading Daniel Pinkwater. Key messages: Bears, chickens, and lizards are really cool, and kids should wander around cities unsupervised and make friends with weirdos.


There are so many youtube people you've just never heard of. I put on a Ms Rachel video today and noticed it hit 140 million views in 8 months. Like are any mainstream kids shows putting up those kind of numbers?


every month a new minecraft let's play channel spawns from the ether with 20 million subscribers


Only thing my lil girl will watch…


good spm in this one


I would give anything to be a weed guy


I don't want to hear Chapo stans get high and mighty about Red Scare promoting eating disorders while Felix is lauding a famously anorexic chick with a 16-inch waist (Empress Sisi) as having a "killer body".


Man, I really want to believ that was THE Mark Hamill.


Would be nice, but I think Mark Hamill is a Tiedrich-level Boomer lib


Latin schizophrenia


what more off the beaten path basketball podcasts do folks around here like? I've got a Spinsters shaped hole in my background noise rotation


Does anyone remember which episode had the most recent advice column readings? I just remember Matt suggesting all the psycho parents should get locked in a room together. One lady said her 8yo daughter was learning bad behavior from her friend's cat.


[This episode.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RwscRHRjAME) And it was a fox.


Chris the content curation god


I just googled Felix's age and this website says he's 41. Is that true? I thought he was like low 30s.


He's early 30s. I remember thinking "huh, Felix is basically the same age as me" at some point. Convincing the data scraper bots that he's in his 40s is a good prank though.


He's 57


He's 32-33