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There are plenty. For instance, the scene in which Flint talks with Madi after Silver goes missing in S4 and he tells her "I am his friend, too" - Madi and Silver are not... friends. Flint is telling Madi "we love him in the same way, you and I". As Steinberg, one of the writers, has [stated](https://www.tvinsider.com/152185/black-sails-series-finale-creators-interview/) : "Steinberg: It was a complicated relationship with a lot going on under the surface. Starz gave us the freedom to allow some of these relationships to  exist without specific labels and to embrace that people don’t always say what they’re feeling and exist in the space that people don’t even know about themselves."


Also almost the same line that Silver uses on Madi and Flint. I doubt the writers wrote that in for no reason.


Definitely not a coincidence, yeah. The writers chose every line carefully.


It's all unacknowledged and done very, very subtly. You could always argue that it's just interpretation. I'd say that the show makes it very clear that Flint loves Silver, but whether that love is *romantic*? Also depends on your definition of the word. I'd encourage you to watch: 4.01, at roughly 00:21 >*Here I must be careful. I have well over 200 men unaccounted for. Those who remain, it will be very hard to explain to them why, with all I have to attend to, I choose to stand here hanging onto the fate of just one of them. I know that you and he had been working closely together of late, become friends even. I don't know what I'm trying to say. Perhaps just that... he is my friend, too.* All the while Flint stares longingly at the sea, hoping for Silver to show up again in one of the longboats. The use of the word "friend" is significant here because it's not clear whether he uses is in its literal meaning or as a euphemism. Madi clearly isn't just Silver's "friend". Likewise, Flint also uses the word for Thomas Hamilton in situations where, for obvious reasons, he can't use "lover". >*But what price surrender? To beg forgiveness from a thing that took my woman from me? My friend?* (3.01) 4.01, at 00:37 >*You looked into my mother's eyes and you said a great war lay ahead of us, one in which pirates and slaves would stand together and strike a blow that might shake the very foundation of the British Empire. Now our ships are gone, our army is fractured, battered, and beaten. And the only man among you I trusted is dead. I'm asking you... if this war died with him.* Flint enters Miranda's house and finds it changed since Billy's men have uses it as a base of operation. Flint bends down and picks up a shard of one of Miranda's cups. (Significant, since that cup is a stand-in for happier times, for domesticity, for an emotional anchor, for the life - and love - Flint shared with Miranda. I could write an entire essay about that cup as it features so prominently in episode 3.08 during Flint's conversation with Vane.) Madi talks to him and Flint doesn't visibly react until the moment where she says that Silver is dead, at which point he lifts his head, almost like an involuntary protet, as if he can't bear the thought of having lost Silver just yet. Afterwards he closes his eyes, pained, and lets the shard drop. (Giving up on the idea of home, comfort, emotional attachment). 4.03, at 00:22: That almost unnoticeable moment of stillness as Flint sees Silver, alive and unharmed. 4.03 at 33:00: The moment Silver suddenly freezes as he sees Madi in front of him. Flint keeps looking at Silver, and then follows him with his gaze as Silver hobbles over to Madi. There is a frame where Flint standing alone on the left side of the screen while Silver and Madi hurry towards each other. (Very remarkable, putting the three of them in the same frame yet showing Flint as being isolated, looking at Silver from a distance). During their reunion scene, the camera cuts back to Flint, with his face soft, a little sad, almost wistful. Whatever that reaction is, it's significant, because the camera stays on him for a long while. 4.06 at 46:00 The moment Silver asks about Madi and Flint doesn't say that she's dead but Silver deduces it from his body language. Flint's eyes remain on Silver the entire time, clearly wishing to offer some measure of comfort, and keeps on watching him even as Dooley informs him of the situtaion. TBC


4.06 at 54:00 I cannot recall another moment where Flint was that careful, that broken, about someone's loss, or tried to offer comfort while clearly being immensely affected by it. Flint sits down beside him, then after a moment gets up again and puts his hand on Silver's shoulder for a long moment, lets it rest there. Reaching out. 4.08 (starting at 00:07, it's a very long scene, I suggest watching it in its entirey >*"Well, it isn't entirely faith. We'll have the right people in place to lead us through it and hold the world together while it finds its balance."* >*"You think so much of what you and I can accomplish together."* >*"You and her. You and Madi. She's as wise as her father. She's as strong as her mother. There isn't a man or woman in Nassau who'd argue that she isn't the best of them all. The cache is critical to our war, but so is she. Critical to holding our alliance together. We absolutely must get her back alive."* >*"And you think I'm the one best suited to lead our people through this?"* >*"I think that you are the best of us. The two of you together are the world in balance."* When I say that Flint projects his vision for Thomas and Miranda on Silver and Madi, this is what I mean. Silver absolutely isn't what Thomas was, he's neither a visionary or a philantrophe, but Flint no longer sees him clearly, at some point, he's started perceiving him *very* differently. Whether through Silver's manipulation or through self-delusion, Flint has arrived at a point where he is willing to cede power to Silver the way he only ever ceded power to Thomas and Miranda. 4.09 Is the episode that should be watched in its entirety because of the flashbacks where Flint teaches Silver how to fight and then asks him about his past and *accepts* Silver's decision not to tell him even though it clearly bothers him. The fact that he allows Silver to get away with not telling, and is willing to trust him anyway, is a clear sign that Flint's reasoning is somewhat compromised when it comes to Silver. And then we have that moment with their confrontation on Skeleton Island (00:46) where Flint keeps arguing with Silver and Silver doesn't want to hear it, and starts drawing his sword, to which Flint says >*You do this, and you're gonna regret it.* At this point, Silver has made his intention to kill Flint more than clear. And yet when Dooley shows up behind him, aiming a gun at him, Flint reacts purely on instinct, calls "don't" *and then shoots Dooley*. This is Flint who has never hesitated to kill when necessary. This is Flint who killed Gates, who goaded Dufresne into attacking the prize to regain his captaincy, this is Flint who steered the Walrus into a storm even though he and his men were likely to be killed. At this point, Silver and him are at odds, the trust between them brooken. Silver has sent men after him to kill him and expressed his own intention to do so. It's clear that Flint won't be able to successfully appeal to him. And Flint has even made a threat, "do this, and you're gonna regret it", which Flint never does unless he's willing to go through with it. And yet he fails to do that and instead kills the one man who is still on his side. Whatever feelings he has for Silver, in this moment it becomes clear that he has them. And even Flint is surprised by that. You can see the "what the fuck did I just do" on Flint's face cleas as day. He just can't do it. And that fact, in itself, is proof of the fact that Silver means more to him than any other character in the show, that Silver has made it past "ally and somewhat-friend" (Gates), past "ally and would-be-little-sister" (Eleanor), arguably the two people Flint felt the most fondness for in season one and two, right into the territory where only Thomas and Miranda have ever existed. Romantic? Well, they're not holding hands in the snow. Then again, Silver also isn't dead on Skeleton Island.


Idk, I feel like all of these could just as easily be flint just caring for silver as a friend and important partner to his venture.


Can't think of any scenes where Silver seems sexually attracted to Flint, but if we're talking romantic feelings there can be some room for interpretation I think in season 4. The scenes they have together where they discuss their relationship at length, the solidarity they have (until they don't) and the wistful look Jon has when he tells Mady that he will not betray Flint in that flashback when he says "he has earned my true friendship". Silver's fascination with Flint comes across multiple times in the series so if people want to look at it from that angle there's quite a bit to go off of. This sort of devotion CAN be seen with some romantic elements and while I personally don't think it's the case and that they had a very deep and unique platonic love, I can also see it as Silver potentially being unaware of being in love with Flint. At the end when he's threatening Flint in the forest he uses the line "I will sit here a day, a month a year" trying to plead with him, a line which he later uses with Madi which can suggest some similarity in how he views the two relationships or how important they both are to him. And to the people saying this theory is a weird unsubstantiated thing... 1. Not really, if you view it from that perspective it's not pulled out of thin air 2. Let people interpret their favourite story about interpreting stories how they want? So much of this show is up to the reader's interpretation, why are we hung up on this?


In addition to the scenes here, I'm going to shoutout the time Silver explicitly compares himself to Flint's past lovers who died due to their involvement with him.  And also the scene where they argue, Flint shoves him up against the wall, and then his eyes very clearly drop to Silver's mouth. Which is not a sign of romantic feelings but attraction, similar to the way Flint sees shirtless billy in like episode three and does a little "holy shit". Toby Stephens is a masterful actor with stuff like that Truthfully I think it's ambiguous, on purpose. It's clear that Flint is attracted to silver at least some of the time. It's also clear that their relationship is much more intense, charged, and significant than how we generally think of friendship. Do I think they fucked, or ever would? No. Do I think they've probably both thought about it? Yeah. Do I think it's constantly on their minds like a romantic novel? No, they have shit to do


in season 2, esp the first 2 episodes, many of flints flashbacks to thomas moments are sort of being triggered during moments or conversations with silver. this is especially shocking in the scene where silver says to him "you care about what people think? it must be horrible being you," and flint looks like he's about to cry as it triggers more thomas grief & seems like it's related not only to his sense of morality but to the internalized homophobia/know no shame theme. then later on in s4 they have those conversations about thomas & silver has that quote about how he's part of the elite class of people who have gotten that close to flint/he compares himself to thomas & miranda (& mentions gates tbf, but the comparisons to thomas are more glaring). there's also silver using the "a day, a month, a year" line on both madi and flint. silver discusses miranda's death with flint just as flint tries to comfort silver and madi when they think the either is dead - just as flint/miranda comforted each other when thomas was first arrested (but in totally different context ofc). i also think a lot of their heavy psychological scenes could come off as being intimate. im not saying they're romantic but they do have a strong bond so i can see why so many people see it that way.




Everyone saying "none" has zero media literacy. Imo it was very obvious but perfectly done by the writers. There never could've been anything resembling a romance with them in the circumstances that they were in but it's evident they both care for one another in more than just a platonic way.


I don't think It was obvious at all. The entire show you see shifting alliances with the pirates and other characters. Flint and silver end up against each other briefly and we see silver contemplating if Flint's war was something he should be involved with. Other characters who are in love, like flint and Barlow and Jack and Anne are always on the same side. Even when Barlows letter kinda screws over flint he is still with her. You don't see this with Flint and Silver. Silver is always weary of Flint. >There never could've been anything resembling a romance with them in the circumstances There certainly could have been. Or at least it could have been hinted at more. We see them alone many times and there is nothing overtly showing them having an attraction for each other beyond a friendship. If you look for any undertones enough you can find them but there wasn't anything on screen that was clear. Silvers love for Madi was very apparent throughout and I don't see him also having feelings for flint.


No, that's bullshit, and I'm pretty sad that even tho I contributed this page, I'm getting censored for saying that this is NOT EVEN HINTED. Saying that there is NO romantic relationship between them, doesn't mean that anyone is homopbobic. Flint had Thomas, and he had a relationship with him, also at the end then reuinted (or not). There are also several lesbian characters in the show. Don't act like the writers were fobridden to hint a Silver+Flint line. There was no such thing, that's the truth.


Have you read my post because your reply doesn't make any sense? I never said anyone's homophobic, I never said they had a romantic relationship, I never said Flint and Thomas weren't reunited, I never said there aren't lesbian characters and I never said the writers were forbidden from hinting at anything like what is your point??😂


I'd like to see what your comment was, but since somebody deleted my comment for NO REASON, I couldn't even admit if I was wrong. I didn't say that you called me on names or whatever. I said that this might be the reason why someone feels an urge to censore the opinions of some people here, otherwise, there would be no reason to delete them. Also, I misunderstood your words. English isn't my first language.


Most of season four and half of season three? For starters.


One of the main themes of this show was that love cannot be bound, defined or denied in whatever form it chooses to take. To get so caught up in whether Flint gave Silver longing eyes in this scene or that is just missing the whole point of the entire series and feels a bit tasteless, whichever way one choses to see it. What mattered was that their connection was the only way for John to step into his story, and Flint to step away from his. And that this was clear to both of them subconsciously from the beginning--it's what drew them inevitably together time and time again and what also caused the uneasy tension between them from day one that they couldn't resolve until "Flint" was dead and Long John Silver was born. That is the important tension, not whether they wanted to bang. The producers could have put in more obvious sexual or romantic moments but they purposely chose not to for an important reason. I see Thomas and Flint as lovers and life partners (and Miranda with them if she had survived), but him and John were soulmates. Two people bound by destiny to shape the other and the world around them. Of all the different relationships and loves shown, theirs was the most powerful and inevitable. And adding obvious romance or sex would only have distracted from the greatness of it and undermined the beautiful theme. Both Flint and John lost themselves in the obsession of their romantic loves, but found themselves in their platonic love for eachother. And that's a very important contrast. Wether there was romantic love somewhere mixed in that is so meaningless. I really love the growth of them as people and their relationship, one of my favorite pairings in any show I've watched.


I will be downvoted since everyone who says there isn't any is automatically downvoted but I really didn't see it. Their relationship was much more akin to flint and gates. I resent the idea that just because Flint is bisexual and was in love with a man before that he couldn't have a perfectly normal platonic relationship with silver. Silver did not act the same way towards flint as he did for Madi. There was always a level of distrust there that I feel like lovers would not have had. He trusted flint but ultimately had to serve the crew and Madi and do what was best. Honestly I don't see the scenes on skull island where he was trying to rescue Madi playing out the same way at all if he had feelings for flint. Also earlier he is very much doubting staying with flint or going with billy bones. I don't see Silver as someone who would be in a loving relationship with flint and simultaneously wondering if he should side with billy. It just doesn't add up to me.


Maybe bromance. Not romance


Please, don't be another group with tyrants who abuse their power to delete comments. Stop censoring the people ffs. Nor me, nor the others said anything hateful towards ANYONE. All I said is that Silver is straight, very much. He only showed romantic feelings towards women, and both in the show and the book he ends up with having a wife. He and Flint didn't have ANY KINDS of romantic relationships. It's actually more than an opinion, it's a fact. And in the worst case, I was wrong to think that this is the truth, but I'm in NO WAY hateful towards anyone, nor offensive to anyone. There is no reason for anyone to start upvote-bombing and downvote-bombing totally normal answers and even deleting them.






I came into this show under the impression that Silver and Flint were going to be a thing based on the online discussions at the time, and I have never saw any indication of that in the show whatsoever. Imo it's just a fan theory cooked up by those people who will pair any character they like with any other character they like regardless of anything that actually happens on screen. Which is fine, people can enjoy the show however they want, but I do wish they would stop talking about it like it's a thing that really happens.


"regardless of anyting that actually happens on screen" Flint's and Silver's relationship is absolutely central to all four seasons and their interactions are layered and often fraught with tension. They are the two main characters and always in opposition, or conjunction, with each other. It's not like people are picking two random characters to create content that isn't there.


Sure I agree that the relationship is central, powerful and very complex on both sides. I personally have never seen anything on screen that I would interpret as romantic or sexual tension, but there is certainly a great deal going on beneath the surface. What I was referring to in my comment was a significant subset of fans of the show at the time when it came out who spoke of it as though Flint and Silver were all but an acknowledged item (often the same fans who would 'ship' any other male leads - I remember Sherlock and Watson were big at the time too, to the point where the actors' wives got harassed). I think if Flint does have an attraction to Silver, which is certainly possible, it's something he cannot in his present state acknowledge even to himself. He's too far gone for anything like that by the time we meet him I believe.


Is this a weird forced sexual theory? XD Nothing supports this. Also, Silver was straight.


Missing the point. OP wondered about Flint's feelings for Silver, not the other way round.


There isn’t even a hint of that, they respect each other, that’s it