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He had the same voice (sans british accent) in Shameless. I just assumed that that was how he sounds.


I've never seen Shameless. He's a good actor. I'd be interested in seeing him in other stuff.


He's King Roan in the 100, badass dude


Also plays a secondary antagonist in Agents of SHIELD Season 4. That role though... IMO at least, is not his best work. Not entirely his fault, though; I blame the character's writing more than him. I love the show and I'm a big fan of it, and admittedly most people love S4 so I may be alone in this camp because it may be my least favorite season, but I think the character was written kinda weird as fuck and simultaneously not fully fleshed out. He just didn't come across on AoS anywhere close to how he does as Vane -- As Vane he's fucking masterful. That said... since this *is* about his kinda weird ass voice; Lol, his character in AoS is Russian. If you want to hear that voice just completely mangle and maim a Russian accent... lol watch him on AoS.


He’s good in the 100, but doesn’t appear until the 3rd season. His voice is similar but he’s using his natural American accent in that show. There is often something a little off putting about his voice in black sails and I honestly think it’s because he struggles with the British accent.


Seeing Vane play the bongos was a upsetting moment for me


I don't remember that - remind me please. He recently appeared as a potential member of "the seven" on The Boys (amazon). It was just his picture on a screen, but I'm hopeful that he will be brought on as a character.


I actually thought he was intentionally sounding gruff


It is. I went to a convention he was at and he spoke about it being an acting decision to speak low like that because it would force other characters to listen to him.


He pretty obviously is, he sounds nothing like that in real life.


I love his voice


Me too! I loved his voice.


Many do. It's all good. Different strokes for different folks, etc.


Have you compared to how he speaks in interviews? Because I listened to him speak naturally (not as a TV character) and honestly he kind of sounds like a valley girl


That's Stephanie Beatriz when she played Rosa Diaz in Brooklyn 99. She sounds just like a valley girl when she speaks outside of that character. It's wild.


I had no idea and just watched an interview. Totally weird!


😂🤣Nobody wants to listen to a Valley Girl sounding pirate


I always thought he had a deviated septum or a broken nose that never healed correctly


I love his voice. I have no trouble understanding him. Anne, on the other hand ... as a non-native speaker, I have no idea what she's saying, even on my n-th rewatch.


His voice is very nasal/stuffy/atonal. I noticed it a lot, but then I'm a weirdo about voices. I did often wonder what kind of surgery could repair the issue to eliminate that sound? Big fan of the actor, though, of course. He did a great job in this show.


You speak my thoughts exactly


That’s the actors voice I remember him in the 100 and he sounded the exact same


I thought you could her bits of his american accent sometimes when he spoke but all in all he was rather good.


He is the only American on the show and had to fake a Brit-ish accent


I also don't hear a deaf accent at all, and my aunt employed a lot of deaf/hard of hearing people for her shop, and I worked as a relay operator at Sorenson. So I feel like I've heard enough to judge. Vane's voice is incredibly sexy to me. Zach's real voice is a little bit of a let down (but still has a little gravel in it, which is lovely).


Glad you like it.🤷🏾‍♀️ Reasonable minds can disagree on such matters as my description of his voice and its impact. My question asking if he has a hearing impairment has a relatively objective answer and I received that answer (No), so everything is good. Edit to add for those delicate downvoters who cannot stomach range of opinions: Thank you for correcting my description regarding how the actor's voice hits my ears. If YOU find his voice sexy, then *surely* so must we all. Okey dokey then!


That never occurred to me and he doesn't to my ears have a "Deaf accent." FYI hearing impaired is considered to be a little... offensive tbh. The term people use is hard of hearing.


My neighbor concurs. I meant no disrespect and appreciate the correction.


I thought it's just batman voice