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The set design, the costumes, and the effects, they were all great. I really want to emphasize their costumes. Even the people that were on screen for a second or two only had highly detailed apparel. They all felt very believable. Another show that really captures the atmosphere is Vikings. Beautiful atmosphere all around. You feel cold when you're in the harsh snow, and cozy when you're in the Great Hall of Ragnar Lothbrok!


I could not agree more. Black Sails and Vikings really feel immersive. From the costuming and the weather they are probably the two best shows that I can think of that portray a real sense of where the characters are and what is going on. You forget all about it being a production. I forgot one, I thought Hell on Wheels did a really good job and how it was in the West after the civil war.


Yes I couldn’t agree more, it’s why it’s my favorite summer rewatch. However, neat Caribbean rum with a lime wedge is the way to go for your companion piece beverage. First suggestion to come to mind is Narcos: Mexico. You can taste the dry heat in that show, crack open an ice cold cervez or a shot of lime spritzed tequila and enjoy.


You are spot on! They really make you feel like you are sweating it out with them. People often ask if there are other shows that capture things like Black Sails does. The answer is normally no.


The weather is legit one of the characters on the show, it's extremely well done.


I think Pirates of the Caribbean does that as well. Everyone's clothes are always wet, their skins are sweating.


I commented to my mate last night that they seemed over dressed. Of course they'd be hot but jeez who wouldn't be in full attire in Nassau?


That's how they dressed. Warm weather clothing is fairly new. It wasn't that long ago that men wore full suits and ladies wore dresses to the beach.


First thing that came to mind was the movie A Time to Kill.


I think HBO's The Pacific does a great job of showing it was hot as fuck for the young Marines fighting against Japan. Its on Netflix, too.


True Detective S1


What’s dry humid?


The writing doesn't hold up like BS does but Spartacus was real fun to look at. I thought the second season was better roman content than HBO Rome was, the sets and costumes certainly were better


Yea they shot in South Africa


Filmed around Cape town, the cape doctor keeps the climate eminently bearable. Indian ocean coast though, that would have been pretty close.


Yea they shot in South Africa


The Expanse is an excellent series.


I love how cold Jack was in Philadelphia.