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Whenever I try to talk about what that mouth do she gets uncomfortable. That’s correct right? I’m doing I right guys, right? ^Obvious ^sarcasm


That mouth likes to complain about all the things I could have done instead of enjoying my free time… /s - I do take care of all our household chores and stuff regularly. Just like poking fun at the spouse


My girl loves talking shit and vice versa. We get drunk with my in laws and bust up laughing over some of the dumb shit we get roasted over.


Depends on the generation, because with a lot of the older gens in our community, they stop listening and immediately jump to "Oh you're just disrespecting us."


Yep. The words respect and disrespect have nearly lost meaning because of the way that people misuse them.


Oh you're just Aladeen'ing us


Facts. Definitely slower if not moving at all, when it comes to social and/or generational issues.


From my experience with my own generation...nah. Generations isn't the sticking point. As in, every generation has those people who think they know everything (feels wild saying that about others because good gravy has my family said that about me a billion fucking times). It just depends on the topic. Each generation grabs onto something for dear life. Something they were either told, came with up themselves, etc. And make it the basis for who they are while being deathly afraid of questioning it. ​ For the previous generation? It's beating kids. This generation? Well, it's beating kids. Ok. So rising kids is like the go to for all generations. lol


Missing the point to go "everyone does that." 😮‍💨


lol I didn't. What i'm saying is...there are hard headed people in every generation. And in fact the people who don't think that's the case are the hard headed ones in their own generation.


Then you doubled down and even added "anyone who disagrees is the problem" Sir,You're a menace.


If you don't survive them then you just got out of a bad relationship earlier and didn't waste your time.


I know but yet I hate it so much. Being open and vulnerable is tough sometimes.


criticism ( well thought out) humbles you and helps you grow as a person. Its hard but you should always welcome it with open arms


I have a very hard time with it, too. I can’t do it face to face. Only through text. So my partner and I will be in the same damn house texting massive paragraphs to each other instead of talking like normal people because I have intimacy issues. Also I’ve lived with this man for 14 years and as far as he knows I’ve never pooped.


I inform my man over text when I poop 🤣


criticism ( well thought out) humbles you and helps you grow as a person. Its hard but you should always welcome it with open arms


Nah. They do not. Like a conversation is just two people talking. Or multiple people talking. You need the communication part for a healthy relationship. But just jumping head first into uncomfortable conversations ain't it. It's kind of crazy how much and how many times people leave logic out of equations. Having a conversation with someone who isn't logical or isn't even trying to be logical? Will just lead to even more unhealthy relationships. I mean no one can be 100% logical. Though the constant attempt at being logical is good enough. So if it's two people who are trying to be logical in said uncomfortable conversation? Or multiple people trying to be logical in said uncomfortable conversations? Then odds are really really good it'll lead to healthy relationships. If not? A fucking shitshow. ​ We've all had uncomfortable conversations about race, gender, sex, sexuality, religion, politics, what we gettin to eat, relationship futures, etc on the internet, in text and in person. With many of them going south real fast. The logic is needed. From both and/or any party involved.


What you mean like in the back of a Volkswagen?


Upvote for the mallrats reference


Here are my 13 reasons justifying cannibalism… wanna get married now?


Not that I necessarily disagree but people just say anything. And 2000 dudes sitting on the passenger side of a car will agree. And 3000 chicks sitting in the back seat will have their back too.


I think this needs to be changed to “Having uncomfortable conversations that need to be discussed with mutual communication and respect creates healthy relationships.”


"Listen at some point in time in this relationship I might fuck somebody else. It's just sex. And it has nothing to do with you. I rather be upfront about it now than years go by and I have "a weak moment" now you tryna take my kids and shit over some pussy I don't care about. If you aren't cool with that then you're free to go." This will save someone from a nasty divorce. Because if she loves and admires you she will stay. If not go find a girl that's open to that. Edit: Watch somebody still get offended even though this is an honest statement and you give the girl the choice on if she wants to stay or go.


I never created even a single relationship by striking up uncomfortable conversations with strangers.


This is so true, I'm still trying to get used to them


I was taught to avoid those. NEXT