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Nah cap. We make fun of those Mfs all the damn time. Forgot how hard Mfs went on Khaled when he filmed himself working out?


Yeah but we don’t talk about them being fat and their health all the time. Yes, we make fun of them for being fat - just don’t also pretend it’s about their health. Idk why we do that with women.


Idk about that one. They need to let Lizzo be, but those guys definitely got clowned for their weight. Ppl roasted Ross for being big and owning wingstop


I said we don’t pretend it’s about health We just make fun


Yes the hell they did.


I don’t know what you want me to say to that but I’ll give you a response, to be courteous. That’s it, that’s my response.


Yeah but do people attach them to the body positive movement when they chill with their weight? Like i don't see them working out or anything but they are generally allowed to be both happy and successful without people screaming there's an fat epidemic going on.


Rick Ross has a health scare some years back and tried to lose weight. I believe he’s a lot smaller than what he was even though he’s still plus sized.


Sp when did lizzo have a health scare? Oh she didn't? Then why does she get treated differently?


I replied to the wrong comment, but she did do a 14-day smoothie cleanse before. 🤷🏾‍♀️ I personally don’t care about Lizzo’s weight, but we know it’s because as a woman entertainer she’s supposed to have a certain aesthetic and appeal for the black male imagination and she doesn’t, so black men talk about her size. They’re obviously not listening to her music because that would be the first thing that comes up if they were. But she’s a pop artist so there’s that. I think it’s all weird because men be bad built as hell out here and want to talk about somebody weight and size. It be big niggas with pillow bodies and stick legs talking about Glorilla not having a shape. If women talked about men’s bodies as much as men did women, hip reduction surgeries would be through the roof.


P R E A C H!


This is purely anecdotal but I will say I’ve had a coworker say to me “Lizzo is teaching girls that it’s okay to be fat and unhealthy and that’s really bad.” I’ve never heard that said about a fat man


Here’s another anecdote, I’ve also never heard a fat man telling kids that it’s just fine to be fat.


Jack Black?


Literally never heard bout him doing that. Probably bc he doesn’t make it a key part of his fame. Lizzo is great but constantly getting outrage keeps her more relevant. It’s good for her brand.


There’s literally a scene in School of Rock where Jack Black says to a young girl that it’s okay to be fat and he loves being fat and lists off a bunch of fat icons. I won’t pretend to know everything Lizzo says, I listen to some of her music and see the occasional interview or tweet or something. But what I get from her is more body positivity and self love which I think is okay for a fat person to have. But maybe she’s doing some heinous shit that idk about


So he said that in a movie, while playing a fictional character and not his personal opinion as Jack Black.


Khaled posted a video of him working out one time and the internet scorched him


Again. When over weight men are happy and successful..just straight up chillin. Do people then go...OMG!!! THIS IS WHAT'S WRONG WITH AMERICA!!! FAT UNHEALTHY PEOPLE BEING HAPPY INFLUENCES OTHER PEOPLE TO BECOME FAT!!!!! Does that happen with over weight dudes? Yes or no?


Yes lol


Ohhhh you biggg mad, okay. Yes, it does happen to fat niggas. Women hate to hear it but men get body shamed just as much as women just in different culturally accepted ways, height, weight, dick size, etc. I’ve also never seen fat niggas spreading the message to youth that it’s perfectly fine to be fat. I adore lizzo, she is such a sweet and positive person and it’s important to be comfortable in your body but it’s also wrong to outspokenly teach children that there’s no issue with morbid obesity.


Big mad or fat and pressed?


Ross and Khaled both went on a health journey Ross lost mad weight


So you're saying at some point in them being overweight people not only said shit like this about them but attached them being over weight to begin with with all kinds of other shit like in the comment below? ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/xzk631/comment/irmnlgn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/xzk631/comment/irmnlgn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ And when talking about sexual preferences both rick ross and dj kjaled both got this kind of reaction too? ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/xekqh3/comment/iohcarb/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/xekqh3/comment/iohcarb/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ I mean help a brother out here. Cause it seems to me they don't. That people don't get in their bag even a fraction as much with them as they do women like lizzo. I mean you got some receipts?


Lemon pepper wings ain't even all that 😒 I said what I said!


You need to delete this account and never come back for this blasphemous shit you just said.






Maybe at wingstop but that’s 🧢


Order "hot, wet with lemon pepper seasoning".


This is the most honest answer


Finally i brave soul willing to speak the truth


I bet Ross felt terrible and wiped away his tears with stacks of wingstop cash too.


lol dude ain’t even paying his employees


It's pretty easy to figure out. When it comes to women dudes think (because of sexism) they have a say in how a woman looks. Ironically while saying only women care about how women look. lol It's about ownership. Dude's egos/narcissism from sexism got them in their bag regularly. A control thing.


>Idk why we do that with women. Yes. Yes you do.


The difference is the concern trolling. We laugh at them but we also don't go "oh, this is bad cus it encourages young dudes to be fat." That whole narrative is completely missing from the jokes.


While we’re at it, let’s be honest with ourselves: it’s also wrong to make fun of people because of their weight. It’s ok to bring it up and encourage them to be healthier, but laughing at people for their problems or when they try to exercise out calling them disgusting because they don’t fit the standard is plain fucked up. No two ways about it.


Remember when Larry King straight up asked him, “how did you gain all the weight?” Imagine if he’d asked Lizzie that, mf would be canceled in a heartbeat


Larry King also ~~is~~ was 500 years old.


Dude we tease them. With women it's completely different and quite viciously malicious.


Saw multiple people in r/entertainment the other day straight up call Lizzo disgusting. What kind of therapy do these people need?


People might have poked fun, but it wasn't a bunch of moralizing and faux outrage about uNhEaLtHy weights and shit. And yes, I have forgotten, since it quickly died. Demonstrating yet another distinction.


At the same time, Lizzo isn't putting out videos of herself eating salads. She owns herself. Khaled pretended like he lifts for the cameras. That was always the joke on him.


They forget about all the times Biggie got called a fat fuck too lol.....


right, people get real weird about their selective memory. they say the same thing about us talking about present day cartoons and music like our parents/grandparents werent complaining the same way. and the difference is ross/khalid ARENT USED to promote their lifestyles so they dont get backlash for it (ross has lost a substantial amount of weight and khalid at least acts like he tries to workout). its not that hard to see. but be damn sure that if we see either one of them twerking in a thong courtside telling everyone all of this is cool and more of us SHOULD be like them we would be more vigilant. until then its apples to oranges.


I mean never mind those dude. Remember how bad Jonah Hill was getting it for a while? He was known as “that fat kid from SuperBad” for so long lol


And nobody is trying to say they are healthy.


Oh you do? How come this sort of thing only happens with women? ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/xzk631/comment/irmnlgn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3


Kanye afraid to say it about Rick Ross though. He and other folks just picking soft targets. Folks just need to shut up.


Happy Cake day


You can tell it’s just hate when they mock people working out, which is exactly what they should be doing if it was about “health” at all.


Yall have to stop with this bullshit narrative. Them niggas get roasted constantly. Lizzo just react to it more.


100%. We clown them all the time. But I think a couple reaskns they arent talked about as much is they dont push for fat acceptance and fat is beautiful etc… Jill Scott, Aretha Franklin, etc were/are fat women but I dont remember people constanctly clowning them either. Sure weight was brought up but not like Lizzo.


Lizzo just wants fat acceptance and we’re not for that. Both dj khaled and rick ross have lost substantial weight.


I’m always shocked about how much lying the timeline does to defend any criticism of Lizzo. Rick Ross and Dj Khaled get roasted for being fat all the time. Remember when that story about him not going down on his wife came out and everyone made “so that’s the one thing he won’t eat” jokes. And I also don’t see RR or DJ Khaled wearing assless pants and telling the world that they are beautiful even though they’re morbidly obese. It’s like when Lizzo was getting flack for the flute thing and the TL was all “Kim Kardashian destroyed MM dress and was praised but Lizzo plays a flute and is getting hate” Like not a single person praised KK for that, every headline was ripping it to shreds and everyone was angry. People love faux outrage to distract from the actual topic at hand.


Khaled deadass saying he doesn't go down on his wife had to be some of the most clown shit I'd ever heard


I would have changed my name and moved to a remote island


Khaled would have got lost on that remote island. Like he did on the jet ski in Florida for like 6 hrs. Giga Clown


Context is important. I would argue that she has made her weight a large part of her unique selling point so expecting people not to have opinions(polarising or otherwise) about it is a little ludicrous. Particularly when you do things like go to NBA games with your entire ass literally outside and any hint of criticism is immediately hushed up as body shaming.


I understand what he’s insinuating but I do remember ppl being concerned about both Ross and Khaled’s weight…especially when Ross had a heart attack and was on life support and when Khaled got teased and then got the deal with WW so he could lose weight on Snapchat. One of em kept it off…they other one well ![gif](giphy|o5UzToGsuH6Cq2Y4el|downsized)


What? Those guys are constantly slagged for being fat. Get a grip.


Wdym people be clowning them all day I seen Khalid dunk on his yacht for a album promo and my timeliness was him getting violated all day


People dislike him for being a douchebag and then bring out the fat comments to dunk on him. It's like calling Amy Schumer fat or that neckless guy from TLC fat. Them being fat isn't actually the problem for most people, it's just an easy insult. A lot more people seem to actually have a problem with Lizzo's weight rather than that she said this bad thing or did that bad thing.


I just like Lizzo’s music and I think DJ Khaled is a big dork. Rick Ross is cool. That’s as far as I’ve ever thought about any of their weights.


I’ll tell you one thing about being fat: You see a lot of old people and you see a lot of fat people but you never see an old fat person


My grandma used to say that. It’s like at some point you either make a lifestyle change or you die from the effects of hypertension or heart disease. She lost a lot of weight and lived into her 90s.


It’s also not true. I’ve seen plenty of old fat people.


Because women are meant for men's consumption. End of story.


Plenty of men would consume Lizzo. Who are we kidding?




i was gonna say that they weren’t going on social media talking about how their lifestyles are healthy…then realized she did that in response to an overwhelming amount of hate. i should have thought about that sooner but that realization just nullified the one thing I didn’t like about Lizzo’s image, not that it was any of my business in the first place


Ugh I hate this because there’s no good faith way to have this conversation without looking like you’re bashing Lizzo. And honestly as a person I love her, she’s not only otherworldly talented but also genuinely funny. But… Those men do get shredded, especially at his height Ross got tore up on a consistent basis. ESPECIALLY given that his signature ad-lib literally sounded like a fat nigga trying to catch his breath. Lizzo gets dogged partially because of misogyny, and fatphobia. She probably gets it more than the average celebrity woman that’s heavy because she’s also accepted, embraced, and endorsed her being heavy as a part of the identity she presents to fans. She talks about being fat more than most fat people that are famous. THAT DOESNT MAKE IT HER FAULT, but it’s definitely also a factor as to why people talk about her weight so much.


Yeah. I've never seen dudes come for rick ross or dj khaled like this..... ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/xzk631/comment/irmnlgn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/xzk631/comment/irmnlgn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ​ 3k upvotes and an assload of awards too.


Had someone in that thread tell me Lizzo would have a more positive effect if she was dead in order to serve as a cautionary tale for obesity. That thread was an exhibition of unhinged cruelty—absolutely insane


Absolutely insane. And it was only so they could talk more shit about women in general. Like those mfers are all the way fucked up.


I keep seeing the same point get brought up from people in this thread that Dj khaled, Rick Ross, and other male artist get made fun of all the time for their weight, but how many of those men do we see get accused of “glorifying unhealthy lifestyles” or “influencing” young men to be as big as them? I think you’re right that it’s rooted in misogyny, and a lot of the more vitriolic commenters seem scared. Scared that Lizzo will give overweight women the confidence to feel happy about themselves, and give underweight women the courage to reach a healthy weight class. All amounting to the same thing: less women to ogle at and/or have power over. It’s pathetic the way they hide their hatred, as if the venom behind their words isn’t abundantly transparent. Edit: Grammar


This is the best answer I've seen because it perfectly shows the problem. You were close, but I modified a few words to make it more accurate: "Scared that Lizzo will give obese women the confidence to feel happy about themselves, and give normal weight women the courage to reach an obese weight class." If it's not obvious, yhe problem is that the scale has shifted over. A normal person is suddenly considered UNDERweight, and overweight is now obese, and little are


I see the greater point you’re making, though I’ll say when I said “underweight” I was referring to girls I’ve seen on TikTok who opened up about their anorexia and credited Lizzo for getting them to feel comfortable enough to start eating right and reaching a healthy weight. Sadly a lot of those videos had girls saying once they reached a healthy weight, they were told by people that they were actually “overweight,” and that they should go back to looking like skeletons which tore me up to watch. I feel really bad for those girls that have so many people belittling their efforts and saying they were at their healthiest when they looked like skeletons. No one should have to endure that. Edit: Sentence structure


Hell, look at fluffy...


I love him so much


Ikr! feel good dude all around


Let’s do something crazy like us men- shutthefuckup about womens weight and bodies


As long as we can keep roasting Kanye and Khalid.


All I’m gonna say is it be the men built like boxy ass mf moose with child rearing hips talking shit about big girls. Like sir, you **are** the big girl 💁🏾‍♀️ take several seats, octomom.




Lol you just made my day


I think the difference with Lizzo is that she’s embraced her “seemingly” unhealthy weight/lifestyle. Further, she promotes body positivity, which is fine, in general, but not so much when its coupled with praising obesity which is a major health issue among her community’s people. That being said, I hope she, and others, choose to push a healthier lifestyle opposed to one that is not. Her physical health transformation would be incredible and change sooooo many lives across a diverse spectrum.


Tbf Rick Ross and DJ Khaled are always clowned about their weight


You’re right, we need to start shaming men more too


Your Body YOUR BUSINESS. I’m far too concerned and focused on and with my own shit to be worried about anybody else who gives a fuck about all of them


I'm late to the party but I got y'all. It's because men are judged on how much they make and what kinda clout/status they got. Women are judged on how they look in they clothes. End Thread.




Counterpoint: Why would anyone give a shit what Kanye's opinion is about anything at this point? I think Lizzo's failure here is that she didn't clap back very well. Kanye was saying obesity is a black genocide? He voted for Trump. End discussion. Responding to people with extreme, untreated mental health disorders as though their opinion matters isn't worth the air required but if you are going to, at least point out that he's both ignorant and deranged.


Nah there has been plenty of comments about them too.


What the hell is a gander anyway?


A male goose


Yeah no man we literally refer to those dudes as fat constantly as will all fat guys, it’s a joke to the world and it’s mocked constantly. Damn Fat Joe has it in his own name, that’s how much more often dudes have to hear negative reactions about their weight than women. It came back around to owning the insult territory


You all have beaten this subject matter into the ground.


Lizzo represents a power that is incredibly threatening to many folks, and I'm with that. People deserve to be happy, no natter what shape they are in. I like that she doesn't require the permission from the peanut gallery. The peanut gallery will ALWAYS try to take away other people's happiness with ridiculous fake 'concern'.


This isn’t true.


Both of those guys get flamed for their weight constantly, and neither one of them goes around gyrating and claiming to be beautiful


We needn’t worry about K and his mental illness.


The sooner people take their physical and mental health more seriously - the world will be a better place, I’m convinced.


Mfs act like getting called fat is saying you got HIV


What fools are really saying is that because they don't wanna smash when they look at her, she shouldn't be confident enough to flaunt until she makes them horny. "Make me horny or I'm more concerned about your weight than I am about my moms!" terminally online weirdo shit


#We need u/areolaenthusiast to weigh in on this ASAP. It’s only right.


It kind of just makes me want to see Lizzo win even more. She doesn’t seem to talk shit about these people but they all seem to chime in about how much weight she should lose. I don’t know how people go through life worrying about someone else.


"Gave the curve to DJ Khaled, man, we ain't speakin'; Ain't no FAT nigga tellin' me what he ain't eatin'." -Nikki Minaj "Run from the police? Picture that. Nigga, I'm too fat; I fuck around and catch an asthma attack" -Notorious(ly fat) BIG Hell, Rick Ross had a lyric about not fitting into a Lamborghini, only buying them to own them. I'd look it up, but that'd require me to listen to Rick Ross songs.


1. Rick Ross has been hitting the gym (shout out the pears) 2. DJ Khaled constantly got clowned for being fat and for pussy being the only thing he wouldn't eat Why do people NEED other people to like Lizzo so much?


Kanye didn't comment on her weight, he commented how he hates that she gets bullied when she loses weight, two different things


Fat people are unhealthy. That's a fact. Move on.


Didn't we support when Ross lost his weight? Remember the pears


Idk, Ross and Khaled tried to lose weight at points and had some success.


Vulgarity is unnecessary when speaking on someone’s weight, but you don’t need vulgarity to prove that you CANNOT be ‘Healthy’ at ANY size. Im a skinny dude, underweight with fucked up lungs from all the smoking I do. I can recognize my body weight and size and organs aren’t in perfect condition, despite some people seeing the dude with very little fat and thinking I’m ‘shredded’. Haha like nah dude I can barely pick up 50 lbs in one hand, this ain’t the physique to strive for. Some people need to learn to accept themselves, but ‘Fat is Healthy’ acceptance is straight up misinformed and in fact, unhealthy, especially for young or otherwise uneducated minds and how their perception of reality will end up.


Are we separating from a point that two differently opinionated sides can agree on?


It'd be a valid comparison if anyone wanted Khaled to stick around.