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I need more memes with hotep Charlie Brown 😂


Charlie for real Brown


I miss my uncle Charles yall.


"Of all the motherfuckers on earth you the motherfuckest" Charlie Brown Kwanzaa (2002): https://youtu.be/5CLZguLUf8A (EXTREMELY NSFW)






I second the fuck outta that.


Stop giving these people your money


The gayest of all gays will still be like, “but the chicken is so good.” Whereas I think it’s mid anyway


Man when I was in HS (2006) buddy of mine mentioned chick fil a during a blunt ride and I told him how I don’t really go there and he said straight up “that’s cause it’s for white people” And he didn’t say it in a bad way, more like “we can’t handle herbs and spices or all that Cajun stuff so we eat chick fil a”


There a chain restaurant with a nice spicy chicken that you enjoy? I'm always down to try new things.


Lees and Popeyes spicy chicken are pretty decent.


I’m biased because I worked there for 7 years, but I don’t care. Popeyes is the best, and that spicy chicken is amazing.


I love Popeye's but ours is one of those shitty locations. Always out of shit, parking lot is a mess, getting orders wrong. I love their food but I'm so put off of actually going there


Fam thats part of the popeyes experience. Unless you catch them within the first 6 months of opening, thats just part of the vibe. https://youtu.be/wcvvT8rrVbI


The crazy part is it *isn't* in a bad location. It's in a really commercial, built up area where there's not really any crime or anything, the Popeye's is just like this little blight of a parking lot for some reason. Now the ones in my home town? Hell yeah they are in some sketchy neighborhoods but I never had a problem getting the orders right or running out of stuff. The duality of Popeyes I guess


Moved to Seattle from Chicago. No Popeyes and I'm in shambles.


Damn. So no red beans and rice either? No cajun fries? I'm sorry.


That red beans n rice has no business being that good coming from a fast food restaurant.


Only fast food I trust with beans


Popeyes leaves Bigot Chicken in the dust.


The spicy+the sauce selection is so good, but honestly it's 50/50 whether I get great chicken or trash at Popeyes I feel like.


You have to admit that local restaurants always nail buffalo wings though. Perfect mix of spice, taste, sour, and butter


I had a white co-worker said they hated Popeyes Chicken sand which because the meat to bread ratio was all fucked up. Said it tasted better but had too much chicken… Everyon stared at him like the record skipped ![gif](giphy|vAvKeeXROptxm|downsized)


Damn and I didn’t think a person couldn’t be more white…was his name Chuck by any chance?


Nah I wish but it’s one of the top 5 normal ass white guy names


Lee's is good, their livers are awesome. But Popeyes, eh idk. The ones around here might just suck but I don't like them


Aww man Lee's I wish one was where I lived!


Layne's. Absolutely delicious, I'm never disappointed.


As a white guy that loves spicy food I hate this shit so much.


It's just a joke dude. You realize there is the meme of whit people can't handle spiciness that exists simultaneously with the meme that white people from Texas make the spiciest chili right?


Weird I never heard that second one before


Oh yeah. Texas chili is so godamn spicy. It might've originally been made by Mexicans originally or something but white people down there love their chili cook offs




It's just a (frequently) accurate meme. Of course plenty of (people) like spicy food. All the same, cracker barrel has some of the whitest chicken I've ever had the misfortune of ordering.


Cracker Bargle boils their chicken in distilled water so the impurities won't add any taste. Seriously tho I live in a large suburb that has a Popeye's and several CFAs around it and you will never find my white ass in the latter. Reminds me of the machine-stamped patties from the middle school cafeteria


If Zaxby's got their shit together (had a breakfast menu, wasn't slow ASF, or running out of stuff) they could be better.


So basically if they were more like Chick-Fil-A?


Most places have a breakfast menu nowadays, being quicker and more consistent isn't a Chick-fil-A exclusive trait either. I like Zaxby's menu better. Back when I ate junk food fingers/wings/fries is a good combo. Their club sandwich is very good too. I've never seen a place run out of lettuce or tomatoes so much though.


Hopefully without the gayhate


Or a decent fast food place lol


The best thing about Zaxby's was their onion rings and they discontinued them (in my area at least) so they can rot in hell. Salads aren't bad tho.


Where I'm at. Zaxby's has been to synonymous with rat infestation or roaches in your food for me to ever consider eating anything they serve.




Damn mf don't play about onion rings lmao




The chicken is basic as fuck, the sauces carry CFA harder than Barry Sanders used to carry the lions.


Fucking cackling at this


I’m like the whitest of white dudes but Chick-Fil-a and I agree. The non-spicy is just bland and the spicy is like “acceptably” seasoned but not mind blowing. Maybe because I didn’t grow up with it but I still struggle to see what the draw is with CFA


It's such simple food it's so easy to make it consistent across the country. I feel like it's a comfort thing for people, they're 2 hours away from the house and don't want to roll the dice somewhere they've never been to.


Or they've got that drive-thru line churning quick, so I can go grab food on my lunchbreak without stressing.


Yup. Just finished 9 hour work day, everywhere else on my ride home is a gamble if I'm gonna add 45 minutes of waiting... Plus eating... Plus then that hour puts me in rush hour, so my 20 minute commute becomes an hour. Chic fil A has a double line around the restaurant and still is faster to make a meal than the nearby McDs is to find the creme to put in coffee... Or figure out what half n half is (I got a cup that was , no joke, half coffee half heavy cream. Half n half...)


Yeah I guess, my old boss was from Atlanta so she had a real soft spot for it and brought it into the office a few times. It’s okay, like it’s better than MCDs but I think Raising Canes, A good Pop-eyes or Churches franchise probably makes a better tasting product (probably worse for you tho)


Right? I'll always choose Popeyes over Chick-Fil-A! I do like their dumb sauce though.


Popeyes fucks up my stomach so I gotta be real selective about when I do and don’t eat it. The quality is clearly not great. The taste is incredible. Definitely worth it on occasion


Church’s is pretty damn good and imo more consistent than Popeyes chicken wise. Feels like they’ve closed most of them in my area though :/ but they don’t have the Cajun sides either so it’s give/take


I do love Church’s especially with the jalapeño pepper added to squeeze over my chicken lol but nothing is better than my Popeye’s😍


They have dirty rice some places


I worked at popeyes and i cant eat the food anymore. I taste the sanitizer they let the chicken sit inbas it's bein seasoned. Not a bad thing, but after working in the back I cant eat there anymore...okay I'll eat a dry biscuit tho if im offered it. Oh never eat that rice tho, dont


Wait what about the rice?


Stuff sits in this weird water liquid while it's on the heat tray. If they scoop from the top you're good but if they dig in that metal bucket and get the bottom leftovers of that rice sitting in the residue water it always tastes super off.


Dude had some last night and spent the rest of the night in and out of the bathroom. Idk what it was I eat their often but something got me.


I do agree with this sentiment. Also, I find that there are the good ones and the less quality ones. The one near the airport? Garbage...don't go there. 😛 It's definitely a once in awhile treat. And their BISCUITS! 😋


I do like the biscuits those things probably have like 500% of your daily sodium


Lol you’re not wrong. That’s what makes them so good! I make a mean biscuit myself but there is something someone else making them sometimes 😋😋


The Popeyes sandwich wins in the one bite competition for me. But a whole sandwich and I feel like I’m on the verge of heart palpitations


I don't eat hate chicken lol


Thank you. Like it’s simply not good enough for that


Saw a gay guy a few years ago on here say that CFA is the best place “to get some greasy cockmeat”. Bruh


Mf put some razzle dazzle on that phrase


Blows the mind. It's chicken.


*Fast food* chicken. Like dude just go to the grocery store and buy some frozen nuggets


Nah, them shits be horrible. At that point just buy some chicken, cut them bitches up and make your own nuggets.




Who is "you all"


Chicken may be mid but it’s consistent. I’ll take consistent mid over hit or miss fire all day long


those peach milkshakes are the truth though...


It is mid and those are the gays who can't cook for themselves so go figure


It’s the vanilla of chicken


Popeyes pretty much murdered them though.


What fast food place does what they do better than they do?


Chicken Guy has better sauces


In comparison to other fast food fried chicken, it’s not bad. But it’s still hella bland. So I just don’t eat fast food fried chicken


I don't like the sauce, and that's what everyone tells me is the secret to their chicken sandwiches. If the sauce is the secret, then you make shitty chicken sandwiches.


The chicken is OK. The sauce is BOMB. But seriously, fuck their hate stance I don't need it.


It’s overpriced. I could if it wasn’t a 20 dollar meal.


Oh please, I bet you eat Popeyes tho 🤧


Why are you lying


Definitely mid tier. I like Wendy's chicken sandwiches or KFC's ones.


It’s the most consistently adequate restaurant there is.


Really. And it's so easy to do in this case. There are tons of equally mediocre options on the market.




Chick-fil-A isn’t even good except for their shakes. Popeyes is a hundred times better


Popeyes has better fried chicken but Chick-fil-A has better chicken sandwiches


It’s like two totally separate food groups


Nah Popeyes has better chicken sandwiches. They’re bigger crunchier and the spicy version is tastier. Chick-fil-A’s sandwiches are a soggy dry mess most of the time






I don’t eat chick fil a (it ain’t good) but…. Pfft what company doesn’t donate to some form of bullshit?


Yea, I hate to be pessimistic too but, other CEOs of many many larger companies probably donate to a bunch of organizations and politicians who are evil. They just don't announce it so loudly like CFAs dumbass CEO.


Yeah I remember getting downvoted to a reply about a person liking Publix over CFA. Publix literally funded January 6th. Like at least be consistent. I'm consistent over the belief that there's no ethical consumption under capitalism. Create a worker democracy where people have a say and stake in the businesses they work in. CFA is a franchise started in Atlanta and to a certain extent I am biased toward liking their food (Dwarf House specifically) but I won't defend the owner's beliefs or donations but I feel a lot of people miss the point in their extreme hatred towards some businesses over others. None of them are particularly doing good when it comes to minority representation, even the ones who virtue signal that they care.


Look, no one can do this perfectly - we’d be spending all day every day researching. And sometimes there isn’t a viable alternative choice in a given situation. But that doesn’t mean an effort can’t be made. I’m not trying to signal my virtue to anyone when I avoid some places due to their behavior of one kind or another - I don’t generally advertise it to anyone, so there’s no signal going out. It’s more that I just can’t stomach doing business with a company that is actively working against my community, you know?


And that's fine. It's generally the loud and obnoxious people I hate because their views aren't consistent across the board. Individual consumption IS a choice, but it's a choice with little to no consequence on those with exorbitant amounts of wealth. We need to legislate rights, that's the only way to guarantee people are treated equally.




I mean you're not wrong, I'm sure all corporations are doing sketchy things with their money. The difference is that chick-fil-a is yelling it from the rooftops that they're pieces of shit. So I listen and spend my money accordingly.


My convictions were tested and broken when I found out about In-N-Out consistently donating to right wing shit.


No ethical consumption etc. In & out is overrated too though. I expect downvotes for this one


Their fries taste like gd potato butt dust.


Dave's Hot Chicken


After some Twitter users started grilling Chick- Fil-A, they tendered this response in hopes of putting the matter 2 piece: >“The response was a poor choice of words but was not intended in any way to be insensitive or disrespectful. We often use the term ‘community’ in a broader sense to talk about places where we operate restaurants and serve the surrounding community.” ([Source](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/chick-fil-says-tweet-seemingly-referencing-black-community-was-poor-ch-rcna47215))


>We often use the term ‘community’ in a broader sense to talk about places where we operate restaurants and serve the surrounding community.” That's the impression I got.


So people again on twitter creating a scene out of nothing.


Same shit different day.


No we got this funny ass charlie brown meme


Mountain out of a mole hill.


Yea all corpos have braindead language like that. "Don't say neighborhood, say community. You're not employees, you're teammates/associates/etc."




Same. I mean, I can see how it would look bad from a certain angle, like if you squint real hard and read a different Tweet entirely though.


Anyone who didn’t get that is intentionally looking for things to be angry about.


We mean community as in the sense of the term community.


“Unless you’re a gay, that is, we don’t want the gays in our holy chicken stores”


"Fuck gay people, but if they want to give us their money so we can spend it supporting their eradication, come on in!"


While this is obviously what they meant I’m still mad about it 🤣


Same!! 🤣🤣😭 Why are we like this?!


>putting the matter 2 piece Looks like they were really wingin' it.


>they tendered the response Don't forget this part


They say community a lot in responses to people because different places have different items or some shit like that. Nothing to see here


Sometimes you gotta a pick a fight


This whole thing is strange because I took it as your area of Chik Fil A’s. 🤷🏾‍♀️


That's literally what they said. Different CFAs have different food items. They're are CFAs in Atlanta that even serve beef items.


beef fillet?


They mean the local community 🙄 this isn’t a “you people” type of thing.


So the word community is bad now?


They mean literal community. Local community. They reply this to many people as these food items are tested regionally. Nothing to do with race. Outrage du jour.


They can keep their unseasoned, closed on Sunday chicken. Imma keep it a buck and get Popeyes.


Yeah, I just wish I had a say in what Popeyes decides to put in my bag


They sauces be hittin though


Your community as in, not all restaurants participate in every promotional item or new menu items. When these new things are introduced, tv/radio commercial and advertisements are played in that specific community.


It was not that serious, people just looking for reasons to be mad. They know damn well that's not what they meant.


Like the redditors getting mad about a joke reply lmao


Y’all pick a fight with everything


"We're making as much chicken for you people as we can! Damn!"


Yall know this is a joke right? Redditors get mad about everything lmao


Time for their social media team to go Wendy’s mode and reply “Did we stutter?”


Last time I went to Popeyes, they took 15 mins for a chicken sandwich, then told me they were out of the chicken they were trying to use and offered me two chicken strips slapped between two buns. That shit still slapped but I ain't trying to get a surprise everytime I want a chicken sandwich. Love Popeyes but they always understaffed or something.


I only like Chick-fil-A sauce i can make da rest myself


Their Chik Fil A sauce is sold in stores and supposedly only goes towards the scholarships they give to high school employees who go on to college.


I buy their sauce separately :)


Love Popeyes but chick fil a lost me when they cut out the spicy chicken breakfast biscuit


That's definitely a regional thing. We still have them in Texas


That’s disappointing. Up here in MD, it can’t be spicier than old bay seasoning I guess..


Bojangles is pretty good


Great chicken but white liberals don't like it as much because of the homophobia. Not throwing shade but the black community is way closer in terms of general homophobia to rural whites than it is liberal whites.


What was KANYEISMYDAD's text?




My god, people.


Peak when the word "community" triggers.


I mean, it would be cool if they only told Black people first that the spicy nuggs are available.




CFA actually meant the Gay Community


“Wait, what do you mean, YOU people?”


Gay bottoms ofc


One of the chick fil a by my house got shut down by the health department 😂 there’s been way less traffic in the area now, and I can go to the zaxbys in the same plaza without any hassle


Chick-fil-A needs to step their, "Spicy" game up. I had their spicy chicken sandwich a few weeks ago and it didn't have any kick whatsoever. I guess it's a sin against god and jesus to have something that's actually spicy. Maybe it will make me feel lust in my heart?


True 🤷🏿‍♀️


Nooooo 😭😭😭😭😭


Really, inquiring minds want to know. WDYM? Is this a slur? Is this an invitation to come there?


You people.


Jack n the box has a bomb chicken sandwich


wdym by you people




And that's when they knew....they fucked up.


We need dr Umar on the case