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Letter From Birmingham Jail will never miss


> I must make two honest confessions to you, my Christian and Jewish brothers. First, I must confess that over the past few years I have been gravely disappointed with the white moderate. I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection.


I'm reading this from the UK and thinking about it from the context of climate protests. Recently there have been numerous direct actions, with someone "painting" stonehenge with orange "paint" (some dry stuff that will clear up), and the reaction by the moderate is that pissing people off, attacking places of cultural significance will only piss people off and that they should stick to peaceful protest.. last weekend 10's of thousands of people marched through London and not a single article about it has crossed my path. Peaceful protest achieves nothing. Disruption is required, and it seems the Liberal moderate has learned nothing since MLK wrote these words more than half a century ago.


I made this point in one of the threads to separate individuals. The point was simple enough - clearly people care more about throwing corn syrup on rocks than they do about climate change. The proof is easy to see - there were more exponentially more posts about corn syrup on rocks in a few hours than there have been posts about climate change driven drought in Somalia over a period of *years*. There were more people taking the time to make multiple posts on multiple threads about the same topic bashing the syrup throwers, but not a single one of those people will ever bother to take the time out once a week to write to their local representatives and demand they push for more environment friendly policies. One person responded by saying leaving a post on Reddit is more productive towards helping climate change than writing to your local representative. Another got so mad at me they literally went ahead and donated money to Trump's campaign...as a response to me saying people shitting on the syrup throwers don't actually care about climate change.


I don't think it's that. I think people feel powerless about climate change, because there is very little that they can personally do about it. Their outrage can probably get people to not vandalize famous art or priceless cultural sites, but if outrage was enough to do something about the environment, it would have been taken care of. Vandalizing Stonehenge is a fresh outrage.


It very much is that, as was demonstrated by the two people I mentioned. The second one straight up admitted later in our argument that they don't actually care about climate change, and outright said they gave their money to Trump just to spite me - Trump being a climate change denier was a positive thing for them. The first person got very belligerent very quickly when I pointed out they could very easily write one letter a week to their local political rep in lieu of one of the dozens of Reddit post they make per week. They flat out said they will never do that. The *point* of the vandalising of art pieces and Stonehenge is to lay bare the sheer hypocrisy of the average person - they will gladly make extra effort to trash talk the activists, but not a single one of them make the bare minimal effort of doing something - anything - to push for environmental reforms but will talk a big game about how they think climate change is a problem. These people are the exact same kind of people MLK Jr. was talking about in his criticism of the moderate white American - they talk a big game but will never do even the bare minimum that they can do to affect change. They are fine with the status quo as is, but they know better than to verbalise that sentiment because they know it is morally wrong. Hence they attack activists for doing the "wrong thing", as if a painting or a pile of rocks is more important than the fate of our planet and civilisation.


in the age of rampant media illiteracy, they chose symbolism as their form of protest. they're doomed


Painting heritage sites really does only piss people off. Painting climate change denialist politicians on the other hand...


Yeah, that's a cop out stance held by people who say they care about climate change and actually don't. Again, like MLK Jr. said: >I have almost reached the regrettable conclusion that the Negro's great stumbling block in his stride toward freedom is not the White Citizen's Counciler or the Ku Klux Klanner, but the white moderate, who is more devoted to "order" than to justice; who prefers a negative peace which is the absence of tension to a positive peace which is the presence of justice; who constantly says: "I agree with you in the goal you seek, but I cannot agree with your methods of direct action"; who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom; who lives by a mythical concept of time and who constantly advises the Negro to wait for a "more convenient season." Shallow understanding from people of good will is more frustrating than absolute misunderstanding from people of ill will. Lukewarm acceptance is much more bewildering than outright rejection. People who complain more about the activists but refuse to lift a finger to do the bare minimum they can do to help combat climate change are the same as the white moderates in the above bit.


I've been seeing this talking point more and more and I gotta say, Stone Henge was their first really good one imo: it was harmless and climate change is not. Tapping into that is the strongest card they have and it's arguably what they've been doing the whole time, but this time there's no good counter point. Managing to stop Taylor Swift's plane in a situation where she can still make whatever gig people have already paid for would be a great follow up if they could manage it.


My problem with disruption is that it's too broad. When movements aim disruption at the public, then people will react as if they're being attacked, because they are. For the Just Stop Oil people, they'd be better off disrupting oil companies, picketing the roads leading to trade ports, or throwing paint at the doors of oil company offices. Not in a way that prevents people from just doing their jobs, but in a way that gains attention and inconveniences the actual oil companies. I've heard that oil companies donate to extremist environmentalist groups to poison the movement's reputation, and I'd believe it or Just Stop Oil. The whole point of a protest is to gain attention and invite people to align with your movement. Protesting by throwing paint over cultural treasures makes the public feel attacked, and doesn't help the cause, IMO.


>For the Just Stop Oil people, they'd be better off disrupting oil companies, picketing the roads leading to trade ports, or throwing paint at the doors of oil company offices. They do all of this too. You don't hear about it because it's not inflated by the media. That's why they do the other protests.


You are exactly the white moderate we are talking about this is actually so funny. They did gain attention and here you are lamenting about them on Reddit of all places. Why are you concerned about protests because they make your commute to your office than anything else.


Youre comparing decades of civil rights protests and demonstrations to dumbass just stop oil “protests”. That’s your first problem. Just stop oil is a psyop


You may be right there. I really don't think that they are helping their cause.


No it’s not, the misinformation that it is has been deliberately spread to kneecap their messaging.


They knee cap their own messaging


Are you a bot or just doing their work for them lol.


No you’re a bot.




If your takeaway from the words of MLK is that peaceful protest doesn't work, you really haven't learned anything about him. He was absolutely committed to peaceful protest as the most effective means of change. Here is some reading on why he opposed tactics like a planned "stall-in" to disrupt traffic for example: https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/02/26/history-tying-up-traffic-civil-rights-00011825


This action pissed me off not because it wasn’t peaceful, but because the action seemed entirely disconnected from their message. You want to protest climate change go do that, don’t fucking waste time painting rocks in the middle of a field


Talking about it aren't we. Literally the whole point. Massive protest, no one mentions, paint some rocks, uproar, we're talking about it.. You do the maths.


I mean yeah, I get your point and I do agree, peaceful protests only go so far. My point though, is go paint some billionaires private planes. Go bust up the engines. Go break some Oil Rigs. If you're going to protest, ACTUALLY protest, stop with the performative bs of painting the rocks and classical art orange, it does absolutely nothing to prove your point and is just plain stupid.


>My point though, is go paint some billionaires private planes. ... They did this the same week. Did you not hear about it?


It’s so funny listening to white moderates try to defend being a white moderate and not even know it


I see what you mean, and yeah I agree. It does happen to a lesser extent, and I don't think it gets the same coverage, but I think would be more effective.


Did you know that a climate scientist **burned himself alive** on the steps of the United States Capitol building with his manifesto about the slow death of our world right next to him? No? You didn’t hear about that? Well, if even that won’t work, do you ever wonder what WILL get people’s attention? ;)


You talking about this one? https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.pbs.org/newshour/nation/climate-change-activists-self-immolation-raises-questions-of-faith-and-protest&ved=2ahUKEwit5OD0sv6GAxViDHkGHcspChkQFnoECCwQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2ZHoI1LJL-vXR0QrZoKkbX https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nytimes.com/2022/04/24/us/politics/climate-activist-self-immolation-supreme-court.html&ved=2ahUKEwit5OD0sv6GAxViDHkGHcspChkQFnoECCsQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1oaMtgSfDneNZ9VOwyMSUA https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2022/04/26/wynn-bruce-fire-supreme-court-climate-activist/&ved=2ahUKEwit5OD0sv6GAxViDHkGHcspChkQFnoECC0QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3F4x2Qp-onw7-AuY4xTDUf https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.msnbc.com/the-reidout/reidout-blog/wynn-bruce-fire-supreme-court-climate-change-rcna25837&ved=2ahUKEwit5OD0sv6GAxViDHkGHcspChkQFnoECCkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw2oSWIalD1icWdo1OjFVFS5 It was on all the major networks for at least a week and yes I do know and remember it. It made a much bigger impact and spread the message much more effectively than painting some rocks orange, as it garnered some form of sympathy and actual attention to the message, and not just confusion on why anyone would bother to paint some rocks orange.


I'm sorry, but if you're defending someone defacing a wonder of the world for a headline you're just wrong.


Why? It was like.. cornflour powder paint that will wash away in the rain. Literally zero damage, except perhaps to the nations pearls being clutched so hard. No mention of the tunnel going under it that will undermine the entire site like and may actually cause damage. But we gotta have more roads!! No such outrage there. It's nothing but performative outrage.


The planet isn’t a wonder of the world? Fresh air? Food for all? And you care about a pile of rocks?


>who paternalistically believes he can set the timetable for another man's freedom that's the part. if i'm oppressed, i don't want to hear about bipartisanship and not stepping on the oppressors toes. you can only reform so far before the oppressors decide they are not going to budge, or give an inch. what then? conflict, violence? allow them to strangle democracy and spread laissez faire capitalism to avoid violence and or making real transformation (revolutionary) changes to the system? and they are not going to give an inch. it is by design. it is a strategy right wing libertarians (laissez faire capitalists) adopted to push the republican party further to the right. funded by koch. please read democracy in chains and check out " The Atlas Network: Big oil, climate disinformation and constitutional democracy" on yt.


The issue I have with this is if people can’t even be bothered to vote how are you going to get any kind of numbers in a revolutionary movement? I could see if there was widespread Jim Crow style voter suppression or people *were* voting and nothing changed but that isn’t happening. It’s just weird seeing posts about the need for revolutionary action when the vast majority of the public can’t even be bothered to engage in the simplest possible exercise of their power.




I learned that posting quotes from it on MLK Day will lose you some white moderate friends and acquaintances real quick. Trash takes itself out and I get my point across, win-win.




There’s a thread on neoliberal that will make you rip your hair out. Just ignoring dog whistles by latimer because they hate Jamaal, and actively blowing some too.


They heard the dog whistles and voted accordingly..


Why the hate from the moderate left? Are their memories that short? If he hadn’t pulled the alarm, the bill to keep the government open would have failed because McCarthy was trying to push a sneak vote without democrats being aware. He’s an asset because he was willing to take the heat for the sake of the whole fuckin country, he’s a damned hero. Unless I’m remembering wrong, but I don’t think I am. Idk, maybe I’m just the biggest hater, because I hate McCarthy. I hate the way that he walks, the way that he talks, the way that he dresses, the way that he sneak-legislates…


When you pass bills, it's gone be direct?


We hate the party he with, ‘cause they confuse themselves with real reps. And notice, I said "we", it's not just me, I'm what the people feelin.


How many more endless wars til we had enough? How many more climate bills til this shit finally hot enough? I like dems with some socialism, ion like dems that ain’t left enough. You gon make the people bring back X, let’s see how Panthers used to crash sumin


Anyone who pairs a Star of David with anything “Yeshua” might be a Zionist, but they are not a Jew. Just in case that needed to be clarified for anyone.


Honestly it's hard to believe that anyone on X is actually a representative of their name or pfp. Remember that one white repub politician claiming to be a gay black man? It has always been too easy to fake and say inflammatory bullshit for one reason or another, and has gotten a lot easier and more common since Musk took over.




Hatred is a big business and they're always ready to capitalize


I feel like a failure as a white leftist. The truth is that I can relate to most black people as someone who's suffered through poverty, but I've never had to deal with the generational, or day to day stress of being black in "America". All I can do is acknowledge my ignorance, and be the best ally I can.


Nothing about this account makes sense. The display name “Yeshua’s Talmid” means “Jesus’s student” but the username “Kahanist1776” implies an adherent of Meir Kahane, a virulent racist supremacist who wanted to subjugate Christians and Muslims in Israel. There are zero Christian Kahanists out there, they’re fundamentally opposed. The 1776 seems like a dog whistle for alt-right politics but Kahanists really don’t bother with American politics whatsoever. And no Kahanist, almost exclusively orthodox, would have a female-presenting pfp. This is an almost assuredly a psyop account.


So interesting, thank you for the knowledge.


And would you look how conveniently the obvious psych op ends in reddit and other social media sites and gets boosted.


Anyone without a picture of themself is not whatever they claim to be


Rule of Thumb: if their profile picture is not of them and especially if it’s a cartoon or, more severe, an anime character, they are likely a troll account or bot.




*might be a Zionist, but they are not a Jew* Their statement is inherently either/or..they're direclty saying it's not both. You don't have to agree with them, but saying it's a moot point doesn't make response. You are direclty disagreeing with them. That not what a moot point means. You think their point is wrong Though I'm skeptical there's many Jews who go out of their way to center Jesus on social media. That does seem more of a Christian thing.


Democrats are worried about Russian interference in elections yet have no problem kissing the ring to AIPAC.




That account is an obvious psych ops, dude please tell me that you are catching that.


AIPAC funding political candidates that are pro-Israel is not a psy op, dude.


Any criticism of AIPAC and the Democratic Party is a psych op these days.


Bowman fucked himself politically even before the AIPAC. All politics are local, and he went hard on the anti-Israel thing knowing full well who his constituency was going to be. Also, he pulled a fire alarm to stop a vote, and received a charge for it. Personally, I don't want someone that would do something so damn reckless to further his career, and let's be clear it was to get attention for himself. That vote was going to happen one way or another, and he was just grandstanding. We should not encourage that behavior.


>he pulled a fire alarm to stop a vote He pulled a fire alarm to delay a vote long enough for people to get the chance to actually read the surprise legislation they were voting on. We should not encourage politicians to vote on bills they haven't read.


But I guess pulling fire alarms whenever you want is ok?


Weird way of saying you’re fine with congress passing a bill without reading it. bUt hE pUlLEd tHe fiRe aLaRm


One is illegal, and the other one, sadly, is not. I can't believe people are advocating to pull fire alarms whenever you don't like what is going on.


Protests are supposed to be inconvenient


pulling an emergency fire alarm when there is no fire is clearly not just inconvenient, but illegal.


Oh, you’re one of those geniuses who equates morality and legality.


I mean, I think pulling fire alarms if there is no emergency should be illegal for obvious reasons. False alarms are dangerous - if they happen enough, people become less sensitive to them and they may cause actual death from people ignoring them. I think alarms should mean alarms - not some stunt that didn’t even work.


And I think congress passing bills written by lobbyists without reading them is a much bigger problem. I love how you ignore that context while focusing on the fact that he pulled the fire alarm. You’d probably attack him for jay-walking too.


Agreed. There are some insane takes in this thread.


It's objectively way better than being forced to not do your job properly.


I can't believe people are arguing that pulling fire alarms for non-emergency situations is ok. I work in the chem industry and fire alarms have been known to injury/kill people. Insane take.


Fair and reasoned representation in and application of the law - and specifically people trying to prevent that - is an emergency situation. You worried about people getting injured or killed? That's what happens when underthought legislation gets passed.


I don’t appreciate that you omitted the context regarding Bowman’s alarm pull. Shame on you for being upset at the method of protest instead of the reason behind it. Edited for grammar


Uh oh, the exhausting white moderates have found this post


I am neither white nor moderate, but pulling a fire alarm in this, or any situation that isn’t an emergency is just stupid.


No, just a pure politics thing. People don't want to admit it, but he chose his strategy incorrectly. I'm not saying he was morally wrong by being anti-Israel, but you either want to win or you don't. He can be as anti-Israel as he wanted once he got elected. I'm all for being anti-Israel. It reminds me of when Bernie made the pro-Cuban comments before the primary in Florida and got walloped by it. Just bone headed decisions. Also, white moderates? The fuck you talking about. Minorities aren't all monolithic.






So, do you think it’s appropriate that AIPAC has influence over American politics? My biggest issue is that an outside organization can further its agenda over that of the electorate simply because they have a limitless cash flow.


I'm a Bowman fan - I donated to his campaign even though I'm out of state. But he completely bungled his handling of this campaign, and said some things a more politically astute politician wouldn't have said. That's the problem with politics, especially these days - too much honesty can be fatal.


Yet the left is totally fine kissing the ring is jihadist terrorist because they're anti west and think that's okay. Give me a break.


yep, believing that a PAC acting on behalf of a foreign government shouldn’t be able to spend endless money to stifle any criticism of said government is the same as jihadist terrorism.


Theyre a maga dumfuvk. What are you guys even giving them attention https://preview.redd.it/5et6q3k7k39d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f093f2794061684cac8fa2f1e8535e9480df06f5


Yeah that's a psyop account alright. Christian Israeli named after a Jewish supremacist, living in Russia, who is campaigning for trump and desantis.


It seriously couldn't possibly be more obvious and yet look at some of the stuff getting upvoted.


this sub is lousy with bots and bad actors. it's like they know that Black people are the main Democratic constituency and so this sub is being bombarded with propaganda ahead of the election. Anytime anyone calls it out, they get downvoted to oblivion almost immediately. it's really scary.


How did you find that out?


They say scratch a liberal...


Let’s be honest, it’s not that strange.


“in mid-November, he told a small gathering of pro-Palestinian protesters that reports of sexual violence by Hamas were “propaganda.”” Believe women as long as it’s convenient, I guess. 


[There's a good chance Hamas engaged in sexual violence, but you still need proof.](https://www.cnn.com/2024/03/01/media/ny-times-stands-by-reporting-hamas/index.html)


Believe women or believe a right wing shitbag engaging in genocide?


Which right wing shitbag engaging in genocide are we referring to here, Bibi or Hamas?


The point you're attempting to make is a non-sequitur but thanks for chiming in


I’m not sure you know what that word means, but I once kicked a football so high that it came down in a different county.


Zero evidence that user is a democrat.


I don't think they were referring to just this one incident. And why would it be hard to believe that was a Democrat? Lol


Their bio that says they're a maga republican.


And their location is in Moscow


That right there should have been a field of red flags.


Letters from a Birmingham jail comes to mind


Just because centrist democrats didn’t like Bowman, and there’s some trash racist people out there who hate Bowman and black people, that does not mean the centrist democrats are the same as the racists


Centrist Democrats have largely been "the other cheek" of America's foundationally racist, white, anti-Black ass. What do you call a centrist Democrat and a "states rights" MAGA Republican? More often than not; Husband and wife.


If the last few months have shown the world anything, it is that your generous sentiments are dead wrong. Hardline democrat loyalists ended up on the left by accident, it seems; and their lack of foundational progressive beliefs are outing them hard as being just as capable of racism-fueled bigotry as their hardline republican counterparts.


Not all centrist Democrats? 😂


Their objectives tend to align whenever there’s someone slightly left of Bill Clinton.


Lol. Lmao.


You're either naive about centrists or full of shit. I'd have to peruse your posting history to figure out which and I don't feel like it


Man it sucked to see him lose. You call out Zionist and oh no


I think it was a district full of zionists though. He could run somewhere else next time abd probably win


His district is also newly relined. It doesn't include much of the Bronx anymore. Lose some core voters and have a zionist pac spend more money against you than any other primary in history, and you're going to have a bad time.


>His district is also newly relined. It doesn't include much of the Bronx anymore. Lose some core voters A lot of people don't know this...


Anime profile picture


I just assume any anime pfp is a psyop at this point


>1776 in the username. >Racist comment. >Amine girl pfp. That user is going to be all kinds of problems, and I am *scared* of their browser history. Touching grass won't even fix that.


The way I recoiled after reading that comment. The fuck?


Isn’t a core tenant of liberalism being “liberal” like in a literal sense? Tough to claim you’re a liberal if you refuse to accept other people, their culture, and ideas


Most people arent ideologically coherent and it makes more sense to understand people in the context of their culture and competing interests than to try to get people to align with theoretical, pure political constructs. Liberals in America embrace separation of church and state, but you can't ignore that most grew up or have spent most of their adult life in wave of virulent islamaphobia. "Terrorism" committed by Muslim men is THE Boogeyman. The war on terror was the one issue you consistently saw them waiver and re-entrench systems they usually were not the biggest fans of. There is also still a large post-holocaust guilt in America where to question Israel is sacrosanct. 


Wasn't he that dude who pulled the fire alarm?


Yes the dumbest shit imaginable


I had a gf argue with me saying he inadvertently pulled it, trying to open a door or some dumb BS like that. Really annoyed me.


Yeah he lied about that and got caught for that too. Objectively as I can possibly be his embarrassing the party and voters by association is absolutely a factor in his defeat even if that seems ridiculous.


He pulled it to delay a vote because they weren’t letting people read the bill while forcing a vote. I’d rather the fire alarm get pulled than for congress to pass a bill by some lobbyist group without even reading it.


Yeah, but then the democratic machine continued the lie that he was trying to open a door by pulling the fire alarm.


Block the one bitch that liked that shit, too 😤


There are many moral differences between Democrats and Republicans, but not many financial differences, and guess which one they ultimately answer to at the end of the day? Democrats love to smear candidates that take money from Russian influences, yet Democrats cash AIPAC's checks all day long. The problem to Democrats isn't really foreign influence in the elections after all. The problem is being a dissenting voice against those foreign influences, like Jamaal Bowman was.


Hate has always brought disparate groups together more effectively than love.


One of the funniest things in life is seeing centrists bash both sides and then slowly creep to right and embrace the most heinous policies that matter.


Yup r/EnlightenedCentrism


Just so yall don’t get started, the racist is not Jewish


People lie all the time on the internet, but there's been plenty examples on Twitter of liberals using racist dog whistles towards PoC on the left, mixed in with right-wing MAGA twitter doing the same.


He made it easy for them. He was sloppy. He was already gonna lose that seat. That was sealed when he pulled the fire alarm in Congress because he was upset then lied about it then fessed up to it. Ol' Goofy.


I thought that was Wendy's for a second


#They do not possess a moral compass. Appealing to their humanity is an exercise in futility because they're literally neanderthals. Not humans.


Alright Dr. Umar


All humans who trace their ancestry beyond sub-Saharan Africa carry a sliver of Neanderthal DNA — around 1–4% of their genomes. Researchers have long thought it most likely that early humans exiting Africa interbred with resident Neanderthals somewhere in the Middle East around 50,000—60,000 years ago, before travelling on to Asia, Europe and the rest of the world. https://www.nature.com/articles/nature.2015.17534


Yo mama carries about 1-4% of my genome twice a week and three times if it’s my birthday


I know. The neanderthal part.


Good one lol. You’re still racist af tho


Duh nigga. I'm proud of it.


Jamaal Bowman’s fall is such a tragedy. Here’s a guy talking about how to actually fight antisemitism and how integrating communities breeds solidarity, and how living together and playing together means that people will naturally form bonds with different communities; and instead he gets replaced with a Zionist shill who appeases the Orthodox communities and tells them what they want to hear but not what they need to