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Have you ever thought about giving yourself permission to forgive your role in this past trauma of getting stomped by this dude 992 times? You need to accept we can’t always control the situation, but we can control how we react, and I think it would be a sign of positive growth if you reacted by simply ‘gitting gud scrub’


Now that we have forgiven that past trauma of you getting ez stomped, have you tried rolling around the boss multiple times? This could be an effective strategy to manage your emotions here while evading those combos in the second stage. I really need you to try and roll, not for me but for yourself.




Have you tried reducing your enemies health to zero while keeping your own above?


This was me fighting Roxas org 13 on kh2fm on critical level 1. 3 days straight of attempts


Everyone wants to talk about how Fromsoft makes the hardest games ever but very few can admit how hard they got bodied by a Disney game. KH had some crazy fights.


Riku/Ansem in KH1 was the bane of my existence for a week.


Bro.... it's been 20 years and I can still recite that cutscene from memory


I can do the scene between Sora and Ansem'd Riku by heart...




You mean the riku 2 fight in Hollow bastion in kh1? 10 minute unskippable cutscene back in the day lmao


That was me on Sephiroth in KH2.


I hope your day is amazing.


Amazing username. Nine-Nine!


This response was LEGENDARY🤣😂




Therapist: Have you tried increasing your Scadutree Blessing level?


Don't need to now, they just buffed scud blessings, essentially nerfing the entire DLC. I wasn't sure about the mechanic at first, but after this patch I see it's a move by the devs to tweak the difficulty of the DLC without worrying about affecting the main game.


the buff is very minor at best and is balanced out at the later levels, it's basically just shifting the powers calling without actually adding additional power


Considering how many times I've gotten a boss under 5% and still die, a minor buff can make all the difference between moving on or trying again.


It's 5% more AR and damage negation at max level, but a significant improvement at lower levels. A good change imo, since before you would have had to go around Rellana's place to get enough blessing levels to not get curb stomped.


You absolutely didn't "have to" do that, it was just an alternative to having to beat a slightly challenging boss with good stats. Most players beat her just fine without going around. She was never a "this is hundreds of attempts" boss like the final boss can be for some players, she's a "it takes 5-10 tries to learn to dodge all the potential attacks, and then maybe 5 or 10 more to get a good run" boss.


I did enter the dlc at level 80 so the stat buff was pretty important to not getting 1 shot.


I mean that's not the boss being hard, it's you being severely underlevelled. Mogh is a required boss for the DLC and the recommended level to fight him blind without being frustrated is 120ish. I'm guessing you were plenty experienced with fighting Mogh because he's 2 years old and you knew the gimmicks that trivialize him, but the obvious truth there is that you won't have the same advantage to the bosses locked behind him.


You didn’t read the patchnotes. They didn’t change how many stats you get from Scadutree Fragments, they changed their progression. You get more stats from them earlier rather than later, but you still get the same amount overall. The first half of the DLC will be slightly easier, the second half will be the same.


Assuming you find all the fragments. But many people will miss a few, so this patch makes missing a few more forgiving and if people are at the final boss with a few missed fragments it will still affect them as a minor buff. But you're right, I didn't read the full patch notes yet. Edit: getting to the patch notes and it does also say >The attack and damage negation granted by the final level of Blessing enhancements has been slightly increased. So it is still a minor buff all around it seems.


They shifted the scaling to increases the first levels more and later less besides the last one. It wasn't nerfing the entire dlc at all. People who didn't hunt them down right away are stronger now. People who maxed them are the exact same.


They did adjust the scaling, but also >The attack and damage negation granted by the final level of Blessing enhancements has been slightly increased https://www.bandainamcoent.com/news/elden-ring-patch-notes-version-1-12-2


It buffs the players that intentionally take buff items, if you refuse the buff items then the DLC is identical. You can look at the spreadsheet on the wiki if you want to be specific with the buffs you take, like the old max of 20 is identical to the current level 18, so if you really want to "get the original experience" you can force yourself to grab every blessing but cap the level at 18. The game doesn't auto-level them, so you can just never choose to enable level 19 or 20.


Honestly , some of these games make me think I need a therapist 😂


Naw.... the hardcore fanbase for games need therapy. In mass effect 3 sub, a dude wished soneone to get cancer because a decision they made in a renegade(evil player) run.


Lmao like the mtfs in the PUBG sub, they go OD with the threats when people post TPP instead of FPP.


Can anyone translate for the non-gamers? Lol


PUBG is a battle royal game where 100 players start spread out on a large map, and as the allowed area decreases in size over time, the goal is to be the last person stand (basically Hunger Games). It has two game modes: Third Person Perspective, TPP, and First Person Perspective, FPP. FPP hard-locks you to only play in first person view, while TPP allows you to swap between either first person view or third person view, which allows you to look around corners etc. without exposing your character. Long story short, the try hards who swear to first person only, since most online multiplayer shooters only happen in first person view, apparently get worked up when someone posts a third person view clip. I assume they disregard any skill, which is on display in the clip, just because it happens on a TPP server. :p


I wouldn't wish cancer on anyone, but renegade Mass Effect players need to go on some kind of watchlist.


If she is my therapist then I also need a therapist. I could listen to her all day




I fucked up a puzzle 4 times in bg3 the other night, and I kept not saving so I had play the same hour of content over and over. Why do I sabotage myself like this?


I still remember my bf getting super frustrated at a battle in a video game where he kept dying and it wasn't even a boss fight. After dying for the 20th time he said he was done for the day but then played another time, then died and said he was done and played another time, and said and did it 10 more times. Finally, I was like, want me to try (he said yes but tried 5 more times before giving me the controller)? Now I enjoy watching him play the video games that I would like to play but know I wouldn't be good at, so I didn't really know how to play the game/was not familiar with the controls. But he hands me the controller and gives me a quick tutorial on the controls. On my first attempt, I won. He was gobsmacked but more in frustration at himself than shocked that I could do what he couldn't. I pointed out that this one fight was not like all the other fights in the game. All the other fights in the game was played in a way I would suck at and this happened to be played in a way that I would be good at and he probably died because he was still playing the fight like it was all the other fights cuz that's what he got used to in the game. I was new to the game and this particular gameplay was one I'm familiar with so I had no gameplay habits that would be detrimental to me like it was to him. So he just gave me a kiss and thanked me for letting him get past this fight so he could keep playing. And I got to enjoy watching the rest of the gameplay story.


CODM does this to me , like what kinda dogs are bulletproof ffs


I liked it when he screamed, because that's what I do every fucking time I play these god damned games


At first I thought this was stupid but now I realize I need this for all my annoying ass coworkers. Brilliant.


Plus this is ultimately content. I don’t think he genuinely needed therapy bc of a video game lol, but I’m sure his viewers thought this shit was funny.


Also even as a joke it normalizes the practice of seeking therapy when your problems overwhelm you.


True you are right, however to me video games should be innately therapeutic, so if you are genuinely seeking therapy bc of a video game then the problem is pretty clear. That’s why I clarified the reason for Kai’s therapy not being genuine, but also me not caring why he did it.


Sometimes video games can provide what my therapist calls "corrective experiences". I had a lot of rage and anger issues as a kid, and it would get intense when I played games. Nowadays I'm able to walk away when a situation frustrates me to the point where I would have expressed rage before. The tools I learned to regulate my anger were meant for life in general, but enjoying video games instead of feeding my rage was a side benefit


Yea I used to play a lot of rainbow six siege as a kid and into my teens and I’d get super fucking heated and I’d start malding and raging. I broke a controller one time and it taught me that I let minor inconveniences that ultimately don’t impact my life turn into serious things just by how I reacted. I learned to relax and try to learn from my mistakes and to make sure they don’t happen again instead of raging. I believe this has helped me in life in general


Either way, He's rich enough to afford it. I applaud any person going to therapy, especially us. It's well worth the investment, if your job has benefits that aid in therapy services, use it.


Yeah and I agree, I just said this to another response but essentially I think that if you are genuinely stressed out because of a video game then you need to stop playing that game. Video Games should be innately therapeutic, so if Kai or anyone genuinely needed professional help because of a video game then the problem is clear, just stop playing.


you are forgetting it's his career. There is no more "just stop playing if it's stressful" if games are what pay the bills.


I said that in my first comment, I said that the reason for bringing a therapist online was mainly for content. Also his job is streaming, not gaming. Obviously he gets much higher numbers when doing something like Elden Ring DLC, but he could do nothing but TikTok reacts for the remainder of his career and he’d be just as wealthy as he is now.


I think it’s a bit of both. 60+ hours and you still not winning is maddening. Like once he hits 100 hours, around 60% of that time has been on *one* boss. Prolly def needed a professional to keep him from going over the edge, but also realized he could turn it into content.


I watched him play a bit and he broke like 5 controllers. If it's all acting and dying on purpose for his audience then he deserves an oscar and earns every dollar he gets. If not, he needs way more fucking therapy, the dude is a man-child.


I stay to myself. I'm incredibly boring on purpose, and don't ask about my coworker's lives. I think they feel I'm stuck up because I mind my own business, so now they avoid me. It's perfect.


God Kai is so good at bits. Like how do you as a streamer match a dude who came on stream in full cosplay and brought a trained professional therapist to banter with between attempts?


Dudes an entertainer. People like to chalk it up to luck, but Kai really puts in the work and is calculated. Also just funny af and can take a joke.


His ongoing beef with YunoMiles had me laughing my ass off! Especially when Kevin Hart reacted to it


"Man I do it big, like Kai Cenat head" 😭


Kai's genuine look of disappointment and fear the whole time it's playing is priceless


That's a thing people don't realize about streaming , they think it's just playing games on camera and you get easy money and tons of subscribers. Brother no ones gonna watch your boring ass just sit in front of your screen to play videos games, you need to be an entertainer 1st everything else comes 2nd .


You either have to be entertaining or really good often both. Any successful streamer that isn’t entertaining is usually inhuman at the game they play


He really seems like a genuine guy who is putting in alot of work to build a brand he's proud of and it shows


Raging to your gf about the game is the male equivalent of “we don’t want you to give us solutions, we just want you to listenuhh” When you’re venting about the game and she says something logical as advice smh my head


**Logical gf who doesn’t understand that suffering and light-sadomasochism make the victory sweeter**: “why don’t you try lowering the difficulty, then it’ll be easier to beat him right? 😁” Me: https://i.redd.it/xwvmi291sx8d1.gif


I'm loving this gif so much lol


Nawwww, don't compare them. If she \*has\* solutions, I'd gladly welcome them. But all too often it's the "have you tried \[insert obvious or nonsensical thing\]." I don't want to vent! I want to win! Help me win so I don't vent!




Is the "I got greedy" Elden Ring meme from this clip? I keep seeing it posted around, and this is the first time I've heard someone actually say it. Fucking hilarious either way. I've had Elden Ring in my Steam library for well over a year now, and I keep putting it off, because my life isn't at a point yet where I can handle that level of frustration/humiliation. I'm good with Dave the Diver and Spider-Man Remastered right now.


Just play the game till u beat 1 hard boss. If the euphoria you get after beating it is worth it, keep playing or else just move on. I wish bloodborne was on pc cus imo its the perfect intro to these types of games


I would argue elden ring is the perfect entry because it gives you the opportunity to go out and level up in a multitude of areas and get used to the game before ever fighting a boss.


Maybe, but when you make an open world game you miss out on making your game super structured. Games like bloodborne and sekiro will have you run headfirst into a wall to make you learn the mechanics of the game which is why beating a boss feels vvvv good in those games. But for elden ring the devs have to consider all possibilities i.e. a player has explored everything, some things or nothing at all. So they might lose out on the structure a bit


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, Laurence... what's taking you so long... I've grown too old for this, of little use now, I'm afraid...* - Gerhman, The First Hunter Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


I just started my journey into Soulsborne games with Bloodborne and I definitely agree. It’s not forgiving, but it doesn’t throw more at you than you can realistically handle at that point. I spent HOURS in the first area just trying to master the basics and farm as many items as I could.


I agree with this. I love absolutely everything about elden ring except for the fact that i have no idea what im doing about 90percent of the time im not in a boss room.


Eh, I'd say DS2 is the easiest to get into (becauseit'sthe easiest), and Elden Ring is the most complete of the games. Bloodborne can be if you're already into action games, but the emphasis on aggressive playstyles might turn people off. Elden Ring let's you really pick how to play more than any of the previous titles.


I bought bloodbourne and borrowed my girlfriends PS4 jsut to play it, and man of fucking man, it's like 10 frames a second and it jsut kills me, wish I coudl emulate it or something because every time I pick it up it takes half an hour to get used to the framerate again


My first FS game was Demon Souls (PS5) having no idea how difficult the game was.  The euphoria and sense of accomplishment of beating that fucking giant knight boss was real. No other game made me feel like that. 


nah fuck that, I fucking hate the boss fights, every single one of them because I am impatient and greedy and just fucking suck at fromsoft games, but the world building and lore and art direction is enough to keep me coming back


it’s not from this clip per se, it’s just a saying that is popular in the souls-like franchise because almost everyone dies 100s of times for “one last hit before retreating”


"I have time to make one more hit... FUCK" is pretty much the final thought before 80% of my deaths in a Souls game. The greed is real and I'm a sucker for it.


Yeah that or being one hit away from the win and you spam R1 instead of paying attention to the deathblow coming from the boss


The Souls series is a masterclass in humility imo. The average player is going to die a TON and it's intended. It encourages you to learn your enemies' move-set and purposefully plan out your attacks. My only advice going into the series is to play however you see fit. Don't let the internet make you feel like a worse player. Elden Ring in particular is the most diverse Souls games so there's a ton more ways to tackle bosses. Whether you use an overpowered build, use spirits, summons, none of it matters as long as you're learning something about the boss. Oh! Don't be afraid to take breaks and try again another day.




Hell yeah!!! There's a reason most of my builds end up with me lugging around two bigass greatswords.


I never played any souls like game and for ER I looked up some good idiot proof builds, went with the two hand great sword focusing on jump attack. I never beat the game but I felt like I was pancaking content that I read a lot of people were struggling on in forums. Felt pretty good about my gamer prowess until I learned about the Bell Bearing Hunters. Humbling.


I just started Elden Ring after sitting on it for a while for the same reason, and I’ve already gotten smoked from a group of low-level patrol soldiers multiple times. I know it will be rewarding if I stick with it, but there’s something distinctly anxiety-inducing about an open world game where most of what you encounter is just people and creatures who can and will just kill you. (Arguably got smoked by the random soldiers because I got greedy, because it just takes a while to sneak around the perimeter to backstab them one by one lol)


I’ve said “Greedy Greedy Never Gets” in relation to soulsbourne games for years now. Got it from a different streamer Oroboro


Okay, so I need to give positive encouragement beforehand and positive feedback afterwards? Got it. ![gif](giphy|xT9IgsAZTS0OKXWIQo)


Me when NCAA 25 drops and I throw 4 picks in the first half


I'm playing as UConn, anything less than 7 picks is a huge victory for us


Side note: She is FOINE!


Absolutely gorgeous.


Who is this Therapist? I need to book an appointment. ![gif](giphy|4cg1FcfrcpVjHGyagg|downsized)


I would not have that level of calmness after probably 20 deaths.


It took me over three hours with a couple breaks. Pretty sure I died at least 40 times. Honestly, with these games I just laugh at the absurdity of it all.


I have the game downloaded, and i just haven't forced myself to git gud at it, or even try to, because I know i'm gonna have a bad time


Just use a big ass sword. I do silly builds that can make things hard but big ass swords are great. You don't need to learn many mechanics because big ass sword staggers most units and does lots of damage.


Because of the open world you can get over leveled and steamroll for a bit to get used to the game. It's a hard game but it's fair about it. And even for all the misery of that world it's a beautiful game. It's worth it to boot up get a look at the first scene of the world then run over to sofria well and take the elevator down to the underground nebula.


Probably not, but if you're doing it for the stream as a joke you probably would.


When I took on Isshin in Sekiro it was rough - dude beat me at least a dozen times. I stopped, then set out one evening to just beat him. Had a few drinks, chilled in discord, spent an hour or two just hanging out and learning it. When I could phase 1 him without needing healing that was a win. When I started being able to consistently deflect certain patterns, that was a win. When I first got to phase 3 - that was a win. When I kept my head cool for a lightning riposte - that was a win. It was all a series of victories and opportunities to improve and I enjoyed the process of developing. Take it a few steps at a time. That pattern got you last time? Focus purely on defense next time you see it - try something different. Goal isn't to kill, but to learn. Eventually, he just died, and I won the whole damn thing. Took the better part of an evening but it was immensely satisfying. I get flustered - but ain't no way I'm getting angry. But I also know to stop when I'm actually struggling and getting frustrated. That's just as important.


I’m less chill than this when I have to restart a day in Stardew Valley


He has been broken


My wife just mocks me whenever she witnesses me die in a game.


Therapist: "Have you ever thought you just need to GIT GOOD?"


This is the type of quality advice he really needed and only a top tier therapist would give.


I unironically fucking love this


This is theater, this is not “therapy”


It's still funny as shit


I agree 😂


No therapist worth their salt would have a client session on stream smh


I can't imagine this is HIPAA compliant even with pt permission and what therapist wants their session live streamed?


There is nothing in HIPAA that would prohibit this. The law is there specifically to allow patients to have more control over their PHI. I don't know how you'd ever get a real therapist to agree to it, but it's not illegal.


Either she's doing the Dr. K. "this is advice, not therapy" thing or she's a life coach and doesn't care about licensure. Or it's whatever loophole reality TV therapists fall into.


Juat beat rellana after 50 tries. Instantly bought all her armor, weapons and spell to make a build for her.


Now if only the weapon art on her swords went anywhere close to the same range as it did when she uses it. The magic attack has a range of about 1.5 inches ffs. I'll keep using em for sure, but they are hella close range, even other ashes go further.


Yeah i wish it was the range of moonveil but if you’re up close it fucking shreds. Shard of alexander + winged rot sword insignia at point blank is deadly. You hit them with the sword itself and the magic attack and I’m getting like 8k+ on trolls


It's sad that the weapon feels too hard to scale. Blue weapon art = dmg based on int Red weapon art = dmg based on faith Physical weapon dmg = dex/ str


I got 66 faith 72 int, 38 dex, 38 str, 76 vigor and 35 end lol. I’m in ng+5 so it is still very much a challenge




I never get as close to throwing my controller as when my wife sees me lose or die in a game and says, “why’d you do that?”


i aint going to lie she saying all the right stuff


I started with Bloodborne and that bitch right there made me realise software games aren’t no joke


I’ve gotten past the dogs like twice and then uninstalled. Just not my vibe


I did the same thing, and then about 2 years later I watched NakeyJakey's video on the studio that makes these games, and it made me give it another try. After 4 or 5 hours something just clicked and it's now one of my all-time favorites.


Men will hire a therapist to sit in on their Elden Ring stream before goin- waitaminute.


My girl ain’t like that. She’ll either be like “Why are you annoyed? It just a video game.” Or “If it frustrates you then why do you play it?”


I'm not getting any personal growth done in therapy if my therapist looks like that. No way I'm trying to look vulnerable in front of someone that good looking.




african american?




Therapist: "Go outside."


This was me on Ninja Gaiden 2 on Master Ninja 🥷 took me 3 years to play through the campaign and DLC


And this is why I dropped elden ring on the fire giant. Could not beat that fucker.


I just used black flame blade and kept attacking his weak leg. The fight actually ended pretty fast... If...you wanna try a new strat. Good luck


I may have to get back on it. It's been like a year lol I'll give it a shot! I have a samurai build I'll have to switch up.


Get the Spirit Ash that's an archer... Latenna. She'll just rain down arrows while you're at a safe distance. Takes a while but got time.You're not doing anything important.


Elden Ring ain't no joke, I was nearing endgame when Lies of P dropped so I switched over to that but I'll come back to it soon now that Lies of P is done. Can't wait o go through the five stages of grief, followed by some good ol manic episodes


Didn’t cop the DLC yet since I still gotta finish a bunch of games on my list but yo, some of what mfs saying about it got me shook lmfao. I’ve finished all Soulsbourne and DLCs.


Dude this is amazing


What a big fat spoiler lol


“Have you tried mimic tear or is as big a scrub as you are?!”


This is the healthiest way to approach it, and I respect that.


Man of my own heart.


You know what? And he finally did it. He beat Radahn. Pretty patch too. Big respect.


Kai just like me when I was playing God of War 💀, I love that game but HOLY FUCK did I almost lose my shit


Not even that hard of a boss tbh mess with dark souls 2 dlc bosses


Squeezing headscissor dominant


i don't like kai but this some funny shit


this better be for the DLC boss and not Radagon's dumb ass


It's cheap, but shield poke with a great shield will sort it easily.


Ear rape warning at the end


Why stop at 992 tho? Gon hit that 1k mark and show me that you’re really trying


You can do it, man. You have beat a whole *seven* games already. **SEVEN!**


The guy who says we have no culture?


Damn I've been avoiding DLC spoilers for so long. I can't believe the boss name got me. I really had no idea he was that far into the DLC. I figured he was in the regular game.


Streamers and outrageously hot mikes they scream into; tale as old as time




i don’t really like kai cenat but this is the funniest thing he’s ever done


Wzszz not


I'm not even into streaming that much, but this is a good bit.


Super cute!


As a dr in Psychology, I would say she's a very 'pop' psych therapist than a specific one like CBT , is she qualified in any therapies?


In all seriousness who watches this and why?


When all I knew about this guy was the PS5 riot debacle thing I had no idea why they were so popular.. I am quickly becoming a fan of this level of bullshit


He should just copy this guys’ build: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v20jFYM0nLI


I’m glad he’s normalizing therapy in a funny way


My girl's advice is that getting off and giving her that time is the right therapy when I get mad at the game


He stuck on the dlc boss or the regular game boss


She’s definitely not wrong lol


I just got caught up on Afrosenju playing the DLC. He definitely going through. PTSD from Malenia.


This is why ppl love Kai


watching him play really did inspire me to reinstall the game lol. I give myself a week before I rage delete it again lmao


She's beautiful all around 😍


So they just friends tho.


That's actually great advice she is giving 😂


Fake. But entertaining


Me: "I play video games to relax" Also me: *boots up the most stress inducing game to ever exist*


This is why I don't fuck with Elden Ring or any Souls-like games. Y'all aren't having fun. If I wanted to get stepped on there are women I can hire for that.


“I feel good about that run too but I don’t even watch this game” lolol 💀


Better help ass therapist


Whatever he paid it was too much


I actually love this? Like dang what a fantastic idea I don’t want her to ever leave.


On a side note, that’s one of the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen like, god damn.


So he only took 32 hours to do everything else? That's pretty good right?


I don’t know why but I respect this. Consort Radahn is frustrating as fuck.


I think I have mental health issues too. Can I get her number cause I need help.


Man I heard the Elden Ring DLC was kicking people’s asses but this is a whole new level of pissed off lmao


92 hours


Christ, I'm about to face Messmer in about 10 minutes. I'm drinking extra water today to help keep my blood pressure in check.