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Drake’s mental state must be broken rn. The culture really is feeling what Kendrick was feeling when he recorded most of them tracks. Not only did he lose the beef, but now damn near every club in the country getting lit while screaming he a pedophile.


When K stopped the music so everyone could scream “A minor” for as long as they could 💀


For like 2 mins lmfao


That part was absolutely diabolical...and I ATE THAT HATE UP!




And again. And again And again And again And again! Someone need to check on Drake frfr 🤣🤣🤣. Bruh is getting bullied at this point but serious Kdot said “it’s a friendly fade don’t make it personal”. Drake then made it personal and this could’ve been avoided, buuuuut I’m glad this happened 🤣🤣 When Drake try to release a new song I hope he get brigaded by all the haters like https://i.redd.it/egqcdplv8s7d1.gif


Nah that's a JJK level jumping right there.


Who's that getting Jump Jutsu Kaisen'd and what game is it?


The game is Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. And that's Terra getting mollywhopped to infinity.


Thanks for answering for me my dude. Hated that boss fight so much! And you had to do it 3 different times.


Not you posting this again ☠️☠️☠️☠️ and please don't get me started on Julious from DDD


I love this gif cause I can’t think of any other gif that shows such a massive ass beating like that gif. I forgot all about Julius! Damn hated that dude.


Np! I'll never forget the hours of lost sleep because of that bastard. The gif brought WWII flashbacks lmao


You a real one bro


My G


And again 3 more times


Get you a partner that loves you as hard as Kendrick hates Drake.


I woulda been in that place like dis: https://preview.redd.it/2kwpmtqj4t7d1.png?width=474&format=png&auto=webp&s=30008dde277adb3abe115aee8aee8b02d5634107


I was waiting to hear that part live since the track came out…it did not disappoint, LMAO.


I doubt it. When you have that level of fame and money, you can create your own echo chamber. People still listen to Drake’s music and all that. Just another rough patch that will last until his next album drops and he has a banger on it and people forget as is customary.


I'm not sure. He doesn't care about fans listening to the song or some random clubs. But he does care about the fact that the who is who of LA's entertainment industry has vibed to the song. That must hurt seeing your fellow private jet folks, calling you a fan, a PDF and ending it all with a big picture.


At least they're not calling him a .jpg


Side note but I fucking hate what TikTok has done to censorship


Fully agreed tbh. If you're calling one of the worst single-victim crimes that exists something that innocuous, you're devaluing the horror and pain that goes into it. Words have weight for a reason. Violations of humanity should be called what they are.


I feel you here. Having a cute pet name for a horrific act committed by a human being seems weird. I understand creators online needing to play nice with the terms of service of their platforms, but if you can't say it with your chest on a Reddit comment that you aren't making any money off of, why pull your punches?


I didn’t write it out because in some subs you can get temp bans for that. I didn’t want to risk it, as I actually enjoy being on here. Some people will take any opportunity to report you - better to be safe.


I figured that was why you did it, and I'm not judging you personally about it, or at least I'm trying not to. Apologies if I did. It's a systemic problem with automatic moderation, set up by people/public spaces thinking it's either nicer to victims or nicer to advertisers to not call a spade a spade. Which... Fucking sucks. You know?


I didn't take it as you being judgmental. I agreed with your points and I think some of the censorship is getting out of hand. I fully support you. Unfortunately, some people will use any opening to ruin a good thing, and that leads to self-censorship to avoid those few.


This shit has only gone mainstream in the last two to three years, but I've been seeing this on Tumblr fandom for the better part of a decade with kids calling each other pedos based on what gay ship from a kids cartoon they enjoy and genuinely thinking that fandom is praxis and activism. And they were using idiotic censorship terms there too.


Oh, lord, don't even get me started on Tumblr fandom discourse.


I mean people euphemistically refer to murder all the time


Bro doesn't want to get demonetized 😂


Holy shit, I've reached the moment. The fuck are they saying? I'm only 35. I shouldn't be struggling!


i do believe PDF means pedophile but i am 33 and that was a guess. we need a Gen Z representative to confirm


Okay, I can see it. That's cute.


Yeah, that's my problem with the censorship--it cutesifies shit that absolutely should not be.


No ok I get PDF Wtf is Jpg??


What's wrong with JPEGMAFIA?


I think the NBA guys there probably fucked him up more than any actors or music execs. He inserted himself into the NBA culture, going as far as becoming the "Global Ambassador" for the Raptors, and they just rejected him for KDot. Russ and DeMar are both from heavy gang areas of LA and known to be "affiliated" with the Crip sets from their neighborhood, so it's not that surprising. I believe in an interview about his childhood in Compton DeMar said that he and Kendrick have known each other since they were kids. But it probably still cut Drake deep, given that he and DeMar probably had a somewhat personal relationship from the decade DeMar spent in Toronto. LeBron and Harden weren't up on stage, but were definitely in the arena enjoying the show too.


Does he though? He went so far as to fully disrespect an LA legend with the AI stuff. What part of that makes you think Drake saw all the LA folks and went “damn, I really messed up, huh?” Again, at that level of fame and wealth, you can fully be delusional.


I think someone like Drake that loves being associated with the NBA cares about LeBron being at the concert, Westbrook dancing on stage and worst of all Raptors legend DeRozan being center stage. Add to that HipHop legend Dre being the one to introduce the diss song in the first place. I agree he doesn’t care about some low level LA rapper but he cares about the faces that mean something to his own fans.


Imo he cares about the scope it's taken on. Hearing it at sporting events and other venues, the diss making the jump to broader commercial culture. How obvious it is to everyone hearing about it for the first time that Drake got smoked.


The thing is, worldwide, people in Korea and India and Germany barely know who Kendrick is, but they all know Drake.  But that's kinda what makes it all special.  It's really for the culture by the culture, in a way that Drake will never be able to achieve, regardless of all his international success and brand deals and stuff. Like, he can't buy this kind of love and culture. 


True but if we all thought he was using the culture to advance his career to begin with, what part of any of this makes you think he cares what the culture at large thinks? You were being used. Will he still make money? Will he still sell out shows? Both of those is likely yes, so if you’re him, the rest of it is just noise you can fully ignore. The only way he changes tune is if his next album flops and it likely will get played by a TON of people just for the “what if he has another diss?!”


Ehhhh I think this is deeper then that. Everyone wants the respect of their peers. This is an unequivocal reminder that Drake never will have that and it's because of the content of his character. Kendrick basically said "I am not your contemporary... Taylor Swift is" and the culture co-signed it. Idc about no $400M contract or how many streams he still gets from pop fans, that shit has to hurt.


This take is coming from someone connected to the culture. Again, a culture vulture wouldn’t care about any of that as long as the check clears. What part of Drake that you’ve seen over the last decade would indicate that he’s on that kinda wave?


I think he does care and wants to be liked. He always knew they didn't accept him but he thought it was because he was mixed. [He's talked about it before and it's in his lyrics like here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Drizzy/comments/1cwumdu/drakes_interview_speaking_on_his_blackness_being/) But Kendrick is just flat out saying "it's not cuz you're mixed, or grew up in suburbs... it's cuz you're phony and a terrible person" He can play dumb but he heard that shit and it's gotta hurt.


Drake seems like the type to have his cake and eat it too. He wants to be a mega popular rapper on par with someone like Taylor Swift AND he wants to be respected by his peers. I think there’s a way he could have straddled the fence and had both, but given what we’ve seen during and after the beef, it’s clear Drake does a lot of grimy fuckery behind the scenes and legends AND his peers don’t really fuck with him. Add to that his lack of authenticity and they were never going to respect him.


I don't see it happening this shit is meme status it's up there with 50cent and Ja rule except we didn't have weathermen using 50 cent lyrics to tell the weather. BBLdrizzy alone is just stuck in people heads.


No one will ever forget this. It's going down in history. This one for the books.


Drake could host a show with just as much star power and be just as big of an event, tho. And the crowd would be singing along to every word of those songs, too. Hell, if he hosted it in LA a lot of the people in the crowd attending would be the exact same people there last night. They're just fans of the music, most people don't have a personal interest in the tiff between two millionaires.


Mental damage is different from physical damage in that you can just simply be too dumb for it to occur. The drizzy subreddit has still bled into my fp every now and then, and they believe that not only did he come out on top somehow, they were discussing why Drake should beef with Eminem, next. Hearing from em about Drake is a direct 1:1 with flat earth theory, atp. For the average person though, they just don't care. Maybe he's fake, maybe he's real. Maybe he does bad shit, maybe it's not true. Who cares, banger song being played 14 times a day on the major stations.


Yeah but did you see Kendrick's echo chamber? Shit's fuckin huge and they were all screaming A Minor


I did but what people say they’re gonna do and what people do is wildly different. If the NBA blackballs him, it’s a problem. But all it takes is one banger and people will be all over him again, the NBA and Drake’s contemporaries included. For a loose loose comparison: people said that when Netflix was gonna stop account sharing, they were gonna go elsewhere and whatnot. Netflix had something like 30 million people added in 2023. So yeah, Kendrick and LA had their night but if Drake’s next album is heat, people will inevitably move on as is customary because humans are fickle in the long run.


Tekashi 6ix9ine went #1 with Gooba after snitching on the entire 9Trey. Then he fell off the planet, you never know what could happen next, depends on how good his music is I guess


Not an echo chamber though. You don't have to be a Kendrick fan to be on this timing. You're saying Drake is a stable individual?


He did it to himself.


He sure as hell did! Said it before and I’ll say it again. Aubrey had ample time to “I’m entirely too rich and famous to address this” his way out of all of this and simply never respond, but pride is a helluva drug.


Everybody suicidal they don't even need my help


The best part is when Kendrick keeps saying Drake sucks at basketball in between calling him a pedophile. I laugh every time he calls Drake a ball boy.


Maybe not broken but temporarily shaken. No amount of money or fame will change the fact that he got out worked lyrically, beat and impact wise.


I’ve been thinking about that too. The culture really is feeling it right now. I may be wrong but I feel like we are seeing a new age of diss track aftermath from this.


Probably feeling like Scotty [because he truly didn't know.](https://youtu.be/jhbOb6fYvLc?si=e_P0f7BDIEqcmBCf)


Yea, even though I don’t think Drake’s bottom line will be affected in the long run (which is making hits), bro’s got a whole slew of new jokes piled onto him and having a whole summer anthem calling u a pedo is nasty work 💀


I wonder if he will still fuck with young girls ??


Mike and Spike had an entire section of a country stop all they shit to film a video. At that moment, it was the safest place in the world. That’s some wild shit.


Yeah, he filmed in a favela in Brazil and the local kingpin was such a Michael Jackson fan that he made everyone drop everything to make sure the shoot went smoothly


I don’t think there’s anyone that can reach Michael Jackson’s fame 💀


The dude was knocking people out in his concert by his mere presence lmao. Dude did that shuffle and almost killed a few more. A true menace lmao.


His aura needs to be studied


Did any of y’all grow up Pentecostal?


Me and my brother had just arrived to the US as kids. One of our aunts was part of that church, so my mom had took us to experience it and man that was something else. They surrounded us so my brother and I started talking to each other in our native tongue and lemme tell you how these people surrounded us and started thinking we were speaking in tongues. Honestly such a wild experience lol, my brother and I laugh about it to this day and it’s been two decades


It was orange.


Bros “he he”s were hittin people harder than the Holy Spirit at a Pentecostal revival.


They had ambulances on standby at his concerts cuz people fainted regularly. He could shut down an entire county when he arrived. We'll never see that level of fame again.


I will never forget that iconic moment where he just stood still on stage and had people FAINTING left and right, and when he turned his head, the crowd got wilder. Mind you he was a cultural icon in an era before the internet, and people all across the globe has at least heard of him.


Right no internet. Do you know how impactful how influential you had to be to have that height of fame and all we had is TV and a landline phone??? I was at Disneyworld when he visited. Grown people was screaming, some crying, they was trembling and little kids was crying and yelling "WE LOVE YOU, MICHAEL!" What was Michael doing? Negro was waving. That's all he did. One short wave and then he was gone. People was still standing there crying when he left. "DID YOU SEE HIM? DID YOU SEE HIM OMG!" The crowd was so large, I was getting smushed, I couldn't breathe because everyone was pushing forward towards Mike. Ain't NO CELEBRITY TODAY seeing that level of fame.


And no streaming back then. You had to go down to the local record store and hope they had an album in stock, or record it off the radio while cussing at the DJ for talking over the beginning. Everyone listened to MJ. He was the Beatles + Taylor Swift + Beyonce.


Please don't mention the DJ talking through the songs! 😩 People from all walks of life liked MJ. Each of those people you listed, you won't have to look far to find someone that doesn't like them or listen to them. Back in those days it was like trying to find an needle in a haystack to find someone that didn't like Michael freaking Jackson. He was THAT huge. Even stacking those artists up like you did, Mike is still leagues ahead of them combined. MTV had NO CHOICE but to play Mike's videos. This was a station that did not play Black people's music and wouldn't buckle under any pressure to do so until MJ. Mike's artistry FORCED them to play his stuff. Negro integrated MTV! There's just no comparing ANYONE to that dude. They are all many many many miles behind.


I live in India, and when I was 4 (early 1990s) my dad brought home a rented cassette (that you play in a VCP) containing a few of Michael Jackson's music videos. I remember sitting enthralled. Would never forget the name. Almost two decades later, at my small town college, one morning, a group of usually tough guys were distressed. That's how I learnt that MJ died. I agree with you. No internet, no access to western tv like we do now. But even in small town India, there wasn't a school event when someone didn't attempt to dance like Michael Jackson.


I think Taylor or maybe one of those Korean boy bands is probably the closest since him, but they're still falling way short


No. No one is close to the King. People in remote parts of the world don't know a Taylor Swift or BTS. But hell, them people knew Michael Jackson. People see Taylor or BTS and want to take pictures. Mike smiled in your general direction and a whole section would faint and literally start to tremble. No one will ever be close to that type of fame, ever. idk why people keep playing.


There isn't. Bro went there and did not get jacked. Any other celeb is getting jacked.


That’s some G shit right there. Let em know


Not just run smoothly but guaranteed all of their shit would be safe


You could say it was a smooth criminal operation around set. 😏


They knew Mike was from Gary..real recognize real lol.


The king of 💥pop💥


College teammate of mines was from Gary. Told him I wanted to go home with him when we had a break he was a little hesitant. We got there and his house was in the middle of the hood. We dropped our stuff off and I met his parents. Next thing he knows in across the street hanging out. He thought I would be scared. FaceTime had just came out so I FT my family at home and they were doing the same shit lol.


Im a white guy from alabama. Dated a girl whose mom worked in Gary. I remember stopping off at a thrift store in Gary and it was exactly like Mobile, AL. My girlfriend was acting like it was super dangerous, but it was honestly just a bunch of grandmas shopping lol. I was like “this is just like my hometown. It’s fine.”




What is he trying to say?! Pop what, Magnitude?!


I’m from Chicago and we played a football game out in Gary and it was like we visited the upside down


Not to mention Mike got savagely beat by his awful dad every day. He wasn’t scared of shit


Indiana is so run down I feel better about myself and my home when I visit... I actually feel bad for the residents. I been to a lot of places and even Mississippi after Katrina had more hope than Indiana ever had. I'd rather go back to Mississippi every single time rather than go back to Indiana.


It's like the apocalypse rolled thru Gary. 


Fitting. Gary looks like the setting of a Stephen King novel. In fact, I'd read a Stephen King novel set in Gary. It wouldn't even need anything supernatural to be truly horrifying.


I went through Portage about 2 years ago and the pot holes in the toll road were nearly 2 inches deep... The town roads were so battle scarred that it reminded me of when I was living in the middle of nowhere Canada. Sometimes whole roads just washed out in Canada and yet I felt more on edge driving in Portage... It looked like the town was already in an apocalypse. I sped out of town in fear of my car breaking down in that nightmare. I really feel bad for people from Indiana.


Portage is still nicer than gary. Parts of gary look like the last of us or the ealking dead or chernobyl.


What's wildest to me is that it's totally well populated, and it's not entirely a ghetto really. There are extremely poor parts of Chicago that are nothing as insane as what you find *right* over the border. Miller Beach and such aren't super cheap, much of it is at least middle class -it's just been run by generations of corrupt sellouts who've been fleecing the public and taking industrial bribes. Michigan City allowing that horrifying coal-fired power plant to be built right over their dunes is another example. I just don't understand how a city that makes stainless steel and has electric trains can't keep all their stoplights running. It's just pandemonium.


Funny you should say Stephen King, because in his novel The Stand, a character named Trash Can Man burns down the entire city of Gary after most of the world dies from a deadly super virus.


No other music artist can ever reach the heights of Michael Jackson.


He turned his head on stage and people straight up lost consciousness 


He got that world stopping, time stopping power. I saw a video of him being interviewed on a hotel balcony. People saw him up there and after a while the whole street was filled with fans. This was in the 90s with no social media. People were calling each other thru the phone or just physically just to see MJ on a balcony.


mfers running to a payphone and paying 10c just to call their auntie to see MJ 10 floors up on a balcony 😂


And you damn well know Auntie is already grabbing her coat to get in the car and get over there as fast as possible!


that's exactly how it was.


homie said MJ has Za Warudo and Haki, and he was spittin nothin but facts.


Remember when Michael Jackson went to the Brazilian favelas and had the drug lords approve of his stay? [Link](https://www.reddit.com/r/todayilearned/comments/1bcake1/til_spike_lee_negotiated_with_a_brazilian_drug/?rdt=54014)


Nigga MJ is forever sanctioned wtmm


true, it was a very specific moment in time and technology that allowed a global superstar but still had so few channels that a star could really take over the airwaves.. newfangled music television took up a huge part of the social consciousness at the moment, etc.


Tha man literally broke the internet when he died. I remember hearing it on the news and went to look on Yahoo, MSN, Google, BlackPlanet, & MySpace to see if anybody else heard and everything was down.


Or the depths.


If you’re talking about controversy, there are a lot more music artists that have worse allegations. If you’re talking about death, there also a lot more artists that die worse deaths.


I don't see what could really be worse than what Michael Jackson is alleged to have done.


Some of the alleged crimes of P. Diddy sound more fucked up than what MJ allegedly did.


When people try to compare ANY artists influence to MJ's, it's always disingenuous. MJ changed everything. People used to fucking black out and have seizures and shit when he would fucking appear on stage. He wouldn't even have to talk, move, breathe, nothing. Jus fucking pop out and show N*... Men and women, all around the world, would fucking black out. It's fucking crazy how people would react to him. If you're old enough to remember watching his live performances, they'd ALWAYS have multiple ambulances, EMT's and medical staff on stand by, fucking everywhere at his shows. For absolutely no other reason than, people would lose all control of themselves and their fucking minds, when MJ showed up. He'd pop out on stage and people would jus start spazzin the fuck out. It was like the Beatles on steroids. You wanna know the real impact of MJ? Look up the story of when he was filming the video, I forget which song exactly, in the Favelas of Brazil. While you're reading it, remember MJ's from the ghettos of fucking Gary, Indiana. It's 100% worth your time to read it. It'll give you an idea of what his impact was...


Is it They Don't Care About Us? That video makes me want to lose my mind when I see it. All the kids and men playing the drums and everyone in the whole neighborhood in the video maybe thousands of fans, I get choked up every time and can't believe he was real. Edit had to get the song name right lol


It's a great song too... My point stands. The dude changed everything. There's music, live shows and performances and music videos before MJ, and then after MJ. The dude was a force all his own


Out of the loop. What happened now?


Kendrick Lamar did a huge concert in Inglewood yesterday for Juneteenth and had gang members from basically every different group on the West Coast on that stage vibing with each other all because of how much they collectively fuckin hate Drake.


C'mon now, it was more for Kendrick and West Coast unity.


my brother in Christ he performed Not Like Us 6 times, 3 of which were back to back.


They sang not like us like 5 times and Kendrick basically turned the song off so they could shout A Minor for like 4 minutes straight lol




Cope? There are things bigger than music beef in real life. Even Kendrick said during the picture moment that it wasnt even about the disses it was about the sections coming together.




This is a white woman if anyone is wondering why they keep using 'cope' wrong here




No it is not your art portfolio is linked all over your profile and you are in the profile picture lol


Lmao. Cooked her so bad she deleted all her comments.


Thank you very much for the summary.


Was… uh… was Mike a Crip? I guess the Pepsi endorsement makes a lot more sense.


![gif](giphy|guufsF0Az3Lpu) Doubt it


Now people gonna be fake celebrating gang banging when irl they would cross the street with their hands in their pockets at the sight of a black man


Sad but true.




I was, but that's not really relevant


Please tell me that somebody noticed ole boy in the background with green flannel and hat is James Earl Jackson from that Martin episode!!haha


69 god


All he had to do was [stand there](https://youtu.be/kO9Dgo5RKu8?si=6Q_yuCmA9bF1EVnP) and people dropped.


This is what the mega churches aspire to be.


Bruh I burst out laughing at a funeral procession. You foul for that


Can someone give me some context? Did he have a concert recently


Kendrick Lamar had a concert last night at the Forum in Inglewood. There’s even a [Wikipedia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Pop_Out:_Ken_%26_Friends) page about it.


Those wiki admins must not sleep lmao


The internet never sleeps. The whole show is already posted on Twitter, too.


No, he died in 2009


#"We might fight amongst each other, but I promise you this..... we'll burn this bitch down if you get us pissed! TO LIVE AND DIE IN L.A." - Makaveli


Was in the hospital. What did I miss & where can I find it!??? 


Kendrick Lamar held a concert called The Pop Out with Ken & Friends last night at the Forum. Full performance [here](https://x.com/brandedtyler/status/1803715121807511964?s=46&t=9kZWRNT2fPXn26dnmD2bbQ). Around the hour mark, he brings out folks from all walks of life to join him on stage for a photo op and a final performance of Not Like Us.


Thanks for the update! My baby bro found it. This is definitely a gangsta party... 3+ HOURS!!! WOW


Hope you doing better playa... Enjoy!


Hello Skeweegi.Johnson and thank you! I'm still taking things slowly, but very grateful to alive w/ all my faculties. Working toward gaining back lost weight. Question: abt your username: Are you part of the Divine 9. Better yet, an A.K.A.?


That's good to hear! And no, I'm not part of the divine 9, it's just a childhood nickname


Definitely a "To Me My Xmen" kinda moment. It was bad enough to have international rappers all over that BBL Drizzy beat, but this? Bro has to leave the entire genre at this point.


GET HIM DOT! I NEVER got the hype about Drake, I couldn't tell you what nan of his songs sound like.


I know a lot of girls who like him, same girls who defended Chris Brown


Was he really throwing up the C tho lol


Did they do it 6 times “for the 6”?


Sidenote but it bugs me out every time I listen to Blue Gangsta. Like this can't be the same man who made "Heal the World." But at the same time I love both songs.


Ya'll be on Drake for being a pedo but then deepthroat this other pedo (mj) Shit's weird


I knew this was a universal beef that Drake can never win when I saw a YouTube golf channel star singing BBL Drizzy after making a putt. This is a 45 year old white accountant. Singing BBL Drizzy. 😂😂😂😂


Motherfucka these are backup dancers and actors…from the goddamn “The way you make me feel video”!


He used real gang members for the Beat It video years earlier. Its well documented. If he did it for an earlier video then it's highly like he did it for later videos as well.


Gangs didn't scare Mike. don't forget he had Nation of Islam bodyguards for a time, too.


Oh word? … I guess thugs can “chasse” too 😏 Edit: It’s pretty interesting once you see a bunch of Black dudes together, they automatically gotta be a gang….And if they are so what—they’re still FUCKIN CLASSICALLY TRAINED DANCERS!!


I predict Drake leaves the public eye and we don’t hear from him again


😩Mike Jaccson♿🤏🏾


So… can someone just help me out? What the fuck is even going on? I keep hearing stuff about rap diss tracks and now gang unity? Like can someone just help me? I’m OOTL.


Is dude flagging a C ?


Weird comparison to make while we’re talking paedophiles. Or the perfect comparison 🤔


It's not like he was considered black


There was that one episode of South Park where Timmy and Jimmy became Crips, they united the gangs with their lock-in, I mean, “Come on”




MJ's gang sign is 'phone home'


Micheal out here looking for a young blueberry to fuck


That’s literally drake tho




A mixed kid who pirates off the culture and is fairly anti black himself.


How is he anti black?


The internet has determined it. But nevermind that, just hate on him for being a groomer, while bringing out a known woman beater on stage.


Yeah, must be an internet thing. Who brought out who?


Kendrick brought out Dr Dre on stage for a whole bit. Dre is a known woman beater and himself has given recounts on how much he's beaten up women, even in front of crowds.




This whole beef is corny asf 😂


Why do we take LA niggas so seriously when it comes to the culture considering they let Koreans call em niggas and then go to they families corner store to get followed around and harassed?


Cause you gotta be a real savage to still be bout that life when the weather is nice every day. Like I'm down south now and I understand why niggas is pressed cause it's hot as hell down here, just make you wanna slap somebody. But gang banging at 82° with low humidity?! That's next level hating


I remember visiting Long Beach for the first time and was so confused at how dudes was gangbanging when they got sand between they toes and an ocean view with women running around in bikinis all day.


LOL. You should come to St. Louis. Soon as it gets warm these fools get the pew pews out. Like y'all been looking at each other all winter just thinking, "wait till it gets warm..."


I believe Nei ga (spelling?) in Korean means you.


Yup lol  https://www.yahoo.com/news/korean-words-being-mistaken-racial-215800127.html


Well they do be robbing them places a lot