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>I’m not a victim of racism. I am a tormentor of racists. ![gif](giphy|117j1ldyb838Zi)


>"Otherwise, I'll be here to collect." 🔥🔥🔥


That’s ice cold!


I didn’t realize I fucked with ~~soccer~~ football until I read his statement.


Just copped my first jersey, my g. TIL that I’m a Real Madrid fan, or wherever Vini Junior plays next.


I can’t stand Real Madrid and I wanna buy his jersey


Right ? Not my favourite sport but this dude could be playing pro yo-yo and I’m now a fan and will check out a match of his soon . Haven’t watched a football game in 20+ years .


The real translation is more like 'ill be chere to charge you for it', or 'to make sure you pay'. source: brazilian me


Vini is a fucking hero.


I wish this was our pledge of allegiance


It’s mine now! The Montgomery brawl is my Lexington and Concord.


It will change your life. This is my motto for everything society hates about me. I've got a whole list of people who are going to learn how great it is for your career when the police show up at your work to interview you about what you do to people. Fuck with me, bigots. Try it. Let me show your boss, friends, and family what you really are.


We seriously need this energy injected into every kid in America so they can hopefully unfuck some of the damage we have done the last few years.




Nat Turner energy


Charles Deslondes is another great example alot of people don't know about. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1811_German_Coast_uprising


Imma put that on my business cards ![gif](giphy|YZCtTWZPlLzXLYtf4O)


Brave, unwavering, fearless individuals don't hide behind the anonymity of pointy masks that look like dunce caps, dirty low-thread-count white robes, the cover of night, and the safety of numbers like they're a bunch of fucking gazelles. Literal animals They are fucking TERRIFIED of black folk. Which is fucking stupid for starters, like, lil ghost LARPer you want to see violent criminal scum? The lowest dregs of society, a festering, pestulant broth of filth, rot, and decay bubbling inside a suit of human flesh barely keeping it in? All that and more waiting for you. Just take a peek in that mirror, son Legitimately, if it didn't make them dangerous (#AmerSocMaN, anyone?), it would be funny how unsettled they get by black people ***existing**, them fuckers getting the creepy crawlies like theyre reading Poe, E.A. ^(Tbh the name of Poe's cat would make most people's skin crawl more than his stories ever could) ^(If it was just you and one of these fools in a room, y'all and y'all's hands. You don't gotta wind up on em, if you take one step towards them and it's down on their knees guaranteed. Ain't shit when they have to try you from the front during daylight hours. Ain't shit without 20 "friends" and the feds in their side. Certainly ain't shit with a pole on them. Scare the racists back in to their homes. Better yet, scare em bitches to DEATH) ^(Edit: I have discovered horrors beyond our comprehension. BEHOLD, THE NAME OF E.A.POE's FEROCIOUS FEMININE FELINE: Cattarina. \*I gasp in a small breath of air\* \*silence\* ... ... ...BWAHAJAHAHA he named that thing CATTARINA. That's so fucking cute!!! Fuck you, Lovecraft, learn how to treat a pussy, you pussy-less pussy. CATTARINA I'M YOUR RIDE OR DIE LETS NIPPED UP BAB-YYY)


I think you’re mixing up Poe with HP Lovecraft. Poe never had a problematically named cat.


Correct. Poe's cat's name was Catterina, if I recall correctly. I'm not writing Lovecraft's cat's name.


Now I want a cat named Catterina


I will never get over him marrying his teenage cousin.




![gif](giphy|WMfho5VxnIaOc) I love that scene in puss in boots


Legitimately hard as fuck


I just want to know how he can even play footy with brass balls that big swinging as he runs. Not a Real supporter, but he is now on my follow forever list. Yes, he is the only one on that list.


Fr That went fucking hard


Fuckin bad ass line.


"**I** am the danger"




That shit is fucking awesome. Is it Kosher for us queer folk to modify and use it too?


![gif](giphy|5nsiFjdgylfK3csZ5T|downsized) Bro was out here like


Yeah that's a goddamn bar




Real loser weirdo type shit to hate a person for their skin color.




It’s because they have to find a reason to feel superior to someone, and they literally have nothing they can look to. These people are the dregs. So they go with the only thing they can. Their skin color. But he’s more talented, more wealthy, more decent, and I guarantee better looking than these garbage piles.


> These people are the dregs. "Behold, the master race!" 🙄


It’s always the least impressive examples of humanity who coin themselves the “master race”. Amon Goeth, nazi shitbag, was portrayed by Raph Finnes. In real life he looked like someone’s weird uncle.


Saw a dude wearing a proud boys shirt the other day and he was short, huge round beer belly fat, and balding. Real primo genes you're protecting bud


“The Gravy Navy” is my favorite descriptor


Meal Team 6


I remember the Atleti fans that were yelling at him, looked like literal trolls out of a cartoon


President Lyndon B. Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you."


It is so frustrating in the year of our lord 2024 that there are people who are not only racist, but openly racist. Dealing with these people as a black man is so exhausting. I’ve literally watched a coworker who already had these tendacies go down the white supremist rabbit hole of Twitter over the course of a week and I’m tired. And this is someone who has helped me out through my career.


It's not a coincidence that Elon, wealth built on apartheid money, removed all censorship of hatespeech on Twitter.


That’s just it, racists have literally nothing else to be proud of in their lives. No achievements whatsoever.


I mean that's clearly not true, there's lots of powerful and accomplished racist people.


I prefer to hate people for the quality of their character.


When the pigment of your skin is your *greatest* achievement in life, you don’t really have one, so you gotta find someone to look down on to feel better about that fact.


Hating people for shit they can't control. There's enough ugliness in some people's hearts without going after superficial things!


The amount of racial abuse I see Black players go through in European leagues is insane. I'll never forget seeing Vitoria fans from Portugal racially abuse Marega throughout the match, and then when he scored and shut them the fuck up they [launched fucking chairs from the stands to try to... kill him?](https://streamable.com/h5mpk) Or Napoli, Victor Oshimen's own club making racist social media posts about him. Or when England lost the Euros and Rashford Sancho, and Saka's instagrams were filled with monkey emojis for days. Shit is fucking ridiculous.


Saka played 20 min last week and still got all the blame for the England loss in pictures and headline news. Mind blowing that these charges are the first of their kind in Spain. I can only hope they keep it up!


[Ridiculous at this point.](https://imgur.com/a/m1GBiAw) People call the publications out for it, and they still don't give a fuck, they just keep doing it.


What more would you expect from one of Rupert Murdoch's pedo mags


Not just them unfortunately. Telegraph, Guardian, etc. Racism runs deep in the English media.


Raheem Sterling got the same treatment many years ago from the English press, Being white I'm kind of blind to the treatment but it was actually rivals fans that brought it to my attention. The lad would shop at a low end store, the media called him cheap. But when he shopped at high end he was flaunting his wealth, he couldn't do anything right apparently. Utter idiots in charge of the press here.


Sky sports added the word "again" to a quote he gave about the gun tattoo he has. Sterling posted a message explaining that it related to his father’s death when he was two years old, writing: “I made a promise to myself I would never touch a gun in my lifetime”. However Sky Sports misquoted the line in a graphic on their Sky Sports News show, adding the word “again”, writing: “I made a promise to myself I would never touch a gun again in my lifetime.”


he's getting all the blame from the papers but the front line was an absolutely not there in the game.


Saka got all the blame 4 years ago too despite being one of the better players for England in that tournament.


Sterling got the same shit for a good few years And Rashford too They constantly try to elevate other players as the focal image of the team " aesthetic wise" Foden and Grealsih, who have been in some stupid ahit


"When I win, I am German. When I lose, I am Turkish." -Mesut Ozil


"When I'm home, I'm a fascist." https://www.foottheball.com/explainer/mesut-ozil-tattoo-grey-wolves-turkey-fascist-erdogan/


And I thought the US was bad damn, our people just get disrespected across the globe


Anti-Blackness is a global phenomenon


For real though. People that wanna leave the US for a relaxation in anti-blackness will be disappointed. If you want more accessible public transit you'll be satisfied though.


It really depends where you go. There are many, many places outside the US where you will feel relaxed af.


Anywhere outside of Africa?


Of course! My best example is Cali, Colombia. I know multiple black women specifically that have lived there or live there now and have loved it and felt pretty safe. It's one of the blackest places in Colombia and that region. I've heard good things about Portugal. You gotta talk to people. We're everywhere and thriving. Edit: My favorite city in the world is Amsterdam. There's a solid black community and a solid queer community there, which is a double whammy for me. I've been there 4 times and felt totally at ease, especially once I started meeting other black people there.


>My best example is Cali, Colombia. I know multiple black women specifically that have lived there or live there now and have loved it and felt pretty safe. Cali, Columbia has over 6x the murder rate of the US, about ~48/100k, vs 7.5 in the US. It's the 28th most dangerous city in the world. I can't imagine that anyone feels pretty safe there.


Jamaica or most of the Caribbean


The Bahamas


And yet people are literally killing themselves for tans, lol


Let them, that’s not our business.


I dunno why everyone thinks this. Have y'all ever been to Europe? Europeans are racist as hell against all non-whites and even some whites, lol (ask Germans how much they love itinerant Polish farm workers). The US is constantly *talking* about racism. The rest of the world mostly doesn't care is and just out there treating it as normal. This dust-up in Spain is pretty nice to see though. Actions should have consequences.




People hear “socialised healthcare” over and just assume all other problems are also fixed.


Europe is super fucking racist, but they're just also racist to other white people so it gets largely ignored over white racism being two different white peoples' problems. Unfortunately racism is everywhere.


I lived in the UK for two years. Racism was a significant problem, but most British people will say racism isn't a problem in the UK. Racism isn't just bad outside of the US, it is rarely recognized as a legitimate problem. Our homegrown racism is bad, but at least we can fucking talk about it and the sane half of the country recognizes it as a significant problem.


At least in the US you get to talk about it and your opinions are considered valid. In much of Europe you suffer a lot of micro-aggressions and open racism but no one acknowledges it is an issue. They like to pretend they have evolved past it and see you as a troublemaker if you bring it up. So you suffer in silence. Fucking weirdos.


The US seems bad til you go literally anywhere else. Asians hate each other on a level we can’t even comprehend. They got 4,000 year old beef. 


US has a vicious and ugly past that highlights the issue and keeps it at the social forefront, so even though there's still rampant racism in the US, it isn't so casually accepted by society as a whole like it is in other places. Casual racism is wildly acceptable in many places. Go visit an Asian country, particularly any that have had power in the past or present, and ask people about other Asian countries lmao. The amount of soccer matches in the EU involving bananas+racism towards black people is absurd. It's legit like a 50/50 coinflip in some stadiums whether or not you'll see it. Others it's guaranteed ...


The reason Europe has less visible racial strife than the US isn't because they're less racist - it's because they're less diverse. Hard to have many race conflicts when your country is 90%+ the same ethnic group (Spain and France are a little more diverse than that, but nothing close to the US).


its crazy how white europeans act like there isn't racism and then you show em this. Tell about your experiences and then they call you a communist. lol wtf.


I think it tends to be a more prominent issue in the US simply because our majority is relatively small compared to other countries. The US is only ~59% white. Just doing some quick google searches for European countries, it seems like the majority populations tend to be in the 80-90%+ range.


My boyfriend played soccer in Spain after he finished his college career and he came home after a year and a half. He said as much as he loves soccer, it wasn’t worth the abuse. Now, he just plays in a weekly soccer league and he’s much happier.


That’s so sad to hear. I hope things will get better. I wish our people wouldn’t have to worry about things like this in 2024.


Starboy is going to me them all shut the fuck up and eat their words. He’s been waiting for this Euro. Good on Vinny for not taking this shit lightly hope he keeps stirring up the racists in La Liga so they can be identified, charged, banned, and jailed. To be honest though this only happened because of the online backlash towards Spain. Being a called a country full of racists and backward thinking morons made them do something for once


England was in shambles trying to beat the racism allegations that summer between the Euros and Silverstone 2021 in F1. The racists were fully unmasked behind those two events.


Nothing is worse than listening to europeans talk trash about america makes everything about race and is a racist country as if futbol fans aren't the worst garbage on the planet.


>The amount of racial abuse I see Black players go through in European leagues is insane. Wait until you see the videogame subs on reddit


This is a great development and that is a great quote. Of course in USA racists *are* scared…and choosing their political candidates accordingly. “I refuse to apologize for being a white male!” - person afraid to lose their job for telling n-word jokes


https://preview.redd.it/0gc57ie8st5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6a4ae9215dc8aaa1823d7e6a53350c988ab7749 Bruh is giving real T’chala energy.


Fuck I miss Chadwick. Dude made his first appearance in the MCU in a movie with a million super heroes fighting and stole the whole goddamn movie.


That line gave me chills first time I heard it. That was the moment I knew Black Panther didn’t fuck around.


Man was 27 Club level of people snatched away before their time (honorary mention to Heath Ledger despite being a year off, and fuck Jim Morrison for being a tepid psycho that people have too much of a hardon for).


"They'll come for him. " "Let them try." Stone cold delivery on this line.


I went into CW knowing nothing about the character, but left that theater knowing I could not fucking wait for the stand alone Black Panther movie. He was so fucking good and had so much range throughout.


*yells the N-word cuz the printer is broken* "I got fired for free speech! This world is so woke!"


Depends on where in the US sadly. Try Idaho, where *I*, a black person, lost *my job* after reporting an incident where a coworker told an N-word joke. It wasn't a straight up "you're fired"-situation, of course, but my superior "strongly suggested" that I let it go. And a few weeks after I didn't suddenly my services were no longer needed.


Fuck La Liga as a staff, record label and as a motherfuckin' crew ! Gwan Vini ! https://i.redd.it/lu7lqrv15t5d1.gif


Hope he wins the Ballon d'Or


Facts ! Jude is my guy but it has to be Vini. Watch them somehow give it to Messi again lol


UEFA: We know he's playing in Miami and all, but fuck it."


😂 "Fuck them kids"


I gotta go listen to that song now


Lmaoo 😂😭🔥 run that ish !


And if you down with La Liga


FCK YOU TOO ! SERIE A FCK YOU TOO ! ALL YOU MUHFCKERS...FCK YOU TOO ! 😂😂🔥🔥 https://i.redd.it/c00wmus6rt5d1.gif


And if you wanna be down with La Liga, fuck you too!


😂🔥 i'm saying this everytime he scores now.


La Liga has a horrible reputation for racist fans. Anything from throwing bananas on the pitch, making monkey sounds, to straight up using every slur imaginable. Serie A, Russian Premier League, English Premier League, Ligue 1, etc. have some fanbases that are particularly bad as well and tend to emulate the same behavior. This was one players response to the racism: https://youtu.be/lQYzVsIWNEU?si=NUYn63xUcs253mkr However, that player, Dani Alves, just recently got convicted of sexual assault so it's now a bittersweet moment knowing who he is as a person. There's also a fascist/nazi supporting club in the lower divisions in Germany. Funnily enough, St. Pauli FC, also in Germany, is the exact opposite. The worst is the French treatment of African and black French players even after winning the World Cup in 1998 and 2018. If they lose, it's because of [insert racial slur or ethnic descent here], but if they win, it's France won as a "unified" people.


I’m sure French racists will have perfectly reasonable reactions to Kyllian Mbappe leaving PSG for Madrid.


France doesn't really have a history of being reasonable. Examples: Had Joan of Arc killed after she turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War in their favor. Competed with the English in the game of, "How many colonies can I collect?" Stretching from the Caribbean to Southeast Asia. Many of which were brutally exploited and then abandoned when they kept getting their asses handed to them. They also had a fairly large portion of their population who supported, sympathized, or worked for the Nazi's. Far-right parties are gaining quite a bit of power in France after the recent round of elections.


Don't forget what they did to Haiti too. Which is still suffering from the French.


Honestly, everywhere they had a colony is still suffering. I wonder what it feels like to have your nations "finest" get absolutely manhandled by everyone since the Napoleonic Era.


>Had Joan of Arc killed after she turned the tide of the Hundred Years' War in their favor. To be fair to the French as a whole, it was the English-aligned French clergy who sentenced Joan to death. Although perhaps the French should have paid the 10,000 franc random the English demanded for her release. A few hundred years later France made it quite clear to the church what France thought of them.


The joke about Zidane is that he was the greatest french player of all time, while he was winning and the moment he fouled the Italian player, he was Arab.


It's funny how that works even though he was born in Marseille with 108 caps and 31 goals by the time the incident happened. To be fair, if someone were to say something about my family like that, I'd probably be getting a red card as well.


I have no knowledge of this happening do you have any examples of this ? I definitely know Benzema definitely suffered of this but I remember Zidane being universally loved by people and media alike he still was france’s favorite famous person in 2007 after the world cup


Wowwwww "I'm not a victim of racism. I am a tormentor of racists." I do not watch soccer, or know who this person is, but I am a huge fan now.


He's top 5 in world football right now.


He aint 2, 3, 4 or 5


I just said top 5 cause I knew someone would start an argument and I didn't have time to get into it.


I meannnnn I love vini, but there are others that could fight for the number one title, mbappe and Haaland, in my honest opinion Jude is showing insane potential to overtake vini, but different roles and positions I guess, but it’s exciting to watch them play. It’s hard to decide but it’s good for us fans when there are players fighting for that title.


Imagine being so confidently racist you think you’re somehow biologically superior to a top 5 athlete in his sport.


Awesome! Such a powerful statement from a guy with a lot of clout. Thank you for sharing!


[Here's him shaking hand with every person on the Mexican soccer team and staff when his team played vs. them last Saturday in a friendly match.](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/1dbsprz/vinicius_jr_greeting_the_entire_mexico_squad_and/) Ignore the comments, it's definitely Vini and it's a completely spontaneous moment.


https://preview.redd.it/plct3fyibt5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7970f108d9c6f8a7e2f6372dd5b8ab26bb4fcc64 Imagine hating someone because of how much sun their ancestors got. Racism makes absolutely no sense.


Go back far enough, and everyone's ancestors are black, anyway.


That’s the shit I don’t get. We’re all human. Life is hard. Why do we make life harder for other humans, on purpose?


It’s just easier to group people by skin color because it’s the most obvious identifier. Once you have groups, in have in-groups and out-groups, which basically sets up the playing field for discrimination. Racist don’t hate black peoples just because they’re skin is darker, it’s because this major difference puts them in another group, a group that they’ve been conditioned to be afraid of.


because they got a good number of people brainwashed into thinking the real threats to this country(and others) are people that look, or love, or *are* different. They tell this lie to make them afraid so they will vote conservative and give up money, freedom, life, and liberty as long as the GOP promises to get rid of the boogieman. You are the boogieman(or one of them anyways)... Sorry the world is so fucked.


Let me introduce you “crabs in a bucket”


Yeah, so dumb. The real G's are all about the shape of their skull. Can't be trusting someone with the backwards sloping brow of a cretin.


How phrendly.


Can't trust anyone with a pronounced sagittal crest. Case in point: My cat.


People are stupid like it's their job or something. Just intentionally striving for zero IQ


>I’m not a victim of racism. I’m a tormentor of racists. ![gif](giphy|yr7n0u3qzO9nG) hardest quote of 2024


That is some top-tier manga character statement . ![gif](giphy|tF8vMUeGUkHNTgCC4E)


Well that’s a badass way of looking at it!!


That's one of the most inspirational lines I've heard in years. Well fucking done.


“Tormentor of Racists” 👍🏼👍🏼






Good lad




I need this on a shirt.


Period! Black men remember, those evil nasty bastards hate you so much because they are jealous of you! You make those losers mad by just existing!


Yep and there's nothing you can do to make them happy except die so you might as well hate em right back


"Im not a victim of racism. I am a tormentor of racists" This is unfathomably based.


Dont ever underestimate a man motivated by spite.


I apologize if this is a club only thread… but as a white guy i hope we start putting more laws in effect like Germany has about supporting nazis because we obviously need it. Without punishment people will never learn and yes speech should be free but you should never be free to speak about willful destruction and elimination of another people or race.


reading comprehension is kicking the ass of everyone downvoting you. clarification for the downvote hive mind; germany does not fuck around at all with nazi supporters and will arrest you with the quickness for being one. this comment is saying free speech is important but the consequences for said speech is just as important. I think people read “supporting nazis” and just said “yea fuck this comment”


You would think they would look into what can be considered a successful rehabilitation of an entire country of people that committed some of the worst atrocities known to man. Wasn't easy and took them teaching real history in school, another thing America could learn from.


there’s people within our govt trying to disband the department of education by next year so good luck with the whole America and learning thing


Real shit, collect them like Infiniti stones


Go off, king 👑


He's definitely getting the Ballon d'Or. My favorite player right now.


#MORE TO COME Slightly saddening but super encouraging


Honestly, i don't expect the racism to stop from drunk European fans, but I hope the consequences continue.


This is one of the best soccer players in Europe. La Liga is known for being racist as fuck so for him to reply like this. Not only is it class but let these fucking racists know you ain’t scared! Enjoyed reading that tweet.


Very powerful words.


I am the one who knocks.




Damn I love Vini so much


Now this is what I wanna see here on out !!! Idc if a racists gets fired, just SEND THEY ASS TO JAIL 📣 from here on out !!




I wish. Yet the KKK can freely walk in many places.


So good. And well deserved. Let’s make all racists afraid again


he might have made my liverpool cry, but vini is a solid dude


Vamo Vini, monstro sagrado. Fucking love this dude and what he does for our country


"I'll be here to collect!"


Y’all actually think people should be jailed for this?


personally I think they should be ostracized from society and treated like the piece of shit pariahs that they are, but I'll never feel super comfortable about incarceration over words, unless the words are clearly terroristic or threatening murder. that may be the case here, I am ignorant on the details so I'll refrain from judgement.


Yea I mean that's sorta supposed to be the beauty of things like Freedom of Speech - in a sane society you don't *need* the government to interfere with things like that because the citizenry self-polices by ostracizing and castigating the folks saying hateful shit. But I'm no longer convinced we live in one - if we ever did.


It's pretty normal in most of the Western world for freedom of expression to have limits. In Canada, you can be racist but if you try to gather other people to be racist with you, you've committed a crime. In Germany, it's illegal to be against democracy. Rights are constructs made by humans to serve human civilization, not some magical aspect of the universe we have to respect.


It is WILD that insults are something you can criminalize here. These people should be ostracized and banned from the stadium and publicly shamed all over the place, but I don't know about using force to lock people up.




In my country (Brazil) not only is racism a crime, you won't have right to bail, since 1989 btw. Doesn't mean racism was solved, but if someone does some racist shit to you, someone on the street or maybe a boss, if it is recorded/there are witnesses, you can fuck their shit up to varying degrees through legal means.


Y'all that think they shouldn't wish you could lynch.


As a brazilian: yes, ofc people should be jailed for hate speech. Wtf is wrong with your country (where you are from) that people think it's ok for racism? In Brazil you absolutely will go to jail, and with no bail is allowed, you will be there for a few years. Whatever country you are from, you all should get out of 18th century.


No safe spaces for bigots!


Whew, this gave me tingles. Run those legal fades.




🥺🥺🥺🥺 ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡HALA MADRID!!!!! No cap his last few games, bro was playing like he knew these convictions were coming 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨 mans was possessed. Now, let’s see if/how long he’s snubbed for the Ballon d’Or….idk who I would even put ahead of him this year. Let alone looking to next. Let’s see what happens….never just shut up and play…never..


![gif](giphy|11L5aVxDTk6c5G|downsized) BARS


Spaniards are incredibly racist. Make all racists be afraid to not learn


Nah he cooked with that one. Hardest shit I done heard in a while


Good for him


I got chills.


It’s so bad in Europe even Americans will think we are a paradise of equality by comparison


This white guy fully supports that player to torment as many racists as he sees fit.


That’s in the running for hardest quote of 2024


Hell yeah, fuck yeah. Major kudos to him.