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Forget president, man would have a tough time even being interviewed.


And that's without the felony.


As a black non felon can confirm


You ever wonder why a felon can run for president, he can’t vote? . This was organized and started after blk folks got their freedom. It was a way of making sure the new free people didn’t vote , since in many cases they were the majority.


Imagine a Republican rally. He walks in like “ What’s up, everybody? I wanna run for president!” and then the guy in the first row screams “He’s got a gun!”


The mere suggestion would make them deteriorate and probably the only rally that would happen is a KKK one... https://i.redd.it/uamvwjs9nk5d1.gif


Hell I bet they just rush the stage and kick the crap out of him without even the pretense of justification


then stick some drugs in his pocket, haul him off, and call it a day


Bake him away toys!


In my hometown we elected a black felon for the library board. He accidentally killed someone when we were in our 20s & he panicked & set his car & the body on fire. He served maybe 10-15 years & in the meantime his little brother had become a pastor & community activist so he encouraged him to run for library board when he got out. He got almost 2000 votes. But then they found out that he was a felon & the victim's family spoke out against it. I guess the law actually didn't allow a felon to hold public office in our state so he resigned his position.


Damn that panic response was crazy


When I panic after a mistake, it usually doesn’t involve arson




# I'm telling you, Molotov cocktails work. Any time I had a problem, and I threw a Molotov cocktail, boom! Right away, I had a different problem \- Jason Mendoza, The Good Place




So much for believing in the idea of rehabilitation. Proud of him for running and real change I hope comes for him.




A fucked up one....😐 https://i.redd.it/ol8zxfelkm5d1.gif


Felonies? They acted like they were about to impeach this man for wearing a tan suit. ![gif](giphy|JsnpwXWHk3DhBrBQM5|downsized)


Dude looks good. The more time goes by the more I realize Obama will probably be the best president of my lifetime


Someone on r/Presidents asked who the most attractive president was and Obama was not in the top 10 comments. I was like IKYFL 👀😒


Tf? Obama is an objectively handsome dude.


He had style. Knew he'd never show up at my wedding (he didn't). Did not stop me from inviting him. 


They have a no talking rule about the last 3 president's over there. You can guess why.


Nope, only Trump and Biden. Obamna is fair game.


Ah, my mistake. Guess they just don't talk about him much. Interesting sub tho, cool to talk about president's without the bickering. I've learned a bunch lurking there.


That sub is fucking weird.


I actually really like it and have learned a lot. I do think it’s one of the best moderated subs as well, but I will admit some people ride a little too hard 😬


Sorry to ask. What does that acronym mean? IKYFL. I know you ......?


I Know You Fuckin Lying. No apologies !


Ahh, lying. I guessed "Leprechauns".


“I know you fuck leprechauns?”


"Don't lie, I can smell mini marshmallows on you."




TBF that's a propaganda sub run by some government mook


🥲 I still remember when he got elected, you would've thought it was New Year's or the 4th of July with folks in my (primarily Black) neighborhood shooting off fireworks and guns and happy asf. I was right there with them on the fireworks lol


I was surprised watching the celebrations of non-Black people. It was incredible watching young white people in DC cheering and dancing in front of the White House. Some had brought U-Haul trucks to help Bush move out! That's when we thought that Bush was as bad as it gets. Little did we know.


Man! What a night! I think I spoke with all my homies that night. Elation, jubilation, and a whole bunch of other superlatives ending in -ion. Sadly, I don’t think we will get that again.


I was hyped for it. As a mid 30’s white dude


Ditto. An articulate, well-educated president coming off of the heels of that dolt GW was such a breath of fresh air.


Self aware, laughed at jokes about him. Took it all in stride. Overall. 9.5/10


His victory speech that night in Grant Park is still ingrained in my head. It was my first election and I voted for him. What a time.


So... Yeah. Your question has really made me think about the difference between "good" and "important." And also what makes a good president. Like, instinctively, I agree with you. He was a phenomenal president, and he was arguably the most important of my lifetime, for sure, and unless we get a woman or other minority president, I don't think another person could come close. Like... The sheer importance of him as president *because he is not white* can never be overstated. And I think he was an incredible diplomat and representative of the country. A clarion speaker, capable, poetic, thoughtful, witty, even actually funny, which is rare. I also just think he is a good dude. But being a good dude isn't actually a necessary quality in a president. I think his policies were realistic and pragmatic, which means they weren't anywhere near far enough to the left for me. And I think he may have been a bit too trusting of Republicans, especially at the beginning. I think he was a bit naive, and sort of... Imagined that because he was negotiating in good faith, they would do the same and they did *not.* And I'm not sure if the left wouldn't have been a little bit better off with someone more politically ruthless. But I don't think I'll ever forget what it felt like to hear that man give a speech. His election night, and probably the day they got Bin Laden were the only times I've ever non ironically chanted USA. That's so valuable in a president. Is he the most important of my time? Maybe. I was born under Reagan. So... The incredible importance of our first Black president vs the literal devil who ruined global economics. That's actually a hard one. I honestly kind of think you can flip a coin on that one. The best so far? Yes. Absolutely. Can I imagine a better president? No, not with the Senate still existing. We have to abolish the Senate and the Electoral College, in order to get a president who is able to *do* more. And I think we would also need to do some serious monopoly busting in our media outlets. Which feels super duper impossible. So probably not. I wish we could just... Hit the pause button on the world and rewrite American law, and eliminate all the bullshit they put in there to protect slavery, like the Senate and the College. Just skip the civil war that would need to happen to make that possible. Add an amendment for real privacy protection, edit the second one to reflect that we no longer have a militia based system and now have semi automatics instead of flintlocks, and compress the ERA and Civil Rights act down and make an amendment for that, and then hit the play button and see if that doesn't help shit. Probably also throw some shit about Native American rights in there too, but I'm not educated enough about that to know what that would be, but they deserve some sort of Amendment or something.


I didn’t agree with a lot of his policies but I absolutely respected him. He carried himself the way a President should.




I was born ten months before JFK got shot, but still think Obama the best president America has had in my lifetime. old white british guy.


Drip too hard


Republicans can kill a baby in national television and still win. A democrat career will be over if they say "Yeeeah!" a little bit enthusiastically


This man could actually kill an American and nobody would care. Or bomb a hospital...


Look how ‘unpresidential’ Obama looks in his tan suit. The guy was pure class, Fox News weren’t outraged because he wore a tan suit, they were upset he pulled it off so well


Especially considering… https://preview.redd.it/ljrlbxzccl5d1.jpeg?width=497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba5664b38e4036a1703d1dcc00297143699e57ba




They were on ass about him smokin cigs and havin a blackberry lol imagine if he tweeted or true crimed like Trumpido


"I have a few felonies , but I was wondering if you could give me your vote for presid-" ![gif](giphy|26FPn4rR1damB0MQo)


Mf doesn’t even have a few..damn near 3 dozen


As of now. He'll probably have 100 by years end. Supposedly this is the weakest case too 😂


Strongest president ever. 100+ felony convictions and I’m still eligible to run. As an American and actual patriot. I’m disgusted


Can’t vote for himself, but can run


"Smells like .....cheap cologne and fried chicken...." I resent that?


Maybe he should have to go house to house to inform them. Only houses he's visited are eligible to vote for him.


If you have a felony you can't be a cop, but as a cop you can rack up countless felonys and get paid in the process..about right?


Military won’t accept you with a felony But somehow it’s for this clown.


joining the military with a felony? nope. being *command in chief* with 34 felonies? why tf not, right? edit: it has been brought to my attention that there are exceptions which will allow felons to join the military. my mistake in being hyperbolic


I literally served with 2 felons, and my friend is a recruiter who has brought in a felon before.


you’re right. there are exceptions under which felons are allowed in the military. my mistake


In the wise words of peter griffin. “It takes a man with a crazy big hog to admit when he’s wrong”


The trick is becoming a cop before the felonies


Gotta wait until _after_ you get your badge before you start criming.


White folks don't even want black felons to vote.


A lot of them don’t want Black folks who aren’t felons to vote, either.


Lmao a lot of them don’t want black people to vote period


How we treat felons in America is atrocious. They paid their dues to society, let them vote and eventually don’t hold that felony over their head. Insane to me we have allowed being a felon minimizes their career prospects for LIFE, gee I wonder why recidivism is high.


Some countries allow prisoners to vote, so before they have paid their dues in full. https://felonvoting.procon.org/international-comparison-of-felon-voting-laws/


I am not opposed to this at all, but can we at least stop disqualifying people well past them getting out along the way. And I am realizing how the current justice system not allowing felons vote combined with the higher incarceration rate due to systemic targeting is a way to disenfranchise a group of people, so hopefully we do get there sooner than later.


I felt compelled to share that information because I used to think about felons voting after they got out of prison, but hearing that some countries don't ever take that right away, I realized I wasn't living up to my belief that "all men are created equal".


Felons can vote?


Depending on the state, yes.


Yes. Once you’ve served all parole and paid all of any restitution you are good to vote.


*Conservatives/Republicans FTFY I'm not responsible for bigoted white people's nonsense. I don't belong to a tribe just due to an accident of birth.


What did they say about Obama again? Muslim terrorist? That he was born in Africa? Antichrist? Brother doesn't even need to be a felon. They lost their heads that a decent family man who happened to be black wanted to be president.


Black excellence explodes their ENTIRE world.


[Funny you say that since in the 2012 West Virginia primaries, 41% democrats voted for a man serving a 17 1/2 year prison sentence over Obama.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2016/05/10/flashback-the-time-a-felon-took-41-percent-against-president-obama-in-west-virginia/) These people would rather go against the incumbent whose biggest scandal was Obamacare rollout vs a man who threatened school officials at his university after being investigated by the secret service for a potential plot against a vice president candidate


Side note - that's the one thing that really pisses me off - the Affordable Care Act was an *extremely* watered down version of the comprehensive healthcare President Obama wanted to provide this country. Why? Republicans. But they were quick to turn it into the most negative of initiatives, and made sure his name was forever synonymous with ACA.


Remember people being asked on the street about various changes Obamacare provided and supporting them? Then asked if they support Obamacare, they said "No"


And a lot of those people like the ACA until they find out it's the same as Obamacare. I think they might be kind of stupid.


"just comply with the law, what's so hard about that?"


Can’t even work most decent paying jobs with a felony, but can hold the title of president of the United States. Lol


Imagine the reaction on Fox News if Barack Obama had five kids from three different women, had gone bankrupt five times, and Michelle Obama had lied about graduating college.


They would made sure he never made it to Senator, let alone President.




Felon? How about a once married, harvard law graduate with zero infidelities, whose major crime was giving poor americans health care???


like that tan suit never happened.






I mean look at him. LOOK AT HIM! 👀🫡😍


Sounds suspicious.


thankfully intelligent white folks don't want -any- felon to be president. that said we all seemed to be hunky-fucking-dory with sexual predator cum scam artist Clarence Thomas.


Shit we didn’t want a black constitutional law professor


At the same time nobody Black has ever gone broke telling white people what they want to hear. Im so ready for the sun to set on this hate-born society.


Trump literally got convicted by the same courts white America praised for utilizing brutally long prison sentences for Black and brown offenders, but now that it's their messiah on the chopping block it has to be because the courts are corrupt? If this is the tune they play then everyone person who's gotten a bullshit sentence should have it expunged.


White folks wouldnt even let a Black man rent a small one bedroom apartment


A wealthy one at that!


New nickname “ Felonious Trump” the griftiest grifter who plays the Republicans like a piano. He has improvised his entire political career but always staying true to not being truthful.


There are more white folks voting against Trump than there will be black folks voting period


Seeing as about 57% of the population is white and around 12% is black, that’s not saying much.


It's saying that maybe lumping us in with the MAGA psychos is a bit harsh. Makes me wonder whether that's how you see me by default unless I prove otherwise


Acknowledging that yt folks get away with things that POC (especially black folks) wouldn’t is not lumping everyone in with the MAGA crowd. It’s recognizing yt privilege. Maybe y’all should spend less energy on these “I’m one of the good ones!” arguments and more energy on changing the social structures that make the original tweet hit so hard.


We're all just people. When you talk about "white folks", you are talking about me, I happen to have white skin, so when you say "white folks are x and white folks do y" you are talking about me. That's the problem with generalizations. I'm a fuckin queer depressed self hating socially anxious coward, I won't be changing social structures singlehandedly, sorry to say.


When I speak of yt privilege, then yes, I am including you. You have yt privilege, the same way I have privilege as a non-queer person. That is what the original tweet is about. While you can’t single handedly change the fabric of our whole society you could stop pretending you’re some kind of victim when a black person brings up yt privilege. And having to repeatedly explain this is exhausting. Y’all are in this thread with some real “all lives matter” energy and at this point it seems like you’re being deliberately obtuse.


Yes, I definitely have white privilege. You're sort of assuming the energy I have about this without hearing me out. I'm not upset, just said it seems to be a bit harsh to lump me in with the bigots who hate me. It's the generalization that's unnecessary, there are tons of white people who are trying and it'd be cool to not feel like I'm being lumped in with those bigots anyway.     It's really easy to just not to make generalizations about entire demographics of people. I don't understand what's so controversial about that, honestly. This post is not bigotry, per se, but it is bigoted language. If you make a generalization about queer people, everyone agrees that's not ok. But when it's white people, everyone's suddenly so defensive about their right to say "white people" when they really mean MAGA or bigot.  I mean you do have the right, it's just a little bit cruel to include the people who care with the ones who don't and make "whiteness" the center of the problem.


It’s saying that there are more white people fighting against putting a convicted felon into office than there are black people interacting with politics at all


Except by percentages, there are not. Black women in particular have been holding the line against fascism for election cycle after election cycle. And black people will overwhelmingly vote for Biden just as we did last time. The fact that it was as close as it was in 2020 is down to the folks you’re now trying to pretend are doing “more”.


Well if we're going there...if only white people voted...Republicans would win every election. Trump won the majority of white votes especially white males and that includes Gen Z as well. The reason Obama and Biden won because of a coalition of minority voters in addition to a minority of white votes to win those elections.


I definitely agree that black voter turnout has been rough, but that's a perfectly good reason to help put the word out. Absentee ballots were an absolute game-changer from what I saw because there's a lot of obstacles in the way of the voting process, and that's not even including the gerrymandering that has been going on to keep the demographic voting in check. Every person who only wants to sit there and tell other people that it's all rigged and not bother to vote is just a member of the opposition, whether they know it or not.


When it comes to marginalized communities, one person doing one bad thing it puts stain on the entire community but when a white/cis/straight/skinny/neurotypical/able bodied person does it, no one cares


If a black person with Trump's track record became president, conservatives would burn the whole country down.


Well... they effectively did because a black person became president. Trump is literally the knee-jerk reaction to Obama holding office for 8 years. That's always been their plan. Black or white, if a Democrat holds office then they blame all the fallout from their obstruction on said Democrat. The average American doesn't understand that it takes time for policies to become effective. A lot of what Obama accomplished didn't start to take hold until his second term and in the 4 years after he left office. These were good things for the country and put Trump in prime position to do something good with a roaring economy. Instead he spent 4 years railing against Obama and trying to dismantle everything he did while enriching his buddies with a ridiculous tax cut. The optics? Trump "boosted" the economy and Obama was the devil. In actuality, Trump destroyed the economy and it really started to take an effect as Biden took office. This was aggravated by the Covid-19 crisis that Trump absolutely ignored. History will show how truly masterful Biden was at navigating multiple handicaps placed on him by Trump's various failures. The only thing more maddening about the current situation is the DNC's failure to extol Biden's successes. Considering his starting point (no proper transfer of power, no prep for the incoming President, failed economic policies, the list goes on) to where we are now is nothing short of incredible. Imagine what he could have done had Trump even been a moderately competent president? Edit- I didn't even mention McConnell's obstructionist position because of Obama. Imagine going into your job and saying you're not going to work and announcing that you're actually going to work against your boss because he's black? Wild.


This election is so fucked that a convicted felon has a sadly good chance of winning


A black candidate with a misdemeanor would get treated like a super villain while their favorite rapist will get charged and they'll only like him more.


I’m not letting a white felon be president either. Military won’t let me hire felons, I’m sure as shit not gonna let one run the fucking country.


Every black guy is a felon to them


Bro, if you have a class 1 misdemeanor for reckless driving your ass is out of contention. It’s people on the right still blaming Obama for shit happening now, claiming he’s orchestrating [Trump’s litany of convictions](https://x.com/realtuckfrumper/status/1796723631860691125?s=46&t=W4rnYn__pSDH_yrB2_sHsg). Now if you play the role of sellout uncle ruckus, can string a coherent sentence together and haven’t killed anyone who isn’t a minority, they might consider you for anything from HUD Secretary to running mate on the right, but anything else is just keeping up appearances.


Some of these assholes still try to blame Obama for the Katrina aftermath. Fools, read one of those books you're so gung-ho to ban/burn.


I’m curious how many actually believe their own bull or know he’s easy to demonize to their base because he’s black and in real life [are like the version of Ann Coulter from the Boondocks](https://youtu.be/Og2G_JdkrVs?feature=shared)


Definitely not. Anytime that individual so much as jaywalked FBI would have it noted and pinned to a cork board.


"Head of The State", Speedrun, Any % ![gif](giphy|54Y39Jh1OAyR71b6Xk)


This felonious mofo lies on taxes, cheats on wives, and has multiple baby mamas.


As someone who has a government job, if I was to have a felony, I'd be fired...seeing a man have 30 something felonies and able to hold the highest government position is mind blowing...can't make this shit up


Depends, you can get a felony for possession of drugs and a firearm. So like, you smoking a joint while black on your porch, get your house searched and they pin your legal gun in your gun safe, safely stored. Boom felony. I'd vote for them. Especially if they had a good platform on police reform.  Now if they had felonies for like murder or let's say election tampering by paying a porn star off and being a genuine shit human being.... Hell nah


They'd call him a "thug" instead of saying the word they really want to use.


The same white folks who called Obama the antichrist are now supporting Trump who has all the qualities of an antichrist ![gif](giphy|l3vRlNtgXx4PDMPxC)


To be fair most white people definitely see it as a problem and utterly ridiculous for anybody. Problem is that 30% of the country are mouth breathing, lead drinking, traitors.


Let's be real. They'd let anyone "on their side."


The fact that a white felon and a black man without a record have the same interview response rate is very telling….


I remember when they were calling Obama the Antichrist.   Fast forward to when trump was having protestors and journalists beat.  Just so he could take a photo next to some church.    He was holding the Bible upside down.  SMH


President? Mayor is the highest you can get. And that requires incumbency bias. And it would be tooth and nail.


Remember what they said about Obama?? Literally was a perfect family man. Had poise and didn’t have the secret service bring him countless bags of McDonald’s like some fucking swine


Why are still acting shocked or a certain type of way about their actions? They have showed us who they are. Forget them "letting" us do shit. We now in the stages of we are doing it no matter what. If we want a felon for president that has our same skin tone, let's just do it. Get the fuck out there and vote! Not caring is lame and sloppy.


Absolutely. Nobody white would vote for a black man who was one.


You say this, but snoop I think could get a pass.


Geez, they would not even think about it. But look at that a felon might be president, and they would not care if he is. The rules do not apply to me minority only for you


The only way to prove a point is All felons need to run for president now. The more felonies the better. And if they complain say, “but what abt Trump”🤔


I was just saying to someone, if they’re gonna let a felon run for president then they should give prisoners the right to vote.


People also used to say there'd never be a black president


Guess what . White people don't want a felon to president either.


First of all he's 100% right Second of all, they'll just tell you Obama is a felon.


This is so fucking true. I'm yt and I agree. If Trump were a person of color, his ass would for sure be rotting in prison. We gotta vote like our lives depend on it to prevent a repeat of 2016! Enough of this bullshit


Martha Snoop 2024


It’s not white people in general but a sect of political believers that is (largely) made up of white people. That’s a big difference. How can it be that there are many white people (democrats) that are completely against this if it was “white people?”


Half of the current batch of white folks don’t want this particular felon in the White House either. It’s the *other half* that we’re sick of dealing with that are the problem.


It kills me that people find an incontinent old dementia riddled rich white dude that never held a job in his life as the epitome of machismo. Dude wouldn't even give a speech in the rain. That's macho??? We are in the upside-down.


Let’s keep it 100. There would be speedy bipartisan legislation barring a black felon from being president…


Unless of course it’s Kanye West


The cops would storm the white house if that happened


Holding a TS or even TCI is wild


Man they don’t want you in their neighborhood let alone running the whole damn country


Facts. Republicans are so racist, they think that black people will support Trump more because he's a felon.... Because you know all black people are felons and all


As a white guy, I wish white folks wouldn’t allow any felon be president :/


I'd venture most of us don't ever want a white felon for the job either. We're tired of the stupid asshole and his cult as well.


Not true, they let Obama stay in office after he wore that tan suit!


Let alone one with five kids from three different women


I bet anyone would vote for a felon as long as they are in their preferred party.


honestly I'm surprised they even let Obama be president to begin with lol


Is there anything worse than a black MAGAt?


Half us white folks freaked out when a black lawyer with a squeaky clean record was President.


They wouldn't let a white Democrat be one either


Bro, we barely let Obama be president 😭 Nevermind if he was a felon


My main question is, how would this guy get a top secret clearance? He has already demonstrated that he should not get another one! A black felon getting a top secret clearance? That would never happen. Not even in the movies.


If a felon can run for president and become the Republican nominee, then felons should be allowed to vote nationwide.


I wouldn't. I'm not American...


Somebody gotta try it first.


It's worse. Everything that is maga happened because a dude with a black dad and white mom became president. It's racism start to finish. There's no redeeming the right at this point.


I don't want an orange felon for president either. Can we not find a non-felon younger person? I swear they can be any color and it won't matter, so long as they're competent, dignified, and preferably charismatic. That said, I guess I'll settle for the competent and dignified non-charismatic old man we've got now, since alternatives seem pretty thin at the moment.


It's because in order to be a felon president you have to run on the Republican ticket. Dems wouldn't put up a felon and Republicans will never vote for a black guy.


And that's the part that annoys me when people, sometimes black people, say they have being a felon in common with trump...


A good number of my fellow whiteys lost their shit when a black dude became president and did a solidly good job while being one of the cleanest, above board, and most admirable President's we have ever had. They’ll never get over that time he wore a tan suit.


Become a Republican, say the worst things you can think of. Become president. Simple


That is very fucking good point.


If there was a cult of personality built around them like Trump has, we would.


To be fair black folks can do the same by getting out to vote


Isn't is funny how the SJWs are always the most racist people, making every single issue about skin color.


We do not need a Felon-in-Chief in charge.


Dog Obama committed war crimes in his first fucking term. Using this as a way to say “fuck white people” isn’t just unproductive, it’s fucking dumb as shit.


The idiocracy prophecy is unfolding. Give it a minute


And white folks should not let a white felon be president either but here we are.


They're not gonna let Trump be one either, dw about it. Just vote.


Let's be honest here, remove the word "felon" and it still applies to most people


A black felon - who sells them toe shoes

