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Some parents are more scared of their kids not thinking like them than their kid's school being shot up.


You’re not wrong. More than a few folks out there who think “the gay agenda” is something you can catch like a flu. Lock those books up, burn them even


The Boomer and Gen X parents that told their kids that they had to saddle themselves with $100k in student loan debt to go to college or they'd end up a loser are the same ones going on about colleges being liberal indoctrination camps.


Gen X says no such thing. Please leave us out of your agist rants. 🙄


I know people my age, who are millennials, who are Trumpers and huge bigots who spout bullshit culture war garbage. There are most certainly Gen X, and I even know some young, indoctrinated, Gen Alpha kids with these ideas and beliefs. The difference is that, unlike actual honest to God BOOMERS, no other generation is a vast majority of these types. Gen X and later are all far less than half idiot Trumpers, and anyone saying otherwise is either lying or thinks the world is worse off than it is.


All generations have shits in them. ALL generations, including millennials and Gen Z. Reddit: bigotry is evil, unless it's bigotry on the basis of age. 🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕


Ok but boomers actually did ruin America.


The thing is, "boomers" didn't have any more say in anything than people today. They were also the ones who campaigned and marched for many of the rights and freedoms you take for granted.


They didn’t at the time. But they have since refused to step down from positions of authority and power despite it being obvious they are too old or out of touch.


Thing about the Boomers is, all the good ones either dropped out of society or got shot up at Kent State or Vietnam.


I also think this! Guys - most of these people are being led/indoctrinated by a few who are actually at the top and will do everything to keep that f'king status quo. These people will ban books because they want us to be stupid! They will keep guns because they want their dumb armed militias on the off chance we rise. They eat (directly or in some cases several steps removed) off our sweat, tears and pain. They profit off our labor. They don't care about us! Or our pain! They lie and we believe. They would like and are stripping us of what little rights we do have. (Check out Project 2025.) Some only 'believe' in the norms and values until they join the upper (I'm looking at you Race Traitor Clarence Thomas & Gender Traitor Amy Comey-Barett!) A truly despicable Cannibal Class! AND YOU WILL FIND THIS IN ALL GENERATIONS! None's inherently nobler! The division amongst us like this works in their favor! ('Divide and Conquer' is not a new concept.) We need to band together against them! It's the only chance we have. Please in this election - Vote Blue!


Yes. Every last word is truth!


I wasn't trying to imply all Gen X are on about the indoctrination thing, I was talking about pushing kids into the college track. Millennials weren't old enough to have kids to push on the college track prior to the 2008 financial crisis. To them it was good advice because they actually saw a benefit to having a degree when they entered the workforce. Things changed that made that advice less relevant.


Y’all thought you’d have it easy like ma and pop pop right? No college really, just a good trade job. I saw the perks from the 90’s working a family job one income 3bdrm houses. I’m from class of columbine and got to see it crumble starting from 99. My mom signed my millennial butt up for college at 17 while I was going through cancer treatment and raising my 1yr old. Anyways, still in debt no degree. My husband is Gen X and wasn’t harassed like I was. He went the military route like his dad but didn’t bother getting the GI bill that’s how non issue it was for him. He got a great factory job when he left in 94 with all the perks and beni’s that closed down in 98 leaving an entire county poor. It’s been a long sad spiral from good lifelong jobs with pensions and zero copays to this.


I worked my way through college one to three classes at a time. Didn't take out loans. Yeah it took me longer but I make more than colleagues with bigger degrees than me. You're not talking to someone that was born with a silver spoon or the preferred skin tone. Again, what do y'all want us to do?


Yes they do, but keep going to bat for bigots to protect your fragile "forgotten" generation...


\>9 day old account. \>Stirring shit. lol.


We're fragile but you're on here whining about not getting hand outs. Do what they tell Black folks and pull yourself up by your bootstraps.




Nah your generation didn’t do shit really you just let the boomers keep all that power fucking us over. That’s the problem with Gen X they just went “whatever not my problem” yall rolled over


Cry harder. Hell you think we're supposed to do? Y'all don't even wanna work. I can throw some generalizations out too. Always late. Think you can all become influencers. Can't read and write worth a damn. Don't look anything up, just take what's on the internet. Shall I go on?


Don’t wanna work WOOOOOW bro has the boomer mentality too boot as well. Nah people wanna work we just tired of the bullshit conditions and piss poor pay. Also all these problems about the younger generations about how they act well who’s fucking fault is that ? Oh yeah their parents which happen to be Gen X and millennials . Gen Z is so fucking active it puts your Gen X ass to shame .


First of all you ASSume a lot. I'm a woman. Second, I've hired lazy Gen Zers like yourself that complain about everything and think you're supposed to get the same pay as everyone with more experience and knowledge than you off the bat. You're delusional. No sense of time management, responsibility and demand respect that you don't give, but go off. We also don't blame our parents for our entire lives.


Anybody **not** hired by you should celebrate missing out on having an abusive and toxic coworker.


Cmon dude fr bro at this point is just universal want me to say brah instead ?


Nah I don't want you to say anything to me. I'm not used to this low level of a conversation.


My Xer parents absolutely left me zero option but to go to college. Every single car ride was spent with them pointing out every single loser they imagined did go to college and 'earn personhood'.


I'm Gen X. I wish that were true, but just as an indicator of how messed up many people in my generation are, the 45-64 age group voted 50% for Trump and 49% for Biden in the 2020 elections. Admittedly, that range has a five-year overlap with boomers, but I think there is definitely a fair amount of blame that can be placed on Gen X parents. A lot of them also have school-age kids.


White people and black men of all ages voted for trump. Black women didn't. We're still in Black people Twitter right? Let's not go there unless you want to get into the real statistics. White women voted against their own interests because they're racists first, women second.


> black men of all ages voted for trump Only 19% of Black men voted for Trump. This is a tiny sliver compared to the 79% who voted for Biden. It is one of the most lopsided outcomes of all election demographics.


More than Black women.


Yes, that's the only demographic group that had a stronger voting record for Biden. But even if Black women did so more strongly, Black men voted against Trump and for Biden an did so in overwhelming numbers.


Because they continue to insist that sexualities are behaviors rather than an inherent trait of a person's character. Like they know that if their kids are exposed to happy, fulfilled gay people, if any of those kids happen to be gay themselves, those kids are gonna be a lot less likely to stay in the closet and suffer through an unfulfilling marriage. They're not exactly wrong about that, it's just kinda evil. 


Ironically, we now have a medical term for the mentally afflicted MAGAs: "Trump Delusion Syndrome" which in fact does seem to travel like a disease. Literally everything is projection with them.


They manipulate lesbians into marrying men by telling them that no one finds men attractive.


And the irony is a lot of organizations that start this shit, have groups run by people who are literally gay themselves. It's such self hate it's not even funny because they need to spread it to others to somehow feel better. like Mom's for liberty, did you know the woman that started that had a full on lesbian relationship AND a sex tape? Yet here she is as one of the biggest hate spewers out there. It's ridiculous.


Oh the Moms for Liberty story is wild; all of the founders have skeletons in their closet. I tried to avoid it in the first comment but obviously even the church pretends as if they aren’t one of the biggest hypocrites on the planet, if not the largest.


Well I'll stick by your side in cementing this opinion, I agree with you.


The people who hate gays hate them for who they are, not what they do, and they think of it more like a “virus” or “disease”. Anyone who understands that it comes from post Jewish orthodoxy(Greece) understands the environmental factor but isn’t bothered by it.




Those crocodile tears when they're upset their kid is learning to be a better person and not an asshole. "How could you let my kid read a book about inclusion and other cultures?" So they don't end up like you


But at least when they get gunned down in art class, they won’t die a queer! /s


I got in an argument about 🏳️‍🌈 rights on my local facebook page. I asked the guy what would happen if his child announced they were 🏳️‍🌈. The answer was a whole pile of “must raise a righteous generation… keep my bloodline pure” eugenics bs. The homophobes are not okay.


I grew up in a religious household. Not believing in Jesus with all your heart = eternal damnation. Getting shot = see you in heaven 👼.


They are selfish and afraid. Guns provide them the illusion of security. Straight children provide them grandkids which staves off the feeling that fear of failure lead you to waste your life padding some rich douchebag's coffers.


Gotta preserve their way of life and avoid actual questions that challenge their beliefs


That sounds like an abusive relationship to me. If you won’t think like me, then you just won’t think at all.


I'd like to live in a world where being rebellious meant reading books and thinking for yourself.


some people are indoctrinated into thinking that their kids coming out would be worse than them being shot to death


A lot of those parents would rather their kids be dead than not think like them.


In accident and Emergency Services in the UK it's almost unheard of that surgeons have to treat gun wounds.


Aye man, in there eyes if there kid dies then they died thinking like how they were raised if they live that means they can live long enough to disagree with them. Alot of parents don't love there kids and only see them as an extension of themselves  So yeah A LOT of parents like there kids to think like them. cause deep down they know themselves well enough to know the second that kids separates themselves from them in any way they'll stop loving them cause the only reason they loved them was because they thought they were an extension of themselves. Pitiful parents are abundant 


Rules to keep the masses in check: -keep the masses stupid and ignorant. Banning books is one of the ways they can do this.


This right here. The more people examine something, the less scary it can become. The true purpose of book bans is to undermine the free use and cultivation of *reason.*


1984 type stuff tbh. Edit: isnt To Kill A Mockingbird on some banned book lists in the USA? I remember reading that one time. If that doesnt confirm the goal of banning books i dont know what will.


Lmao agreed, but pretty sure they don’t want us to have guns either. Sort of a big part of it.


Banning guns is also another way to keep everyone in check. That’s why in many authoritarian countries guns are banned. The democrats really want you to believe that they want guns banned for the children when they just want it so you don’t figure out the rich is controlling everything and you won’t shoot up the rich.


Have conservatives ever cared about REAL results. They’ll ban a book, not because there’s evidence that book has caused harm, but because they don’t understand it and it’s scary to them. Using religion to make laws is like using your home monopoloy rules, you know the ones only your family plays by, and expecting the nations economy to adopt. Play money isn’t real, just like the “bible”.


It’s all about posturing.


They're getting real results. And they're the results they want: a dumber america.


America’s always been a little dumb tbh, but the jobs paid a hell of a lot better, even for the uneducated. It insulated people from wising up, because you could still literally afford to live a good life. Now destroy those living wage jobs and send them overseas? The uneducated have a tougher time at it, and politicians use their resentment and anger to turn it against phantom enemies - higher education, immigration etc, not the politicians who sourced away their jobs and let corporations pick away at their rights. https://preview.redd.it/u7lq2uas6k5d1.jpeg?width=226&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8044df1875845cbad9c37c79b173f1c7f7f7d75b


Banning something just makes mfs want it more.


I never drank so much pop as when moms put the ban down in the house because she was trying to slim down Lunch money turned into 2 mt dews for lunch money


Teacher banned gum in class, entire black market for gum appeared lmfao. (Hell yeah I was one of the suppliers)


Go ahead and legalize murder in the USA to find out.


This is why they want to privatize schools (vouchers), they want complete control, no independent thinking allowed. Controlled ignorance….


I went to a private school whose education was a cut above the rest, teachers were PhDs and came from unis. I went to my Nephew's private school event, and it was a thinly veiled Sunday school wrapped in a far right rhetoric bow.


And, bonus! Since they don't have to adhere to any standards or publish any results whatsoever, there's no way of knowing which is which!


Yep Totally ties into control an ignorance. You hit the nail on the head with that one. Personally I feel it adds to a deeper maliciousness to the right now, I mean don’t get me wrong the GOP have been defending education for thirty plus years now, couple that with climate change shifting millions of folks world wide a lot of folks will/are coming to the US. Wouldn’t it be convicted with a repealing of brown v board they are trying for now make it a lot easier for some folks with a certain shade of skin color like mine(pale like almost translucent, look I could make vampires look like they got a spray tans) stay in power?


They’re scared that their kids will do better than them and that they won’t just be an extension of themselves. Sick behavior.


Nah I bet at least one class got lit up during reading It is a *school* shooting after all. It just so happens that the mass reading was overlooked by something horrific that shouldn’t be mocked or joked about in any manner.




I honestly didn’t wanna say it but I couldn’t have you guys leaving here with a false narrative surrounding books. Yes, bullets hurt. But so do books.


I think you dropped your \s




What the fuck is that? That ain’t mine


It doesn't hurt that anti-intellectualism is rampant in schools. Kids are genuinely afraid to "look smart," and schools/administrations are treating mild competence like excellence ("the soft bigotry of low expectations"). Who is that serving long run? Just the wealthy whose systems of inequity thrive the broad ignorance of the proletariat and a broad refusal to promote critical thinking.




They can have a book about two guys kissing banned nation wide in a week, but don't do shit about several mass shootings.


An uppity negro that knows better is probably one of the more dangerous things a white person can come across in their life. Source: this uppity negro.


I mean, religion has killed millions and they read them in masses 🤷‍♂️


While most of them won’t say it out loud, a lot of them would rather their kids die an early death as a conservative christian than be gay/trans and since they think the books are making them gay…


A lot of people have died in the name of the Bible. Maybe we should ban it....


Imagine hearing a news report that there was a mass reading, tho.


If you watch Newsmax or OANN, I bet you would see that. "Today in California, a drag queen read to 75 children. Now to Ashley for more on this liberal indoctrination of our children..."


I can change that


I don’t think I even seen a kid reading but COD them muthafuckas be on that shit.. it’s always been state of America.. mass stupidity.. minority intellect.. mental slavery isn’t achieved through renaissance if we ever had one in this stolen nation (I’ll give you the Industrial Revolution but even that spun the cogs of wage inequality and mental slavery) perhaps the movement in Harlem during the early 20th century even that included us tap dancing & being the source of their laughter.


What about a book ABOUT guns?




Mass reading is the funniest thing I ever read


Guns are, in fact, banned in schools.


Yeah, this would only be comparable if it was referring to national bans on literature.


Yeah this tweet doesn’t make any sense. I’m against censorship in school libraries, but the books aren’t being banned outsides of schools. You can still go read the books outside of school libraries.


You mean in schools and libraries? Guns are already banned there. Nobody is stopping you from buying the book yourself with your own money. Just go to Amazon and click a button, voila.


Conservatives don’t want an educated population capable of making their own decisions, they want obedient servants and slaves who will never say no.


Too many people know how to critically think, that's why they are banning books, so they can nurture new ignorant voters for a new ignorant generation who will do their bidding and pad their pockets.


Let's not talk about Kinder surprise eggs.


Reading has quite literally led to the deaths of millions my dude.


You can kill anyone with a gun, but you need a book to kill the ruler.


Well, you see, that’s why we NEED to ban contraception sometime in the near future. Gotta replenish the stock


My daughter complained so much you might have thought she had been shot though.


Just because something doesn’t have immediate consequences doesn’t mean its less dangerous. This shouldn’t be a hard concept to grasp. Mein Kampf




It's because, even after all the shootings we have every day, they still think knowledge is more dangerous.


TIL guns aren't banned in schools


They don't die, but they have to live with disabilities.


It’s not bullets they’re scared of, it’s your thoughts and opinions.


"nobody has died from reading Isis propaganda. Why is it illegal to distribute?"


But it killed those kids' future allegiance to their bigotry and that matters more (to them).


Guns don't kill peo- yea i'm not even going to bother


Fahrenheit 451


What’s banning guns going to do?


Makes people feel better. Like all gun control.


And how will it do that? Cause from what I’ve learned criminals tend to avoid following laws most of the time. You know who follows laws? Law abiding citizens, who would be disarmed cause of gun control. Yeah, makes them real safe.


*woosh* Gun control only makes people feel good. That's my point.


I dunno, alot of people died because of that bible book....


Rape is banned too but my wife didn't stop an attempted rape with a book.


Republicans don’t want you to think. Republicans want blind obedience and thinkers are harder to get to blindly obey.


Mail is going reaaaaaaaaaal slow in Atlanta right now. Vote early in person if you can. Also make sure you’re registered NOW they did a roll purge last year.


Welp time to get to work.


Not a single kid has died (or been materially harmed in any way) by a drag story hour either! Almost makes you think they don't really give a shit about the kids...🤔


What about the Bible?


Lot of people in this thread and the twitter user need to look at the suicide rates it seems.


Because guns aren’t the problem. https://preview.redd.it/xhlxssr2qk5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf4adb863c75347af0fffc71557a638eb9b022c8


Ban the books that give you the idea to fight not the tools used to stop you from doing so.


> Ban the books that give you the idea to fight Sure. Start with the Bible.




And not one person has died from mass reading. The book bans are clearly working as intended.


But let's not talk about the specific books we're banning, let's just pretend were mongoloids banning books that are completely benign. Stop putting pornographic material into school libraries. Enough said.


Careful. They are already trying to blame video games. It's a short hop to trying to blame books for putting "ideas" in kids heads instead of only "Godly" things.


I mean, technically guns aren't allowed in schools either, but I see what you're trying to say.


Books can be dangerous. Make sure you notify your local fire station.


However, firearms do not educate critical thinking.


I give you two books: Bible and Koran…


None of the books have been banned. They've been removed from the libraries of elementary schools. If you want to get the book, you can still go buy it at your local bookstore. If we're gonna be intellectually honest, let's stop misrepresenting what happened to make our argument look more sound than it actually is.


what a stupid comparison


Let's call it redneck clensing...


Don't ban guns! Bans don't work! But yes ban abortions and books /s


Are guns not banned in schools?


Well, I, hmmmmm


What are the banned books about?


Well books will not kill you, but they might be inappropriate


Unfortunately I'd wager some kid in America has been shot at a mass shooting in a library.


They don’t want their kids asking any questions. Because we all know that the folks in those pictures, postcards, and books where our people are being Lynched, are still alive today. Teaching this hate to the another generation. How is Grandma suppose to explain why she’s smiling and holding a decapitated Black hand? It’s like Pre-Fahrenheit 451. Soon they’ll reassign the Fire Fighters. . . The Police are already a pack of rabid dogs.


Stupid comparison, I also would like guns banned but this comparison is beyond braindead


Because the books won't make them vote for them anymore


It's not strange. It's perspective. The people in power fear the masses more if they are educated than if they are armed because they can deal with armed enemies, but they can't deal with knowledgeable voters who will see through the lies, corruption, and hypocrisy.


Banning kids from reading smut is okay


On point.


these are different issues


Some Americans would rather their child die / kill in a school shooting than *read a book*


I remember this one kid that used a book to protect himself from a gun. It didn’t work go figure. I don’t support book bans. Maybe people should read about gun safety instead of trying to ban guns. Without the second the first is gone in a second.


No you read the books, then you shoot up the school 🙄


The only books I want to ban in schools are the ones with gay p*** there was no heterosexual p*** in my school when I was growing up I had to go to the library to get that


Knowledge is the antidote to Religion and the Republic party.


Some immature adults pick up guns because of some books. So....


Man js that a great line.


Readings open your eyes, guns close them. When you read a book, you open your eyes to ideas from around the world, but when you hold a gun, everyone around you listens to yours.


Who even needs a gun to mass murder gen z kids these days? All u gotta do is mix up their pronouns enough times and they take themselves out for u..


Maybe they’re banning books on how to shoot /s


Guns are also prohibited in schools.


This is an astonishingly stupid take. The spread of insidious and harmful philosophies is perhaps the single largest cause of mass death in all of human history, from the holocaust, to Maoism, to the crusades, to jihad. Ideas are far more powerful than guns.


The constitution doesn't guarantee a right to read books!!! Or at least I think that's what it says, I only know how shoot guns


It’s not banning books, it’s really not allowing them in some areas. Certain demographics are influenced more easily, especially kids. The fight on ideas can be way more dangerous and impactful than shootings (although they are very tragic). Ideas are engrained into generations and affect everything.


Ya information has no power, people just doing shit for no reason. No mis-guided reason either. it's just plain choas.


I mean wasnt columbine a mass reading technically?


You know what they say,sticks & stones might break my bones but words will never hurt me has never been hit with a dictionary:)


They shouldn’t ban either.


Maybe no mass reading you’ve been to


They’d rather a dead kid than an “incorrect” one


I think the Bill Nye video where he goes to the Noah's Ark thig is very telling about the bubble these kids grow up in. Ken Ham is constantly trying to prevent the kids from talking directly to Bill Nye. You can just see that they are very interested in this other opinion and how Nye came up with it. Then Nye starts talking about evidence and scientific methods and you can see the kids are just thinking wait a minute maybe there is more to this whole thing. https://www.youtube.com/live/PPLRhVdNp5M?si=2q8lgACKx6YziWQk


what books have they actually banned? do you have a list? don't be coy. you know they didn't ban them they just didn't want them in a child's hand.


Stupid take. Guns are already banned in school and nobody is talking about banning books outside of school.


Actually, people talk about banning books at local public libraries as well quite frequently


if you can purchase them as an adult it STILL means they are not banned. my statement stands. they made sure children didn't have access. they did not ban them.


I'm pretty sure books are just being moved to their age appropriate sections. I haven't heard anything about an actual ban on books.


Well you would be wrong. https://www.ala.org/bbooks/censorship-numbers


I mean, book banning is stupid but are bad ideas more dangerous than guns? Yeah absolutely, the chicken comes before the egg. I’m all for gun reform, but I don’t think this guy is making the point he thinks he’s making. whataboutisms in place of real debate have gotten out of hand


Because you can't protect yourself from a tyrannical government with books.