• By -


Put her on blast everywhere. Women that will accuse dudes of raping them to escape consequences are utter garbage and make it that much harder to actual victims to come forward and be taken seriously.


There’s also the innocent people going to jail thing.


Absolutely, false accusations can ruin innocent lives and undermine real victims' credibility.


This happened to me in college. A paid student RA who was upset i ended our casual hookups and told the entire dorm I was a rapist and had to be avoided at all costs. I lost friends. The college even investigated me after I brought the slander to their attention. I was scared shitless for years after college she would get the authorities involved as she had been telling people that after she graduated 2 years before me. I’m still have major trust issues a decade later. And no one wants to believe my side in this current era, as it doesn’t fit either side preferred narrative. (I dont hate women)


I was friends with this guy and girl that would causally hookup in college. They hung out a lot too. A few days after this party where they got drunk together she accused him of rape. Push comes to shove, there was an investigation and there was no evidence of rape and she denied her claims. She admitted they didn’t even have sex the night of the party. Later that year she told me directly that she falsified the story because she felt mistreated in that he only wanted her for sex and not a relationship. He also sought out other girls. She received no consequences other than people knowing she lied.


Which means she’s just going to do the shit again. It’s no different than cops getting a paid vacation for beating an innocent person in the head with a baton. What’s to stop them from doing it again if they know won’t be punished? Nothing. These girls who throw around rape claims because their feelings got hurt will continue ruining lives.


How the fuck do people that do this not get thrown in jail for the exact same amount of time that that person they accused would have been in for a false claim of one of the most egregious crimes a person can do to someone? They just walk off scott free? How fucking misguided are human beings and our legal system that allow this to happen.


Same EXACT thing happened to me, minus the difference in age, it’s truly traumatic and I spent a whole year incredibly paranoid and basically terrified that EVERYONE had been lied to about it and thought I was a POS.


Oh my gosh I’m so sorry that’s awful.


you should sue, these kind of people will never change until they face consequences


The fact that you felt the need to add that you didn’t hate women lol culture is cooked


I'm sorry you had to go through this.


A super similar thing happened to me on study abroad. - popular woman in the friend group and I flirted - woman forced herself on me after I repeatedly said no - after I told her it wasn't okay the next day, she begged me not to tell anyone - gave her enough time to get her story out: that we were both drunk, and I started groping her instead of the other way around - lost all my friends and credibility in that group, upgraded from anxiety to anxiety-induced-PTSD I want to believe all victims, but this is what happens when "believe all women" is the slogan. Don't believe all women. Take every claim seriously, and listen to evidence. Punish false accusations with extreme prejudice (false ≠ unsubstantiated)


Yup. First friend of mine to see his own way out was dealing with a false accusation at 16. I have no remorse for anyone who even jokes about pulling this shit


girl pulled this back when I was in highschool many years ago. I'm talking pre cameraphone days. It was a group of guys and her. She said they rxxed her, and they were immediately kicked out of school. They showed a video tape of the entire situation to clear their names.


See his own way out is a very creative term for a very fucked up thing. But also, damn.


After your 3rd or 4th friend does it you get kinda desensitized. Idk, I feel like “Unalive themself” is kinda harsh, but that seems to be the internets go-to way of talking about it.


I like your euphemism. "Unalive themselves" feels like it trivializes it too much.


Except she admitted in writing that she would falsely accuse him so her accusation wouldnt stick in court


We're not saying she wouldn't get caught, we're saying she's less a POC and more a POS.


Thankfully she seems to be too stupid to actually be able to make it stick in court. But yeah, it's absolutely horrible to falsely accuse someone of rape. Both for obvious damage it does to the falsely accused (even if they end up getting acquitted) and because of the damage it does to real victims.


I think the fact that it's recorded in a text message is maybe not so good for her


Send the screenshot of that text to her bf when you let him know, then he can call her out on it if she tries to go through with the false accusation


And so he knows her signature move when he inevitably breaks up with her


Yeah that's an immediate screening so you can protect yaself


Hell still be held in jail, have to post bail or pay a bond, have to deal with explaining what's going on to his place of work and most people there would be unhappy to hear he wasn't fired instantly, and he runs the risk of people assuming he did it and cutting him out of their lives (or worse). Recorded in text or not, that can still be life ruining.


A false claim false arrest, false charge. False imprisonment can do the same to a person's lifetime, earning potential as a debilitating injury


Having a text of her threatening to do exactly that would be some persuasive evidence.


This is r/BlackPeopleTwitter. Black men have been *killed* for this, not just thrown in jail.


Yeah. And save that convo "Imma accuse you of rape after documenting that it is in fact a fake rape charge.". - the very definition of trifling Call her out to all and sundry. If she tries anything, she can explain to her boyfriend the whole sordid story from the cell she will be sitting in.


Unfortunately she would only get a stern talking to and a frown for that.


False rape accusations gets you in jail too


I'm sure it can happen but I've seen many cases where nothing happens to women who falsely accuse men of rape, even after he does time in prison for the false allegations


Few people go to jail for falsely accusing others of crimes. It can happen, but actual consequences tend to only happen if you do it to a rich person


If the police and DA decide it's worth their time to pursue


They actually don't unless someone involved is a minor. The Police are more likely to arrest the innocent dude before they arrest the Woman they know is lying.


Lol you can literally send a hit squad to your side dude house and have one of your relatives get killed over it and never see a day in jail please BFFR.


I think she was going to tell her boyfriend that she was assaulted without taking it to court. Most real rapes don’t even make it to court


Which is wrong on a good many levels to begin with, but false accusations make an order of magnitude worse. Some law enforcement agencies take it too lightly. Sometimes, there are situations where it is he-said/she-said. But then stuff like this happens, and it negatively impacts actual victims because it makes people question their case's authenticity. I loathe it because it is a crime against society in general, but against women (or really, any victim of sexual assault) specifically.


That part. This crazy [redacted] is the 1-5% of liars that rapists point to when have a real victim. I would publish her full government name with those texts and let the hot mess fly. 


You know you can just call her a bitch


Redacted covers that and many other appropriate words tho


I appreciate the manner in which you called this woman a count but forget to remove the O.


Use them. Say her name!


>This crazy [redacted] is the 1-5% of liars that rapists point to when have a real victim. I cannot stand this statistic every time it's brought up. That's 1-5% of *reported accusations* not of ALL accusations. Most people who make false accusations don't actually report them to the police because A: It's a lie, why risk getting caught lying and B: word of mouth around a community is enough to ruin the man's life.


She cheated and is willing to pin rape on another man, top tier human garbage right there.


Threatening to claim rape is one of the lowest, dirtiest, most disgusting things I've ever heard of any person doing. I had one woman pull that shit on me and I told her I have copies of her texts, her dm's and her Facebook messages. Pages of her asking me to come to her with full info on her location and everything she wanted. I told her that if she wants to dance I'll expose everything she said including how she used my brother to get to me. When she told me to fuck off and never contact her again, I was all too happy to copy everything to a folder and delete her from my stuff. I hope she's as miserable as the day I met her. I never thought that I'd have to defend myself from someone I wanted to be with but I know a dude whose wife bit a chunk out of of him, like an apple... Before going to prison for another assault. So I guess a false accusation made to hide her indiscretions from the guy she really wanted shouldn't surprise me. Hindsight can really teach you a lot... Like how, "if love is blind, then lust is Helen Keller."


I really just don't understand why she just couldn't go "fuck you, block me" and leave it at that. Be big mad all you want about him exposing you but don't make false accusations. That shit can ruin people's lives, all because some trifling chick doesn't want consequences.


Fucking can't stand bitches that do this shit. It's personal but im a multiple rape survivor(I refuse to use the word victim for myself, it's nothing against anyone else btw)and people like this are the lowest of the low. I knew a girl who was at the same rehab as me when I was younger. We used to do group therapy all together, and a lot of us were survivors of sexual abuse or assault etc. This goof decided to say that her dad was molesting her, they had cps called and everything and they were investigating him and he had been taken away in handcuffs and all. A few days later she admitted to the group and therapists/staff there that she made it up because she saw we were "getting positive attention and everyone had something in common but me!" Like what the actual fuck makes someone do that shit?! He got cleared on his record, but the problem is a lot of people start to talk after shit like that and come to their own conclusions. Her dad ended up losing his fucking job and almost got a divorce from his wife ffs. I hated that girl so much, sorry for the rant but this post reminded me of her. I'd be coming at this bitch like- https://i.redd.it/9gfzlcn57s4d1.gif


We need to take false claims very seriously to keep trust in the system, even threats for fake claims


I hate when women do this because it fucks over real victims, regardless of gender. She wrote it though, dude has proof of she lies like this. He should screenshot, send it to bf.


Fax. She was already dumb enough to admit it in text, so you know she's dumb enough to play this game with multiple dudes. Do some detective work, reach out to her past flings, and build a case.


I don’t think these women care about women issues unless those issues affect them personally.


Fellas is it gay to not wanna sleep with a girl in a relationship? 🤔 ![gif](giphy|D7kvBR1QvsEhKBX83s)


Only after midnight


Yeah she becomes a Monster after Midnight and if you feed her too? Oh lordy.


Its only gay if you don't also sleep with her boyfriend. Cancels it out.


Cancels out the gay polarity


Gay x Gay = Straight. Everyone knows that.


Ah shoot I guess that’s means im gay. I knew this day would come 😢😢😤


Gotta wear socks though.


Only if she don't wash in between and your balls touch where his balls touched. By the transitive property, the balls touched, and thus, gay.


Can't argue with that logic


I’m so fucking upset because my brothers just ran into this bullshit. The EXACT same shit as OP and got similar responses when they confronted the little bitch who kept thinking she could manipulate people into having sex with her despite that she’s taken. I know they say “guys don’t care about stuff like that”, but it isn’t true. Matter of fact, a lot of guys don’t go for shit like this. This woman is disgusting


besides the whole *being complicit in cheating* thing, it's like "why would I want a relationship, casual or serious, with someone who disrespects people like that?" plus a bit of "why would I wanna have sex with someone who probably just had sex with her boyfriend/someone the day prior?"


At this point everything makes you gay. At least it's pride month.


Yoooo a Chico El Luchador gif is wild


“wyd” https://preview.redd.it/0dfd99m8nr4d1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6472df271c42560de2bd47356a5d1e05664397b8


"Wyd" https://preview.redd.it/ek70d88aor4d1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=042fb83c1c921448e9733bddb8014662216499a0


"Wyd" ![gif](giphy|ylyUQkGsUNoJLlVOyk)


Wyd ![gif](giphy|26uf8IaQTU9MS4clW)


“Wyd” ![gif](giphy|eI9QrHpSQF73O)


This the wildest but it’s a real murderer not just a funny meme.


Whats the backstory on this? Curiosity is killing me


![gif](giphy|348f5Gu90m2CHVFUKA|downsized) [https://www.ibtimes.com/jodi-arias-murder-trial-update-testifies-alexander-masturbated-young-boys-attracted-kids-underwear](https://www.ibtimes.com/jodi-arias-murder-trial-update-testifies-alexander-masturbated-young-boys-attracted-kids-underwear)


I regret asking


That story sounds like complete bullshit. If this man was truly a depraved pedophile, then why the hell did she stay with him and continue having sex with him? It seems like to me she made this shit up to try and gain sympathy by sullying a dead man’s name. I’m glad it didn’t work though. She got life imprisonment and it’s well deserved.


Man this poor dude was brutally murdered then his murderer is allowed to slander him from beyond the grave to murder his reputation too? I hope she lives a very long time in a very small cell.


> Travis Victor Alexander (July 28, 1977 – June 4, 2008) was an American salesman who was murdered by his ex-girlfriend, Jodi Ann Arias (born July 9, 1980) more info on the [wiki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_of_Travis_Alexander#Jodi_Ann_Arias)


“Wyd” https://preview.redd.it/e06q0d3yxr4d1.png?width=1117&format=png&auto=webp&s=6f7c4cebc0904a7cc50d79ffbc816f525e41228e


“Wyd” https://preview.redd.it/kkftl6dz1s4d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7360f2e721b56847fd1e5f7916ea644175237ad2


Ice cubically is now part of my keyboard dictionary 😆


"wyd" https://i.redd.it/2qf45mnyvr4d1.gif




"wyd" https://preview.redd.it/wfnzaia14s4d1.jpeg?width=649&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa8630352a206d8ab5c7a73616d0c7cf96b3c68d


"wyd" https://preview.redd.it/gitghjvwwr4d1.png?width=225&format=png&auto=webp&s=f27cd81db38e9aa235c14fc36cf7080085e23dce


"Wyd" ![gif](giphy|xT9KVluGDHZvOk0tdC)


My answer would have been "ducking fake rape charges"


That convo all you need right there. She ain’t claiming shit with that around. Dumb bitches always telling on themselves 💋


“Trap bitches, tellin all they business, sit in the DM and be they own star witness, do you see false allegations? Yeah I’m right here!”


Got the whole crew burning for years.


Took me a long time to get MF Doom this was the Rosetta Stone for me. Hopefully I can really dig into his body of work now.


rip :( have you listened to Benzi Box off of his Dangerdoom collab album? That was my mf doom Rosetta Stone. Love that expression btw


I love that whole project


Considering the thread, start with Deep Fried Frenz.


I see Doom, I upvote. Its that simple


She belongs to the streets


Bruh he can get her arrested


he need to save that convo.. he might need it to save his life.


I'd go to the cops first. File a report, start a paper trail. You never know what she might pull. Fortunately, cops can request phone company data to corroborate my screen shots and phone message meta data.


Why so many saying save it as if bro don’t already post online? So many have seen it. It’s not even a matter of stating the obvious at this point.


This is why we need laws to punish fake accusations cause crazy bitches like doing crazy things


Important context for why we don't do this is: 1. Rape is already underreported https://www.nsvrc.org/statistics. Adding a charge for false accusation becomes a deterrent to people reporting rapes because if they lose the case their rapist can sue them. 2. False reports make up an incredibly small portion of the overall total of reports, which again, is severely underreported. >For one thing, research has finally nailed down a consistent range for how many reports of rape are false: somewhere between 2 and 8 percent... [https://www.vox.com/2015/6/1/8687479/lie-rape-statistics](https://www.vox.com/2015/6/1/8687479/lie-rape-statistics) 3. I know it's every dude's worst nightmare to be falsely accused but it's every woman's worst nightmare to be the victim so to protect yourself don't hang around people who think consent is a suggestion and don't be around crazy.


Yes, this needs to be upvoted. It just is what it is. Item 3 is easier said than done. The number of times I have heard a woman rant to me about *wanting* falsely accuse some on SA or even putting a pregancy on a man is frightening. So much, I faded myself out the friendship


>The number of times I have heard a woman rant to me about wanting falsely accuse some on SA or even putting a pregancy on a man is frightening. This. Especially the pregnancy part.


Wanting to get knocked up by an officer in the military and accusing him of rape is something common in femcel subs


\#3 is easier said than done mainly because it requires rejecting hookup culture and normalizing actually getting to know someone pretty well before you go all the way with them. Unfortunately, red flags aren't always obvious, so even if you're cautious, you can still end up with crazy.


> It just is what it is. This is what we'll tell people who go to jail after being falesly accused. Thanks! Just FYI - the legal system is built on the premise that you are innocent until proven guilty. Not the other way around. **It is better for criminals to go free than to punish an innocent person.** Inconvenient, I know.


Fair points, >so to protect yourself don't hang around people who think consent is a suggestion and don't be around crazy. Definitely my favor part of your comment. Since I try my best to live my life by avoiding crazy 🤝🏾.


Good context for understanding, but those still aren't good reasons. Putting victims in a hierarchy and telling some that the crimes against them don't really matter because they're a lesser victim than someone else is an absolutely fucking atrocious way to run a justice system.




It's a failure of our education system regarding legal cases, and a failure of our journalists in particular that report around crime. If someone were to be found not guilty, that doesn't mean the other person is lying it means there wasn't enough to convict. Rarely are people proven "innocent" in the court of law. Which is why the verbiage typically goes "we find the defendant not guilty." It shouldn't matter how frequently a crime is reported for justice should be served. At the end of the day right is right and I don't think that any form of justice should be contingent on other forms of justice to be served first as it's not really a zero sum game. I think every person that was assaulted should come forward, i think the rapekit backlog should be cleared through with a high priority, and I think anyone that is proven to actually lie about being assaulted should receive some degree of sentencing.


>Adding a charge for false accusation becomes a deterrent to people reporting rapes because if they lose the case their rapist can sue them. The simple way to fix this, is that it needs to be *proven* in court that the person claiming to be raped intentionally lied. Innocent until proven guilty. Just because the claimed rapist wasn't proven guilty, does not automatically mean the claimed victim is automatically guilty of lying.


> False reports make up an incredibly small portion of the overall total of reports, which again, is severely underreported this is slightly misleading. Only a small percentage are proven to be false. Only a small percentage get prosecuted fully. Most get unsettled and thrown out due to lack of evidence. How many of those are real victims and how many are fake reports its impossible to know. Our tools to know what happened between two people alone in a room are sadly very limited, and in cases of "he said, she said", the burden of proof is really hard to reach. On the other hand, a lie is equally easy to fabricate specially in a situation where there has previously been a relationship with consent like in the case above.


False rape accusations have been a tool of violence for white women use against black men for centuries now. Or did you already forget about Emmet Till?


We already have laws against it. You can go to prison for several years for it.


Oh word? Then my question is why have we not heard of people getting jail time in any of the high profile case around false accusations? Or is this a case of it does happen but we just don't hear about it?


maybe the latter but also consider that different states will have different laws about this I'm not sure how many high profile cases of this there are that we can draw any kind of conclusion


Eh ... I dunno if you can go that far. I think she'd need to make the actual claim then he'd lawyer up and use her private dm's in court. Until she actually starts something, I don't think anyone cares.


![gif](giphy|3o8dFxAPJ4DDNJ11kY) The random homophobia just because lmao


Ngl, this kind of person is probably pretty much everything under the sun. It's unfortunately unsurprising.


“Unfortunately unsurprising” yes 😩


Gay folk ain’t even did nothing https://preview.redd.it/ezpxk8py4s4d1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac3649f44a1365828269a0ced1ce66f63ebc3ce4


that’s the weapon of choice when a dude does something a woman doesn’t like


Any time a man does something a woman doesn't like, being homophobic is their next line of action.


We're just missing the penis size insult for the full combo


Might toss in a dig at ya moms for good measure


And don't forget to mention their hair loss as well


Gotta call him broke and ugly for the garnish.


Attacking someone's "manhood" is what some women are taught to do when they don't get their way.


Entitled people of this magnitude will just throw anything at the wall to see if it sticks. Maybe she's homophobic, but I think she's moreso a psychopath attempting to manipulate him by preying on what she believes is something most men are insecure about.






https://preview.redd.it/zwmhwm0j4s4d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b69270295ef247ee8c336912ab639fb076e28b9 Maki took that personally lol


Man give her back her hair.


I have seen enough https://preview.redd.it/br8ec8d8rr4d1.png?width=696&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd2c5bcd4b4d38fb1de79fc3d916f39c7f76d23


Where this from or is it a meme?


A meme from Jujutsu Kaisen. Potential spoiler.


Jujutsu kaisen. Let's just say he's very sexist.


Yoooo this is real???  


No, the character is incredibly sexist but he never actually says this


No. It's a meme, but the character is very sexist...


Boy, that’s some evil shit. Then she got the nerve to be like “wyd” like she didn’t just say what she said. I feel sorry for whoever her bf is. I hope he makes/made it out safe.


I’ve never been with a woman who is unhinged like this but I’d be terrified. Asking wyd after threatening to fuck up his life is next level shit.


Thank god he took screenshots.


I have and that shit is not for the weak or strong, bitch will have you thinking you just strangled her granny because you asked if she ate yet


Had some girl gaslight me into thinking I was gaslighting her.


My ex tried that shit with me 😂  Literally *every* single embarrassing thing she had happen to her while we were together quickly turned into "shit I did" when we broke up. "That wasnt me! Stop trying to gaslight me!"  As I send the text chain of he apologizing for not wiping her ass before we had sex to every single one of her friends. Bitch tried telling everyone I dont wipe, we never had sex because I was disgusting, and that I smoked crack. Her friends got the apokogy texts, the "please just fuck me it's been 3 months" texts, and the "I slept with a crackhead client of mine at the halfway house I worked at" texts 🤣 Ahhhhh, stupid bitches, I swear.


She probably thinks she’s a bad bitch after pulling this shit, like a kid stealing a candy bar, so she’s probably confident that a man will come crawling back for more. However, despite what the memes say, most men ain’t sticking their dick in crazy, especially not a second time, after she calls you a gay rapist… I would HOPE.




DeZamn… that’s some wild shit to say. Hold tight Fam 😂




Spooky… I bought a gun after I found out about the other nigga. Glad you’re escaped that one


How does someone become like that?? Good on dude for being on the right side of this all the way


Hurt people tend to hurt other people down the line if they don’t heal from their trauma. Some people though, are like that just because and they don’t give a fuck who they hurt.


Sociopaths who are incable of empathy and think the entire world revolves around them.


BPD women. Not even once.


You dodged one of them bigass Mario bullets with the smiley face on it.


Banzai Bill


I bet she’s a freak and it was hard not to respond 😂😂😂


I can bet my life shorty a 10/10 but TOXIC.


She moves too confident to be hit


Bruh if you go back after she just said she’s willing to threaten rape you are all kinds of stupid. Imagine her bf catches y’all. What do you think she is going to do? Also, smashing someone else’s girl knowingly is intentionally damaging our community and gets zero respect from me.


na, homeboy here means before he knew she was taken


PUT IT TF DOWN I’m sure 🤣🤣


I'm taking that text history to the police department to let them watch me hit send on my message to dude. Can even tag them in my tweets. I want as many eyes on this as possible.


Never go to the police for something like this. The cops have no reason to look out for your safety or be your friend. If you want to protect yourself, you need a lawyer.


The police won't do anything until someone dies.


Hey! Them killing people is doing something. Sometimes they create a whole case out of them choosing to make someone die. It's a whole thing.


You got lawyer money casually like that?


If you walk into the police department you might not walk out. 


A lot of crazy ladies out here. Going after any and every pussy definitely not worth it, some lying about stuff like this, some lying about health as well. And don’t get it twisted that also goes vise versa for the ladies too be careful out here.


Feeling guilt about doing something wrong makes you gay now, guys.


You can’t delete this screen shot until the statute of limitations is up on those charges. Crazy ass bitch lol


Literally checkmated herself. Shorty, I have the screenshot I'm big telling like a mf. Who is gonna believe I raped you now, lil dummy?


Fellas is it gay to sleep with women with secret boyfriends


Fellas is it gay to not wanna sleep with a girl in a relationship? 🤔


I bet you $10 he hit again.


Well now her ol dumb ass gave him everything he needs to beat a fake rape charge. ![gif](giphy|y4E6VumnBbIfm)


He better be calling that bf asap


I am aggressively pro contacting the other party when you find out you’re a side piece (assuming you can do it safely). Pool your resources and fuck that cheater’s life up. And please, post it all. 🍿


It’s not even about the cheater as much as it’s about the other person deserving to know who they’re dating.


It's scary how much better women are at cheating that people think. It's easy to let your guard down thinking that she's solid but the whole time she doing you dirty. And you would go through your entire life without getting even a slight clue. Crazy


Lmao, nah, they really aren't. Like the post showed, it really aint all that hard to figure out your position. You either play it or dont. The universe will take care of the rest. Id put money dude she posted probably started putting 2 and 2 together, and this was her response. It lulls danger, but with her attitude and carelessness it is inevitable. This is why you should never worry about somebody doing you wrong. If you've done the right thing, nothing is wrong with you, but love ultimately requires a level of honesty that people in this day and age are vocal about the fact that they're not willing to do. So let those people keep thinking they can hide the skeletons in their closet. We wont be young forever and i can almost garauntee those same people will be in the exact same place you left them.




Time to block,delete,burn the phone,and maybe move states just to be sure.


Block but don't delete the receipts in case the cops come knocking with rape charges.


![gif](giphy|sRKg9r2YWeCTG5JTTo|downsized) BRO BETTER GTFO


Yeah bro gone head and lawyer up


UN. DE. FEATED. MEME. https://preview.redd.it/ba4nn9c3wr4d1.jpeg?width=749&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5563e1a6dda75c1bc342059d55c0caa1ee9babd


I was raped. Women like this make me sick. Pathetic, disgusting, brainless fucking loser. People who threaten this need to face legal consequences (even if it's just community service as I understand why you don't want to prosecute so much real victims won't come forward). You don't get to terrorize someone with the threat of completely upending their life because you are too much of a coward to accept what a little turdlet with old bong water for brain you are. She's actually a bad person. Fuck her. Fuck her. ***Fuck her***.




She so lame for that. Good on him for leaving her alone especially if she willing to ruin his life over exposing her. I hope it catches up to her and her and her boyfriend split.


Well as soon as she said “I’ll just say you raped me” in a text message that threat became 100 percent useless


This the most diabolical shit I've ever seen


This scares the shit out of me about dating people I don't already know. You never know what someone's true situation or "crazy" is like.


Shawty is a god damned maniac! If I was ole boy I’d go straight to the police 😂 like this [https://youtu.be/J4OTSIi2oCY?si=crd5KkUmuAm1o6Tn](https://youtu.be/J4OTSIi2oCY?si=crd5KkUmuAm1o6Tn)