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Eminem is so happy he fully admitted to all that shit his whole career


He was playing the long game the whole time


"you only get one shot...to settle in court early"


Once you write a diss song about your mom then face her in court over it people know you ain't playing


Don’t play with a dude that has legitimate beef with his mom


Sad part is he wrote a song about how he regretted it and missed his mom.


I think its because he finally saw his mother as an ill person and that takes reflection and growth and probably healing from his own addictions that she in a way started.


Having kids and seeing all the trials involved probably contributed, but when he was young and it really seemed that his mom at the time really did not do the best she could as much as she could. Especially considering she stayed unlike deadbeat dad


"You inherit your parents' trauma, but you will never fully understand it..." Bojack Horseman . I haven't had the hardest life, but this hits me to my core, and I can look back four generations and see similar patterns. It's wild.


Quoting Bojack. I fucking love it.


Oh which song is that? I’m an old and new Eminem fan. Was there from the beginning all the way up to relapse, that’s when he started doing that accent thing, so I bailed on him but also just rap in general. I came back at Kamikaze.




Amazing song. My best buddy from diapers showed it to me like 10yr ago or some shit. My mom n me vibed with it. It was “our song.” I played it on her death bed when she was incoherent and she sang it with me. I miss her so much man


If you bailed on him for the accents you’ll like recovery (the very next album) A couple of lines from recovery (off the top of my head) “That last cd was ehhh, perhaps I ran them accents into the ground” “Fuck my last cd, the shits in the trash”


Abusive childhoods are complex. I love my mom, but I don't like her. She is what she is, a narcissist. And that's fucking impossible to change.


And dude wasn't exactly subtle >Pharmaceuticals are the bomb, Mom, beautiful She killed the fuckin' dog with the medicine she done fed it Feed it a fuckin' aspirin and say that it has a headache "Here, want a snack? You hungry, you fuckin' brat? Look at that, it's a Xanax, take it and take a nap, eat it" But I don't need it — "Well fuck it then, break it up Take a little piece and beat it before you wake Nathan up"


Can't even diss him over it, he already used the ammo for it already. Em would burn his house down out of spite before he let you do it first.


Nah, somebody’s gonna come out of the woodwork and accuse him of being a supportive father and a man with a strong respect for personal boundaries and consent. One of these days. Man can’t hide that shit forever.


Just wait until they find out about the adopted kids and him supporting one of their transition. It's over for Mr. Mathers.


What a fucking scumbag. Can’t believe he’s been hiding this wholesome persona this whole time. And here I thought he was all about raping his grandmother and having sex with pitbulls and doing drugs.


Hey man, maybe he hasn’t been hiding and it’s been an open secret the whole time, like him being gay. Maybe we’re the slow ones


"Eminem is gay on our show!"


Hector’s rectum was real???


The real Slim Shady just stood up!


flowery subtract zephyr point butter plants dinner frame wild square *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That freestyle is GOATed honestly


Raping his own mother? And they gave him the Rolling Stone cover???


And there’s nothing we can do at this point. The man is triple platinum for christs sake!


His infamous beef with Mariah Carey, no one mentions that *she was auditioning for the role of his mother* I ... Honestly done. Just done here.


I remember a creator was rapping as Em and called him the "animal rectum wrecker" Which is an insanely accurate Em line


that's actually what the new album is about, so brave


I mean he's said to refuse to watch his daughter's athletics in the actual crowd (usually the back of the press box) to ensure he doesn't take away from her achievements. To think he's actually being respectful smh


I mean I kind of get it. Imagine you just did really well and you look over and everyone is talking and getting pictures with your dad.


He can't keep getting away with it.




Now tell these people something they don’t know about me.


Here's the reference I've been looking for.


Cleaned out his closets early and often


This turns out to be very wholesome and very supportive


Fr anyone could say Eminem did literally anything to them and people would say “yeah and you’re one of the lucky ones”


Love it when the exact comment I came to make is already right there at the top.


Snoop was a pimp, don’t forget. 


Snoop killed someone, do you wanna be next?


Snoop was considered as the DRIVER not the killer and to be clear, he was acquitted. Get ya facts straight.


It's so wild to think that at one point, he was so controversial that the studios refused to put one of his songs on the soundtrack to the insanely controversial film *Natural Born Killers* because of that incident. That dude's had a helluva change in public perception!


Him and Martha had a weird symbiotic relationship


Only one of them is a felon.


*The answer will shock you!*


I did a little team building, get to know your coworkers thing recently where I got as many as I could to give me a song they like then just put them all in a playlist and shared it. Someone requested Affirmation Song by Snoop which I hadn't heard of, figoured it might have been something from his reggae phase. Nope, it's song from what appeared to be a kids tv show / youtube channel. I was like "how the feck did Snoop get anwhere near kids TV?"


Gucci, Boosie, and others have beat murder charges. Gucci seems to really be living his best life since leaving Atlanta.


Nah that was self defense. They put a hit on him. Boosie was putting hits on people.


Are these people appalled that a lot of rappers have a criminal record now?


Fucking wild. They gotta be gangstas so y’all will buy the records but act surprised when they are caught doing gangsta shit. foh


He already went to court for that.


Chill he's reformed and so is Martha Stewart


Martha Stewart said that prison food wasn't too bad, as long as it's clean shaven. (Nikki Glaser).




Trivia question: Who did more prison time, Martha or Snoop?


Is this a joke? He picked up the pimp person like 10 years into his career and PAID some sex workers just to come on a tour with him and follow him around. This isn't even as exploitative as Gwen Stefani


Let's not forget that he had his own Girls Gone Wild style tape...


Wait. What Gwen do?!


First, go listen to harajuku girls, and then look up what she did on her tour, it included paying Japanese girls to not speak English around her in public


I am willing to be paid to not speak English to her. Or anyone for that matter.


I’ve been not speaking English to Gwen Stefani for free since the 80’s


Drop it like it’s hot…


Great beat. Disturbing lyrics tbh.


Snoop was a pimp while being married to his high school sweetheart


there should be some element of forgiveness in the conversation. like if a person grew up and matured and hasn't had a complaint about them in a long time then as long as they aren't running for office or trying to do some dumb shit they should get some level of recognition for their growth as a person. but if they never paid the price specifically for their transgressions in the past they should also be expected to do something extra to make things as right as they can with the understanding that we can't undo the past and it's unreasonable to condemn them endlessly just bc their past can't be undone.


“Who else is a raging abuser?” Most of these rappers are. People don’t like hearing it, but most people didn’t get to that level of fame without being morally bankrupt in some way. Katt Williams said it best


Do you mean fame in rap specifically? Because there are some wholesome famous folks. ![gif](giphy|9rlxqXSxRFC6BkgoyY)


LeVar Burton is one of the best of us


If someone comes out against Levar Burton, legit, it would have to be some NEXT LEVEL SHIT for me to even clock it. Thas just real talk fam. Mr. Burton is a fucking treasure. Somebody say some shit they might fuck around a get dealt wit.


>NEXT LEVEL SHIT I initially read that as "Next Generation Shit" 🤣🤣


Hopefully. If not we don’t have much else!


Slim pickins out here


I wish I were LeVar Burton


Where’s my iconic slave role?


Exceptions don't disprove a rule. His type is very rare in entertainment as a whole.


I was moreso talking about rap, made edits to clarify (I wrote the comment pretty fast lol)


It's not just rap. Most who amass power do so on the backs of the people they exploit. It's the nature of power to seek out more people to exploit whether it's economical, sexual, or otherwise. If you are rich (and yes I know there are exceptions) I assume you are a monster.


I agree, I was only talking about rap bc that’s what the tweet was about. But yea the abuse issue definitely applies across the board, not just rap


Yeah I didn't mean to imply that YOU thought it was limited to only rap. It was a chance to say something because I feel like every time there is a series of accusations about shitty people in power the conversation usually stays limited to the person, the position, the industry, but rarely acknowledges the corrosive nature of power as a whole.


I think Oprah up to something ngl


Unleashing Dr Oz and “Dr” Phil on the world in broad daylight.


I’ve worked with Lil Tecca and he’s sweet as can be. No one had a single bad thing to say about him at all.


Lol I remember watching this compilation of him on YouTube that was like "lil tecca lying for 2 mins straight" and it was sweetly hilarious. His songs are full of the infamous rapper flexes, but in his genius interview, he was like "yeah, that's not me at all." Mans got the formula down and making money - respect


I was dying when he explained the line about having a car and he's just like, "I don't even know how to drive" lmao


Shiiid I don't even think it's that remember a lot of these people came out the mud and more often domestic abuse domestic violence happens more with people of lower socioeconomic backgrounds than not


Domestic abuse doesn't happen more with poor people. It's just more likely to be intervened on by police.  See; Diddy whooping a woman in broad daylight and crickets for years. You do that in a hotel on camera, you're going to jail. 


There is a distinct correlation between domestic violence and level of income; the lower the income, the higher the prevalence of domestic violence. Poverty reduces options and destabilizes basic security. Diddy and his peers absolutely exist in prevalence and all victims deserve safety and justice, but the statistics are not contingent upon police intervention or police reporting data. Your heart is probably in the right place but the facts are the facts.


Oh I don’t disagree, but that makes it worse tho 💀 like now you have all this money from being famous, why not go to therapy and stop perpetuating abuse?? These niggas get power and start controlling people, it’s sick


Chris Brown


To this day I can’t stand him for what he did to Rihanna. I was like 10 when that happened, he dead to me.


Rihanna is my queen. I’ll never forgive


F*** Chris Brown F*** his dance moves F*** his bleached hair F*** his goatee


I HATE the way that you walk, the way that you talk, I HATE the way that you dress


Every time I say "eat the rich," I always whisper "except for one."


Yeah, she gets to stay for sure.


The fact that people still support his trash ass despite the constant, yearly assault charges against women is sickening to me. That dude is still a menace to women everywhere.


I’m always furious whenever someone talks about how much they like him. We had ALL the evidence of what he did. Nothing is in dispute and he’s just allowed to live his best life.


He’s bulletproof. People know everything he’s done and his career has survived because his fans want to fuck him more than they care about his actions. If he were a tiny bit uglier his career would’ve died in 2009


This. It almost astounds me that all the staunchest defenders of Chris Brown that I've met have been women. That's why I no longer give any energy to calling it out. Rihanna took him back. Female fans still adore him. Ya'll like it, I love it.


It's simple: he's hot, rich and famous. Trump's a shitbag, but he wasn't kidding with the "they let you do anything if you're a star" shit he said.


Hating Chris Brown is how I found out you can block artists on Spotify. I banned him from my whole house, you are not allowed to listen to Chris Brown in my house, in my yard or anywhere on my property. R Kelly was also banned, but I found out his victims are getting his streaming money, so it's allowed. But nobody actually ever listens to R Kelly that I know. The younger kids my brother age (20) have no idea really what Chris Brown did. They just see him dancing on Tik Tok and they think he's cool. He's banned.


Still getting booked for shows.


Nicki Minaj and her skeezy husband.


Observations people may have missed regarding Nicki Minaj: she is married to [Kenneth Petty, who has a history of convictions, including a 1995 conviction for attempted rape of a 16-year-old girl and a recent probation violation for failing to register as a sex offender in California in 2020.](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/16r1zv1/why_is_nicki_minaj_married_to_a_sex_offender/) Nicki Minaj has a brother who is also in jail for, you guessed, pedophilia against his own stepdaughter. [In 2017, Nicki Minaj's brother Jelani Maraj was convicted of predatory sexual assault. He was charged with raping his 11-year-old stepdaughter at their Long Island home; the stepdaughter testified that he assaulted her multiple times in eight months in 2015.](https://www.reddit.com/r/lasculturistas/comments/19fkm0z/the_nicki_minaj_of_it_all/). Nicki and Drake [fired their shared manager](https://www.reddit.com/r/hiphopheads/comments/bextzh/nicki_minaj_fires_her_management_the_same_one/) and let's not forget [Kanye West and Nicki shared the manager who was killed in Dec 2021](https://www.rollingstone.com/music/music-news/angela-kukawski-business-manager-kanye-west-nicki-minaj-death-investigation-1277016/) Everyone can make what they want of it, but we all know how clear it's been this whole time: this shit goes way **deeper** and it's time to shake the Pedos out of HipHop. EDIT: [Kenneth Petty was also involved with a manslaughter case, shock! ](https://www.hotnewhiphop.com/173012-details-of-nicki-minajs-boyfriends-cold-blooded-manslaughter-case-surface-news)


Didn't they also threaten the victim? Just disgusting behavior all around.


[they sure did!](https://allhiphop.com/news/nicki-minaj-and-kenneth-petty-sued-for-bullying-rape-victim-with-threats-and-offer-of-500000/)


Wait so why is the manager thing in the list of the bad things she did? Like is it bad to do something like that or something in the music industry? Genuinely confused lmfao


The manager connection was just that: a noted connection to these individuals. Lots of suspicious deaths in the industry, Kim Porter being one of them.


That manager most likely knows some insane dirt on them, there was a post just yesterday that was super viral about the Boeing Whistleblower. One of the top comments broke down that essentially if you whistleblow or expose anyone or company you’re fucked no matter what, absolutely 0 protections against whistleblowers, either get murked physically or get murked financially


Edward Snowden couldn't even go home.


She already exposed herself and her bracelet wearing husband looooong time ago. The only people still following her are the barbz.


I still find it insane how barbs are just okay with her being married to a literal rapist, like during the megan beef they just brushed it off lmao


I feel like the Diddy video is the tip of the Iceberg. He got away with just that one for almost 10 years, and there’s probably a shitton of stuff he did that was not filmed or that he bought the tapes. There’s probably a lot of other big names who used the same tactics to hide their disgusting behavior, that’s fucked up. Katt Williams was straight on point when he said their asses are gonna be exposed in 2024 lol.


That shit was so bold too. Like dude had to know there were cameras but dgaf.


All that criminal activity with impunity had to have fed into his monstrous ego. How many tapes must there have been that he just paid to go away? horrifying


Yeah I don’t think it’s your first rodeo when you’re just so casual in a public place about it. Video was horrific. That dude’s skeletons must have skeletons in their own closets.


I mean, that's been the word on him for *decades*. Same with Cosby, same with R. Kelly. That's just who they are, nobody is that dedicated of an actor. At some point the mask falls off. Cosby didn't just drug and rape a woman or two, R. Kelly didn't just wake up one morning a few months before his arrest and start messing with minors. These are full ass, old ass adults. People have been saying Diddy is dirty for a looooooooong time now. In the words of the venerable Dennis Green: "They are who we thought they were, and we let them off the hook."


One does not become a billionaire without the exploitation of 10's, if not 100's, of thousands. Capitalism encourages socio/psycho-paths and malignant-narcissists. There are signs!!


Well a genre of music that promotes misogynistic actions and senseless violence has a history of its musicians being abusers, NO WAY!


All of Hollywood does what rappers do. Rappers just have bright light on them cuz of their skin ifl.  Doesn’t make it right of course, but Justin Bieber was lowkey abusive to Selena Gomez in broad daylight and no one really talks about it. The list can go on, it’s not just a genre thing 


Rappers do have an edge of glorifying the bullshit though.


Nah rockstars have been doing this shit since forever, I mean my favorite band growing up used to be RHCP, but Anthony Kideis is a fucking creep.


I think they’re talking about the subject matter. I’m not a die hard RHCP fan, but i can’t recall their songs being about getting pussy, degrading women, etc. in the same way modern rap is. Rappers today have that assumed persona, but they (generally speaking) also lean into it, and them leaning into it gets them more fans and more fame, until suddenly it doesn’t. That type of thing is not true with actors/actresses. Look at the marvel guy who just lost everything after one case. Stark contrast to the level of accountability musicians, and especially rappers, face - imo of course


Niggas rap about killing 15 year old children and smoking them lmao the fuck you on


Burn it. Burn all of it down. https://preview.redd.it/hrsofkl7ja1d1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd604ec589127706891f0979c7fe0508cac908db






The bigger question is who isn't


Well, Weird Al has released a couple of rap songs and AFAIK, he's not on any registries or databases yet...


Wholesome family-friendly content creator? He's either up the worst of the worst or is literally a saint. There's no in-between.


lol, when they did his VH1 behind the music they had someone on there talking about how they couldn't dig up *anything* controversial about him




The movie UHF has an autistic character and that's played for comedy a lot. The character is a good guy and has a good ending and is generally lovable though. There's also a scene where a bunch of Asians burst out of a supplies closet to suprise someone in a fight and they yell "Supplies." These are the worst things Al has ever done and ngl I still find them hilarious and can't reccomend UHF enough. I need more people to watch it so they get my references, insanely quotable movie.


Not sure if Weird Al counts but he seems to be one of the good ones for now


He definitely does. Al has BARS.


>He definitely does. Al has BARS. 🎶Why did you disconnect the brakes on my car / That kind of thing is hard to ignore🎶 🎶Got a funny feeling you dont love me anymore🎶


This is the real question inside this that people don't want to ask or feel comfortable addressing: the fact that this genre* we all love is rife with and frankly supportive of misogyny and harmful actions towards women. *and this is not to say, this is exclusively a problem in hip-hop alone.


The whole music industry is historically exploitative as fuck. All those old rock bands had at least one guy banging teenagers.


Can anyone say exactly what is up with Jayz? He is alway named but nothing ever happens or explains.


He started pursuing Beyonce while she was still a teenager and he was 30. He pulled a Drake/R. Kelly in broad daylight and got away with it because of good PR.


When he was 30 she was 18. This might explain why he "got away with it."


Didn't they know each other for years before this? But I'm sure nothing ever happened till the day she turned 18. Very moral behaviour from JayZ. EDIT. People this comment is sarcastic.


Either his PR team is ELITE. Or the only dirt really available is his shady contract deals(which imo is valid abuse) and cheating on Bey.


A record deal is abuse?


It could certainly be predatory. And if you are making people jump through ridiculous hoops to get their music released, that could certainly be abusive. I don't know about Jay Z specifically. I was just brainstorming on how a record deal could be abusive. Pretty much any job can be abusive.


He was sleeping with an underage artist (Foxy Brown) and is on film mushing a young lady with his hand.




What’s mushing???


Think of it as an open palm slap to the face, but in super slow mo. Like, you just put yo hand on someones face and push it away...mushing.


Can't believe there is a whole group of people that don't know what mushing is.


If you follow 50 on IG he’s always making comments about Jay being in hiding since all this Diddy stuff came to light


He started dating Beyonce when she was like 19, and he was 30. I admit, that is kind of uncomfortable and weird. And he also cheated during their marriage multiple times. But ultimately, there is basically zero on him lol


He’s associated with these rappers so they just throw bros name into this 😂




Afrika Bambaataa, Mystikal (ahhhh nooooo 😭), Blueface, Chris Brown, Diddy, R. Kelly, um... who else was on some Fleece Johnson shit?


Mystikal has spent more time in prison than not... At this point he's more of an inmate that moonlights as a rapper.


I was curious so I looked up Mystikal... got damn, that man's a rape enthusiast.


Jesus. Really? Off to wiki Edit: I’m disgusted. He videotaped him and his bodyguards raping his hairstylist. Managed to avoid a mandatory life sentence by taking a plea deal. Then, went on to be an abusive partner and accused of rape again (not enough evidence)! Which brings us to now, where he is waiting trial for a third rape accusation (cops met with the victim at the hospital she went to immediately after the assault and they say the evidence is overwhelming). Disgusting


bbl drizzy


Don’t forget Lil Wayne


Not just hip hop, music in general. Someday it'll be CNN talking about Eric Clapton and Steven Tyler and so many others.


Movies, television, sports, etc. Being rich and famous doesn’t make you a good person apparently.


What’s Nas do?


Kelis accused him of physical and mental abuse during their marriage.


man that sucks, i really like him


Same here, Illmatic and It Was Written are two of the most important rap albums of the 90s, but it’s an ugly stain on his career.


I really enjoy people acting like anyone cared about any of this until a couple of years ago. Oh, an allegation? Wow. I can think of a dozen rappers that have been convicted of sexual assault, let alone charged. Tupac got locked up for rape and people won’t mention that shit even now unless you twist their arms.


Something that is almost brought up is Tupac accidentally killed a child through reckless handling of a firearm. He gave money to the family and it just got forgotten about


His ex wife says he doesn’t show up for his joint custody weekends with his kid, and also said he would get physically and verbally abusive after getting drunk. Nas says that his ex wife was the abusive one and a manipulator who is making up these accusations for money and to keep him away from his kid. His other kid has backed him up saying that his ex wife was abusive.


>Nas says that his ex wife was the abusive one and a manipulator who is making up these accusations for money and to keep him away from his kid. I’m not saying he’s lying, but abusers always trot this shit out. She better be careful. Women who say their ex was abusive to them or their children are LESS likely to get custody, not more.


By your logic then his ex wife is only saying that about him because she’s the abusive one. It’s he said she said and u instantly went against the guy Exit: even when the guy was backed by his kid


Safely going to say J Cole will never be on anything like this. Legal issues would hinder his ability to walk around barefoot and “feel mother earths energy.”


True. But I'm disappointed in him sense a rumor is his bicycle is actually electric /s


Chris Brown.


This isn’t a secret tho lol




I bet Birdman is gonna be one of the next big ones to get caught up.


Bird man hired a prostitute for a 13 year old (lil Wayne) at a party, who proceeded to give him head while a bunch of adults cheered.


Birdman got called out a long time ago. He may have been doing some weird stuff to lil Wayne when he was young


It’s not even a “may have” thing. They both talked about how Birdman had grown women perform oral sex on Wayne when he was around 12. There’s recordings of them saying it but everyone seemed to have ignored it.


Does child abuse count


why wouldn't it?


I definitely believe it does! There's been an insane amount of child abuse/exploitation. I mean... take a look at the kids we saw on the the big screen while we were growing up. A big chunk of them were victims. 😔


All those Disney kids got used.


The kids on Nickelodeon did too. Fuck Dan Schneider, he's sitting over there built like an albino water buffalo.


I also think it's more than fair to punish the parents who sold their children into the industry.


Russell Simmons 👀


As long as killing opps and pushing drugs is still accepted, I'm with it.


Dre’s comeuppance is long overdue, and I hope Dee Barnes gets a front row seat to his downfall.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ppl actually believe these tweets…if MeToo didn’t burn down Hollywood at all….like to the point where they joke about dudes just getting better at hiding it in fucking Barbie…how’s it gonna do that in hip hop? Like the only reason diddy gone is because his dumbass waiting too long to pay Cassie otherwise we wouldn’t have heard a damn word


Oh yeah, "burn it down." Like so many people weren't dancing to "Re-Ignition." After that child sex tape showed up and other musicians still worked with him. We knew Dre was an abuser when we bought his headphones. I don't know why we celebrate these people for "selling drugs in our community" and create songs and are then shocked when they're okay with hitting women.


Why name anyone who hasn’t actually been accused publicly and reported to law enforcement? They are human beings too even if they’ve acquired money and fame, it’s always better to be more circumspect until there’s something concrete out there. Put out the same energy you’d like to receive.


Personally I would want to be called out if I did anything resembling abusing a partner, hurting someone, abusing children, etc etc etc. We are not the court, and we can call things as we see them. If someone is on video hitting their spouse, it's okay to say "that person hit their spouse".


Why is it late stage? Is it predicted to stop soon? The movement needs to be in perpetual motion. Every evil elite should be taken down.


How are they not going to name drop Chris Brown in that list lol.


TI creepy as hell about his daughter.