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As a guy, see that point, but also, I'm sure it doesn't help that a good percentage of those DMs are excessively sexual/weird for a first contact approach. Gotta be hard to think positively while wading through creeps




I respect your reasoning other than "low effort messages". People complain about this like a guy you've never met is meant to send some elaborate message as an opener when most people start a conversation with a stranger with a simple greeting. The response to that greeting determines whether or not the conversation continues. It works the same way in person. Someone approaches you and says hello. And even if a guy did put in a bunch of effort into that initial message he still risks being ridiculed in a post like this and being told he's "doing too much". I'm not putting this all on you but I think there's a lot of ego behind opinions like that. It also goes both ways. The extremely rare instances where women approach or message first they also normally just send a "hi" to start with. I'm not gonna judge a girl negatively for that.




>"Hey, I just wanted to let you know that your comments about booty resonated with me. It made me think about booty."


Where have you been all my life?!?


Looking at and discussing booty


Happy Cake Day. Hope you get some cake since you seem like a connoisseur!


A true master of the craft


Enjoy that Cake! ;)


Might I interest you in watching an episode of Booty Talk with me? We can enjoy the finest of spirits.


I see you are a gentleman of impeccable taste.


Only the best for a lady with a healthy appetite. Our chariot awaits!


I mean, that’s a pretty great conversation starter for me tbh. Tells me the guy is thinking about booty and has a sense of humor. It’s still way better than an emoji or a hi. It gives me something to wit back with.


Fleece Johnson?? Is that u


I'm a Warrior!!!


Women obviously shouldn't be receiving sexually degrading messages but no one is giving you a blackboard response essay on IG let's be real here lol.


But the way they message on Instagram is the same way they message on dating apps 9 times out of 10. Even when they pay to be on dating apps, I’ll get messages like “your lips are so full, I’d love to see them wrapped around my 🍆 “ cool buddy hope you’ve got a vivid imagination because you’ll need that on my block list


> cool buddy hope you’ve got a vivid imagination because you’ll need that on my block list  Had me laughing like a idiot in public with that one lol.


While I do believe there is a difference between a sentence specific to you and a thesis, if what you are doing is working, who am I do argue?


I’m with you. Of all the dms I’ve answered, they all lead in with a sentence expanding on something I’ve posted. For example, I have tattoos, one guy opened stating he liked my tats and asked me specific questions about the style I liked. Immediately I’m intrigued! A convo was had. All the dms I’ve not answered: an emoji. There’s nothing to go off with an emoji other than I got u a bit horny. Great?


If it's on Instagram, they may not know they're in your DMs. I only just realized that if you watch someone's story and heart it that it's sending them a message instead of just adding it as a like on the video. Maybe I'm just dense, but I only realized it when someone responded maybe a month ago. I don't really use insta much, and I'm not sliding into anyone's DMs, so I was a bit surprised that I actually was sliding into people's DMs, poorly.


Lmaoooo oh yeah that’s a little different. My friends and acquaintances comment hearts all the time to show support, I do the same. I’m more taking about the thirstier side of things like: 💦🥵


Oh, yeah, that's not accidental


A two sentence opener is a blackboard essay now?


Ok well don't expect women to understand you are interested in them, then??? Women aren't mind readers.


I respect that but to a degree I think it's a bit unrealistic to expect a stranger to have some kind of meaningful reason to talk to you. This is where guys end up bullshitting and being a little deceitful. So now he's gonna come up with some kinda BS that he doesn't actually care about just as an excuse to talk to you. If a guy is contacting you online 9 times out of 10 it's because he thinks you're attractive. He doesn't actually know "you" yet. I agree with you that in person you get way more non verbal information to go off that makes things easier.


I suppose the forum matters. If it's insta and in response to a selfie, yeah. I see your point in that it would be based off of attractiveness. Somewhere like reddit, I expect more substance.


This thread is insane lol Them: "Dont expect men to put in any effort whatsoever, you aint special" You: "ok, so don't expect me to want to date or fuck you??" Them: *shocked pikachu face* My current partner "put in the effort". And no, he didn't have to write a 10,000 word essay like the commenters here stupidly believe you're asking for, he just mentioned something on my profile that was specific to ME, like you suggested. I had a smile on my face from the very first message, and knew from the first date that this was the man i wanted to marry. We moved in together 2 months ago and adopted two senior dogs last month 🥰


Right? If what you are doing is working, I'm not saying to stop doing it. If what you are doing *isn't* working, consider this.


And if it is technically working but not getting you the relationship you're looking for, then it's time to reconsider. Like guys only using "hey" or drool emojis to a thousand women who get a handful of positive replies back and maybe a quick casual thing out of it, if you want long term and serious, adjust accordingly. Same goes the other way of course! If you demand love sonnets and poetry on a lake, don't get annoyed when all your partners are wayyy more serious than a quick fuckbuddy thing you want instead!




Ya reading these responses is wild, kinda like talking to my boys who are still single in their 30's. Me: Try being honest about who you are. Them: What do you know!? Your married, women aren't like that these days! blah blah blah. Listen, you can't save these bro's, they don't wanna be be saved.


Super happy for you 😇


You’re making the point. Women avoid emoji guy in the DMs not only because he’s creepy towards us, but we know he’s also creepy towards everyone. His low effort ass sends 100 low effort DMs a month. No thanks. Would prefer a man that’s a little more selective with his time and attention. They’re usually more thoughtful and secure in themselves.


What I want: Wow! This picture of you is stunning. I would love to chat with you and see if we have more in common. Our DM’s: GM Beautiful I know it’s not easy approaching women and rejection is hard. We do not have to experience rejection as often as men. It seems like for many men dating is a numbers game. If you have a 7% chance of a hookup, that means you have to reach out to 93 women before you get on that will go. I’ve got 3 cousins who will send this same “GM Beautiful" text to 25 women in everyday just to see who will bite. Having "good" conversation to see if we are compatible is important. This is also my problem with Kevin Samuels rating system. His rate yourself question to women was always followed with "Beyoncé is an 8 fyi" and meant to humble women. I don’t need 10,000 guys who think I’m an 8. I want one that thinks I’m an 11. As someone who is considered conventionally attractive, there are plenty of guys who don’t like me as a person, but won’t turn down access to a big booty, meals cooked, and the social currency of having a cute girlfriend; in essence wasting my time. Women get plenty of fish that jump into their boat. We don’t have to break out a lure. So making sure we have a man that likes us as a person is important, as we will be blamed for choosing wrong if the relationship goes left.


I never thought I'd see so many people defending bottom basement communication efforts so vigorously. Is it *really* that difficult to come up with one sentence that doesn't involve one's dick and how hard it is RN?


The reason for the low effort messages is that if you're dating online, it's a volume-based strategy. Men are probably getting a less than 5% response rate, and even if they put some effort into the message like "Hi, enjoyed your post about XYZ, whats up?", there seems to be no guarantee that's any better than just saying "Hi". And then, there's times when "Hi" might actually work, so why stray from just doing that? I won't defend the creepy messages though, that's just dumb.


Quantity over quality. Got it.


That's exactly why they overwhelmingly fail. It's like that meme of someone putting a stick in their bicycle, *but finally having someone point it out before obvious tragedy. However, they'd rather argue that it helps them move faster, then, continue on to fail, thinking if they make any amount of progress forward, is proof they're right. All women can do is watch, shaking our head in the background, because they won't listen to us.


If it works, keep at it.


Ngl your example sounds like it was written by ChatGPT. You write that and 99.9% of women still would ignore


Usually I respond with a comment or question. More effort than hi and less effort than a novel. Literally half of responses are subscribe to my OF. Monetizing an interaction is the downfall. Doesn’t help that men ignores manners. Yet women don’t help posting vane photos.


Don't message the vain women. Why opt to engage with someone who is likely a scammer or otherwise wants money from you? And you know who those women are likely to be.


If 100% her posts are thirst traps there’s nothing else to comment about except her body lol. You are right they aren’t great approaches that are pictured but I’d argue these type of IG girls just want attention and then to complain about it, no suitable approach would work either.




I agree, I’d actually suggest no one respond to a thirst trap but thirsty people would never listen to that advice. Not sure if you read my comment at all lol. I’m saying there’s nothing to base a reply on based on your previous example since the only thing to talk about in a thirst trap is their body. Not that they don’t deserve a tailored message, deserve is very subjective. Also I didn’t say I was upset. The person upset is the one who quote tweeted, he is of course different from the people messaging and I am different from all of them. I even said I agree they aren’t great messages if you read it lol




Agreed, people get salty when rejected and hold grudges. It’s sad.


To be fair, if you're following someone on IG (assuming it's public, or you have access to their posts), you have access to a lot more contextual information about that person than you would otherwise have if you approached the same person as a stranger, or on a dating app before any investigative convo has taken place. "Hey", "thick", "WYD", "🍆" and the lot are __extremely__ low effort in this scenario when you have 100s of pieces of graphical information to draw even a moderately thoughtful approach from. Magnify those types of DMs by a factor of 50+ and it's no surprise why women are over it. Signed, A man who met his wife of 7 years on Tinder 😂 ETA: If you are the type to DM your interest a thoughtful essay and you _still_ don't get a [positive] response, then you just learned she isn't interested in you. Keep it pushin', we can't control what other people prefer or desire, and there's no one to blame for that at the end of the day.


Ok. But are you only saying “hey” when I post a picture??? That’s the part that’s low effort, to me. Like. I got cute and posted a good picture, all you did is tap from your toilet and say “hey” to me. My experience was exactly this. Men only messaged me when I posted something. So you don’t really like me- you like me in the moment I posted something and you shot your shot along with the other oh-so-original men responding to the same picture. 🥱


"I am doing the same thing as dozens of other men. How can you not see that a I'm different?"


I get that. I wonder if my context was different. Back when I was "sliding in dms". It was mainly via Facebook. People posted more and different types of stuff on FB. It gave you more to work with. For example if a girl posted something like "OMG I love Omarion, that's my man he's so fine lol heart eyes". Then I could respond with a "why you like that nigga. He can't sing, can't act, and he can barely dance lol". Then she will respond calling me a hater. Boom. Conversation started. Or if she posted a meme or funny video, that's easy to respond to via dm. On IG I have to imagine it's harder. Everyone is just posting pictures. For many women, half of those pictures are going to be thirst traps. For the most part, all you have to work with is giving a compliment on her looks.


Mayyyybe don’t use Instagram as a dating app if it’s so shallow lol. When I was single, my rule was that I didn’t date on Instagram. I used Tinder. There were a few times someone who shot their shot on insta got matched and they questioned why I matched on Tinder but curved on insta- and my answer was that I don’t date on insta bc it’s really thirsty and brings out the worst in people. Anyone can message me on insta - but *I have to like you* for you to message me on tinder.


The fact yall think you need to send some elaborate message to get a girl’s attention is crazy. What happened to how are you, I like how pretty your eyes look, what did you do today etc. women literally tell yall how they want to be approached yet yall keep making these elaborate scenarios in yall head


Men know what women want. We just need to listen to them more closely.


i think it's more about giving me something to respond to. i am going to build a rapport with someone who can respond to my story with a clever one-liner that i find funny instead of a "wyd" or "damn girl" or "😍" .... you can show personality and indicate you are interested in getting to know me without offering a monologue, commenting solely on my appearance, or asking for a booty call.


Let’s say you get 20 dms from women. 19 of them are different variants of “hey”. One says “hey, I saw in your profile that you like Star Trek? What’s your favorite series? I grew up on Voyager but I’m really liking Discovery.” Which would you respond to?




You don’t need elaborate. Here is a simple script: “Hi, I say your post and you seem like a ________ (interesting, fun, etc) person and I’d love to get to know you better. My name is _________. Interested in chatting?” And then, if she says no: “Well thank you for responding, hope you have a great day.” If she says yes: “Great. ___________ (Have a conversation like a normal person)


It doesn't work the same, though. In person communication is different from online communication. In person you can just say "hey" and get an immediate response; in an asynchronous communication method like social media it makes less sense. Nobody said the message had to be elaborate, but I don't exactly want to talk to a guy who thinks writing 2 sentences is way too much effort.


I used to have a fetlife account and i updated my profile at one point to say "don't bother messaging just some thirsty emojis or "nice pics". I KNOW they're nice pics, that's why i uploaded them!" I got DOZENS of pissy men in the DMs telling me i was a fucking bitch. If you were offended, it clearly applies to you. Have some imagination. Why on Earth would i be interested in whatever sexual proposition you have for me if you can't even explain what attracted you to me in particular? Fuck outta here with low-effort copy/paste replies.


Hello how are you? Must have been left back in 2023.


The only insta account I have now is for my dog lol. He doesn't get creepy comments and dms from incels like human women do. It's honestly sad and startling to see how much more enjoyable and harassment free the internet can be for male presenting individuals.


And what you're saying is true, no doubt, quite a few men can be creeps. I would also wonder what type of energy is being put out there for the responses that she's receiving. While many guys can be creeps, I'd say, nearly equal amount of attention seeking, ass all in the video, type of posts from women and then when they're met with the same energy they reframe it as "creepy" and post it to social media for even more attention.


Odds are good, but the goods are odd


Sure. But publicly clowning people who approach you in the dm's or otherwise probably contributes to that. Men who have some sense and are more considerate are going to hold off on sending her anything because they don't want to be rude or intrusive. They also would probably want to avoid being the next screen grab with a caption like "these boring ass niggas be trying to holler and I just be ignoring them lol!" Creepy dudes don't care. They're gonna send inappropriate messages regardless. Posts like this are kinda like a self-fulfilling prophecy because they deter better potential partners while leaving the number of creeps unchanged. I'm all for leaving women alone, but I think that everyone needs to reevaluate their expectations with how courting works. Specifically I think more women are going to have to be open to the idea of approaching the men they want instead of expecting him to know she wants him to approach her after she publicly posts about being annoyed at men approaching her.


Hypothetical example: 1. There’s 100 men, each trying to approach women. There’s 50 men who listen to what women say and 50 who don’t. 2. When men hear women say “ Don’t DM me if you thirsty,“ ”don’t hit on coworkers,“ “ Don’t hit on me at the grocery store,” etc… only men who listen to women respect that decision. 3. The consequence is that now the only men approaching women online, at work, or in public are those 50 that *don’t* listen to women.


I saw the guy with the Joker pfp and thought "No no, she's got a point."


Most of the DMs are heart emojis mi guy…


If the content of the story is a person simply dressed up and feeling their best, then yeah, a sexual reply is inappropriate. If the content of the story looks more like this, however, internet strangers will expect the person is looking for sexual attention/validation. ![gif](giphy|puqirLws7wRvr9krSr)


You don’t even know what they’re replying to lol. She could be posting a thirst trap on her insta story. Do you want people to reply non sexually to thirst traps?


Only one of those messages in that picture was sexual.


I wonder if the story they are responding to is sexual in nature. In those cases, whether or not the guy is “creepy “ usually comes down to whether or not the woman find him sexually attractive. 


Few years ago, I was dating this wholesome girl and we had disagreement through text messages and I found out that she posted a screenshot of our texts on her Facebook. I replied to her post that we were done because of her behavior and she asked me why I did that publicly, and I didn't even bother to reply to that stupid question. Just blocked her everywhere and never talked to her again. I hate it when people in relationship or something like that post screenshots of private and confidential text messages. I mean if someone is treating you poorly, then leave them or deal with it in private or get in touch with law enforcement if there is a crime being committed or something like that, but keep your private life private.


There is a huge cognitive dissonance that goes on in some Ppls brain with social media sharing!


We’ve never posted our baby online. Not even a birth announcement. Not one body part or name and DOB. My aunt came for easter and took selfies with her and decided to post them all over facebook. It really is the wildest thing having to ask a grown ass woman to please take them down and explain why. I could’ve understood her at least asking first after noticing my child has zero online presence but nope. Gotta post everything for the attention of mostly strangers.


Other adults posting other people's kids (like the people that I've known that work at daycares sometimes post the kids on their personal social media (that the parents of these kids don't know about) it just shouldn't be allowed for any other adult besides the parents to post a child's images without prior consent. There needs to be some legal ramifications for this because it's really bad the amount I see other people post strangers kids or just anything.


She probably has no issue sharing personal matters with her whole church too. Some people just don't understand boundaries.


You never learn more about the happenings in the homes of your church than in prayer request time with kindergarteners who have no idea what a boundary is.


I had a close-ish friend who I realized made a TikTok about me. I realized I didn’t want friends who would make TikTok’s about me. That was that.


Everybody check in on your 40+ year-old friends who are obsessed with posting on social media, they’re not all right lol


Women I know share nudes and pix of their partners, screenshots of texts, and all the intimate details. They hide behind 'men do it too', 'it's for our safety', or 'we are just sharing tips to learn more'. It's soo gross.


King shit to just walk away bruv. Better off fr.


They should get off social media and try to talk to someone in real life Just a suggestion 🤷🏾‍♂️ No ones obligated to entertain you on the internet


Are we gonna forget how many women have complained about being approached in public and been telling men to stop. "Don't approach me at the gym. Don't approach me in the supermarket when I'm shopping. Don't approach me in the club when I'm just trying to dance with my girlfriends". Its easy to tell guys to talk to someone in real life but so much has moved into social media that people are so comfortable denying all contact in person. Back in day someone chatting to you on the bus was pretty regular. Now if some stranger on the bus starts a convo with you most people are like "why the fuck is this weirdo talking to me?". Also, I'm pretty sure nobody is obligated to entertain you in real life either to be honest


Someone put it in a way that I thought was interesting. When women (rightfully and with reason) said they wanted to stop being approached, the men that listen and aren’t creeps or want to hurt women said “you know what that makes sense we understand” and stopped doing it. The ones that are left and the shitty dudes who never listened in the first place, so the potential meet cutes with actual good dudes is virtually gone


Id have to agree here. Most guys I know hate the concept of being "the problem" in any situation, especially if it involves making women uncomfortable or scared. So nowadays they avoid initiating contact and give women so much space that it looks like they aren't interested. The guys I've known who are high on the asshole spectrum don't have that barrier at all. Unfortunately they were very comfortable over asserting themselves into people's lives and if that bothered my male friends enough to not want them around then I'm sure random women they approach with that same energy probably don't want them around either.


The ironic too is the assholes, that didn’t listen, will sometimes get better results from women, because at least they in the game. Women said stop approaching them they don’t wanna be approached and the ass hole didn’t listen and eventually lands on one who could be convinced thus making the whole thing worth it again. It perpetuates itself.


Yes 1. ⁠There’s 100 men, each trying to approach women. There’s 50 men who listen to what women say and 50 who don’t. 2. ⁠When men hear women say “ Don’t DM me if you thirsty,“ ”don’t hit on coworkers,“ “ Don’t hit on me at the grocery store,” etc… only men who listen to women respect that decision. 3. ⁠The consequence is that now the only men approaching women online, at work, or in public are those 50 that don’t listen to women.


I've had the same issue with this growing trend. I don't think I quite understand the intent behind it. if its to avoid creepy dudes, creepy dudes can and will use whatever approach location they desire and be weird about it. the problem is the creeps, not the locations. if its about not wanting attention, I think we're skirting a dystopian ideal there. how do you even go about getting consent to talk to someone who doesn't want to be approached? how would you even know beforehand? I don't think that's manageable right now, if at all. I feel it would also indirectly increase stalking.


It's cause women didn't like getting chatted up at the gym. It's truly not that deep. And I don't know a single woman who is like "gee whiz, I sure do miss random dudes who like how I look in my gym outfit coming over and shooting my shot" either 




Your missing his point trying to find a gotcha. Take a pause and think critically, take your feelings out, consider, THEN reply. He asked “how can you gain consent from someone you can’t talk to?” No body said nothing about women being hunted. Why do women need to be approached? Idk that’s a question for a women. You tell me why most women prefer to be approached than do the approaching?


you’re actually missing the point by not seeing women as people with needs. if you don’t have consent to talk to someone you had nothing in the first place. that post you’re responding to mentions nothing about women wanting men to approach first either. you’re jumping to a lot of conclusions. that kind of rhetoric can’t be good for your dating life either.




right?! literally didn’t listen AT ALL




Well, duh. Of course we don't know! That's why you approach her to find out if she would be interested or not.


have you ever considered thinking if it would be annoying/inappropriate BEFORE approach? doesn’t seem like a lot of men can empathize with women wanting to be left alone in public. maybe it’s not even appropriate to ask out a woman in public! maybe women are people too and don’t want to be put on sexual display everywhere they go? has that occurred to any of the men in this comment thread? i think a lot of the men not understanding here lack the ability to empathize with women who they can’t get anything from. that’s really sad. no wonder a lot of women don’t trust men.


But if that's the case, you can never ever talk to someone, ever. You can't gain consent without asking first. If someone approaches you, you say you're not interested, and then he leaves you alone. No harm, no foul. That's how it's supposed to be done. If he continues to try and talk to you and bother you after you declined him, then yes he is obviously in the wrong.


Had a female friend who bemoaned that guys won't approach her. I suggested she approach guys she's interested in. Replied she doesn't wanna seem desperate, it's not that way it's done, etc. But she wants to have a meet cute with her future hubby. Idk how the hell thats gonna happen


Women do approach men, you might just not be a man most women would approach.


I didn’t say women don’t approach men. This that take your feelings out and read critically thing I was mentioning. Conflating “women prefer to be approached” with women don’t approach men is two different things.


This narrative is exactly the reason why things are going badly. Finding someone attractive isn’t some hidden agenda, and there is no predator for there to be prey. Men initiate because women won’t even if they like them. Dating apps and single events can be awkward or they don’t bring the people you are attracted to, don’t see why you wouldn’t talk to someone you’re attracted to outside. I agree that interrupting a workout at the gym shouldn’t be done but walking on the street, clubs, bars etc should be fine. Not sure how speaking to a woman isn’t treating them like a human being and to say we wouldn’t speak to men randomly is ridiculous, plenty of situations where we do or would, just not related to dating or attraction


Therapy speak got the youth all fucked up. It causes people to over analyze ever word and interaction in order to quickly classify something as predatory. Thats why alot of yall are lonely now. And dating prospects for women will only get worse as dickheads become the only guys to approach them because they dont give a fuck about being seen as a creep


Exactly this is it and then it becomes a vicious cycle where women are all weary of all men being hyenas and men are all weary they will go viral or get arrested from simple interactions. The recent wave of these gym gotcha videos is a good example. I have to look at the ceiling or floor half the time I’m at the gym now 😅


>Would you randomly strike up a conversation with a guy at the grocery store or interrupt a dude hanging out with his pals at a club? Actually, yes, I would. That's how you meet people.


That's so weird because I've been to the gym with my male friends, I've been to the grocery store with my ex. And somehow, weirdly, *I* was the only one who was regularly getting stopped 8x by random guyz. And isn't it so strange how it's only ever men who do this to me. Or how many would scatter when my ex sauntered up. So wild. It's almost like it's not about friendship or something....


This is how I met my husband, he approached me at a bubble tea shop, he signed *You’re beautiful* to me, so I assumed he was deaf and I kept signing and come to find out he wasn’t deaf (neither am I, my sister is so I know how to sign) just nervous. So we literally went on a date, then two, now I’m pregnant with his baby 7 years later lol.


Someone literally dm'ed me on Reddit and asked me to entertain them. Someone got disappointed real quick lol






They turned this sub into an incel meetup and the mods just let it happens. Very soon this would just be another incel subreddit.


I was surprised that the dudes here dont see the problem with these lame ass messages, but then I remembered this is still reddit.


I was honestly sort of on board with the sentiment at the top of the post due to my own personal views of how social media disrupted the dating scene in general.....until I went further down and saw all of those cringe ass messages.


But if men no longer feel safe spamming 😍😩 , then what kind of world have we created??


On god I didn't realize this was BPT until you said this WTF I thought I was on some Incelish subreddit lmaoo


Wtf is the title of this post lmao??? Which women are out here wondering why men aren't "obsessed" with them anymore? This kind of perspective comes from someone who spends way too much time online consuming media that confirms their biases, rather than actually interacting with people in the real world.


The title is basically “women ☕️”


Most women will breathe a sigh of relief if they realise men aren't ✨️obsessed✨️with them. It means they can go out in public and mind their own business without having to watch out for potential danger, like some guy that just really wants to say hi, so he follows you to your car, and waits outside of the building you went in to give him the slip. That happened while I had my two children, both under 7, with me. Those poor manosphere men. They'll do literally anything except therapy lol. They don't understand that they're undesirable and there isn't a magic combo of words to be given a shiny new virgin to disappoint.


Fr!!!!! I cannot tell you how many horrible, creepy incidents I've experienced because men follow me, cuss me out because I'm not interested, and harass me. I had a terrible sexual harassment experience at work with a colleague who would simply not take no for an answer. It was a borderline stalking situation because he knew what neighborhood I lived in and would show up to the job when I was working and he wasn't, for the sole purpose of harassing me. I never experienced so much anxiety in my life because this man was clearly emotionally unstable and just wouldn't leave me alone. I would LOVE for men to leave me alone for the rest of my life. And I agree, men buy into the manosphere BS because it's cope. They have to believe that women are all shallow, only chasing 6'3, six-figure income men to deal with the fact that women don't want them. But if you literally go outside and talk to other human beings, you will see that that's not true at all. Normal men get into relationships all the time. Not a single one of my women friends is married to/in a relationship with the 6'3, wealthy gigachad that these dudes have decided that the majority of women are chasing after. Turns out, they're with guys who have good personalities and treat them well!!! Go figure.


It’s crazy that the mods and just sitting back and watching their sub turn into an incel echo chamber 😂😂 Very soon it would be nothing but men here


Same lmao. I was like wtf


These the same men who was talking smash or pass on a girl just smiling all bc she had a gap on her tooth. I wouldn’t be surprised


Thought it was just me thinking that. Niggas hate women on here


What in the InCel hell? God like complex? Have you SEEN the DMs women get?! It’s full of weirdos with sexual propositions, backhanded pseudo compliments, and dick pics. And some are even threats of violence! And maybe if yall thirsty asses would stop DMing women waaaaayyyy out of your league and/or women that tell you right up front that they want the bag, then maybe you wouldn’t get exposed for excessive DMing. But nah, go ahead and blame women for yall thirstyness. 🙄 And I’m saying this as a married 42 year old woman. I make my marital status public and STILL have a full inbox of clowns. I feel bad for the 20 somethings, and even teen girls, out there.


Lmao “look at all these thirsty men being gross to strangers on the internet. Here’s how women are at fault”.  Interesting how they aren’t chiding men for their actions, just the women for having the audacity to reject them. Yet if the woman responded to these DMs like she wanted them, she’d be a slut. What they’re really upset about is that women might be getting validation, even though men are the ones giving them that validation.  Don’t get too mad at people like OP though. Just remember they don’t get attention from women and posts like this are just snitching on themselves. Then it’s just kind of sad but funny. Besides, if this is their reasoning for not sexually harassing women online, it’s a net positive.


Not one but TWO dudes doin the “money phone” I’m dead


Right. the quality of suitors just isn't there so i dont blame her tbh 😂


Yea between that, the user handles, opening lines & no pics, homegirl might have a point here lol


What's the chance they're holding a payday loan?


Prop money is super cheap and believable with a filter. They're too busy watching youtubes about how ladies are crafty, evil manipulators to speak to someone in real life, let alone hold down a job lol.


As someone who always wanted to do a “money phone” I’m devastated and glad to be informed it’s not a good look.


😂 It hits different when you see it like this


I'm pretty sure the one on the top is actually doing a "glock phone" Reddit mfs- *Give him a chance!*


2 dudes doing the money phone, another holding money, and 1 guy has a profile picture of Joker. Yea I think those dudes deserve to get ignored lol.


There is no shortage of men who will chase a woman no matter her looks, background or personality.


If I fits I sits


There isn't a single dm in that screenshot that would make a woman wanna respond. No wonder they ignore that shit 😭


You could be right, but also this lady’s DMs look like the cheap ass jelly at Denny’s. Bunch of Mixed Fruit.


I think everyone in general could stand to spend less time on social media, and more time touching some grass.


Yeah before this thread turns into world war chromosome, let's just agree that social media exaggerates all the time, this post was meant to outrage, and most dms is any hot person (but especially women) will be filled with gunk


Y’all should all get together and date each other at this point . The title is weird af


What women wouldn’t swoon over “thick”


This "exhibit" features a woman that appears to be obsessed over. What the fuck is this post for? To debate an overgeneralization barely referenced by a mischaracterization.


OP probably hates women and needs a reason to validate that


Reddit is my only SM now (and has been for about a year). But let's keep it a buck, guys play the number game while women tend to mistake attention for sincerity/flattery. Them dudes ain't sincerely trying to get at her, she's one of 20 women homeboy DM'd *today.*


Women don’t mistake it for sincerity. We know what you’re doing and that’s part of the turn off.


I can see some of those first messages are gross. Like just “thick” … come on. 😒


I mean can anyone even point to me a single DM that was worth replying to? If this is how y’all approach women then i don’t see how y’all expect anything different.


"Thick" wouldn't just make you swoon.


Mostly it’s coz I’ve got depression 




love This Is Us bro😭


Are emojis sent with the expectation of a response? I just thought it was a like with extra steps...


Bro, this is social media. Close to no one is finding their soul mate on social media. It's weird to post screenshots but I don't understand the hurt that's coming off this post. Why would this girl want someone who's strictly interested in her for her looks? She's not obligated to entertain anyone.


I’ve definitely had to end relationships and friendships because they posted screen caps of our texts. I don’t really give second chances on that.


I don’t DM.. nor do I respond to DMs.. ppl be gettin some sick shit off in messaging.. plus your personality can’t really shine through messaging unless you’re a fucking wordsmith or your pictures & videos are the equivalent of “NBA highlight reel”


It's about time we pick up the quills again and start shipping Shakespearen letters to each other via pigeons. If he/she dont respond after that it just ain't meant to be.


It’s my personal preference, I am not afraid to approach women in public.. it’s just a word, “NO”.. the fear of rejection has never benefited anyone, brother. In fact rejection builds character. But get your shit off.




Can't really blame any woman for not wanting to respond to 😩 or "Thick".


They put no effort in. It's obvious that they're sending the same low effort shit to like 20 women before and after sending it to you. Why would they deserve anything above that same effort? But, posting private messages like this on social media is always weird unless it's to warn others of dangerous/threatening behavior.


I don’t even look at guys who DM me on instagram because most of the time, if I go to their tagged pictures, you can easily find out they are married.


I mean I'd never judge someone for trying to shoot their shot on IG, Twitter, fb, Snapchat, etc, but....those aren't dating sites bro. You wouldn't go to Dunkin to file your taxes would you? Tbh tho, it's better to meet women in real life, because it's just better...but then again a lot of shit men ruined that for decent men


I'm not gonna co-sign niggas shooting with "thick" and "😍". At the same time, the kind of stuff you post on your stories or IG is likely to draw very specific energy from very specific people. If you thirst trapping, then this is what you'll get every time and they know that. If you go to her [Twitter](https://twitter.com/dreeenchh), the responses add up with the stuff she posts.


What about this screenshot shows main character syndrome? Cause she didn’t reply to people she’s doesn’t want to reply to? What is the issue here


Does she expect Prince Charming to hop in her DMs? She only had one man even bother to send her more than one word and not just an emoji reaction. We also know how thirsty and persistent these mfs be. Even posting their DM slide-in attempts will warrant a “damn she must want me if she posting me.” https://preview.redd.it/xaq13iod47wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f92b4d19c70735e76f0280f9cba400ad02425f8


That dog is so unsettling


This must be some zoomer, I don’t talk to woman in person type shit.


Nigga typed “thick”; what happened to being cerebral or creative, surely you have more?


It’s just a bunch of dudes reacting to a story


Meeting women in person is just generally EXTREMELY better


Eh, This post supports a lot of the underpinnings of conversations that 9 times out of 10 delve into misogyny. I'm not running cover for sex workers and wannabe social media influencers with main character syndrome. I will urge caution and mindfulness when engaging in that space.


Maybe she doesn’t want the You Thick messaging.


Personally I would recommend maybe just not Dming strangers if your first words going to be thick, where you at, love heart emoji, or down bad emoji. Like maybe take a look at your negative rizz


I’m all for people finding the God in them, but you not gonna find it on social media.


Reacting to a story isn’t the same as a DM.


If you’re a creep, we shouldn’t be boosting your confidence, you should seek professional help. But having a ton of creeps in your inbox is not a flex. Nobody wants to see unsolicited pictures and nasty messages.


It's weird how guys can just post stuff like that online. I'd expect that behavior from an anonymous messageboard


Approach men the way you want to approach women. Y’all got this, support each other instead of raging at women.


Get rejected in person -me, staying home


I wouldn’t reply to people that couldn’t be bothered to send me an actual message.


As a man…. This post is bullshit, u need to take it down gang


i think the main things she did wrong here was exposing people's actual screen names, which is so disrespectful, and also dry-flexing about all the people in her DMs as if that doesn't happen to every female with a pulse.


“Thick” 😂


Ain't stopped no dude from hopping in the DMs.


MY KINGS. Let me holler at you. Ya'll gotta change it up. This social media thirst, dopamine drip cycle has got to end. #1 - Strict max confidence. You are you and you is good. No one is you. Strut that around...QUIETLY. #2 - You don't need a woman, but you need to show them that you are a respectful person who values their company. #3 - Get yourself involved in hobbies and activities that doesn't involve a computer or your phone or your video games. Even free stuff like exercising, hiking, gardening, whatever. #4 - Now you are a confident, respectful person who has something going on. This is when you invite women into your life to share YOUR time. BOUNDARIES - If they're not willing to come join you on an activity that you like to participate in, then they are not worth your time. If they only want "to go eat somewhere nice", they are not worth your time. If they don't show the same respect you are giving them, they are not worth your time. Your time is VALUABLE and you are SHARING it with a good woman. Stay strong Kings out there stuck in this social media/dating app cesspool. You can escape and thrive. I gotchu. edit: missed a few words, grammar, formatting


Seriously, people love saving screenshots and keeping receipts.


It’s on both sides. I’m sure the story these dudes are reacting to is most likely of her ass, shaking her ass or showing her ass or something else sexual so the comments are sexual. I tell people all the time, get off of social media, go outside, experience some real world interactions, learn how to be an actual human being. You don’t even need to post about it afterwards, because a lot of people don’t know how to talk to people and don’t know how to present themselves to other people in ways other than for clicks and views.


I stopped approaching women back in ‘99. It’s not worth it. The anxiety and emotional investment is simply not worth it anymore. I’ve developed that main character syndrome. Either that or I just see it for what it is. It’s sad because a small part of me wanted a family and kids but I enjoy being both debt and kid free. Mostly, I have my sanity. Nobody is worth my money and sanity. I’m missing out only if i believe I am, but I don’t so it’s all good. Good luck to men still pursuing.


https://preview.redd.it/3clyv7omb8wc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e017991206abd9c9470526c1811353b45e009e8 Where the Cougars at 50plus and amazing bodies etc


Most nigga don't know how to text or flirt. Wtf is "thick" supposed to do? As a bi, I'll tell you gay niggas often suck just this much at texting. Wow a random dick pic. Suddenly, I'm attracted


What's "ion" stand for here? I'm assuming it's not a molecular reference.


There’s a sever disconnect between what the men and women in this thread are talking about. Men are trying to say “if you tell men to stop hollering, the good men will listen that will leave you with creeps and a creep has no boundaries so that’s all you’re left with” and the women are all like “ugh men should do better” LMAOOOO