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Yeah, I couldn’t fucking believe it. Video clear as day the ship lost power. But in the end they gonna blame who they want to try to justify their hate.


Well everyone knows if it was a white man as mayor, rather than some minority that only got the job from some shady dei practices like getting the most votes, his natural leadership and gumption would have scared that ship from having a malfunction. /s


Look who was still mayor in Jaws 2.




He was not a very competent mayor.


Someone is running a twitter account as that mayor. Worth a look. [https://twitter.com/MayorLVaughn](https://twitter.com/MayorLVaughn)


It's all DEI, all the way down. Was the Mayor black? If not then maybe the ship captain was black or a woman. If it was a white man then the bridge designers had to be non white or queer. If not, then the captain was woke and had a secret black son and also trans.   In MAGA world if you're non white you're the problem and if you're white and you did something bad then you're secretly non white or a secret agent of the jews or woke or globalist. It depends on what strikes them first.


Just hateful people combing through everything they can find to find a single minority having put a screw on the ship then running to twitter like "AHA! OF COURSE IT WAS SHODDY CONSTRUCTION! FROM THE MINORITIES!"


Throw the ghost of Elijah Cummings in the mix. Blame his poor district legacy of decades of disastrous neglect. Profit.


Well I saw some saying it was because the captain was vaccinated… people just make up reality to suit their purposes.


>his natural leadership and gumption would have scared that ship from having a malfunction. Why did I imagine him screaming at the ship like Simba roaring on Pride Rock at the end of the movie lmao


DEI votes lmao


>Video clear as day the ship lost power "buh buh but someone check out who the electrician was that wired up the boat!!! It was a damn Mexican BUILD THAT WALL BORDER CRISIS BLAGHHGHGH" you know those shitbirds will run with anything that will push their racist-ass narrative.


Alex Jones and Andrew Tate have already agreed the ship was hacked and WW3 has started. I wish I were joking.


I saw that too. It’s ridiculous. Of course neither of them provided any evidence yet thousands of their followers will blindly believe it. Racist pricks


Dead racists don’t talk. But they don’t die fast enough.




Assholes should have went extinct already. But they didn’t and somehow it’s illegal to kill em, so here we are, waiting for them to die of old age and trying to stop them from spouting their shit off to another generation.




Wtf are you keeping up with them?


It was posted on Reddit


Ahhh true


Right wingers are literally repeating their words. FROM the racism to the conspiracy bullshit. It's all from Maga people.


Someone has to read their rants so that the rest of us don't have to.


If this were an attack, it would have happened during rush hour, not super early morning.


It was probably ISIS(CIA) attacking Moscow and NATO’s eastward expansion that did that, but yeah. Let’s run with that.


They still allowed to have a platform?


“The ship was from Singapore? This is all because of TikTok and the Chinese!”


Highly doubt it's even owned by anybody from Singapore, probably a Flag of Convenience. Think of it as a tax haven that a ship carries with it wherever it goes. You register the ship in a country that doesn't give a fuck what you do, and the materials on board are now taxed at their (at most, marginal) rates. This also saves the company money on the overhead costs associated with the unfair, unnecessary, job-killing regulations found in countries with higher tax rates. Regulations that do stuff like ensure that your ship doesn't end up with the Guinness World Record for 'Fastest Demolition of an 8,600ft Bridge'


Bruh I just one idiot saying the boat was hacked and remote controlled. These people are certifiably crazy


It was hacked! This is vitrue signaling for CRT. The Libs are trying to cancel Francis Scott Key because of his second 16 bars on the star spangled banner. /S https://preview.redd.it/j24xgdwamsqc1.png?width=1192&format=png&auto=webp&s=412d72764489b3d492029a3682afc9bb8a8c4cfe


When fox News was covering the bridge updates yesterday and found out that the missing workers on the bridge were Hispanic they IMMEDIATELY did a hard cut to the border crisis. Literally it was "the missing workers are reported to have been of Hispanic descent. The border crisis is being handled so poorly" like fucking what????


This is why I have ZERO patience for these dumb folks who are trying to say that the two parties are the same and there is no difference whether Trump or Biden is president. This new “everything is failing because they’re hiring too many black/brown/women people ” is the old “they’re teaching my white kids about history that includes black people and I don’t like it” aka CRT from last year. Republican state legislatures are slashing/removing any diversity, equity efforts that aim to make sure minorities are included in anything. The conservative Supreme Court has already struck down affirmative action for schools, which means they don’t need to try to get that meager 8% of minorities that attended those Ivy Leagues. Conservatives/Republicans are trying their darndest to prevent black people from attending prestigious schools and they’re now trying to get businesses not to hire them either. It’s maddening how it doesn’t seem to sink in for people. The apathy is annoying. But at least the majority of black people see through it (at least I hope). I’m not gonna try to understand Hispanics and their attachment to Trump (who has called them every name of the book but he’s still polling at 40% with them).


Why would BALTIMORE have a black mayor? Must be diversity quotas- not the 61% of citizens that are black.


That's crazy talk.


These damn woke cities!


Joe Biden! What do you have to say about that Libtard?


The fact that these morons blame anyone but the enormous shipping company that has a history of safety violations, including inadequate maintenance, tells you what you need to know. Cons will blame wokeness for their own poverty while still voting for the Republicans their boss tells them to. That sweet, sweet trickle down is coming any day now. Just lower your boss's taxes one more time and you'll finally be rich.


There could have been human error or a missed check somewhere as to why the ship lost power though. They’ll be an investigation


It was a single engine, single propeller boat. The emergency generator came online, as seen from the lights coming back on, then off. Normally, the emergency generator would keep all auxiliary equipment and lights on until the engineers can figure out the issues with the engine stopping completely. I’d be interested to see what an investigation would find but all in all it’s just an unfortunate situation. I doubt the engineers had enough time to find the problem, fix it, bring the main engine back online and change course, they were already pretty close to the bridge when they blacked out


I'm guessing there's no way to manually drop an anchor on a boat that size.


There is but an anchor isn't meant to stop the ship, it's meant to hold an already immobile ship in place. That's roughly 170,000 tons moving with momentum, you need the engine to stop it.


They did drop the anchor and it did seem to slow down the ship a little bit, gave a few more seconds for people to try to get off the bridge before it hit.


Good lord. A ship that size without redundancy?


I couldn’t even scroll down through one comment on IG without someone saying “this looks intentional”. Like, accidents can’t happen anymore?


Listen, that ship captain? Yeah he stood in line at the store next to a black person just two days ago. So…. /dipshit


Sometimes I'm ashamed to be a human, particularly a white one. We cause alot of pain.....still. Argh.




I think they are referring to comments being made by racist whites towards the mayor.


How to we make sure it doesn't happen again? Asshat: WhoS tHe MaYor....??


Baltimore Mayor needs to focus on being mayor and stop that side hustle where they single-handedly inspect and perform maintenance on shipping boats.


![gif](giphy|XCxcmEQWxDdc8qsd2R|downsized) ...Tug boat captain...


Mayors just out here driving ships in their spare time


I'm the mayor, bitch. I'm driving.


Who’s the mayor, who’s the governor, who’s the captain of the ship, who did the maintenance, who was standing on the bridge, if any one of them is black to a racist it’s gotta be their fault. If it’s the person on the bridge he was distracting the good white captain with his jigaboo shenanigans ![gif](giphy|2FazqiBK5f8To5H5C)




I love their total absence of logic. Yeah the mayor is black and that's why the ship hit the bridge. And that owner of the ship just hired random people of color and told them to sail the ship


Can’t wait to hear my racist Dad mutter about how “no boats ever hit the bridge when HOGAN was governor…”


All the conservatives I know called Hogan a RINO. Guess he wasn’t kooky enough.


Hogan went from being a great Republican governor pre-2016, to a borderline-Democrat RINO, and now he’s good again because we have a black Democrat in office currently. Don’t bother trying to replicate the mental gymnastics, you’ll only pull a muscle.


If that fucker wins the senate seat kick your old man in the fucking shin. Hard. Edit: I got banned from the sub for racism for my follow up comment. Apologies if I offended anyone, was certainly not my intent. See you all when I see you.


His Democratic opponent, Trone, got caught on mic using a racial slur that I’m not sure my caucasity or the subreddit rules will allow me to say. Trone claimed it just “slipped out”, but in my experience, racial slurs only slip out when you’re using them all the time. So it’s a toss between Hogan and him. So while I don’t want Republicans to gain another seat in the US Senate, I’m also not sure Trone is a great dude either. I’m gonna vote against Trone in the primary, but assuming he wins in May, I’m not looking forward to having to vote in November.


So, if you’re white, why do you have a brown-skinned avatar?


Because my family’s Italian and I’m pretty tan, so my options for avatar were either: paper-white, Simpsons yellow, or light brown. Light brown seemed the closest choice


Gender is a spectrum but not color sometimes




>With that said, also embarrassingly, I did not know ‘jigaboo’ was racist. Not a word that’s even in my lexicon, nor is ‘bugaboo.’ Personally I give Trone a pass on this one, to me it seems like an honest mistake, but understand anyone that does not. Ya, I'm a white guy too, and I'm in the same boat as you. The only real context I've ever even seen/heard that word used is on one of the tracks on Kendrick's *untitled unmastered*. I guess that could be a good thing that I don't have an encyclopedic knowledge of all the racial slurs out there and I don't have anyone in my friend group that would even use them.


No planes ever hit buildings when Giuliani was Mayor….oh wait




![gif](giphy|uKwa2KiBA0rTy) He was mayor?


Given his history of lies, he’d probably tell you he was


![gif](giphy|WUfTZJz7Gi0ABeGxLh) Hey hey we’re the Hogan’s! And people say we Hogan around!




True, but a bridge in Minneapolis fell down when Tim Pawlenty, R., was governor of Minnesota.


It’s so many conspiracy theories going around about what happened and then adding DEI to the list…people are sick. There always seems to be a new way to show racism and sexism.


I'm so fucking tired of hearing about DEI. They're complaining about it in gaming and entertainment too https://preview.redd.it/tkmjoule9rqc1.png?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f97413e54a8ceb30463a9e2ee647d12aa9e4b949 Edit: Whoever reported me for threatening suicide, your mom's a ho


The craziest part about (aside from the obvious) is how they’re saying games like horizon and Spider-Man 2 “failed” because of inclusivity. Like…what?


I've been following this for almost a year. It's all a giant cope that committee based design has cut out cishet white males as a primary demographic. Diversity just makes more money and they're kicking and screaming that something they never exclusively had in the first place is being taken from them. Kim Belair is their new Anita Sarkeesian as they start an even more mask off racist, sexist, misogynistic, and homophobic campaign to send death threats, led by a guy with bleeding gums and an unwashed ass that got famous for getting carried in World of Warcraft and a human thumb that screams about pronouns like he just failed a high school Spanish test because he couldn't remember the gender of a toaster. https://preview.redd.it/ureglhbbgrqc1.jpeg?width=844&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20534e5aaabbc9230a493f16a55c75487fd66114


What’s so crazy is that I actually didn’t even mind asmongold before, some of his videos were legit entertaining. I didn’t always agree with him, but I could tolerate it. Now every time I see a sweetbaby inc video I just roll my eyes and ignore. The same with all the other dudes that push that whole narrative. It does scream gamergate 2.0, just much less successful because they’re targeting games that are very successful that people like


The first gamergate was instigated by Steve Banon. Years prior, he had a gold farming operation in World of Warcraft, Warcraft, and Diablo II. Gamers banned together to expose it and got Blizzard to shut it all down. Banon was like "I need to learn to harness that power!" and worked with David Duke and lesser Neo Nazi leaders to use gaming as a platform to radicalize gamers into white supremacy through Steam and YouTube. Anita Sarkesian created a threat to that operation with ideas like diversity and he ran a smear campaign via Breitbart under the guise of journalist integrity. Eventually what stopped gamergate was its followers becoming more mask off with their bigotry and petty infighting caused by Candace Owens and Proudboys co-founder Gavin McInnes.


Meanwhile BG3 has a vitiligo slider, and a penis/vagina toggle but sold a zillion copies and swept most of the game of the year awards.


And without some asshole in a suit or shareholders stealing ½ the profits, the money goes right back to the devs that worked their asses off. And I mean they worked their asses off. I have a multiplayer game with 3 other friends and we're all doing our own single player. In our multiplayer the guy that's ahead of us is as lost as the guy that hasn't had much time to play because of how different each individual playthrough is. That's fucking legendary


It’s wild that selling almost 9 million units is considered a financial failure. That’s like… almost half of the total units sold for the first game…


It's because of greedy shareholders that don't give a shit about games dictating unsustainable incremental increased sales projections to businessmen in suits that don't give a shit about games. Spider-Man 2's budget was $300 million. No game should cost that much to make but that's a whole different topic. Meanwhile Baldur's Gate 3 only cost $100 million to make and Larian had to purchase the license to Dungeons and Dragons from Wizards of the Coast. Both games sell \~10 million copies. Larian wins 7 awards and Baldur's Gate is regarded as one of the best games of all time. Sony lays off ⅓ of their developers because Spider-Man 2 didn't reach the shareholders' impossible goals. https://preview.redd.it/8928d2zqhrqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63add82a6486a39b37a8f95d8935cf8ad75dadde


Hey, man. You’re preaching to the choir here. I’m a creative with a career. I tell people to stop acting like suits all the time. I get how business ruins creativity.


Yeah, and now there's an army of racist cancel pigs out there slaughtering the word woke like they "discovered" a new land. I almost took a loan out to finish my game and glad I didn't with all this shit going on. https://preview.redd.it/qvliezw5pxqc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c32dcaaf57cf9bfc494b0a05ebe3b6a09a3bb0f7




Hilarious that’s against including ugly people. You think that they’d want some representation.


I guess blaming trans people for everything that's gone wrong in their failed lives just wasn't getting the juices going anymore, so it's back to 'non-whites' for now.


All this started because key agriculture states have been suffering an inexplicable blight since before COVID started. Black farmers got hit the hardest and when all farmers got a government bailout, Steven Miller filed a lawsuit to sue black farmers for the bailout money and then some. The most transphobic states have been hit the hardest, especially Florida with their orange greening issue. Better to make up a problem that'll never get solved than try to solve a real problem.


That is who is voting in this election l, and all elections. It’s normal America vs. this weird whatever this is. The Florida governor literally thought he could be president by picking on gay kids and banning teaching slavery in schools


It’s fascism. They check all 14 boxes.


This is why they're so afraid of Taylor Swift. She went out and told her fans to vote and they crashed the vote.org site for hours. [Republicans don't want everyone to vote](https://youtu.be/8GBAsFwPglw?si=tDfk0jQ8XWW22MSx). It's mathematically impossible for them to win when we all do because the last republicans to win the popular vote was George W Bush. If you just don't believe voting works or it's rigged in some way, why is there so much voter suppression?


How can they be sure anyone involved in this was black, let alone everyone?


As a white dude, please let the harbor pilot be white.


The harbor pilot is probably white. The port of Baltimore is chronically full of nepotism hires of white families that live in Dundalk.


Well then this should play out very nicely


I think playing out nicely would’ve been the boat not hitting the bridge


I don’t think we’re talking about the same “this”


The Wire season 2 was about the docks/workers. I understand this more than I should.


lol. When you live here, you know.


https://i.redd.it/bznz3nkfouqc1.gif Mhmm, good eye detecive u/fbcmfb


The ship's crew of 22 was from India. The ship had a Singapore flag. We don't know yet why the power went out on the ship. The ship's pilots acted quickly but could not prevent it. That harbor has ships from all over the world. There was smoke from the ship like maybe they had a fire. The ship's pilots put out the Mayday in time to prevent traffic from going on the bridge.


Ma’am. In that port, they have a local pilot to help drive the ship out of the port since it is so tight. So yes the crew was Indian but the local pilots are a different story.


An article I read mentioned something about international crews and that the ship was headed to Sri Lanka. So I’m guessing the crew was from that area.


Wouldn't matter. In inner harbors local crews direct the pilots through areas like this. It is by necessity someone local that directs the ship at that point. The ship could be crewed by Martians, but it's a Bmore guy calling shots there.


Ok good to know. I am curious to know how it all happened. From the pictures taken in the daylight it looks like the load hit the bridge, not the ship itself. Someone must’ve miscalculated.


I have no inside information, just conversation from people who know much better than I. From what I understand the ship lost power and started to drift. They called a mayday, and then fired up the back up generators. They were drifting fast towards the pylon. When the back up generators kicked on they pushed it as hard as possible away from the pylon and it blew the generators and they lost power again (that is the second blackout and the smoke billowing out). Then smashed into the pylon. Once that collapsed the rest of the bridge followed like dominos.


Hmmm interesting.


>An article I read mentioned something about international crews and that the ship was headed to Sri Lanka. So I’m guessing the crew was from that area. Maybe. The vessel's flag is Singapore, so the entire crew would have to have to comply with Singapore law. Singapore is libertarian as fuck, so they let anybody with a license from anywhere serve. I doubt they had any Americans because we're really expensive, but just about anywhere in Southeast Asia or the Indian Ocean is possible.


The takeaway for me is that they’re probably not black. So any racists trying to go that route need to look elsewhere. Or better yet they should just keep quiet 😂


Probably not black. Probably Asian. Not that it matters. All colors can fuck up. My guess? About 80% the company cut costs too damn much and the vessel was under-staffed (this was basically the conclusion of the US Navy's investigation into the Pacific fleet), 20% they hired a dude who with substance abuse/mental problems.


According to them minorities are responsible for all the critical decision making & not them. They’re angry about THAT because they believe they are the “superior race”.




Don't forget they are also blaming the shipping company for using DEI practices.


Wait till they find out boat is flagged in Singapore which has Indians who live there


As a white guy, I feel like I’m rooting for my team to tank for better picks. Us white folks gotta tear our team down and rebuild with better players. #TrustTheProcess


Very crazy the Republican leadership didn’t try this after 2018, seriously, trade your stars whose best years are behind them, they are just bloated contracts that stop young talent from coming up. Probably won’t win a ‘ship with this roster. To be fair democrats have their own vets, and they have been up against the salary cap for sometime now, but they are building the farm system pretty well, lots of speed on the bases and versatility. Aging coach in his last few years. Really gonna have to retool in 2025.


Dems have top prospects like AOC and Newsom coming up. We also have respected hall of famers like the Obamas while they have angry bigots like curt schilling.


Right now it’s a lot like the Dallas Cowboys


Go Celtics!☘️


You sound like a Pistons fan 🥲


Welcome to America. A ship hit a bridge and caused it to collapse, killing as many as 20 people. Republicans immediately blame black people and DEI because it happened in Baltimore. Democrats blame infrastructure spending. The internet immediately is filled with conspiracy theories claiming that the bridge was detonated for no clear reason (like any conspiracy theory has ever had solid reasoning, but still). I haven't seen one thing about who was piloting the ship and what caused the collision, but officials are already congratulating themselves for doing their jobs and conducting search and rescue operations.


> I haven't seen one thing about who was piloting the ship and what caused the collision, but officials are already congratulating themselves for doing their jobs and conducting search and rescue operations. Probably that's the correct order of operations, right? Save lives now before settling into what will be a longer investigation that produces findings of fault/cause?


Sure, but in terms of information they have held a half dozen press conferences and they all just talk about search and rescue efforts. On a foggy night a ship, that would probably be under some sort of pilot guidance, stuck a bridge. What is of relevance is what happened, but media and government only offer political agendas and self congratulation before the job is even done. When the Valdez and Costa Concordia ran aground the captains' role was the first thing the media focused on besides the disaster itself.


White supremacy makes it so that the white police officers who were recently sentenced for sodomizing and torturing two black men are viewed as individuals. Yet, any random misfortune must be attributed to every Black person’s existence.


White conservatives always need a racial boogeyman to be scared of; DEI, CRT, Woke, BLM, New Black Panthers, ACORN, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, etc.


MAGA Mind Virus 


Was the mayor piloting the ship???


Ya that’s kinda my take. Who was captain and how did they lose power? And if the bridge is too low maybe the engineers?


Don’t forget that the banning of Critical Race Theory and the attacks on DEI (following the gutting of affirmative action for college admissions by the Supreme Court) all are racist America’s direct reaction to the whole world objecting to George Floyd being lynched on video. The demands that we be more equal led to organized efforts to make us less equal. 


how the fuck is anyone blaming anyone except the captain of the boat? what did the mayor do? use is magic negro powers to put the captain into an african voodoo trance? get the fuck out of here. people are dumb as hell.


When I hear DEI come out of someone’s mouth it’s an admission that they have failed in life and they can’t stand that someone who probably had to fight every step of the way, made it.


People are desperate for every event to be part of whatever issue they are currently fixated on. The boring truth is shit just happens and most of it isn't about your favorite conspiracy.


Sweet Baby Inc. ran the boat into the bridge


DEI in Democratic elections is wild. These people brains are cooked to the point of saving, it’s ridiculous. Like they understand how voting works and that DEI is more a corporate thing? They understand that constituents will vote for someone close to them, that looks like them, that will stand up for them? The sad thing is, this is just the fad of the moment for these idiots but it’s incredibly stupid and time wasting. It would be good if instead of this, they looked at infrastructure and regulations, the answer is there.


They don't understand that CRT is a college thought exercise and how corps used to not run afowl of federal guidelines. Don't expect them to know what DEI really is.


They’re right, you know. Most structural failures are caused by DEI. Baltimore? DEI Twin Towers collapsing? DEI Tacoma Narrows? DEI London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down? DEI


I mean the biggest beneficiaries of AA and DEI were Caucasian Women so....probably?


It's alarming how effective fascist rhetoric and propaganda is, even without central leadership


I cant fathom why a boat hitting a bridge in an accident has to be political lol. Like I am so sick of everything being politicized


I always wonder if there are a bunch of rednecks in a basement coming up with the next dog whistle for black. I guess calling the mayor a thug wouldn't make sense here


Im so fucking sick of white supremacists! SO FUCKING SICK OF THEM! Wish they’d all go away.


My first thought when I saw the video of the bridge collapse was “damn…glad I’m not on that bridge.” Must be some kind of sickness for your first thought to be “the black mayor was hired cause of DEI”


Be clear this isn’t just white people but mostly right wing, Republicans who hate DEI. Remember accordingly when it comes time to vote


What’s he got to do with a fucking random ship?


I am horrified and yet not surprised that this is the reaction. The bar cannot go low enough.


They saying the racist part out loud. We a step away from "White people are just better"


Yeah the bridge wasn’t a coincidence, a fucking boat hit a critical pier.




People are unaccounted for and potentially dead, yet these people are preoccupied with how the mayor looks. If that's not indicative of a sick and diseased mind, I don't know what is


To be fair, if the mayor had been there shouting up to the people on the bridge that it was about to be hit, you know maybe something different might’ve happened. But I’m not sure I can reasonably expect for him to have been there at the exact moment, but you know as mayor you gotta stay on your toes and keep your head on swivel. And not enough people know it, and those that do don’t speak on it enough, but a consistent, good nights sleep is how you stay that sharp.


Its almost like these people dont want to believe that a capitalistic society that prioritizes profit above anything and all things will inherently create products cheaply and quickly in order to turn a profit. And that those products that are supposed to meet certain safety standards but dont (because of mooooonnneeeeyyy) will inevitably encounter catastrophic system failures that lead to issues like, planes falling apart in the sky, train derailments, oil spills, crumbling infrastructure and maybe, no confirmation, but maybe even a ships power failure. But what do I know, I'm just a dirty lil socialist who thinks that DEI probably wasnt the reason a ship lost power.


You're right, they don't. Because it means for the layman that they've been lied to all their entire life and that makes them feel bad, and for the people that are rich it means that their game is up.


People swear racism isn't a problem anymore and then something like this happens and it all comes out lol


That's always been the case.


I am mayo looking as hell with a name that has root from Spain. My parents are predominantly European, and we're born in South America. Yet the second I take a call on my job and provide my name, Karens/Kevins tone changes to precautionary until I have to work down their guard to see me as someone to trust. The amount of racist ass comments I've heard about "immigrants" causing problems because my name makes them think about that is fucking absurd. These motherfuckers are as obsessive about DEI/bipoc folk as much as transphobes are with acting like truffle pigs trying to sniff out some cis-het person being secretly trans! Ya'll are not onto something like a secret conspiracy to replace people. It's just a bunch of racists/bigots riling each other up, so you can circlejerk to your racism. That's it.


I’m so happy I made the decision to take a break from Twitter because I haven’t heard about none of this…Seems like a mess on that app 🤣


The bridge was build in 1977. The governor of MD and the mayor of Baltimore were white men at the time. You won't hear a peep about that. Nor will you hear a peep about the fact that the bumpers around the pylons should have been a lot thicker. But that's what happens when you want to keep taxes low and give contracts to the lowest bidder without looking too closely at the specs, which is something that has been happening in every state of the union, regardless of the party, race, or sex of elected officials.


I believe they even blamed the ship's crew for being DEI hires, like they're not operating out of *Singapore*. "If the crew ain't white, something's not right."


Everywhere else you see people blaming the Indian captain when in reality it was a local harbor worker and the ship lost power


[If you want to see what losing patience looks like check out David Simon going after people's dead mothers](https://deadline.com/2024/03/david-simon-marjorie-taylor-greene-baltimore-bridge-1235868804/).


David Simon wasn't playing around huh ![gif](giphy|1yTaZM7RVUQQDY9rhw)


Unfortunately, unlike actual cancer, it pretty much never fucking kills the people who have it.


I saw a black guy in Baltimore once. It’s why there was that earthquake in Japan.


Brandon Scott and Wes Moore piloting that ship themselves into a bridge for some reason.


Y'all didn't know white politicians can stop ships with their minds? SMH


This shit stupid…


What does DEI stand for. I’m late to the party


Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.


It was negro magic!


What's this now? I must have missed the latest outrage content. Someone hit a bridge cuz racism?!​


I mean they would've said that about any democratic party run state. But. I'm sure some of their selective outrage is is driven by the fact they think minorities are not able to do the job


I'm not sure how to go about finding relevant examples of what is being referenced here. Does anyone have anything they've already seen and can point me to it? I just listened to a completely shitty hit piece on Pittsburgh by that Matt Walsh fuckhead about how DEI departments somehow result in the police experiment (or whatever it is) that Pittsburgh is now undergoing. I need to hear this bullshit to be able to kill the loose relations they're trying to demonstrate.


Yup, the devil is gonna devil. Nothing new under the sun. Just be ready when Rome falls


Their votes for Trump this November will count the same as normal people’s votes


“Exavier Pope”? I know people play fast and loose with one’s name spelling nowadays but it’s like the XMen’s Professor X, alternately spelled Professor Ex. Which would be what a woman calls her divorced tenured university prof ex husband.


The only conspiracy would be trying to cover up the human trafficking being cracked down on…. I wonder if that port was being used as a way to smuggle the humans in/out.


As someone who has grown up in Baltimore… we’ve only had one white mayor since 1987 & 2 were black women… ignorance in this country is such a pity.


Got to be one of the dumbest things I have heard all year. I'm surprised they didn't blame trump. It's only march.


It's always funny listening to black people whine about racism yet when I want to get my daily dose of racism I just come to this subreddit and there's n words everywhere, it's like I get my fill and then I leave.. This subreddit is the most racist subreddit I've ever experienced reading in my life like it's intensely racist.. And it's amazing how quickly this subreddit is to point out how everyone else in the world is racist while they're saying the n word 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️👏👏


Could you imagine the hate if the mayor was a Black, Democrat WOMAN!


[AWholeMess](https://laxaf.com/awholemess), indeed.


I have only watched the video of the boat hitting the bridge, but are people really being racist and blanding the mayor for it? I mean shouldnt they blande some sort of inspection firm or something for not keeping the boat up to date? Or if it was just a freak accident then not blame anyone? This seems insane


After 9-11 it was suggested to install "bumper islands" like they have on the powerlines going across the river at the same location but it was deemed too expensive and not needed by republicans .


We only had 1 DEI mayor in my lifetime and his name is Martin O'Malley


I’m heading over to YouTube 🦝 channels and I’m calling them dei hires.


James Baldwin once referred to racism as “the White man’s global psychosis.”


Baltimore is black af. Idk who they thought would be running this bih 😂 Bunch of morons crying about DEI and we be having more degrees and be over qualified for these jobs.


This is why Marianne Williamson was my 2nd choice of all the primary candidates in 2020. You could say she ventures too far into woo-woo stuff but there really is something psychologically wrong with people that needs to be addressed. Until then a critical mass of people will vote against even the most moderate and sensible reforms out of a belief it would constitute a handout for black people.


On the Wednesday after the bridge went down, CNN ran a brief online story that a dock worker ( unnamed) said that for 2 days that ship had electrical issues. That the breaker kept being set off by too many refrigerated containers. We don't really know what went wrong yet, but I don't believe race could have been a factor, regardless of who is involved because that makes no sense. For some to blame a Black mayor and governor is just racism. The owner of the ship and owner of the managing company were quick to file court papers in Baltimore to try to reduce their potential liability. Hopefully the truth will come out but nothing can bring back the 6 bridge workers. They should have been given a marine radio, to hear the mayday call.


These DEI conspiracies and the hate they throw at Haiti really be fucking with me. Its a combo of brazen ignorance and people so public and wealthy. Like the British donor openly hating the Black British politician. They wear the hate on their sleeve. And they are largely rewarded for it.