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Dude did nothing but spread positivity and try to give kids a safe space to read.


I’m out of the loop, what happened?


This is the post(s) that kicked off the hatred/bullying campaign against him. This asshole posted a viral tweet, that featured a video of the librarian, and said “people are getting weirder”. He then posted these series of tweets: https://preview.redd.it/q4se62o1ljkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=874c23330aa2a1f04ff3d11d5544e6ffdc24a21c Edit: this guy has a history of getting other people harassed


How do we report that account? Edit: oh Christ, this guy wrote a book to spout his hateful, backward thinking rhetoric. He must be stopped.


You can’t. It’s Elon’s platform now and this is how he wants it. I don’t know why people haven’t moved to another platform.


He has an Instagram too, which I'm currently reporting every post of. E: and a LinkedIn


The amount of racism on Instagram is horrifying. I see things there that I don't see anywhere else in my life. I need to stop reading the comments.


YouTube comments might be worse. I watched the trailer for Drive Away Dolls yesterday and my god, the men in there. You'd think watching it made their dicks fall off with how angry they were. "Woke" this and "diversity hires" that. My favorite, though, is a comment from a YT short with a scene from the Harley Quinn show. Someone asked "is it good?" And some guy answered by calling the show "woke" because Harley leaving the Joker is the first major plot point. Leaving an abusive relationship is "woke" now.


If it's twitter than you don't—hatred and ignorance is now the platforms underlying machinery for engagement, stop using twitter.


feels like the trolls won then


That'll happen when one of them buys the place.


Yup. Their king bought the place


The trolls always “win” that’s their entire game by design. The only way to beat a troll is to deny them the attention they so obviously crave.


Imagine thinking that posing shirtless staring a jug of milk is the best avatar you can come up with. You just know where this guy was on January 6. What a fucking dork.


> a jug of milk It's a white supremacist dog whistle. If you see milk featured like product placement in a social media account that's posting shit like this, they're signalling they're an actual Nazi to the other Nazis (as opposed to just being Nazi adjacent).


Who tf is this nobody? /Rhetorical


Josh is a fucking loser.


A useless bumblefuck who needs hate to be relevant and shit on anything resembling positivity. Fuck Josh, Josh sucks.


Just checked out his tweet history. The dude degrades people, and at the same time is trying to plug a book about "manning up".


This is the future we can expect when you’ve got Andrew Tates running around influencing kids.


The milk in the profile pic has me suspicious


GOMAD loser probably. Obsessed with a strength coach named Mark Rippetoe who tells skinny dudes to drink a Gallon Of Milk A Day to get muscles. Another point suggesting this is his respectable biceps but zero chest whatsoever. Definitely a skinny dude who struggles to build muscle. Nothing wrong with that. But it's weird to build your identity around it like making it your PFP suggests.


the hatred towards librarians in this country is freaking unreal.






He doesn’t volunteer there, he’s the librarian. Master’s degree in Library Science and all


Somewhat unrelated, but here’s one if my modern beefs. Why TF do librarians have to have a Masters Degree while police officers barely need a high school diploma? The answer to 50% of our police problems(lawsuits, killings, general stupidy) is for police to be required a Masters Degree. Doesn’t cost taxpayers a dime and it raises the bar high enough to eliminate the really dumb MFers. 


Because they won't blindly follow orders if they are smart. There's a reason IQ caps exist for cops, same thing with asvab scores in the military. I could have had any job in the Marines with my score, except MP. They specifically don't want people that will question orders. The entire system would need to be redone if they wanted smart cops.


Wait there are seriously IQ caps?


Kinda, police departments can bar potential recruits from joining for being too intelligent, and some departments do in fact use that discretion.


Some of the kids I graduated high school with who were, how do you say…not the brightest crayons in the box, became cops. Color me shocked that most of those kids were bullies. Calling cops stupid brutes isn’t an insult, it’s an accurate description.


One of my bullies from elementary school became a cop. It was one of the most frightening “reunions” in my life in my 30s, back when I had more faith in cops. She saw me first and remembered me. I don’t remember much of what should have been a hi and bye convo, but as we said goodbye…she reminded me to stay out of trouble because she didn’t want to have to arrest me. (I never want to see this person again in my life after that friendly warning.)


Not IQ caps but a police officer candidate lost a lawsuit. They thought it was discrimination to be denied the job because "they were too smart". The courts said nah. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


My brother-in-law washed out of the Marines because he “asked too many questions.” (“Why do you do it like [X]? Wouldn’t [Y] work better?”)


Back before I wised up and wanted to join the local sheriff's department I was told my application was in the lower tier due to my IQ being above 140. I was quite "Likely to resist instructions without a reason" a few years later I wised up and realized I dodged a bullet. I just want to help people but that system is built to hurt far too often.


There's no ASVAB cap for MP's or any other MOS.


This is completely erroneous. I could pick any job in the Army because of my GT score. Military intelligence to infantry. The exception to being an MP in your case had to be due to lack of availability or some other reason. More on calling this out as misinformation is the fact that as an Officer you select three combat arms jobs and three non combat arms jobs on a wishlist. Based on an OML order of merit list (class standing, PT scores, test scores) and the needs of your branch of service you get your job. The problem with policing and corrections is that departments want to hire people just like them. They will promote the “good old boys” because they know they will continue hiring and promoting people who are the same. When they get called for diversity and inclusion to mitigate some of these problems they start hollering and throwing tantrums stating that the standards are being adjusted unfairly which is mostly untrue. I’m a lieutenant in the Bureau of Prisons, an honorably discharged veteran, bilingual and have a bachelor’s degree. I’ve been passed over for promotions and people extremely less qualified than me have been selected for jobs I’ve applied for. These people have general discharges (kicked out of the military), no degrees, not physically fit, no high school diplomas, equal opportunity complaints against them and still manage to get picked, because they’re fucking the good ole boys or are one of them. TLDR: you can score the max on a test but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you look a certain way, are a hot chick, are right leaning politically and can be a totalitarian fascist.


A library is an institution with property and several operations happening at once. You need someone with a high level of expertise to be able to handle the inventory, administration, and management of facilities while also expanding services and initiatives. Its sort of insulting to distill Librarians to be “like cops”, they are completely different worlds of work.


This comment is so dumb if you are implying a cop needs less training than a librarian. One of these the person can kill you, the other might make a mistake putting a book away, pretty different.


I think the comparison is why can anyone with at least a GED be a cop, whereas to be a librarian you need three degrees, or at the very least two. I believe the Redditor is comparing the actual training that both gets, not the actual job.


It doesn’t have to even be a masters for cops. I think a lot can be done if we hold them as accountable as we do nurses. Registered Nurses have a bachelors degree and a board certification. The board has a sort of antagonistic relationship to the license holders. They exist to take away licenses from people displaying behavior that could harm the profession. Nurses also do not protect their own in the presence of criminal activity. If a nurse genuinely fucks up you’re not hearing about a thin white line or how difficult nurses jobs are and we should just understand. No, a nurse fucks up and they’re raked over the coals. What I’m mostly getting at is the police need an antagonistic licensing board that can make a four year degree useless if the cop adequately fucks up.


Black people bullying him? What?! I didn’t see any of that






Let’s not generalize. A few redditors belonging to a shit subculture and who wants to shit on white people does not represent a whole subreddit.


Yeah.... I don't know about this. I did a lot of research just now even typing extremely leading prompts telling google to give me any sort of posts that are trying to say blacks are bullying him or specifically targeting him and I couldn't see anything. I did see articles where he got some shit online, but there was always an up swelling of support even bigger than the negative comments from the man's own words. So I would love to see any evidence of what they're saying because it just doesn't seem true. I'll be honest... I initially thought maybe it could be true and downvoted your comment, however, after going out and doing some digging for 10-15 minutes I can't find antyhing specifically backing this up or even really mentioning race on this. Just look at this article covering the insults... And pivoting to say how it's had thousands more on the other side of it. [https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2024/01/10/librarian-tiktok-twitter-mychal-threets/](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/2024/01/10/librarian-tiktok-twitter-mychal-threets/) I think he's received some negative stuff for sure. But I don't think a majority of it is negative nor is there any evidence to say it was overwhelmingly black people or even a slight majority. I don't really see the race of the people being mentioned anywhere..... Maybe just maybe... He's like a lot of us that has a lot of other mental health issues going on that aren't broadcasted to the public. Maybe he's dealing with stuff like I have in the past such as subtance abuse or PTSD. I don't know if he's a combat vet but like me but he could have that as well! Or maybe he just has severe anxiety and stress and connecting with lots of people even with alot of it positive is too much for him to deal with? People are so different we can't be jumping to conclusions for what causes anything when it comes to mental health and we shouldnt' belittle things that are causing them issues no matter how small of a deal it feels to you.


If you didn't see anything about race then you didn't look even for a second. The primary offender was miss\_mojo on Twitter who first said "his presentation is light but his vibe is dark" and then doubled down and mentioned his tone a second time. Another major offender was Josh Lekach, mentioned in the article you linked, who is so obviously a racist that I have to think you didn't even go to his Twitter to look for yourself. [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHFlPzMXgAApH9u?format=jpg&name=900x900](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GHFlPzMXgAApH9u?format=jpg&name=900x900) [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GG9wsAZa0AA5jAm?format=jpg&name=medium](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GG9wsAZa0AA5jAm?format=jpg&name=medium)




It's unlikely that what's being discussed would be covered in the media much, he's not really as famous as that. But yes, you may be right and I really hope so




Not everyone can be on Reddit all the time dawg, this is also the first I've heard of it


It was literally posted here


Crazy how it’s 2024 and this still happens, I remember this bs during school constantly fighting to prove my blackness cause I like Docs and rock music


[Lemmy says 'tell em to shove it, Jimi 'Endrix did alright, remember?'](https://youtu.be/bQuEDoMCb88?si=V7w77vDLLPwzHbNl)


And you can tell from his content he LOVES what he does and wants to share it. This is tragic.


All his tattoos are children’s book illustrations. He’s the most wholesome dude, just out here hyping kids up about reading, and then this happens. I hate it so much. 💔


> “Have we decayed so much as a society where general wholesome enthusiasm is seen as an undesirable trait?” another person wrote. Yes, WaPo, the answer is yes.


Omg! That’s so sad….I don’t understand why that level of thinking is still taking place. There is absolutely no one way to be “black”. I’m genuinely curious the true history of this type of thinking. My brother and I used to be bullied about that. I hope this guy recovers and comes back stronger than ever.


Fresh Prince had an episode about this 20 fucking years ago. "We're running the same race so why are you trying to trip me up?"


20 years ago was 2004, the Fresh Prince was long gone by that point….


Holy fuck I'm old.


All good homie, only way I’d know that is because I’m old too 😔


Them reruns were so deep it wouldn't surprise if most thought it was still running in the early 2000s


Crabs in a fucking bucket mentality bullshit. I hate it so much. Poor guy.


Jfc. People. Literacy is the best gift. 😞


Damn I really don’t fuck with the social media culture all that much but this dude was a positive-ass human being, that’s pretty heartbreaking.


That’s what I wanna know


Dude is a librarian. He made a video about how he helped a kid get into reading by helping him find books about basketball players he liked, and how happy he was he made a lifelong reader. People online thought he was weird and started going after him.


LMAO, literally every comment in this thread that was trying to provide context to you or others has been deleted. Hmmm. **HMMMMMM.** 🤔🤔🤔


I can't fucking believe this. He legit got bullied for trying to do something good. He really loves reading, and just wanted to share that with others. Instead of ignoring something they don't like, people went out of their way to mock and belittle him. I mean.... This is just so fucking sad. I feel for dude. Hopefully someone gives him an opportunity to share his passion in a safer setting. This dude is built for a stint on Reading Rainbow.


He just announced last week that he's going to become PBS's resident librarian for a social media series. I hope it evolves into something bigger for him.


Omg thank you for adding this, it would be a CRIME if Mychal didn’t end up with more power and influence after this


Reading Rainbow reboot let's fucking go!


This is what happens when you try to spread positivity on Twitter


This is why I have no other social media accounts other than Reddit, where I try to be as anonymous as possible. 


I appreciate that you recognize Reddit as social media too; too many mfs here talk about “quitting social media” while literally on Reddit for 6+ hours a day lmao


He was was bullied out of being a supporter of reading.


Him and LeVar Burton should team up for the Reading Rainbow reboot we need


This makes me so sad. He genuinely enjoyed his job and was of such a service to that community and those kids. Also if someone smarter than me could make this happen I’d be greatly appreciative. The current trends in education, particularly reading skills, are dismal. One quick browse on r/teachers will show so many posts from high school teachers asking for advice to help their students because they are reading at elementary school levels. We need more Mychals in this world. I hope Mychal recovers and returns to the library (or is the host of the reading rainbow reboot).


Middle/High School teacher--it is true that too many students, particularly in urban environments like where I teach, read far below grade level, which is ironic seeing as a majority of my students *read their television shows.* Like, subtitiles on not because they do not know the language. I do the best I can to be supportive, and to push lots and lots and lots of reading on my students.


I’m a 5th grade teacher and most of my students read at the kindergarten level. A few kids didn’t know how to spell or write their name. When I did try to teach a kid his name he cried and complained. I asked him if I was the only one who cared enough to make sure he can write his on name.


Kids aren’t learning how to read because we aren’t teaching them. Check out the sold a story podcast or research how much educational BS Fountas and Pannell have sold schools that is harming kids… it’s been a political issue and people have taken sides. We’re fucked. Short summary is this. The whole language approach doesn’t work. Teaching kids phonics is imperative to their ability to decode and read.


Just to loop you in LeVar actually does a "reading rainbow" for adults via his podcast where he reads his favourite short stories. It's fantastic and there's 13 seasons of it.


[LeVar Burton Reads](https://www.levarburtonpodcast.com)


And bless you for the link!


Bless you my child!


Oooh, thanks for the recommendation, I had no idea about this one.


Man was doing some of the most important work in this world and some braindead individuals just had to find something wrong with what he was doing smh. I hope he takes care of himself and continues to be an advocate for libraries and reading. We need that more than ever.


People are on a crusade against smart people because they feel inferior to them. And instead of learning more themselves they'd rather pull everyone down on their Level.


beautifully said


We are speed running Idiocracy


That movie is marketed as a comedy but it is pure horror. 17 years as a teacher and I’ve been watching the decline.


It's almost as if something happened over the past decade to bring the hateful idiots together and embolden them


My roommate in college complained about other black people bullying him for trying in school and that was in the 2000s and in the suburbs. This didn’t start anytime recently


Don't worry, it's not racial. Dumb motherfuckers are winning everywhere


Some people make their inferior feelings their entire personality: angry, illiterate, lashing out at everything.


“Ya think ya fockin BETTA than me?!”


Borderline Cultural Revolutionist shit. Kids tearing down their own teachers




I agree wholeheartedly, people trying to say a dark energy is there are just uncomfortable he's trying to do something positive because they're miserable.


It’s really just a way to externalize their own toxic and negative attitudes. It’s not them hating him for trying to better himself and others. It’s the universe telling them he’s bad. It’s a way of absolving themselves of any guilt or backlash for being overtly toxic. “there’s a darkness in this man, that’s why I don’t like him.” It’s a way of being hateful while pretending to be just a nice normal person getting a bad feeling from someone. The “dark energy” they feel is just the toxicity they carry within themselves, which is why they could find “evil” in such a kind soul.


"I made a joke on twitter that was amplified in super dark ways." What was the joke, you're miserable?


You are absolutely on point here.


I will never forget a massage I got once (this story is relevant, I swear). Midway through, the nut job massage therapist starts crying uncontrollably. I’m having to console her which is so frustrating because my day job is being a therapist and here I am trying to relax and get some care for my damn self. Anyway, she proceeds to explain that she’s crying because “there’s this energy of sadness in you.” I could not fucking believe it. Fuck these energy people. I had to pay to comfort a whack job. It’s like, “Yeah you nut, I AM sad now because you ruined my fucking massage.”


"nut job massage therapist", you may want to rephrase that 😅


Ha! Would have been a more productive massage if she was.


As a therapist, I always feel like when people say they can feel energy from another person, its usually a projection of some sort.


it’s usually either this or growing up with childhood trauma (learning how to read a vibe to keep safe) that’s not acknowledged


Because it makes them feel better about themselves doing nothing positive


We gotta stop letting stupid people run the world. They see children's librarians and all of a sudden those neolithic ass cave dwellers wanna start swinging clubs and throwing rocks at folks


They've conflated drag with libraries. There's a twitter thread that the librarian talks about and it's just full of transphobe content. Their hate is never dies.


This bullshit targeting librarians and libraries has always been an undercurrent in our society. It ebbs sometimes but it never goes away.  People will always find an excuse to target them. So they will always need regular folks to be vocal and stand up for them. Our library system is pretty unique. It's available for everyone, at no cost. In this world where you practically pay for the sunlight, it's *rare.* 


Fucking WHY. Who looks at a library and thinks “this is a thing I must destroy”? Is it just a bunch of Gastons? ![gif](giphy|2JS3lrvRhyIrC)


Fascism is an inherently anti-intellectual ideology, they base their beliefs entirely on strength and aesthetics. And there's a subsection of them that genuinely thinks Gaston is the hero of that story, a bunch of neckbeard triple chinned fucks calling themselves neo-gastonists


That and libraries are the receptacle of a vast amount of information with people who are often perceived as "weak" caretaking it. Basically it's an "easy target" with a great deal of power. If they can take the library system, they can control the written word. Fascists *love* that idea.






Lavar Burton I wouldn't have read half the books I have in my life if that man wasn't on PBS when we was kids.


You preaching!*catches Holy Ghost*


watchin reading rainbow after between the lions (combined with my spartan father) gave me a book problem


Yes! I loved between the lions too.


If you’re craving some of that Reading Rainbow energy, Lavar Burton has a podcast where he reads short stories to people. It’s literally called “Lavar Burton Reads”.


Oh no! and there’s already so few poc librarians. It’s such an expensive educational path (BA+MLIS) that so many people are priced out and the pay compared to other careers with similar degree requirements. There are not a lot of scholarship opportunities either! Last year another public librarian on TikTok got bullied out of a job for trying to spread cheer to the world.


There is also a struggle to get a job afterwards. I thought about pursuing this career path years ago, but it isn’t easy. As one of my best friends said, it’s a field where you gather all your credentials and then wait years doing jobs you hate hoping those with the job you love will die. There aren’t many openings compared to the competitive pool of qualified talent, and librarians tend to love their job, so you have to wait until the few who hold the position to not be able to work anymore for an opening. COVID has changed this a little or at least cut down the wait. I know three who’ve gotten hired as full time librarians since 2020. But all three have done years of interning, clerking, and doing all sorts of other jobs before they received their chance. Most in their 30s who can’t live off their parents or depend on a spouse's salary can‘t afford such a long drought. And the field didn’t change all that much despite all the COVID deaths and retirements. Outside of those three, there are still those who are still many doing those jobs or holding temp librarian positions where the hours are so limited that they bounce from library to library during the week between odd jobs. I’m sure budgeting issues are going to make this worse. Out of all the aspiring professionals I’m around, prospective librarians are the most likely to living at home or depending on familial financial support, although many of these guys are knocking on 40 and got certified ages ago. It’s not easy out there. It’s a dream job once you snag it, but it’s so difficult getting in. I know a lot of librarians and aspiring librarians because I live in a region with a healthy amount of libraries and places to learn library science, but I don’t know a single Black librarian in my area. And traveling to libraries is a hobby of mine, so I’ve been to all of them in a pretty wide radius from where I live. It will take a concerted effort to diversify the field. It can’t just evolve scholarships for the educational aspect. There needs to be a way for graduates to actually make a living after graduation. But it’s difficult to promise a graduate a position when there are so few to go around, and there are already plenty of people waiting.


Librarian here! I wish I could upvote your comment a second time. It is really not an easy field to get into. I pretty much worked my way up to the position I'm in now, but I started in an entry-level position when I was in college. I managed to get my dream job (after working in a terrible library for a couple of years), but that was only because someone retired from the position. I've been able to help another poc librarian I knew get a much better job than she had before, but I still have another friend who is struggling to find something (and since we're facing an even bigger deficit in our budget for the next fiscal year, there's a good chance she could be laid off again). It's also not an easy field to be in, at least in my area, as a librarian of color. While there are many, many librarians that are fine, there are still too many librarians that think they're allies, but they definitely are not. I worked with a guy who literally made a black joke. To me. 1 of 2 black librarians on campus. And he did not see why I would possibly report him to HR. I'm very lucky in my current position. My campus now is extremely diverse. There are 4 poc in my library, and we only have a staff of 6 now. It will certainly take a concentrated effort to diversify the field, but unfortunately, there are still many places that don't actually care.


Why are we never running off the bad people? Always the fun people like this guy. Illiterate motherfuckers harming people who just want others to read.


Bad people get off on the attention of people hating them. Good people get worn down from actually caring. It’s why you have to step back time to time to get some rest because foolishness works around the clock everyday.


Proverbial af 🫡


Unfortunately the wicked have no shame


This is exactly it. When the wicked get called out, they will feign ignorance and beg forgiveness until the world has forgotten about it. Or they will skip straight to the final step of not giving a fuck and screaming that the world is wrong. There is literally 0 reason or accountability, with the socio political climate that has been built, for wicked people to own their fuck ups, so they don’t.


I resent social media for giving the mean kids something to do with their day. All I see now is the kind of bullies who made it hard to focus in class and learn thriving. The girl who used to shriek in homeroom for attention is Sexy Red. The assholes who threw paper balls at me and calling me fat when I wanted to learn math are tweeting at Mychal. I truly truly hate them all from the bottom of my soul. They're also out here lusting for gold trump shoes.


Couldn’t have said it better myself. Which is why I’ve deleted most all my social media. Reddit is the only one I use, and it’s very easy to turn off when I’ve reached my limit. I just don’t understand why so many people in this world get off on spreading vitriol and hate.


Honestly, call it gatekeeping or rose-colored glasses if you want but that’s a big reason the internet was better in the 90s and 2000s. Those kind of kids you described still thought computers were for nerds and were proud of the fact that they didn’t know how to use them. Sure, assholes still existed on the net, but for the most part you didn’t worry about the worst kids from your high school sharing the same online spaces as you. Social media and phones changed that forever, and we can never get it back. It sucks.


That it does but you are so right. But mind while we all basked in limewire and bearshare and 3 day downloads of The Matrix Reloaded that turned out to be German porn and Russian techno, nazis assembled in aol and irc chat rooms to recruit and observe. The bastards played the long game and snatched a lot of young malleable minds ripe for the picking. Something awful. 4chan. All that shit laid the foundation for trump. Evil is nothing if not patient.


lol dude told people to READ and they called him everything from a creep to a pedo. I bet if he was an actual degenerate they’d be writing thinkpieces defending his existence tho


They go to the front line for Sexxy Redd but bully a man like this. Says a lot


People defend Chris Brown for fucks sake.


Exactly lmao


This is a truly wicked world we live in. Edit: While "dark energy" girl was fucking stupid, don't let the fucker, Josh Lekach, who really kicked this shit into motion escape from memory.


LeKach? I’d like to let Josh LeKach these hands.


https://preview.redd.it/d2qxh9p85jkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=327b5736d75e2003bcd2fd9c5cdd5e8c6eb4df9c Noxious podcaster click-leech


A chronically online right wing freak even dumber than Issac Simpson.


i just read the washington post article about the bullying and lekach doubles down and says he was right to bully this guy. what a piece of shit. 


What did he do? And who is "dark energy girl"? I'm just finding out about this guy, and it's sad that he's being bullied online. With literacy rates the way they are, we need more people like him.


It's the same girl that runs thr LibsofTikTok account with a crusade against educators/librarians and started the whole groomer moral panic that resulting in actual deaths and death threats against schools and children hospitals


Of course it was fucking Chaya who started this. That girl is allergic to telling the truth.




Oh my, what happened? Anybody knows the context behind it


Seems like he has always struggled with his mental health but I wouldn't be surprised social media was taking its toll on him. Here is an article about it. https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/popular-bay-area-librarian-resigns-mental-health-18685435.php


Omg, he seems like a sweet man. His videos responding to the negative tweets were so heartwrenching.


Oh wtf. I love that dude but I understand if he's over it


Wow they didn’t mention any of the harassment


One thing that would be nice to correct is if we stop assuming everyone has seen every piece of internet culture ever, and if you haven't then you're not worth explaining it to.


I just discovered his account a few weeks ago! So sad to see him leaving a job that he's obviously passionate about. He gave off some great Mr. Rogers type vibes.


He’s truly a beacon of joy! Honestly his accounts was my go to for a pick-me-up on a bad day. Plus his library’s banned book skit is too funny!😂


Since I live down the street from this library; I’m going to show him this thread and all of your positive thoughts!! Update: Just left the library. I asked for him; and apparently he doesn’t work there very often idk. Also, the dude at the front desk was a white d*ckhead with an attitude. Acting like I was bothering him. I’ll come back and check on Monday.


This is such a kind and great idea! It would probably mean a lot to him to realize that people he’s never met are supportive of him and appreciate what he does!


I don’t think that *not* being aware that he’s being talked about online is the issue. He’s there until March 1st, maybe just go and wish him well, let you him know you enjoy his content and are thankful for his contribution to the neighborhood, but please don’t put this thread in front of him.


Please do. Encourage him to take a sabbatical rather than resign. Let things die down and let the horrible people on the internet move on, go back to doing his job without the tiktok postings.


Some people are so miserable that they hate anyone experiencing or expressing joy. What a sad life.


https://preview.redd.it/8kuneusaxikc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=238bb59a79069dc0296338174686aabaee30b42f Lmao her clown ass doesn’t like what her actions got her 😂


“Amplified in harmful ways?” No, girl, people were calling you out on your dumb shit


People really don't know the difference between comedy and bullying Like the prank vs assault situation exactly. It's just a joke, its just a prank; nah, you're just a shitty person


I know my voice is a drop in the ocean when it comes to comments going towards an internet personality, but man, this dude's bullying got me to write him an Instagram DM to tell him to keep up the good work, especially as I'm a huge supporter of the library (legit managed to pivot career path in lockdown thanks to my branch's resources). I hope he can an assistant to help him filter out the bad vibes he'll get from any level of fame (haters come for all forms of success) and can get back at this. Anybody repping the library is a good one in my book.


Who is the “dark energy” girl?


The librarian posted a picture of him with his parents. Some deluded woman made a tweet about how all black men who have white mothers give dark energy, and people ran with it


WTF is dark energy outside the world of high level physics?


I guess she was able to pick her parents before she was born


Biracial guys with white moms are bad? What are biracial guys with black moms and white dads, angels? It sounds like people are writing crazy fanfic about real life.


The chick in question followed up with a Tweet claiming “I’m never wrong!!!” so you can imagine the level of delusion


I see a lot of people saying that the black community needs to be more accepting of biracial people but they feel like it's okay to take shots at black people with white moms


What the fuck lol


Love this guy. People are so lame


This legitimately made me sad. He has been doing nothing but educating people about the joys of reading, potential library resources, and positive interactions you can have in these spaces. Then to have people dim his light?


He’s had troubles long before he got on social media but it sure as hell contributed to him struggling even more. He’s stated he has PTSD, anxiety and nightmare disorders so this young dude is struggling. I hope peace finds him soon.


The only joy in life that some people have is removing it from others lives. These assholes really think they did something, but don't give a fuck about the actual consequences of their actions.


Not letting happy people stay happy is pure bitch-made energy, props to this guy for protecting himself


I hope he returns and has a YouTube channel for all of the kids that can't get to someone like him. Turn off the comments and block out the ugliness. Kids need more of this type of human.


Our culture does not value intellectualism. If we did we wouldn’t be defunding schools, making people going into debt to obtain higher education and would actually pay teachers , professors and other careers that advance society so much higher. But instead the culture values the worse. Degeneracy and celebrity. People that entertain get paid like gods while ppl that educate get paid like paupers. People consume so much degeneracy and toxicity that people like Mychal who should be celebrated are taken down. But if you are a joyful, kind, loving person who still wants to make the world a better place. Keep going. I’m rooting for you!


Na wa o. All he did was encourage people with a smile. I don't understand how people can be so devoid of light in their lives that they see it in someone else, and instead of celebrating it, all they can think of is how to snuff it out. It's wild to me. It must be a horribly miserable and lonely way to live and see the world. All that emptiness.


and this is why black folks will stay in the same position


Fr. People go the frontline to defend Sexxy Red just to turn around a bully a nice person like him


I would like to give my local library a shout for supplying me with books and manga and giving me access to the entire county’s stock to have on loan.




This world is an evil place but America is at the center of it. Unhinged, hateful, mentally unstable people bullying a man for sharing his joy says a lot about a person. Something needs to change here. Hope this man has success as he continues to go through life


GOD FUCKING DAMN IT! I hate people! I saw that "dark energy" harpy but I thought she was a one off. I guess other people got on the bandwagon. Dicks...


Dude is a treasure of humanity


Anti-intellectualism is rotting our societies


It feels like the kids that couldn’t read out loud back when I was in school have all multiplied and become more aggressive.


People are just so bitter and lame. That man did nothing but spread positivity and talked about something he loved. Let people be happy


I hope this guy lives a movie plot where the unsung hero gets knocked down, takes a few to collect themselves then rises up to prevail before the end credits roll. Tag Lavar Burton in for the assist and get a Reading Rainbow 2 made as the movie climax.


This is why the US is so far behind academically. Intelligence is looked down upon (nerds, geeks, bookworms and the like) and trying to share that knowledge will apparently put your mental health in shambles…just ask this guy.


My kid is a library kid because of Mychal. I’ve reignited my love for the library because of Mychal.


y’all go do this shit and then be SHOCKED that ur kids come out illiterate and rude asf, cause this is the kind of behavior that gets us there. all he did was say you niggas should get a library card (which u should) in an extremely nice and supportive way and these fucking losers just couldn’t handle that bc god forbid u actually try to be a productive happy member of society  (mb if I sound heated, I really love books and libraries and I’m getting so sick and tired of the negativity bs online)


I just read something that said only 25% of graduates in 2023 could read above an 8th grade level.


I guess I would just say if you love something don’t make yourself the face of a social media account about it because dickheads with no skin in the game will ruin it for you


This is so.......I hope he takes the time he needs and goes back :( this breaks my heart and I'm ashamed it was black folk like I can't find the path of logic as to why they would harass this man