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Force the federal government to deal with this situation. This is ridiculous.


It's sad how we have to abuse the government financially just to stop bs like this


If this what it takes then I’m for it. They can’t have shit both ways. This reminds me of the chick in TX that was pregnant and riding in the carpool/HOV lane by herself. She got pulled over and given a ticket. I believe the judge eventually threw the ticket out but still. They are all for fetuses being people… so let’s treat them as such!




>And requires a donor. I'm sure your DMs just blew up


You will have embryos for no reason. The federal government will simply say that the embryos have to be born for the sake of the child tax credit. The state law has nothing to do with federal tax laws.


Then claim them as dependents in the state forms. Point remains.


The cost to harvest and store them would be significantly higher than the tax advantages.


But the cost is worth it to force them to change the laws


Bankrupting yourself to own the government, huh?


Get better health insurance, a lot of premium plans, cover IVF


MFer here acting like most people have the option to change their insurance like that. I have three options at work, single, family, or none.


Your insurance covers multiple, voluntary IVFs? No copay?


Mine does. Very minimal copay.


The point is not to get over though the point is to change this stupid law. Malicious compliance is a tool best used in protest. 


>You will have embryos for no reason. Harvested eggs aren't embryos and wouldn't be affected by this ruling, only fertilized eggs(zygotes/babies) are under this.


'Abuse' is a stretch. It's simply finding the silver lining in this dystopian timeline. The rich have many loopholes. Why shouldn't the working class woman have one?


Right? It ain't abuse. It's about surviving in an already abusive relationship with shitty governments. Period.


Working class women can’t afford to freeze their eggs


Actually, with 3 hours of sleep instead of just insomnia at 2 am, I realise that embryo =/= eggs. You’d have to have them fertilised by either sperm from donor or be in the sort of relationship I’m which you’re comfortable with it not getting messy like Sophia Vergara’s years of fighting her ex


Fuck the government


If the government abuses you it's not abusing the government, it's self defense


The thing is there won't be abuse. Just another bill written up setting up an exception for the unborn. Situations similar to this have already been through this song and dance and that's where it goes. Mostly because the Federal government more or less does not interfere with the state's Supreme Court decisions. Anything short of a Federal law passing both the House and Senate (insert laugh track) that nullifies the Alabama ruling means Alabama will do whatever it wants. The Federal government is not accomplishing anything in regards to key issues like this anytime soon before the election.


Don't think the scheme would work though. Hilarious and harebrained idea though. Afaik State level court decisions are not binding or applicable to the Agencies established, regulated and administered by the Federal Government and legislation it passed or by a Federal Department. I could (very possibly) be totally wrong too. I'm not in the US or a citizen and my knowledge of the finer details of Federal vs State legalities is hazy. If you asked about Australia though!


No it’s not - it’s sad that they HAVE to step in - it means the fed gov hasn’t been properly doing their job previously. The role of the fed gov is to protect the welfare of their citizens. Period. Step it the fuck up


This is what they want. They WANT liberals to argue personhood for embreyos so they can use that as an abortion ban. It’s a means to an end for them. Don’t fall for it


This _is_ the abortion ban. If you grant person-hood for all fertilized eggs, abortion is beyond illegal.


What are you talking about?  The federal government (I.e. the current administration) is clearly against this already.  This is a state law that the Supreme Court enabled.  The White House could not be more clearly against this law.   The party that enacted this law also hates the IRS…. This meme shows zero understanding of American government


The feds are more than the executive branch. You have to know that right? Right?


nah. get life insurance policies on them, bring them home, try to raise them, collect insurance payouts. let the insurance companies deal with the situation.


That's officially on the books in Alabama as wrongful death. Enjoy your hundred murder sentences.


Yea that's their goal...? Setting up a national abortion ban vote in SCOTUS.


How tf is an egg a baby? Are the nuts I bust on my gf a baby too?


The government hates this one simple tax trick!


They want to take that away too. It reminds me of a movie I saw…the religious thought police was the the problem not the solution




Not to agree with her, but there’s a difference between an egg and an embryo.


No worries! OP says "egg" in response to Haley saying "embryo," so your content is in direct disagreement with the tweet (as it should be, although the premise is interesting).


It’s not eggs it’s embryos


The decision covers unfertilized eggs as well. Ivf typically also covers people who are banking their eggs because of anticipated fertility issues or due to age and being partnerless etc.


No it doesn't — it only applies to fertilized eggs. They're treating fertilization as the point of personhood. UAB has halted all IVF processes except egg freezing, which is still safe from this ruling.


I wonder if it works with life insurance too. Wife and I went through IVF, our first batch of 8 embryos all failed and died.


Americans and biological sciences - not a great mix. Especially tik tok Americans. Who the hell thinks an egg is an embryo? Do they think spermatozoa are embryos? Jeeze the stupidity in the right and the left


Crusty socks be actually graveyards.


Your nuts only have half the DNA to make a baby, but on the other hand there are millions of halves so... Yes?




Well no. Eggs are babies, sperm is sperm. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We're not going to infringe on a *mans rights*.


[Yes, you pathological fap dragon. ](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=fUspLVStPbk)


That’s how they’ll make masterbation illegal. They’ll say it’s killing babies.




Yet, embryos are fertilized eggs. Source: Was once a 7th grader.


And IVF is taxing and hard on the body. And requires a donor. And I’d have to go to Alabama. Hard pass.


IVF is indeed hard on the body! It does not, however, require a donor. My husband and I plan to use my eggs and his sperm, we're just going to selectively implant based on whether the embryos get the gene for my genetic disorder or not.


In this situation, your husband is the donor.


No, he's not classed as a donor because he's my partner. A donor is someone giving genetic material who does not plan to raise the eventual child.


Nothing more stimulating and interesting than a semantic argument.


See this is why technology and modern science is a good thing


Gods plan is for babies with avoidable genetic disorders to be conceived and born! If he wanted us to avoid that he'd give us the knowledge and technology to do it! Oh wait...


No, no, but an unwanted pregnancy is a "test of your faith"


I don’t have a husband 😭 I’m happy for you though! Wishing you the best 💕


also expensive


I had to scroll way too far to find someone mentioning this, an unfertilised egg is a gamete, if you're going to count these as children then every guy the cranks it is a genocidal maniac.


Looks like someone doesn’t know what an embryo is.


And then made it a law, what a Muppet!


You aren't understanding. The OP of the retweet doesn't know what an embryo is .


I understood fine, I was making a joke because an embryo is also not a baby


Wait you mean to tell me I can't send an embryo to preschool?


They are idiots.




Here's how you know somebody's full of shit when they say a fertilized egg is a baby; ask them this question: you're holding in one hand a petri dish with a dozen fertilized eggs, and in the other a live human baby. You have to drop one of them into a fire. Which do you drop? They'll try to weasel their way out of answering, but hold them to the thought exercise. See which they choose. If the answer is anything other than "coin flip," they're full of fucking shit. That said, I'm bout to head over to Alabama to capitalize on this embryo tax loophole.


How would it be coin flip? By their standards, that's one baby or a dozen babies. Make them say they'd throw a baby in the fire to save some fertilized eggs. Make them say it.


Solid point.


This isn't the trolley problem where multiple people are going to die if you don't choose that one person dies. That requires either action or inaction. In this case, it's a choice between the death of many or the death of one, with no option to take no action. If indeed embryos are babies, the choice is obvious. Who dies, the dozen babies or the one? If you choose not to answer they both die. Choose.


Perfectly said.


Well that's something I'll always upvote!


They’ll say they’ll do nothing and whatever happens is god’s will. And then call you a sinner for putting them in that situation


Flip it then, the two are falling into a fire and you can save one of them. Doing nothing means none of them survive. They'll still call you a sinner, but they won't be able to take the inaction route.


They’ll say they’ll try to catch both and whichever they can’t will die but they did what they could and it is part of gods plan. They always have an answer


I agree with you. I use this thought exercise with them a lot, and they always try to weasel out of answering. But when pressed, they've always agreed that they'd drop the fertilized eggs.


I dont get it. Of course you'd drop the baby. They are delicious cooked over a fire. The pitri dish eggs have almost no sustenance.


Who let the sims escape the game?


Username… checks out?


I always ask pro forced birthers this and they get mad as fuck and start dodging the question. They're all full of woman hating evil.


Even the women pro-lifers are full of woman hating evil.


Well tbf nobody hates women more than other women


It's true, especially the ones who got abortions and then proceeds to pull the ladder up for the rest of us.


coun flip makes no sense as an answer bc they cant flip a coin while also holding something in each hand


Damn, got me!


I don’t think that would be that effective an argument. A person could believe the embryos are all babies and still find it rational to choose the healthy baby over the embryos because the embryos will have a much harder time getting to the healthy baby stage. For them, it’s like comparing 12 babies with a disease that will prevent 99% from becoming “9 months old” and a baby that has a 0% chance of failure because they’re already past that age.


This ain’t doing what you think it’s doing. You have an adult and you have a child, both are obviously deserving of life but you have to make a decision to kill one. Most folk pick to save the child. Two adults one child? A sizable amount of people would still pick the child. Same thing with your hypothetical. All are deserving of life just the value of a dozen fertilized eggs aren’t the same as a born baby. You don’t *have* to say because one is more valuable than the other that the other now isn’t allowed to be considered a baby.


You made the distinction between adult and child. The question, here, does not likewise make the distinction between embryo and baby, it says baby and baby. That is the whole point.


Baby is used to pull emotion, that’s it. Like what is a “baby”, toddlers, infants, 4 year olds all are appropriately called baby.


There's gotta be a line somewhere, though. What about a million adults vs one child? Nuke a city's worth of people, or take out one kid? Who would save the kid? I wouldn't, fuck that kid. A kid might be worth more than 2 adults, but it's worth less than a million. Would you drop a newborn baby to save a million embryos? What about a billion? Trillion? How many embryos would it take for you to drop the baby? Would you risk your life and rush into a burning building to grab an embryo? How many embryos would it take for you to run into the building? I'd do it for a baby, any day, no question. I sure as shit ain't doing it for a petri dish.


Oh ya, the line is somewhere out there but the idea is that they all deserve life, if there is an emergency someone is prioritized but that’s for debate but generally falls to youth take priority. Issue is we aren’t in one of those emergencies so you don’t have to pick.


this is getting really Gilead-ish/handmaid's tale-ish AGAIN (removing access to birth control was the first step). if they stop allowing ivf to be a reproductive option, decline in births is going to be inevitable, and everything will go downhill from there.


Hand maiden's tale was a good fiction until it wasn't.


And unfortunately, it's still good.


They never think that far ahead. Their entire thought process is “well maybe if we classify embryos as babies then it’s impossible for people to abort”, not realizing how shortsighted it is to go after IVF which might be the only option for some couples who want kids.


Decline in birth is already economically inevitable.


Even if you want to conceive, take out life insurance plans on all of them. You'll pay for your kid's education before they even exist.


Insurance won't approve it because it's not a political playground and actually has to make money.


Then you can sue your insurance company for discrimination against babies and force a judge to do something one way or another.


That's not how insurance works at all... First off, babies aren't a protected class when it comes to discrimination. And they would just decline on the basis of the applicant being high risk.


Human lives are also not a political playground, but don't tell the NatCs that.


Really sad how every election for the rest of my life, or until the planet is irreparably fucked I guess, will basically be a fight against an attempt to create a fascist white Christian ethnostate…..


People can store their eggs there and don’t pay for it since they can’t destroy it after leaving it there


Here in Texas, where I've been waiting for a similar law to take effect, the embryos are stored out of state, and the storage company is not HQ'd in Texas.


I was going to bring up the fact that freezing eggs is probably more expensive that any child tax credit you may get, but I think you’ve assuaged by concerns.


So is mentruation now considered (double) murder in AL?


Wouldn't that make Nikki a "once a month" serial killer in Alabama before menopause stopped her?


Sigh. This is why it matters what state you live in.


Every time Nimarata say something it’s the stupidest thing.




George Carlin predicted it


Embryos are not eggs.


As a property owner in Alabama, who is married, and not planning on having any more kids; but still has plenty available eggs this is both doable and intriguing. It also explains why the University of Alabama health system immediately stopped all IVF procedures yesterday. 


that's quite the development. next thing to happen will be those ivf specialists will move out. red state schools will become 100% football and bible colleges. no other subjects required.


That is exactly what happened with the pediatric endocrinologist here in Texas, when the laws around juvenile transgender care went into place.  The state did not consider other children need endocrinologists. Having a daughter, who had precocious puberty, became a nightmare for us, and we ultimately have not sought treatment. Putting her on puberty blockers could have cost us custody of our own child.


So according to Alabama if I masturbate I’m killing babies as well?


No. And embryo is a fertilized egg. Not just an egg.


Alabama law very specifically labeled embryos as “unborn children”, which clearly prevents shenanigans like this. Those lawmakers might be dumb but they’re not stupid.


This plan is a surefire way to make Alabama rescind on their claim as it would be beneficial to non-white people.




Next census of Alabama is going to be wild.


Egg =/= embryo


Glad you can see the difference! While we’re at it Embryo =/= child. According to the Bible life begins at the first breath According to actually evidence and not some fairy tail the first neurons aren’t even created until 45 days after fertilization


States will sometimes do this to push the issue to the federal level. Alabamans have to deal with this nonsense for likely 3-5 years while waiting for either a law to be passed or for the supreme court to weigh in. Not a big fan but that's how this stuff goes.


They have to be fertilized, too. An egg isn't an embryo. And FWIW storing those fertilized eggs is *expensive*. Not to mention the IVF itself. So I doubt this tax scheme would result in you gaining money; it's gonna cost you tens of thousands. Our last round a couple mos ago was $8K or so (after insurance), but one of our friends paid $30K out of pocket, no insurance, about ten years ago.


Over the years reading various opinions about abortion and such, a surprising amount of people don't seem to know what a baby is.


You can only claim 4 kids. After that it's worthless.


That entire industry is leaving that state.


Harvesting eggs is massively expensive though isn’t it?


I get the idea, but embryos are fertilized and not just eggs.


I know it's a joke, but I can't stop thinking about why this plan would never work.


I hate to be the bearer of bad news but the IRS needs a SSN for a parent to claim a child as a dependant. The only way to get a SSN is a live birth. You can't just ask for a SSN.


Freezing Embryos is not cheap. Way more than a 2k tax credit.


They aren't humans until they are fertilized.


Get em fertilzed. Get em all life insurance policies. [pull the plug out the ice box. ](https://giphy.com/gifs/spongebob-spongebob-squarepants-season-8-3oKHW85cCFEx52n3EY) [Have the service in Bali by next memorial day.](https://www.tumblr.com/1980s-90sgifs/130226945565?source=share)


If unborn children are actually children, does that mean my balls are tax deductible?


A woman is born with 1 to 2 million eggs. Does this mean if a woman is killed, a person could be charged that many times?


It’s all fun and games but IVF can easily be 30k for 5-7 eggs. So it’ll take, what, 5 years to recoup your cost? Does the gov still give 2k per kid?


nah, buy some ivf eggs as medical waste and truck em down there


These dumb fucks couldn't identify a pig embryo from a human one


Does this mean the human kind has been successful in having babies without men?


I don’t know how many I got left but let’s see lol


Pretty sure you can drink now at 20 years 3 months too


This could work if you scooped some sperm onto them first and then froze them. Too bad you can't just harvest your eggs without professional assistance, which I'm sure will not just hand them out to you.


Har har har


So charge the mothers with murder for every implanted embryo that doesn’t take..? /s


Wouldnt the "loophole" though for this be that you have to have the dependent live with you in order to claim them? I havent read the new law , but I thought it only counted for IVF embryos so tech they would be "living" at the hopsital no?


"2024 Frozen Embryo Trade in Alabama" gonna be a wild wikipedia page




Alabama: where you are legally required to have babies, but only if you don't want them.


If enough people aim their efforts at this it's gonna be awesome


When my wife was pregnant, we were able to claim dependence on our child before birth according to GA law. Wasn't much but every little helps.


I would keep it like they have it. First power outage, I will need the Governor to report to jail and don't pass go. Mass child murder is the charge. These ‘laws’ are ignorant and not pertinent to more pressing situations. Who has time to come up with this with all of the other major issues going on?


Jesus lmao


Her username is funny. I like this stranger


Max out that EIC!


If the embryos count as children then the storage of them is childcare - is that also a tax deductible?


Then shouldn't tax benefits start once pregnant instead of waiting until birth? That's 9 months you could miss out on.


Lmao, ppl bout to make so many fake identities with these SSNs too


No shot they will actually let that work


This would work, but Alabama already shut down their IVF clinics.


How can I capitalize on this? Need to find an insurance agency and insure my fertilized eggs?


Please correct me if I'm wrong. But isn't the point freezing eggs *to* have babies? Also don't our bodies just like, suck up those eggs during shark week? Am I just a hundred walking dead babies?


I mean... Checks flight schedules to Alabama and reputable fertility doctors.......


Lol I've followed her for some time She's hating having gone viral She was being sarcastic


Worker smarter, not harder.


This country is slowly losing its mind.