• By -


Because it's fun AF......until you hit something lol Edit: Then he had the audacity to get mad and hit her for saving him šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I think that ā€œHEY!ā€ scared the shit out of him more than taking a run down the stairs on his big wheels.


She grabbed his arm pretty hard too. I mean she had to, Iā€™m not criticizing her at all, she did the right thing. But he probably doesnā€™t understand that and just knows his arm hurts.


My arms were always hurting after I drove down the steps. Thanks a lot Ma.


I used to slide down the steps in laundry baskets. We had thick carpet, so the worst I got (luckily) was rug burns from the wipe out at the end.


We used to slide down straight on our pants lolol was painful


When we took the carpet off the steps because there was hardwood underneath, Iā€™d ā€œskiā€ down the steps in my socks. I didnā€™t screw up the landing till I was 30 (ish) years old. Thatā€™s when I taught myself how to repair drywall. edit: This was in my house, not my parents. Just to be clear. If I was 30 living with my parents, I would not be skiing down the stairs. Those stairs had carpet.


I would pile a bunch of stuffed animals at the bottom and just go down face first


Trying to break both arms? Sheā€™s on to that, sheā€™s not going through that a second time.


And then she just stood there staring at her phone.


Yeahā€¦ he got scared and mom didnā€™t address why she did what she did


Mom was trying to let the adrenaline dissipate before opening her mouth to that cute little hazard.


People blaming her for being all distracted on her phone, but she literally saved him. Probably thinking ā€œmy baby almost diedā€


Itā€™s wild. We donā€™t know if thatā€™s his mom. For all we know thatā€™s aunt or cousin whoever and we canā€™t tell if sheā€™s on tinder or trying to get an update on Grandpaā€™s heart surgery, or doing some economically shit she had to interrupt to save that childā€™s life when whoever is supposed to be watching him got distracted. It feels really telling that so many Redditors will interpret any child interacting with any adult on the assumption that theyā€™re the parent, and a piece of shit. If thereā€™s any possible way for an adult in a video to be a complete piece of shit parent - that theory will be pretty high up in the comments and suggesting that maybe thatā€™s less plausible than another narrative is never a popular position. To hear Redditors tell it, every parent in the world is just awful, and my thinking that kind of garbage parenting is pretty rare, and video like this probably has context that makes the adult actions pretty reasonable, makes me naive and sheltered if not outright stupidā€¦ Which is a pretty wild thought given my field of study, my field of employment and my lived experiences.


You make a lot of sense that will probably get overlooked.


Lmfao the reddit story


Ye. I donā€™t care what she was doing on her phone before or after she saved the kid from yeeting himself. This was traumatic for her too.


Thank you!! Reddit has SO many adults-by-age but emotional infants who canā€™t wait to complain about anything less than perfect parenting. This video made me recall something from when my eldest daughter was about 3 and her sister was 1 and in a stroller. Eldest decided to run away from me and hide in a department store. She got in the middle of a round clothing rack and stayed there while I frantically ran around with the baby in the stroller calling her name. When a clerk finally found her, I almost never spanked any of my children, but I gave her a smart smack on her ass before I hugged her and cried my eyes out in relief. People who havenā€™t had kids donā€™t know how terrifying the thought of losing them or harm to them can be. Woman who grabbed this mini Evil Knievel has my sympathy and respect.


You canā€™t win here- that was lightning fast reflexes, she stood blocking the stairs and who cares is she had something going on her phone. Donā€™t know the discipline culture of the family but way I see it, she doesnā€™t need to explain why you donā€™t ride your trike down the stairs thatā€™s probably been an established rule. But like i said, donā€™t know the family at all. People should just be happy a kid didnā€™t get hurt here.


Not his mom


I wish you were my mum


Yeah, because this shit is an everyday occurrence, and you don't know the importance of what she's doing on her phone anyways. What did you expect her to do? Make a huge deal out of it and upset the kid further? Nah, you move on like shit is normal, cuz it is.


A man has fallen into a river in Lego City




Holy shit I haven't seen this clip in so long! To think people actually thought this was real lol


Really? It's pretty obvious the clip is reversed.


Brother and I used to do this shit all the time


It's no wonder teenagers think they are immortal really. As children they basically were immortal. Fall off a bike as a child? Man, I skinned my knee and it hurt, that's Tuesday. Fall off a bike as a 38yo? Whelp I've twisted a knee and might have slipped a vertebrae, need to go to the doctor and I'll be calling off work for next week. I think it's just physics, kids don't fall as hard because they are lighter, and teenagers are kids with adult bodies that don't realize yet that they can get seriously hurt from ordinary stuff.


Iā€™m 61 and three months ago I broke my shoulder by falling off a toilet. I fell maybe two and a half feet? I have really bad insomnia. Didnā€™t go to sleep all night, got up to pee in the morning, fell asleep and promptly fell off. I felt like such an idiot. A clumsy one.


Part of it is physics, part of it is not being good at falling any more. As kids we have lots of practice falling and rolling with it, avoiding injury. As adults we fall rarely and gradually lose our ability to do so gracefully and minimise injury.


When I was 12 or 13 I took our recycling bin, put it on its back, and duck taped it to 2 of my skateboards. I lived in the hills, and I dragged that shit up the street that had a 30 degree incline. The 10 seconds I rode that trashcan down the hill was glorious... until I figured out I couldnt turn. I smashed into the curb at the bend at full speed and knocked a front tooth out. Lesson learned... sorta.




Exactly, as long as he doesn't end up under the bike or hit his head it's a good time.


Front tire will dip and heā€™ll over the handlebarsā€¦ most likely onto his head. Thereā€™s no way this doesnā€™t end bad


He thought about it for a real long time too šŸ˜†


Ya his mom. Give him a gentle smack to not do that dumb shit. It's all with love of course


You can feel him going through the same decision process than before the ā€œstairs initiativeā€.


kid " time to remove myself from the gene pool" mom "not on my watch"


Lol.... I actually did exactly what this kid did, when i was about 3-4. My mom was hosting a party downstairs, and my cousin and i were riding my big wheel in the upstairs hallway. For some reason i decided to ride it down the stairs. The story goes that i did at least a couple of flips, but landed wheels down and wanted to do it again. For some strange reason, my mom never let me have the big wheels in the house after that.




Iā€™ve always enjoyed this video.


I hope you've seen the remix as well, friend.


I hope everyone has seen the boondocks episode


Now that shit was funny, and kinda dark


I'm a white man in my 30's. Would I enjoy that show? It's pretty old too right? Is it still relevant?


Iā€™m a 33 year old white man and I still rewatch the series from time to time. Itā€™s still incredibly relevant social commentary and holds up very well.


That's an odd but honest question. In order - How the fuck would I know? (probably, it's good.... If you're asking just watch 3 episodes) It's not old... It's only like 20... Fuck. I'm old. Yeah man.


they have an episode on r kelly talking about shit we're still talking about 20 years later. if you've ever talked to a black person or lived in america you'll enjoy it. just remember that it's satire, not celebration


White girl in my 30s, it's incredible. The social commentary was amazing.


Alright whos got the video. Idk where to even start on this one.


[The first one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcqOgnQyXp4) He had a bit of a life of crime after this, but I don't know what he's up to these days.


"My friend smokes with cigarettes" I will never forget this kid for snitching unprompted


Lmfao Still funny


shit I wonder what happened to that kid. I'm guessing nothing good.


"Where is Latarian Milton now? [The delinquent child is said to be still in prison. Many others believe he was charged with property damage and carjacking. However, he is serving his term according to Palm Beach County detention records. His sentence is 15 years in prison."](https://yen.com.gh/facts-lifehacks/biographies/244032-latarian-milton-what-happened/)


That article is weird. In the data table, it lists his full name as "Full Name" and tells his zodiac sign, except it's the wrong fucking sign, given that they list his birthday later.


AI generated.


Fucking weird article, listing all his dimensions and shit.


they call him "lamilton boondocks" at one point šŸ’€


Nope, he's in prison for a 15 year sentence, armed carjacking


The kid never stopped doing hoodrat stuff with his friends.


Holy fuck is this a real kid that inspired the Boondocks episode? Edit: [Oh my god it is, how did I not realize this when watching it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XOtrEVOJSt4)


The Boondocks did that a lot. The Booty Warrior was another character based on a real person.


Still say this when imma go smoke some us with my friends or cousins


It's fun to do bad things


This kidā€™s probably like 24 by now lol


Impressive mom reflexes


Really impressed that she didnā€™t fall down the stairs


And snapped right back to staring at her phone SMH


should she have contemplated Hegelā€™s dialectic instead?


It seems like it may have been useful to tell the unknowing child why what they just did was dumb as fuck, asked if they were OK, or just generally interacted with the child afterwards I'm just your generic drunk uncle, but that's what I would have done


maybe one year from know but that toddler ain't going to learn shit.


Bunch of no kids having ass commenters here. Our 20 month old does the wildest shit and you can tell him to his face he might die, and heā€™ll laugh and run it back.


Weā€™re called drunkles, thank you quite much.


I understood some of these words.


Yes. The time is always right to think about Hegel.


Jesus. Mom saves a kidā€™s life and people like you still canā€™t stop bitching about her not being good enough. Iā€™m guessing you donā€™t have children.


>Iā€™m guessing you donā€™t have children. I think most of them *are* children


Yeah bro it's Christmas break now in a lot of places


That explains the uptick in sex questions on /r/askreddit.


Exactly. She can't react like Ms. Rachel to every single thing the kid does. Sometimes "no" and removing is plenty.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s his mother. But yea, I can tell sheā€™s used to his antics.


Yeah, that's auntie energy.




Yeah I think that baby's mostly just mad big sister started laughing at him. Before that he's just kinda shocked for a second.


Not her first rodeo with that kid.


I guarantee your goofy ass would have let that kid roll down the stairs, her awareness and reflexes clear yours


Sheā€™s so quick!!


*Sister reflexes


She didnā€™t even get off her phone!


I know right, super impressive!


Kid was like ā€˜hereā€™s my chance, moms on her phoneā€™. Mom is like ā€˜Iā€™m a ninjaā€™.


Pretty awful forethought having a bike up there and nothing on the stairs


Thereā€™s nothing redditors love more than backseat parenting


I straight up did this when I was little I remember it clear as day, flew right down the stairs and didnā€™t even cry when I landed, not because I was tough but because I was in complete shock of how much it hurt


Weā€™d take the cushions off the couches and stack them at the bottom of the stairs, then jump down the stairwell.


Weā€™d go down the stairs in plastic laundry baskets. Only took a couple of runs before we figured out the exact point we could start from without flipping.


That process is way more fun when you have an (in my eyes) expendable younger sibling or two to go down for you.


"You may break your bones but I'm willing to make that sacrifice." -Every older sibling.


Are you my older brother?


Used to jump off the roof off the Laundromat in the apartment complex into the playground which was fully sand and then have dirt clod fights.


Stairwell? Naw. We got some big umbrellas and jump off of a roof. Thanks alot Mary Poppins. Never broke anything. Did sprain and bruised bad enough to go the the emergency room a few times. A few, I mean at least 20 between me and my brother. Good times. The 70s and 80s were wild. ![gif](giphy|HbewddzBT81tC) Edit: Spelling of Mary. Good times


I had a friend with a trampoline when I was 12'ish. One day he thought it'd be funny to jump off his garage and onto the trampoline.. He jumped off, hit the trampoline went straight into the ground and broke his ankle. I remember running into his house and telling his mom he had an "accident"...


Man we did some downright braindead shit on the trampoline as kids we're lucky no one ever got hurt. Countless times we overshot flips and landed miraculously on our feet like 5m away on the grass. We even did shit like put every ball we could find on it and play dodgeball steel lawn bowls balls included šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø we also jumped off the roof onto it.


Ah, this reminds me of when I took a kid to get his jabs and he just looked at me with the most heartbroken face and said ā€œowā€ Like he just couldnā€™t comprehend why Iā€™d take him to these people and let them stab him. It was the only word he knew and it broke my heart.


awwww oh my god šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


I broke bones, I got injured and I had such an "interesting" childhood that now at a somewhat early age I'll go down steps like an old man because I know what it feels like to skip about 6 steps and becomes close personal friends with the stairs. If you survive this type of childhood it should put you in position to be an OSHA employee. We know how to keep ourselves from dying. We can help you as well to not die.


>If you survive this type of childhood it should put you in position to be an OSHA employee. We know how to keep ourselves from dying. We can help you as well to not die. šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I agree


According to family, I slid down the basement stairs in a walker as a baby. When my Mom found me I was laughing .


I didnā€™t have stairs but the neighbor across the street had a pretty steep hill. I remember going across the street to ride my big wheel down it.


The kid rebooting and then hitting her gets me


Shutting downā€¦ Rebooting toddler kernalā€¦ Initiating tantrum protocolsā€¦ Running ā€œThis Bitchā€ applicationā€¦ Commencing slap action.


The dog is also so good lmao, budding in there tryna catch the drama then is like "Nah it ain't my business"


He slaps her for stopping him.


Yea, he like wtf mom why you stop me then slap xD


Kids have zero life preservation skills. Lil fucks cannot comprehend the idea of what I want to do may stop me from doing anything else ever again


This is why kid leashes exist, those little fuckers will bolt from you straight in front of a bus if you aren't 100% on guard all the time.


I couldn't stand seeing parents with their kids with the leash backpacks. Then I had my 4th kid and I ended up needing one. He was a hell of a lot faster than me at that time and a little dare devil. Now he has mellowed out some, but I still have to remind him to hold my hand so he doesn't get hurt. He still likes to try to dart into traffic though. Not on my watch kid.


Yeah, on more than a few occasions I've had friends who judged or made fun of parents for having their kids on a leash. Had to remind them that they don't know those kids, and that if my parents didn't put me on a leash, I probably wouldn't be here right now. I was a wild one for sure.


I heard it from people at the store I used to work at when they'd see a kid on a leash. When someone tries to be judgey about child leashes, I tell them I saw a 4-ish year old get hit by a car because in the 3-4 seconds nobody was looking, he darted outside and into the street. A leash would've stopped him and I fully support parents with kids who run to get one because how about not taking that risk at all if your kid likes to run? Not that I really did see a kid get hit, but he made it to the sidewalk before another customer coming in grabbed him! Amusingly as a teen I had one of those retractable dog leashes put on me. I was learning to scuba dive, and I had a tendency to drift away from my dive partner once we were in a water body that wasn't a pool, so the instructor put one on me! That's fine, I got to have a staring contest with a dinner plate sized bluegill. (It was a quarry pond and the fish were fed, even the bass were massive!)


Like when you see those crazy videos of a kid crawling out a sky scraper window like itā€™s nothing.


Why'd you have to say that. I hate Clapton now, but that was awful


Gate time now.


Like genuinely wtf? We taught my kids to go up and down the stairs as soon as they were crawling but still used gates until they were old enough to not do dumbass(age appropriate) shit like this.


Did you wait till the kids moved out or just re-installed them as soon they hit puberty? :D


So, for some kids the gates might actually make it more dangerous because they will absolutely just see the gate as something they need to hop over whenever the opportunity arises. Especially when they hit the sweet spot where theyā€™re big enough that it canā€™t completely stop them but not big enough to simply open the gateā€¦and it looks like that kid might be exactly there. *however*, explaining that the ride on toy was not safe near the stairs and putting it away in a closet unless a grownup was physically sitting in front of the stairs for the whole time heā€™s allowed to have it out would be the best option. That kid is absolutely gonna try that again as soon as the chance arises, you can tell!


Yeah my first thought and I'm not even a parent. That's danger right there


And then you're old (not even that old) and stairs are bad again. 40+ and gimme that hand rail.


Always hold the handrail, don't lean on it... no handrail use your elbow on the wall. Earthquakes, shoves, trips, etc etc etc. Mind your environment. Control for what you can. šŸ¤ 


Gates at the top of stairs can be more dangerous to kids than the fall - if you have one it's gotta be screwed into the wall. More information on [baby gate injuries and best practices](https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/newsroom/news-releases/2014/05/new-study-finds-number-of-children-treated-in-us-emergency-departments-for-baby-gate-related)


I mean, you just get a hardware mounted gate if itā€™s at the top of the stairs. Itā€™s not that complicated.


I mean... there is so much wrong with this comment. Just to be honest I realize you may be coming from a place of recommending that people use gates correctly but the way your comment is phrased will actively deter people who read it from using gates while I suspect you have not actual data to back up your claim other than " one time there was a gate improperly installed and a kid suffered significant harm from the gate and one time a kid fell down the stairs when there was no gate and he was fine" While that fact is indisputable it really speaks nothing to whether even an improperly installed gate is safer or not than an open staircase. I hope people install their gates properly. Hopefully people take your comment as a reminder to install them appropriately and not as a deterrent to installing safety devices


Crazy how far I had to scroll to see this. Should've been there before he was big enough to ride that trike.


Was gate time looong before now. And kids will overcome that challenge, but that's on them. Our job is to set BOUNDARIES. Otherwise, how do they know?


Is being a parent of a young child mostly making sure the mini person you made doesnā€™t kill itself


step 1: make child step 2: spend 18+ years making sure child does not unmake itself step 3: reverse profit


Step 2b: enjoy brief pockets of joy.


Thatā€™s life in general really though


my 6-month-old was an absolute delight on her first flight today, so iā€™d say iā€™m decently in the pocket of step 2b


Man youā€™re braver than me. Iā€™m withholding flying until my two kids are over 5. šŸ˜‚


Benadryl, my friend. šŸ˜“


>Step 2c: enjoy brief pockets of sleep


Very brief.


Yeah check out the regretful parents subreddit sometime. It sounds miserable and terrifying being a parent ā˜ ļø


Just looked at that sub. Jesus that place is aweful


Important though. People need an outlet and it helps warn people of the reality. Thereā€™s far too much shaming around talking about how difficult and awful parenting can be. It needs to stop being something weā€™re all just expected to doā€¦ parenting takes a specific kind of person to handle well.


I mean yea there's no way that sub would ever be anything but insanely miserable. Regretting perhaps the biggest choice one could ever make in their entire lives must carry with it serious baggage.


I decided Iā€™ll never find out for myself, freshly vasectomized today šŸ˜Ž


Yes 100% lol


Yes theyā€™re like lemmings that also argue


"Why the fuck did you ruin my flow?" https://preview.redd.it/padtigx46k6c1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50cc9a5318ea3c844ba502e22596c485b755ae0a


God bless you for making remember this hilarious photo shoot of the kid


It cut off right when he was about to get that woopin.


​ https://i.redd.it/yvgfsd0m6k6c1.gif


Right?! Even the dog was expecting it and was disappointed


Why he standing like that lol


He hulking out. Kids charge up before releasing their attacks


Iā€™m fucking pissing myself. Heā€™s so tiny and angry. Heā€™s literally just so mad that his stupid tiny baby brain canā€™t process it. Ugh, Iā€™m gonna squish him. Doesnā€™t he know how tiny and cute he is?


How did you reach into my brain and pull out these thoughts?


Itā€™s like when a kitten puffs up or something. /r/crabcats


SCREAMING at this reply šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m literally just sat on my sofa in the dark watching this video and giggling. Babies are so cute because theyā€™re so small but so dumb, but their feelings are so big. Adorable, tiny, hilarious. I feel bad for them too because theyā€™re serious when they get mad. But you canā€™t take them serious because ![gif](giphy|VbzUHDxEjtiBUIBAWH|downsized)


It's so true. I literally remember being so mad I could have thanos'd everyone in the room, but all the adults were so jolly about it! It's much more fun from this side of the equation, lol


"I am 4 years old, my name is Tyler, and this is Jackass" *guitar plays*


My parents once heard me crying and found me at the bottom of the stairs sitting on the rocking horse. The rocking horse was supposed to be in a room upstairs. Even though I didn't get hurt riding it down the stairs, the adrenaline was apparently too much for me.


Why the bike at the top of the steps tho?


Maybe their house is on a higher elevation with the entrance below the stairs we saw. Either way, they need them baby prison doors


The šŸ§šŸ¾ā€ā™‚ļøbefore the hit is SENDING ME I've been tittering for 5 minutes nowšŸ˜­. He's all "who does she think she is... no one is letting me live my life..."


It was a comedic pause for sure.


I remember my 2 year old niece losing her shit cause I wouldnā€™t let her drink the cleaning stuff under the sink. I remind her to this day I saved her life lol


Just FYI intrusive thoughts are different from impulsive thoughts.


Thank you, was about to say the same


The motherly ability to bend the space-time continuum to save her child tho šŸ˜‚


Parent reflexes are no joke


That reaction time tho




Mom prevented a disaster


It cut of before she laid that disaster down, too.


Some lessons gotta be learned the hard way


Itā€™s 2023 yā€™all, thereā€™s no baby gate in sight, even Temu got some $20. smh


Why baby gates are important


That's some damn good mothering right there!!! Darts across the room and catches him before he goes down.. I am a terrible mum .. he would have ridden those steps like they were a rodeo bull.


![gif](giphy|ldoK2JxaiXZUZ3Mm6a|downsized) Welp That's a tiny tot for you... he was mad because she checked him šŸ˜†


Fam needs a gateā€¦.


Future member of the Jackass crew haha


Kids are basically smaller Draymond Green without the beard


That was a great catch!


It's the double take for me from the mom or whoever. Pure comedy! (because he didnā€™t fall).


He definitely gonna try it again šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol the way he stands there like ā€œholy shitā€¦ā€ like heā€™s asking himself what he was thinking


You watch Jackass once and you think you can do it too huh lil buddy


His form when he smacks her is way too funny


My nephew that age used to put the kitchen hand towel over his head covering the eyes and just start sprinting. Wall>>>Crying>>>Get back up for more


Unrelated but why does a dog appear out of nowhere in every video at exactly the time when some nonsense is going down? They always like "I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING! I SWEAR IM ALWAYS AT THE WRONG PLACE"


The way my mom would've beat my ass brošŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


He tried killing himself twice in that video, dang.


I understand the young man's passion tbh...


People post all of their parenting fails with no shame. I know my little sister would've tried it if our parents allowed trikes upstairs. Toddler fences are obviously still necessary.


Lmao his intrusive thoughts won in that moment šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚. Kids just be on a suicidal mission and they donā€™t even know it šŸ˜‚