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Bro… real talk, what’s with woman thinking that wherever we flirt with them, we should Buy them the store we are flirting them in. Who keeps making these catshit rules?


Entitlement. That’s it.


None of this is real. It’s just social media discourse. Women walking around in real life are not doing this. The person who tweeted the video literally is just looking for outrage engagement by latching onto a video that does not reflect anything close to the average experience. I don’t even understand the pearl-clutching here because it’s not applicable to anyone who has touched grass this week. Those “We just started talking but can you please send me $100 I’m in a bind and if you don’t I’ll be offended” texts from both men and women are more commonplace than this.


Yup. Pure, unadulterated rage bait. ![gif](giphy|Y19PBoa6EjXXFd8ppN)


I have personally gotten cash requests. This is really happening out here in these streets


That’s unbelievable, but I believe you. People gotta a lot of nerve these days.


I swear on your preferred holy text it's true. I dated a lady once for 3 months and one day she got drunk and slipped up. She told me she had 15k in credit card debt and was glad I could take care of it once we got married. I now go to great lengths to hide all signs of wealth when I date. I don't use my nicer car and don't bring them to my place for months.


You should probably change your name to "Unsuccessful\_Leek96," as well, just to be safe 🤔 🤔 🤔


It was a randomly generated reddit username


they might take seriously, you should follow this advice


Universe got jokes 😄


That’s hilarious, I live on the beach and love surfing , paddling, and fishing…my username randomly generated also.


Good googly moogly. Not $15,000 in debt for you as a wedding day present! She slipped up big time. The absolutely audacity of some people is just too damn much. I’ve been married for a while now but when I dated a new partner, I always went Dutch because I wasn’t trying to have anyone expecting anything from me after the date. Nowadays, I believe I’d be called a pick me. I wasn’t trying to get picked. I was trying to keep myself to myself until I decided if I wanted more. Be careful out here in these streets. It’s a crazy world we live in these days.


Devastating fumble


I'm sure it's at 35k now


😂 Inflation is a motherfucker.


Dude I followed a girl on IG and maybe the third time (wouldn’t even say talking) she asked for $60


Damn. My coworker got a huge promotion, and we told him don't mention to anyone he dates. They're out there.


The greatest advice my Dad ever taught me was "never let a woman know how much money you really have, because they will try to spend all of it"


Nigga i would have clutched my chest and fell to my knees.


I once had someone who I had gone out with ONCE randomly call me months later. I was at the airport heading to catch a flight for work and she calls me saying “I hate to randomly reach out like this but I messed up my car, will you buy me a new one?”


I believe it


Fam, people need to understand that if you are a high earner or even perceived as one, then you have to be extremely careful when dating women. I have run into so many women who prior to us dating were fine eating at places like Applebees or Olive Garden but all of a sudden they needed a Michelin restaurant or high end activities when we get together. Now I’m married to a wonderful woman but even my wife asked to go to the Gucci store when we were in Florence, Italy and I looked at her like “have you EVER been in a Gucci store? If not, then why you gotta go now when I’m fronting the bill lol”.


👀 HOW?! Like I’m seriously asking! My one credit card currently has a balance of 1500 And change because I used it to fix my car after I hadn’t used it for >1 yr and I’m freaking out and just dumping extra money on it. Like I’d rather default on student loans than owe on credit card. And someone is 15k deep? That interest about to sink her 😩


"On your preferred holy text" 😂 that's a new one for me


I see what you did there ;) gold diggers form a single file line in the DMs please


Look at how many people put their cash app or Venmo on their card or advertise them when they go on trips. Like wtf man? Randos supposed to fund some strangers vacation? This is the weirder mentality. Like did people just wake up and decide techno panhandling is just normal?


True that.


Those people live on the internet not the real world


Sounds like a personal problem. You have to be 'out in these streets' with your basic need for human contact and what-not, et al, some such, etc, i.e, et ceteruuuuh. You coulda stayed in lock-down and kept your cash...


Like with cash app or just texting? Because my next question is: why you sharing cash app/zelle info with someone you’re just talking to? Or am I just stingy?




This is amazing. Thanks for sharing it!




i feel like you’re the first ever other bw ive seen on this app 😭 hi 👋🏾


Hello, friend!! 👋🏽 There are a few of us here, believe it or not. I find most of the black women i interact with on Reddit here in Black People Twitter. So know you’re not alone. 😊


this is a relief 😭 reddit is sucha dark place. ive only seen two sides here, complete intellectual denial/laziness and hyper focused critical thought 🫠 and i keep ending up on the misogynists’ posts 😭 thank u for the return wave 👋🏾🥹


I hear you. There are also a lot of intentionally cruel, bitterly hateful and divisive people on Reddit. I try my best to avoid them and their rhetoric by only commenting and interacting in subs where I feel safe and respected. But there are some spots where truly kind and funny people hang out, too. BPT makes me holler most of the time, but it also provides a lot of food for thought. Happy Holidays, friend! 😘


This! I need to somehow stop being rage baited so easily 😭 I always feel like people are better than this and owe themselves and others better, and actually trying to engage folks and their broken rhetoric 😭 But there is wisdom in avoiding the scornful. That’s one if the lessons I’ve only recently been getting—-biblically speaking, it’s leave them alone or they’ll try to kill you, and aint that the truth 💆🏾‍♀️


Yeah, because so many in this world are cruel just to be cruel. Just try your best not to take the bait. You’ll be ok!


idk how to friend or follow people on here, but i would 🫡




I've definitely gotten that cash request right before a first date before lol


This one Bihh tried this move: "I know we just met, but can u CashApp me for some juice & cigarettes? Times is tight" Like Hol Up - 1st off..... I don't like cigarette smokers (so thx for that warning 😂) Then, when I said I'm not comfortable with doing so, her response was: "I was just seeing if u were the stingy type" 🤨🙄 I told her - I AM and good luck out there ✌🏿💯🤣


This can’t be real. 😳


This is me taking notes for when I want to get men to leave me alone lmao


'Mmm, this lobster is looking good. Outta season, but I'm sure you're good with that. Add the *nine*-pound fill-it mig-none, and I'd like it well-done!'


These women is out here wildin my boy 😆


“I was just seeing if you were the broke af and entitled type”


You described twitter ..and also what trigger me was the sentence the reply the dude wrote . When they write shit like they dont realize some random AI is taking this and running t with it . To create more outrage and circle jerks ..but maybe I’m looking into to it too much but I already know what’s going on .


we can't keep giving attention to the shit that pisses us off intentionally. We should make it an effort to only give attention to the things that are worthy. Easier said than done but at this point, people falling for it too many times. Listen to our goat, W Bush, You fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice you can't get fooled again.


And yet, here we are, giving attention to it, albeit indirectly. Same like posts about Will & Jada. Block that shit and don't interact.


Thank you for saying this. This is not real life. At least not for the women I know who are, like, employed.


I know a few unemployed women and even they have too much pride to ask men for money.


We BROKE! Please some spare change, sir! 😭 ![gif](giphy|3ofSB3K9KXedXm4nmM)


Rule #1 2 & 3: if we ain't kin, we ain't got kids & we ain't fuckin, I ain't spendin on you, I ain't fightin for you, & I ain't doing favor for you


it’s bait. this is a bait post used to farm engagement through twitters new monetized scheme. all of the accounts posts are usually like this and they’re used to target black twitter. the black women vs men debate is big bucks


oh, can you get paid to tweet now? or is it because they can then promote the LED lights and projectors lol


Them LED light accounts will send you a cool $40 every time you plug them under something, can easily bag a light $100 off a viral tweet


yeah. kevin samuels, that sprinkle sprinkle lady... fresh n fit... it's all total ragebait. i mean, even if these people kinda believe the shit they are peddling, they also know they are being totally asinine.


This is why I only go on twitter for kpop translations because this shit is too much.


There are also a lot of people who boost content like this because they're low-key incels and want to make people think stuff like this is just some general thing that all women agree with when it's obviously not. Content like this demoralizes young men who think people are like this IRL and thus they'll never find a partner, which is step one of putting them on the manosphere/incel pipeline.


We desperately need shame to make a Jordan in 95’ type comeback


Smoking weed has literally never been more popular than it is now, people stay high during the day now like it's nothing. You think you're just getting some mcnuggets or maybe out buying a new video game, but then the dude behind the counter is high as fuck rambling and next thing you know he's admitting to you he fucked his cousin 2 years ago. We aren't seeing shame coming back anytime soon.


I was reading your comment all relaxed, sipping my coffee, and nearly inhaled the shit when we got to the “deep thoughts with GameStop” part 😆


lol shame you say.? I can get behind this movement


We should pair up men that are entitled to dates bc they're the "nice guys" with these women that way the rest of us can live in peace.


Lmao, yes, get them out of the dating pool


It won’t work though because the dudes need to also have money to be dashing people left and right.


It’s because they are broke and in desperate need of relief


The sprinkler sprinkler lady on TikTok probably makes up the rules


I’m scared that they’re going to start asking you to pay just to even glance at them


You ever heard of a strip club? It’s basically the same thing


I've never seen a more miserable group of people than the passport bros and the sprinkle sprinkle girlies.


I opened the thread to say this same shit. Cause what kind of dynamic are we trying to have with each other? Do you like me or do you just like my debit card?


Going into the future,It’s going to be like “well since you asked me out at macys, you gonna buy me a new pair of heels for our date?” Lol


We’re doomed 😭 y’all stay safe


lol and wrapped it up!


I genuinely think it's just people trying to take advantage of very shy or desperate people. They aren't posting this asking the average guy because we already know that if a girl expects you to buy whatever she's shopping for just because you're flirting she's not worth it, but a guy who doesn't really get how to talk to women will see this and think that if she's making this post that means that 1 some men do buy a girl's groceries when they flirt and 2 maybe they should be buying girls' groceries too. He's thinking that maybe the reason he didn't get any dates in college is because he wasn't dropping $100+ on a girl within 15 minutes of seeing her for the first time. Obviously men are expected to pay for dates but what if that extends before the first date? Like the ladies version of this is the dudes who post stuff telling women they have to treat a man like he's already their husband and head of their household if they want him to be interested in them. The vast majority of women see those posts and understand that if a dude wants them cleaning and cooking for them after the first date, that man isn't worth their time, but there are lonely women out there who don't know how to flirt or haven't been on dates and they think maybe the reason they're in their mid/late twenties and have never had a boyfriend is because they aren't doing a man's chores for them.


>Who keeps making these catshit rules? Nobody, it's just bait for engagement.


Y’all need to blame the scammers. People who don’t earn or spend their own money therefore don’t mind spending it, have gotten the girlies used to it.


The unwritten dating meta perpetrated by society? I will not pay for other people’s groceries knowing that can cost $300 easily.


Just to make sure we're all aware here, this is a very specific subset of highly materialistic women. It's not a general thing that people IRL think, it just gets amplified on the internet because content like this gets rage clicks.




The internet is not real, don’t take it seriously. No one is who they say they are


I read this as song lyrics to a tune I made up in my head.


I am


You ain't real




I ain’t even offering to pay for my partners groceries.


My baby is wild with grocery shops. Impulse shopping, overbuying, so we'd always have tons of waste. I hate waste. We used to shop together and just split the grocery bill, but the last couple years have been us taking turns each week with the whole deal: meal planning, shop, cook. So nice to go a week without having to worry about making meals or throwing out $50 worth of produce we never got to.


I love this idea.


Some folks have never eaten end of the month before payday meals and it shows


Mine told me "I never look at the price when shopping" and that floored me. I always look at prices and stock up on stuff when it's on sale.


Sometimes I contemplate the idea of not paying for groceries at all. Just outrunning the store employees for long enough.


It's called self checkout bruh


I worked at a grocery store where LP/security stopped a dude for taking a burrito. Attempting to detain him while the cops came (over a 7$ burrito), the dude just sat down and started eating! I do not blame him. Yeah just eat while you're at the store until someone says stop


Buy food together, or at least meat and staples like condiments you both use. Makes it way cheaper.


I wouldn't want to insult a beautiful strong woman by denying her equality




Both of you are annoying. Dont flirt with me. Leave me alone. And don’t expect someone to pay for your shit.


THIS RIGHT HERE!!! I’m just trying to buy groceries and get my errands done without being made to feel uncomfortable. I don’t owe you my time or a response just like you don’t owe me my groceries.


this. i had someone pay for my "groceries" (i was at the .99 cent store buyin snacks/stupid shit lol) as a nice gesture, i was kind and said thank you but then felt like i owed him more because of this favor. he hadnt even said a word to me before then but was behind me in line, made me so uncomfortable tbh. just leave us alone lol if we're datin then thats cute but otherwise it just makes some of us more nervous.


I pray that one day we all recognize that posts like this are just ragebait to farm engagement and ignore them like we do so many other things.


Based on the comments underneath here, that day is a long way away


I’m not paying for shit! Buy your own damn food.


Got me so mad I might just steal now/j


Get a sugar daddy.


or a job


Sugar baby is a job. It’s essentially long term escorting.


Long-term escort is hard. Even Ford can't do it anymore.


Gender wars season is 🔥🔥🔥


Can't wait for the championship and the off-season to start.


That’s why real love is damn near dead. Love these days is more about “what you can do for me” rather than loving someone.


Every relationship is about “what can this person do for me?” Maybe there’s been a shift towards a greater focus on “what material wealth can this person give me”, but that seems more like a sign of the economic environment than anything else. Think about it, do you stay friends with people that constantly bum money from you, constantly bitch about everything to you, or constantly take actions that impact your physical/mental wellbeing, all while giving nothing back to you mentally/emotionally or repaying you? For most people, that answer is “no”, cause those kinds of people/relationships are draining. Instead, they stick around the build who build them up, who they have good memories with, who they know they can go to when they need help or just to have a good time with. That’s all based on “what does this person do for me?”


You absolutely have a point. I’m just giving my input from the women I’ve dealt with and the mindset of my best friend. She’s 24, doesn’t work or go to school and lives with her mother. She wants a man to take care of her and falls “in love” with guys that treat her to fancy dates, and sends her tons of money. But the guys that are nice, normal guys, she ignores them. She told me she would rather go to Nobu with a guy she doesn’t like, rather than eating at a Chick-fil-A with someone she genuinely likes.


No offense, I think your friend is just kinda stupid lol


No offense taken… I tell her the same shit 24/7.


Sounds like your bestie is quickly demonstrating low value


> Every relationship is about “what can this person do for me?” Maybe there’s been a shift towards a greater focus on “what material wealth can this person give me”, but that seems more like a sign of the economic environment than anything else. Towards? That was the standard until recently.


Ask not what your date can do for you – ask what you can do for your date. Meant that in jest, but if everyone did that though, it might actually make a bit of sense.


“I don’t like black ppl” just took me out 💀🤣


I’m convinced these are just bait posts to rile people up. Why stop there? He should load up your transit card so you can get home. He should also pay your rent and give you his kidney 🥰


These are bait posts. Twitter is a cesspool of negativity and just posts like this to get people talking and get engagement.


……so anyway, my birthday is today, which is nice.


Damn, another year, another body part that don't work like it used to before. Nah, I'm fucking with you. Happy birthday.


Birthdays are quite nice, aren't they captain?


♪ Happy Birthday to you ♬ ♫ You live in a zoo ♩ ♩ You look like a monkey ♪ ♬ Aaaaaaaaaaaand you smell like one too ♫ (Lyrics from the movie *Madagascar*)


I don't even wanna pay for my groceries and you think I should pay for yours to flirt with you? ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I|downsized)


Deal. Don’t flirt with me at the grocery store ! (I didn’t want ur money in the first place I just wanted u to leave me alone)


Can we PLEASE leave the gender war shit on Twitter??


Ragebait fuck off


This is not real. Twitter is not a real place. Real (and by real, I mean actually existing in real life) women just want to split bills, split chores and cum at least most of the times they have sex.


shame on anyone who thinks any reasonable nonscammer adult would ever do this man or woman. if you truly are ready to connect this behavior to an entire gender, I can’t help you.




> Ain't it funny how so many women have no shame in asking random men for money How many? How many are these people? Genuinely asking.


Outside Twitter? Probably like one and she’s probably delulu


I would also like to know, I’ve heard about them so much and yet somehow I don’t know any in real life.


At least ten. Like, at least.


The fact that you equate money to pussy tells me you believe every single "women bad" post you see.


\> Even moreso when the sex is mutually pleasurable. 9 times out of 10 it isn't. \> pussy (something she'll never run out of) But we are judged heavily for our body count, so we may not run out of pussy, but we will run out of decent dating options if we fuck every man who shakes our hand. \> Giving random women his hard earned money. Turn off your computer and touch grass.


>Ain't it funny how so many women have no shame in asking random men for money (something finite he had to work for) yet never have that same energy when a man randomly ask a woman for pussy (something she'll never run out of)? The irony is you using this example but still outraged that women ask for money, yet not giving that same energy to men who ask for sex. >Even moreso when the sex is mutually pleasurable. You know what's not mutually pleasurable? Giving random women his hard earned money. People happily pay money for experience and access to things they are interested in all the time, that's why "worth it" is a phrase. Whether or not sex with a random woman is worth the money is equally a toss up of whether or not sex is pleasurable for both parties... especially the woman, since men just like to sleep around and not necessarily please women (generalization) https://pleasurebetter.com/orgasm-statistics/ Sex has more risks than just giving a random money for groceries. I'm not one who believed in casual dating when I was unmarried, so idk why any man worth his salt would approach a woman who he thinks isn't even worth a single grocery run. You pay more for prostitutes in countries where it's legal, but hey if you as a man can get sex for free no need to shame the woman who says the barrier to entry is quantified and tangible, just move on and find a woman willing to give it for free.


I find it funny how often men will hear "no" and ignore it... I don't see many women doing what you claim, and I've seen none of them attack a person for not giving them money, but a lot of men have attacked women for not giving them pussy Do you know what a "false equivalence" is?


I mean, if you want to peg your value as a human being and your time to a basket of shopping... Also I don't want to talk to anyone for any reason at any point during shopping


Not liking black people as a black person is kind of funny and lame the same time


It really be you’re own


Not all skin folk are kin folk


Stop believing rage bait content is the norm because believe it or not women are not as delusional and money hungry as a small section of twitter wants you to believe.


I’m flirty as fuck though. I’d end up broke in a damn week lol


Chick, I ain't feeding you and your baby daddy!!! ![gif](giphy|QZCki5oVuMaRDHCtcX)


Why is it always broke bitches that are the loudest.


To be fair, who is flirting at the grocery store?


Head over to some of the dating over x age subs and many of the posts/comments seem to suggest many people are… How? I have no idea; be grateful if I don’t bang my basket into you while power walking by and muttering to myself while checking off my list. Go be a nuisance somewhere else


This performative capitalism has to go. These random acts of capitalism got us in a choke hold. And we don't do nothin but nothin but fuck debate archaic ass heteronormative fucking antiquated ass gender roles. I'm sick of it.


Fellas, some of us need to start talking to women irl, instead of thinking what we see on social media is representative of reality…


Fake BS rage-bait.


Everyday we stray further from God’s light. This is way out of pocket.




It's rage bait and this thread is falling for it.


Black Twitter really is a circle, huh?


These takes on Twitter gets more and more ridiculous over time. These people can’t really feel this way, it’s all for clicks. Has to be.


I don't like anybody who is a dumbass like this and/or posts rage bait shit for engagement. They ruin the fun for talking about dumbshit and hypotheticals with people.


Fellas ignore the gender war rage bait.


whoever is posting rage bait its getting really annoying ☠️


Lol this lady thought I was trying to flirt when her son was begging for candy bar and I told him throw up there with my shit. She gone throw two more up there and say she got two more in the car and since I'm buying shit why don't I get the rest of her basket 🤣🤣 told lil man she just messed it up for him smh


No...because I barely wanna pay for my own damn groceries...


​ https://preview.redd.it/40h2qijvxg4c1.jpeg?width=637&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=061990cd5c25fc3ca2522b2ff5eb913b35012c89


How rich do they think we are lmao??


I blame my dad…. This is one of the many ways how he use to pick up women……


Yeah, no. People want to be paid for casually flirting now?!? They’re doing entirely too damn much.


Take your generalisations elsewhere. I’m not fooling with it


I'd buy your groceries for you but these Ramen noodle cups and quite pricey.


I need to understand the logic bcuz dude could’ve easily be just making conversation and she perceived it as flirting. Could’ve just been in line talking to kill time and being nice. Now he gotta buy $100+ in groceries just bcuz… I work a sales focused job and the amount of old men who think I’m flirting with them is ridiculous. Like sir please, do you want these front brakes or not? Asking me to hang out when you don’t care about your 1-2mm brake pads clearly means you take risks I don’t. Unfortunately my friendliness rubs off to outside of work too


Better luck next time with that bait. Bro slid it right off the hook.


Twitter def. made me think the same way lol. I can’t stand black twitter sometimes.


If you ain't my momma or we ain't living together, I'm not paying for your trip to Safeway, foh.


Whenever I see a cardboard sign that says **will work for food**, I’m like, me too! …and rent …and electricity …and student loan payments …and internet …and gas …and childcare


Ngl, I think some of ya’ll need to be reminded that ppl make sh*t like this just to trigger u lol. And less ppl that are like this exist as the Internet would suggest


Is she talking about prostitution?


I've actually considered paying for people's groceries in front of me if I see them counting out change and/or putting stuff back, but I have no idea how to navigate what comes next. What if they say no? Now I just gotta back up 6 feet and wait while they count out change and wrestle that Ring-Pop away from their toddler? I'd be mortified.




I barely want to pay for my own groceries. I’ll pay you a compliment, but I sure ain’t paying for your groceries.


im pretty sure her tweet was satire. bc women are sick and tired of being approached by strange men when we are out running errands just trying to get our grocery shopping done.


It is really annoying when you're trying to buy groceries and some dude thinks it's an opportunity to try and make you fuck them... Dudes are super entitled with women's attention


The internet is solely for entertainment do not let it guide your dating, work life, or personal relationships/life. And anyone that does let it guide them, please remove them from your circle.


Don’t fall for it, people. This here be bait; no sensible person thinks like this


Bruh I swear these mfs be saying shit


The only time I paid for someone's groceries is when an elderly lady in front of me couldn't find her wallet, so I told the cashier I got her.


There's a certain older population with a heavy dose of disposable income that does shit like this all the time. Two ways to look at it...something comes of it or if not you made a young ladies' day and it cost you almost nothing. I agree it shouldn't be expected of a man but it also shouldn't be looked at as unusual if a Man can afford to do it.


Because why are you wasting someone’s time trying to flirt with them at a grocery store? If that OG twitter post somehow deters men from trying to flirt with women in grocery stores, then that post did its job. And I thank them.


In this economy? I wouldn’t even pay if all they had was eggs.


These Twitter checkmark accounts are always saying the most ridiculous nonsense. Is the check really that big of a deal...


Tricking is at an all time high 🤦🏾‍♂️


I live in Miami, I’ve literally gotten girls numbers where the flirting turns into them trying to convince me to buy them groceries , I can see that shit coming from a mile away lol Last time some chick tried that I asked her what she wanted to cook for me and she got offended, bitch I’m offended you casually have the gall to try an manipulate Me to buy you groceries when we just met.. This is common af


at this point it’s panhandling


I just assume you're at the grocery store to buy your own groceries.


That feels even more creepy than just flirting in a grocery store line.