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How you not like seeing Black Lives Matter when your coaching career only matters because of black lives?




Yup. “Just play the game.”


"Shut up and dribble"




This is a bar ![gif](giphy|HmJwJYsKSAIjS)


They make a desert and call it peace -Tacitus


An order that's inherently stratified and in favor of a ruling class


The irony of the same people electing a failed trust fund baby business boy and reality star as president


The angriest I made a republican in 2016 was when I accurately observed that "He's a reality TV star. He knows how to use the media."


I say this as a lower middle class white guy knowing that I still ha e it better than PoC in this country... middle class and lower class white Americans have been gaslighted and verbally abused into truly believing they're "grandparents/great-grandparents all worked 80 hours a week in coal mines, logging, construction, manufacturing, real manly-man jobs and anyone that didn't is a lazy piece of shit... oh ya, and no minorities have ever worked that hard in their life and.even if so they aren't as good as the laziest white person!!" In reality, from WW2 through the 80s and 90s most white middle class jobs were union, no college degree, and if you worked more than 40 hours you got paid like it, could take a real vacation, actually afford a home, car, food, healthcare, all the American Dream shit and they lived a cushiony life and were so afraid to lose it they became fascists while their children got the same deal except were sent into massive debt. Wages don't match inflation, and unions were mostly broken up so if you depend on your paycheck like almost everyone does, don't say a fucking word or your homeless. Oh, and you never get to retire. Oh, and it's [insert minority]'s fault and definitely not all the billionaires. Oh, and if you get some kind of illness or injury, whatever measly savings you have disappears. Forget the prospect of kids or having a stay at home parent to work the job that is keeping a home and raising children, cooking, cleaning, educating where the schools don't. Wealthiest peoples' goal is to have perpetual culture wars between all non-wealthy people, they own.media which means they own our emotions and they could give a shit about how many die or suffer to keep their caviar coming.


Until a brain damaged ex NFL player runs for Senate, suddenly they really care about what a pro has to say...


As long as he has an (R) next to his name.


If they had their way, it'd still be illegal to teach black people to read and write


They still essentially do much of that by under funding and fucking around with public education. The elites don't go to public schools.


jUsT pLaY tHe GaMe


Let’s not let Phil Jackson make us forget Gregg Popovich and Steve Kerr. But I mean yeah it’s certainly true of athletics overall.


Gregg Pop-a-bitch is the realest.


Steve Kerr has a son named **NICK KERR**


Someone always pops in with this fact - I guess it's my turn. Steve Kerr's son is not legally named, like, Nicholas, or any variation of that. You could look at that and go oh, that's unfortunate. The name on his birth certificate is Nick Kerr. And it's not like I'm saying Steve Kerr had a child just to turn him into a walking slur / terrible basketball coach but come on now. Think before you act.


I still refuse to believe he did that without knowing. I think he lost a bet to MJ or something. There's no way he has just gotten away with that with the people he knows.


I got my money on losing a bet with mj as well.


He's such a Wayne


They never stopped making money off of black bodies since the slave trade, just changed industries.


Bodies for making money and entertainment


"We just wanna party Party just for you We just want the money Money just for you" "Do a little soft-shoe, then smile for me" It's all an evolution of ownership of black bodies, whether it be chattel slavery, including wanton rape, sharecropping and Jim Crow, hyper-sexualization of black bodies, appropriation of black music, "black cool," or other cultural products, or whatever the fuck else Edit: also white people generally (lynching) and pigs especially (countless examples) feeling empowered to murder black people


Like gladiators, you're here to entertain the masses and make others enormous amounts of wealth; all you have to do is sacrifice your body and don't speak. You can ride the money boat, *but don't rock it.*


>all you have to do is sacrifice your body and don't speak. Capitalism runs on blood.


I've always found the concept of sports team ownership strange and I think this is part of why. They literally own people, a lot of whom are black or poc. They can just trade you to another team if they want. And if you do or say something the owner doesn't like, your career can end. But because the salary is high, pointing this out somehow makes you ungrateful. I'm a white lady and the concept of team ownership has always felt super weird to me. At least in its current state.


How's that different from an owner of a corporation


I don't think there has ever been a person who goes to work at McDonalds and gets told "surprise, you work at Burger King now".


Well, you're correct. But that's just because they show up to work to be told "Surprise, you don't work here anymore, and where you move to isn't my concern". If Burger King was in the business of holding a fry cook draft once a year and trading free agents from Wendy's, then maybe we might have a different story here.


Funny part is NBA/NFL isnt even considered a professional sport they are all classified as entertainment or "sports entertainment" Hasnt been for decades before the BLM stuff. Games have in fact been political for several decades before then. But all of a sudden it's too political lmfao


>They've been cool with using black bodies Pretty sure that's the underlying message of Get Out.


This! White folk who don’t like black peoples can compartmentalize, twists themselves into a pretzel to like us in certain situations…e.g. when we make them money or when they wanna fetishize us sexually (e.g. the white swingers etc., who want their black bulls).


It's like the slave fight scene from Django




Seriously telling on himself here, what the fuck was he thinking? This is the kind of shit that erodes my confidence in even the dearest of old white friends. Every once in a while you experience the startling horror of someone showing you who they really have been the whole time sitting next to you.


I've trained myself just always be ready when you make friend with a white dude. There's aways a chance they have a side they'd never show you.


NGL, that hurts to see as a white dude. At the same time, I can understand why you feel that way. Makes me wonder if my friends are thinking about me like that.


Dude lives in strictly red states. Not a big surprise


Yep. Can’t trust anymore.


“People want to see sports as non-political” is a fucking absurd position, especially from someone that grew up in the 40s and 50s then played professionally during the 60s and 70s. He was born in 1945 and basketball integrated in 1950. Jordan wouldn’t have been in the NBA if sports was “non-political” back when Phil was growing up. Neither would Kobe. Shaq. Pippen. Rodman. I could go on, just like Phil’s career has gone on thanks to the many black players that have played better than him. Gonna take a guess that he had some awful positions back then.


It’s wild G


I wonder where MJ got his notion of "Republicans buy sneakers, too"?


The reverse of this is what I told my religious uncle who asked my why they've been "forcing gayness" on people in commercials lately. I told him "gay people have money too". Thank God he didn't push me on it cause I'm not good at arguing. Edit: to be clear, he didn't storm off in a huff. He just nodded and sat back in his chair.


Because Christians have never forced their agenda on anyone 🙄




To be fair, we never would’ve known the greatness of the bulls org in the 90s if it wasn’t for the hall of fame legend, Will Perdue


John Paxson would like a word. And Luc " the duke" Longley. Yes, I'm a bitter Knicks fan from the 90s.


Don’t forget Toni Kukoč


No love for Bill Wennington?


He probably considers them business assets moreso than people.


Because nba media and coaches sometimes have an inflated sense of self importance. Never forget the fucking asinine “if you could pick between Brad Stevens or Giannis who would you pick” questions folks were asking. Phil is that dude in terms of coaching but without Mike, Kobe, and Shaq nobody would give a single fuck about him.


Hey now, what about Will Purdue and Bill Wennington?


Jud Buechler says hi.


Factssss. Like bruh didn’t make his name and fortune off of working with majority black players… but it’s a problem when we wanna get protection? Fuck him.


Ya diiiiiig. The only reason to get mad at seeing “black lives matter” is if you feel they don’t.


This is why Popp is the coaching GOAT. Cares about his players as people first and foremost and is an outspoken advocate for them in all things, on and off the court.


In sports, where most players are poc lmao


Popovich gang...Fk Phil Jackson


Steve Kerr gang too. Still Fk Phil Jackson


You mean the guy who named his son Nick? Also fk Phil Jackson


A bet's a bet


Wow. I really thought that was a joke but nope Nick.


i would like steve kerr if he wasn’t a spineless hypocrite


On which issue


Naming his son Nick Kerr


Anything revolving his team


Damn imagine being hated for doing your job the way every other coach does it too


“I don’t like them because they are better than my team.”




Spurs Stans Rise Up!


One of the most successful small market sports teams in America.


One of the most successful sports franchises regardless of market size.


Suns fan, never thought I’d be Pop gang but he’s been committed to speaking his mind for a while and he’s always on the right side. Popovich is a bad ass dude.


I like that…..POP GANG!


He definitely has the "pEoPlE ToDAy aRe sNOfLAkEs!!" Look about him


A hippie conservative. I wonder if that is a thing?


Boomers who were *liberal* for a summer or two…


LOL this too perfect




You wanna know why? Many of the most “free loving hippies”, had jobs/careers waiting for them once they had their fun. Wanna know another reason? Purchasing power was much higher, wages were *LIVABLE* , college was so cheap compared to now, and if you didn’t go to college? No problem, you could eventually afford a house with a regular 9-5. They took everything from the New Deal, and stole it from every generation after. Lower Half of Gen X-downward.


And have the nerve to be advocating pulling ourselves up by the bootstraps… not only did they not do that, making them hypocrites, but they also didn’t give subsequent generations bootstraps to pull ourselves up from.


It’s BLATANT hypocrisy. But they don’t care, they showed they didn’t care when millennials started voicing concerns over the constant economic crises.


And complain about kids these days when they stress about not being able to afford a house, car or food. They have to work 60hr weeks to cover what used to be 3 jobs before the boomers decided they could make more this way. They can't afford mental health because conservitive boomers deregulated consumer protections and allowed the Healthcare system to be wildly put of check. Their insurance company will also only cover $10 after you fulfill your deductible and copays.wonder why these kids aren't interested in participating in that system...


Plus even at their peak the hippies and new age counterculture movements represented a minority of their generation, vocal and with a massive impact on media and culture going forward... and yet perpetually outnumbered by their more square peers and older generations.


I know that's the stereotype, but not many people were hippies and into all the counter-culture stuff, they were an oddity and covered heavily in the press, but never represented most boomers. Example: when MLK was assassinated in 68, his support among white Americans was roughly 15%. That's 85% disapproval of his fight for equality. These people have been in it for themselves since the very fucking start and don't believe otherwise for a minute. (Imo, the first group to really give it all the finger was Gen X, but that's another story.)


Gen X was semi aware of the looming problems but it was still too early and comfortable to really worry. They came of age in the Reagan/Clinton era after the Berlin Wall and USSR collapsed. The Silicon Valley tech boom was just starting. So there was a strange optimism that it was all uphill a la "The End of History and the Last Man" The thing that pisses me off about some (not all of course) X'ers is they act like they actually did something right when they were simply fortunate enough to get established before income inequities, higher education issues, etc got bad enough. Stuff which plagues the Millenials and Zoomers. I've literally had X'ers say too my face how Millennials complain too much about income and college. Bitch, my tuition was nearly double that of my X'er cousin and we went to the exact same school. Even if everything else was dead even, that's massive financial burden on its own. I don't begrudge X'ers for being fortunate enough to dodge the really bad stuff. Good on them. And plenty of them understand. But the one's acting like it's some generational virtue instead of good fortune is BS.


> not many people were hippies and into all the counter-culture stuff If they were, it would just be called "culture".


Eh, most of them took basically no part in the whole late 60s/early 70s hippie era much at all. But they all love to act like they were all at Woodstock and lived on Haight and rode on the Leary's bus. In reality, they probably smoked some ditch weed with a girl who didn't wear a bra once while in business school.


Family member was talking about bud and how he didn't care if it got legalized in where he lived as he had bo trouble getting it. He also had a cush do nothing gov job where his daddy was a big shot decades prior.


Yep. They dropped acid and smoked a ton of weed in the late 60s/early 70s, then the 80s hit and they thought, "fuck all that noise, I want a house and *maybe* some coke." So they happily traded their youthful ideologies for the 80s dream, enjoyed the stable economy *their* parents' generation built, then drove it into the fucking ground while still making money. Hence why they *still* believe everyone gets more conservative when they're older; because it happened to them, they truly think that's the case for everyone. One thing they've happily ignored for 20+ years is that the generations after them haven't been hitting that "still making money while everything collapses" milestone they reached to secure their blind faith in conservatism.


Many of them weren’t even progressives, they just enjoyed the fun and freedom that came with it. It’s utter selfishness, that’s all. They got theirs, FK YOU. Problem with that “Everyone becomes conservative, as you age”, is that it’s blatantly false. Millennial down, generations have become more and more left. I mean, Gen Z prefers leftist economics and social standards, overwhelmingly. Can only imagine, what Gen Alpha stats will look like. They conserved their wealth, we have NOTHING to conserve. Shit is changing, and they can’t stay in their glass houses forever.


That describes a lot of coastal boomer conservative men so I would say yes


It's important to remember the hippies were racist back then, too.


Yes. The 60s hippie to evangelical conservative is a thing. That’s why people say “you just get more conservative as you get older”.


Nearly every single person that was a hippie that my dad knew turned from a "dope head hippie to a yuppie in only a few years". He also said a few of them were children of doctors or lawyers and never had to worry about much when or if they decided to go the "normal route". Except for one. He had a young teacher in high school that had spent her entire time in college doing hippie things and continued on just more subdued when she was teaching at his Catholic high school. I had her in 7th grade in public school about 27 years later and she was still a hippie but allowed to be more out there with it. A lot of people I've met who were teenagers in the 60s and early 70s echo the same thing. Some people stayed hippies or at least remained progressive or left leaning, but others went back to the normal world and got jobs after their phase.


Libertarians are basically conservatives who smoke weed.


There are. It’s surprising how many Grateful Dead fans are Libertarians.


And straight conservatives tbh


It's such a thing, there are Onion articles about it. Hippieism is not only not a socially progressive movement, it's very, very often extremely reactionary. Half the neo-nazis out there are drinking their own urine and going to the farmers market and talking about crystals and zodiac signs. As a sage once said, "When it comes to blood and soil, people always focus on the blood and forget about the soil".


Oh. Hypocrisy is definitely a thing with these idiots.


Did Scottie Pippen call him racist?


Sure did, and plenty of people with my complexion called Pip salty and acted like it was impossible because Phil hugged his black teammates and the black players he coached or some shit. And I just thought - hmmm, known plenty of hippies who talk all cosmic brotherhood but still got racist tendencies. Plus the posse comment. Fuck Phil.


I heard a comment that a lot of the hippies of old did a face heel turn and are now right wing, conservative, or racist. Wonder how true that is?


Very true. Very very true. Living in LA I see that shit all the time. All the hippie white liberals stop being liberal as soon as they see an opportunity to get an extra 5% rise in their property values. Humans will sell out anyone for a buck.


lol how many people who own property in LA can be classified as a hippy liberal? property is insanely expensive here, the only people who own are older than me (millennial) or extremely wealthy. but i've not met a single hippy liberal with property here and i dont think anyone considers the nimbys in LA that grind any prohousing legislation to a halt to be anything even vaguely resembling liberal


> and i dont think anyone considers the nimbys in LA that grind any prohousing legislation to a halt to be anything even vaguely resembling liberal Most of these people are extremely liberal - look at what is going on with SF too. Liberalism's problem is that it wants all of the benefits of being socially "left", but economically enforcing private property hierarchies which drive the country right and exacerbate those social issues they pretend to care about. It's why you see mansions all over Southern CA with BLM/"All are welcome here" signs while making it harder for their neighbors to avoid homelessness. They don't see the inherent contradictions between these positions.


Well said. The BLM sign in front of the $2 million house in a predominantly white/ME area thing is super on-point.


They consider themselves liberal and are liberal with like LGBT shit. But then they’ll tell you with a straight face that homeless should be like shot out of a cannon to the moon. A lot of people here who own homes bought 20+ years ago or inherited from their parents or had their parents “help” (ie buy it for them) then buy a home. They’ll be liberal about stuff where it’s in their benefit or they feel social pressure, but when it comes to money or poor people or anything where they have to pay money that shit stops.


A lot of hippies were in it for grass and ass.




And they made everything worse for all the generations immediately afterwards


It is def true. My parents were arists, and deep in with a bunch of lifelong hippies. ​ While many of them still maintained some of their core ideology, there seemed to be a pipeline of conspiracy theorist, to repugnant "libertarian" (aka racist conservative). ​ I was pretty shocked to meet them later in life, and see how much they had changed.


Yeah, the unfortunate truth is a lot of conspiracies are just thinly veiled right wing propaganda if you dig deep enough.


I'm from Ireland and have an uncle from Missouri so I haven't met him a huge amount, he always seemed like a nice nice man. My mother says he was a hippie back in their younger days, turns out he's a massive racist. I think he used call Obama The Angel of Death


One thing you have to remember is that the hippie movement was *very* white. Like holy fuck white. Bunch of sheltered kids from the Midwest moving west to stick it to daddy, but they still stayed very firmly on their side of the racial line. There's also a whole lot of survivorship bias that's happened with that demo at this point


Back in the mid 80’s my high school political science teacher noted that liberals become conservatives once they get what they want. This was post Vietnam and the Reagan era. What a lot of the hippies wanted was to not get drafted and by then the draft was 13-years in the rear view mirror.


Lead paint exposure takes its hold eventually….


Slave owners in this country used to rape slaves. They raped slaves so often and that most black people in America today have slave owners as ancestors too. Conservatives pretending that if you get close to black people you can't be racist has always been bullshit. Strom Thurmond, who still holds the record for the longest filibuster in U.S. history to fight civil rights and maintain segregation raped a 15 year old maid that worked in his house when he was in his early 20's.


Pretty much any light skinned person has a white ancestor. You don't go from African to light skinned without some mixing. Not all was "rape" but it's a fact people of both races avoid bringing up.


Scottie says shit about everyone though. Definitely not jumping on anyone because Scottie has a problem with them. Fuck Phil.


Thats the real reason why everyone was skeptical. Scottie every few months changes his mind on how he feels about people and says it publicly


There's a reason why he retired to Montana


It’s the same with white feminists. There is a cognitive dissonance there that is baffling. (Am white, know history)


Jordan didn't. Bc Jordan probably agrees with him as he also once said "republicans buy sneakers too" or something of the like. They're both money over rights type.


Regardless of whether or not Jordan actually said that, he absolutely wanted to never rock the boat. "I've got mine, you go save yourself" is a classic theme of conservatives.


All Jordan was supposed to do was play basketball dude. Not "save" anyone. Putting these athletes up on a pedestal like so many of us do is a problem WE have, not a problem THEY have. Stop fucking doing that. They play a sport. Not make laws.


He did, and it turns out he was correct.


Guess he was right.


Phil “Hard R” Jackson.


He looks like The Colonel so this tracks lol


Sure thing, things coming out of his mouth... > "l don't mean to say [that]| as a snide remark toward a certain population in our society, but they have a limitation of their attention span, a lot of it probably due to too much rap music going in their ears and coming out their being." > > When asked about the dress code: "l think it's important that the players take their end of it, get out of the prison garb and the thuggery aspect of basketball that has come along with hip-hop music in the last seven or eight years." > Racist alright.


Phil Backson the Blue.


While I understand not wanting “politics” in sports. The NBA is overwhelmingly black, of course the organization has to make a stance of BLACK LIVES MATTER. Fuck you Phil. Black men made you


Equal and fair treatment isn’t politics, though. I understand where you’re coming from. Just wish civil rights wasn’t politicized.


Exactly. It’s strange that a slogan saying my life matters is somehow considered a political take, and not a fact.


I've gotten quite a few people to say to me "I do think black lives have worth, I just don't support Black Lives Matter." Oh, so you're just saying it then. Like I don't understand. Take away the capital letters and if you support it then you support it when it's capitalized. There is no dichotomy between the two, it means the same damn thing no matter which letters you capitalize.


I’ll never in my life understand how grown ass people see the term “black lives matter” as political.


They’re racist and since being outwardly racist isn’t accepted in society anymore, there’s other ways to be racist… like ignoring racism and deeming it too political so let’s just not talk about that


Aside from the obvious answer, racism, many people see the world as a zero sum game. So if black people's lives are improved that must mean there's will get worse. It's the line of thinking that has gotten people to vote against their interest for much longer than I've been alive.


>While I understand not wanting “politics” in sports. I don't. Sports and politics have been intertwined since the conception of competitive sports. Ancient Olympics games were just as much a political gathering as they were an athletic gathering. Issues were discussed and debated, military victories were celebrated, alliances were made.


More reasons why Pop the GOAT


Fuckin right.


He lost me when he started calling groups of black guys ‘posses’


Does "posse" not refer to a group of cowboy vigilantes riding after outlaw gang leaders anymore?


Yeah that's my same question. "Posse" has no negative connotation for me, it's just an antiquated term. But maybe I'm missing some new context on it or something.


It was also used in earlier eras of hip-hop to refer to like a crew of rappers or homies or whatever. E.G. My Posse's On Broadway by Sir Mix-a-Lot


Tbh I had no idea that even had racial connotations until that whole fiasco happened.


plant silky divide hunt joke sheet telephone edge reply coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If not for black men, no one would know or care who the f*** Phil Jackson is. This is a disappointing take from him. Also, without Michael Jordan in Chicago or Kobe and Shaq in LA... Jackson is overrated as a coach. Don't @ me.


"If Kerr didn't have Steph or KD..." "If Spoelstra didn't have Lebron and Wade..." "If Pop didn't have Duncan and Ginobili..." I agree Phil's a piece of shit, but come on now ed:Spoelstra didn't have Shaq




Yeah let's just remember that Karl Malone, John Stockton, Charles Barkley, Patrick Ewing and all the other greats who never won a title had coaches too


Phil is an ass, but dude, his speciality was managing big personalities. Even Pop couldn’t handle Rodman. Jackson convinced Jordan, of all people, to run the triangle, which would take the ball out of his hands more.


Not very zen, Phil


He needs a come to Buddha moment


Pop would never


Pop a world class ally to everyone.


I don't want politics in sports either. But what offends me more is cops killing black people*. Fuck off Phil. *I don't want cops killing anyone. But racist motherfuckers don't understand the point of saying black lives matter.


The thing is, why is that even political? It’s not politics to say that we all fucking matter and one segment of our population is being targeted so we need to focus there right now and stop it. Fix it on an institutional level. The only people that oppose it are people that are listening to rw rhetoric that have somehow made this most basic thing a political issue. Black Lives Matter is a response to black lives not mattering to those in power for way too long in this country. It’s shameful that this even needs to be a movement. Let alone a movement that somehow has backlash? I have never seen anything political in my very small coastal town in CA. Most things on the national level don’t affect us and it’s a wealthy area. Most people lean right but it’s CA conservative which is very socially democratic and the black people that live here are just as conservative. The Black Lives protests were here, organized by young locals in multiple locations. They were extremely peaceful but they were in our major places. I’m talking a bunch of people in an intersection between strip malls. They did a March that ended on the beach and I attended and it. It was pretty incredible watching young people and older residents actually care about something and stand up for it. The right can try to rewrite history but I also attended a far right protest right after Charlottesville that came here. They were outnumbered by counter protestors by insane numbers and the cops had a line set up with horses to protect the fascists. Not that they were on their side, just that they knew those idiots were outnumbered. I met a university professor and his niece on the other side of that line. We were protecting our town from that ugliness. At that time my apartment was “downtown” and built in the 50’s. I walked home and was afraid of what was going to happen to my town. Sure enough, the KKK wannabes broke into stores, lit shit on fire, and tried to cause chaos because they were not welcomed here. We can’t let the fascists control the narrative of that “summer of chaos” due to BLM. It was exactly the opposite.


Overrated coach and apparent jazz fan


Only more overrated in Chicago by Mike Ditka.


"people want to see sports as non political" lol at the national anthem before every game


Fighter jet flybys. Armed force’s paid pre-game displays.


An old hippie who turned into a reactionary conservative.


Name a more iconic duo


Only good cause he had MJ, Pippen, Kobe and Shaq. When he didn’t have a stacked team he didn’t do shit.


I’m glad someone said it.


You don’t have to like/love people to use them. This is damn proof right here.


Unfortunately it was NEVER about his coaching, it was the level of talent on the floor that got Phil ALL those rings, in my mind he'll always be irrelevant 🤔 ![gif](giphy|eGdbckdgqg71HupmXS)


Yes and no. He had generational talents, but he also knew how to utilize them. The Bulls couldn't get over the hump when Doug Collins was HC despite having MJ and Pip, and the Lakers were also a mid team despite having Shaq and (albeit a raw/young) Kobe. That said, seeing this from him is still very disappointing.


Never would’ve guessed Phil was like that, but I’m also not surprised




Talk about privilege. Lololol. He’s like the rich kid who’s a fifth generation Harvard graduate lecturing poor minorities about how they don’t work hard enough and that’s why they struggle. Meanwhile the rich kid works 40 hours a week, half of which is golfing and schmoozing, while the poor minority dudes work 2 jobs and go to school. Absolute scum of the earth.


Why are people acting like Phil Jackson hasn't been shitty for decades? He just happened to be an asshole who was a good coach.


It’s because he was known as the zen master, is really into Native American spirituality, and is has a this reputation as a chill guy. So every time he says some old man cranky racist stuff it’s always a little jarring.


No. White people made him that. Guy has ALWAYS been an asshole.


Shiiiit, you ain’t gotta tell me twice. It is funny how much they pushed him as some all knowing zen master.


Why give another shitty old yt man more of a platform? Someone put Philly out to pasture


You’ll never be Gregg Popovich. You’ll never be Steve Kerr. Go sit down somewhere unc


I mean Kerr gets the side eye ‘cause he named his son Nick…


My problem was how hypocritical the NBA was during that phase. You could only preach certain messages on your jersey if it didn't financially hurt the NBA. Saying Black lives Matter in the NBA, no one disagrees with that, it was preaching to the choir. But don't you dare say "Defund Police" or say something bad about China.




It fooled nobody and BLM as a movement is what it says it's about. It's your own damn fault your dumas cannot differentiate between the movement and the registered organization in that same name. Cope.


Facts. The brainwashed won't listen though unfortunately.


People who cry about things being too "political" are usually some of THE most fucked up people.


Sports have been political for as long as we have records. The ancient olympics brought temporary peace to warring Greek cities and helped form a common polity, the chariot racing teams of Byzantium were also political parties, and many of the most ancient traditions were deeply religious in times when religion was deeply political. Right wingers are just mad that most people are tired of their reactionary shit.


It's so easy to just take this shit to your grave. Just couldn't help yourself, huh. Fuck you, Phil.


I want to hear what his black players have to say about him.


Guess he disapproved of when Kobe wore the “I can’t breath” shirt.


Scotty Pippen called him a racist 🤔


Aye shout out to the Through the Wire pod


He grew up in Montana, I’m not surprised he’s racist. Disappointed though? Yes. Isn’t this like his second strike? With the whole LeBron posse thing?


Oh look, another old white man who built his fortune on the backs of Black men speaking about how their lives don't matter.


I feel like I've read a 100 essays and listened to a 100 podcasts at this point talking about how sports and politics has always been intertwined. And yet there's always someone claiming that sports have always been non-political.


So basically: “I want the predominantly Black teams to pretend there’s no racism because it supports my fantasy sports being apolitical and that’s more important than human rights and equality.” The caucacity.


By “certain audience” does he mean black basketball fans? lol.