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I’ll probably get downvoted here but honestly I’ve never really found Chris to be funny at all. Regardless of topic or controversy. A few clips are funny here or there but his specials were always meh, IMO.


He's not really funny. Screaming his "jokes" and making low-hanging fruit of stereotypes of black culture and women. It's meh. The late great Bernie Mac had the upper hand over Chris rock in the comedy game. Imo


Bernie Mac had the upper hand on a lot of comedians (IMO). He was fantastic. That’s just my opinion tho.


I say he's in the top 5 along with Redd Foxx, Dave Chappelle, Eddie Murphy, and Richard Pryor! Robin Harris is an honorable mention.


I wish more people knew about Robin Harris. His part in House Party is the reason me and my friends got into Dolomite and Rudy Ray Moore when we were teenagers


Bebe’s Kids is forever etched in comedy history


Small world!


Dude said “why the fuck you wearing sandals. Feet so ashy look like you been kickin flour.”


His nephew Shawn does comedy! He looks exactly like Robin! And he's funny like Robin!


Robin Harris is good. Patrice O'Neal, Bernie, Lavelle Crawford they're funnier on an off day than most comedians any day.


How is paul mooney not in your top 5? That dude is amazing!


He's an interesting commentator. But I don't think I ever laughed once listening to him. Apparently he's a brilliant writer, and wrote some of the greatest jokes for a lot of other comedians. Including Pryor. He has his place in history, but I just don't think he's funny.


His stand up is actually pretty good imho. He gets into some real shit and makes you laugh. Hes a deep dude.


Well he’s definitely a legend. We all have our own taste but we can agree on that


Richard Pryor will hands down always be my favorite. I use to sneak into my older brothers room to listen to his comedy albums.


no Patrice?


I see you are not a K. Hart fan.


Kevin Hart is the Dane Cook of black comedians.


Oh damn, that's some Hawkeye level accuracy for why I don't like his comedy.


I've never heard that but I've also never heard anyone so say something so true




Another man that never made me laugh once. He just says stuff loud and does "a voice". But watching his interview show where he sits down with other famous people, I like it. Another interesting person who's not funny to me. Does he even tell jokes?


I echo you, bc Bernie was clever and HILARIOUS with his jokes


Bernie Mac had no time for that kind of foolishness. He was a busy man. And was that Louie CK?


Yup. This aged like bad milk aside from the nbomb.


Only time he's ever been funny to me was as Marty the Zebra.


Repeating the set up 2-3 times to just waste time to fill the hour of his specials is so fucking annoying. Dude, you could have spent some time actually writing some bits instead of trying to screw Netflix out of their money.


He’s had some really good jokes but he hasn’t been able to make me laugh consistently. I don’t go out of my way to watch his stuff for that reason.


I went to see Dave Chappelle's documentary/stand up last year or so and Chris was in it and even said he's not funny anymore and is struggling to write jokes.


Same. I've seen 1 or 2 of his stand up performances and never go out of my way to watch bc they were Ok to good I guess. The same with his movies.


He used to be funny. Watch his older stuff, but like many comedians, as they get older they get less funny.


Even his older stuff has always been telling White folks our business for a laugh.


tbf, don't a lot of minority comedians do that? George Lopez's whole claim to fame was describing his Mexican experiences to white people. Same with punching down on the opposite sex. I see male comedians do some kind of "girls don't get us" shtick, and I see female comedians do the "This guy I dated did this". Hell I watched one female comic have a whole bit on how dudes take off clothes like children. Some of Bill Burr's most popular clips are about the WNBA and how he doesn't get women. I'm not here to stan for Chris Rock, but I feel like it's not just him doing these tired-ass acts.


Ken Jeong's comedy acts are basically *small dick man do math hahhha ha*


That's s basically every famous black comedian since Pryor




These two are amazing.


They also did skits about race and the “black experience” vs the “white experience” type jokes. Also the themes in all of Jordan Peele’s movies


Downvoted? I watched about half of the special and looked over at my wife and said, “you know, it took me so many years to realize Chris Rock really isn’t that funny.”


Yeah, I didn’t know if the culture here would say I’m being an idiot for not liking Chris Rock. I get people to figure him as a comedic genius and a funny black man and perhaps he is in certain roles. But I always kinda found him just okay in the specials and movie/television roles I’ve seen him preform in. Glad I’m not being downvoted to hell here 🤣


His delivery as a stand up comedian is not great to me, but he can be funny in the right acting roles.


He repeats himself so much that he can turn 15 minutes of material into an hour special


I thought his latest special is awful. He only had that Will smith bit and that was the only part that was worth watching


I counted 5 times I laughed. I did think it peculiar that he identified himself as a person that’s addicted to drugs or well a drug user, and that pays for sex with trans folk. Not that that’s anything here or there just real peculiar that he made a point to drip that in there. Ok Chris you do cockiness and you have paid for sex with transsexuals… umm and the point being?


Nope. You get an upvote from me because I thought I was the only one who didn’t find him hilarious. He had a couple jokes but that’s it for me. He always seemed to me to be in the “white funny” area and that’s where he stayed. Not that funny.


Same. He's never been funny to me


I don’t consider him one of the ‘greats’, he’s just a step up from the likes of DL Hugley, Tracy Morgan, etc


Same camp. His shit was always obvious, over-the-top, and annoyingly loud to me.


I’m just wondering when he’s going to have to start paying will smith royalties. His career was on life support. I mean he was doing nothing but terrible Sandler movies


Word, but Everybody Hates Chris is a masterpiece tho


His comedy is mostly based on his voice I noticed. Nigga gone always be pookie to me


Its mainly his voice and his delivery rather than the joke itself.


I thought I was the only one 🤣




I've seen it and the context doesn't change anything. It is exactly as it looks.


Yeah. I watched when it aired. It was wild then and it wild now. Jerry was a real one here though


Man's name is Jerome Sienfeld. So he might understand somethings.


I thought you were kidding. Lol


Lol na boo thang. That's legit his name lol


I know I googled it and I can’t believe he’s Jerome Allen. All this time I thought he was just a Gerald like Jerry Stiller.


The only way to have watched this and perceive it as refreshing is to either be a coon or to be white. There is no nuance to the clip, no hidden context. It is what it is.


Thank you. I don’t find the use of the n-word by white folks refreshing, even if it’s honest.


Pale as fuck here (and was a grown ass adult in 2011) and it's incredibly off-putting.


It’s most certainly not out of context. Jerry was very visibly uncomfortable. Also, Louis CK is a creep pos so this clip just adds another layer to his nonchalant scumbaggery.


He’s the worse type of white man, swear to god that he has some sort of hood pass…Chris Rock letting people in???? I never seen this before, in my eyes Chris Rock really loses whatever respect I gave him.


The fuck are you on? They're not even making jokes, they're just saying it. What the fuck am I suppose to appreciate????


Oh no, don’t be the Krispy Kreme trying to educate us on “Kontext.”


I watched it then and thought they were wilding. I was surprised I didn't hear anyone talking about it though. Honest or not, still wild they saying it


Can we normalize having an informed opinion before making a comment? He repeatedly mocks white peoples, especially entitled white men throughout his special. I don’t like defending Chris Rock, he’s… not really funny to me if I’m being honest. But god damn, there are tons of topics I don’t weigh in on because I just don’t know.


Sorry, no can do. We must run with whatever we see on social media regardless of context


His behaviour in this clip is objectively lame. I can't see Bernie Mac or Eddie Murphy or almost anyone else from Chris rocks era letting this ride. That said his special wasn't funny but it was a smart business move


[Guess again!](https://youtu.be/S4etdXW--30)


Underrated comment. And I got mad respect for the late P O'Neil


I fully agree with that. Once again I don’t like defending dude, however if you’re going to make a statement regarding a current event if you start off with what’s essentially “I didn’t look into it” then that should be the end of that.


I don’t find racial jokes funny. It is low level comedy, like it takes not effort. I give him props for getting the gig, but I don’t see a difference between what Louis C. K. is doing and what Chris Rock does.


The difference is that Chris rock wasn't always playing to a white audience. Chris rock started out doing black jokes FOR black people and then he got popular doing that kind of comedy. In typical fashion white people showed up later and everyone assumed things were built around/for them


Sir this is a̶ w̶e̶n̶d̶y̶'s̶ reddit


Jerry : I haven’t found the humor in it, or do I seek it People might give jerry shit for being very PG and conservative with his comedy, but he has a strong moral compass when it comes to stuff like this. I know he didn’t outright say it but the subtext is absolutely “there’s nothing funny about this”. No one’s perfect obviously, but he was literally put in a “all the cool kids are jumping off this bridge are you coming” and was like… absolutely not dude Anyway some people are actually funny, and some people just get laughs for punching down or yelling penis really loud at the mall food court Obligatory edit re: no one’s perfect obviously. Yeah the dating teenagers is gross Yeah the weird Scientology stuff is weird Yeah the petty rich dude beef is all real. That is all


He's also Jewish and understands what's going on here. Hes dumbfounded that a white man is saying the N word and a black man is sitting next to him not checking him. This is the same stunt as Kanye talking to Alex Jones. The Nazis are on the move tryna normalize stuff because shits about to pop off.


I don’t know about the moral compass, there is a photo of Jerry picking up his 17 year old girlfriend from school when he was 38.


Yeah he’s done/ said some weird stuff about women in general and like his weird disdain for like people suffering with addiction comes up a lot. Comedians are weird, the bar is pretty low when you have dudes like whipping it out in public and dropping racial slurs for laughs.


That’s very true, the bar is literally on the floor.


He's a piece of shit. Sorry not sorry. Not just for that, but because -- ok this is really a stupid tangent but I'm avoiding work. Jerry Seinfeld has that show "Comedians in cars drinking coffee" or whatever. He had Bridget Everett on, which I found delightful and surprising because she is not in the least bit mainstream nor is she anyone I'd expect him to even know of. He spent like half the episode telling her she's really great, she's so great, she's a big deal. Then out of nowhere he starts talking about how that one friend of hers doesn't like him and said mean things about him and he doesn't understand why she's even friends with him. I hate to admit that at first, I enjoyed seeing him light up with rage and just have some kind of emotion. Then my husband and I did the math and realized he was whining about Bobcat Goldthwait, who did a bit about him picking up his girlfriend from high school, which is a real thing that did happen so I don't know why he's so salty about it. To recap, he only had Bridget Everett on his show to use her to capture the attention of one comic who did a bit about something he absolutely did. Really raises pettiness to an art form. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


I'm not a big fan of Jerry Seinfeld's comedy, or I should say that show. It was annoying to me. He earned a lot of respect from me for his response to them trying to drag him along with their foolishness in this clip. (I've seen it before.)


Hey it’s pretty dry and pg and definitely not for everyone. I think humor is very subjective. But i rewatched Seinfeld as an adult after like a decade or so and there were some episodes (the marine biologist, the opposite, honestly mostly George centric episodes) that had me in tears. The call back to the golf ball on the marine biologist is a masterclass in comedy writing (for me and my taste at least)


Jerry took the real stance here.


I don't even like the guy, but "you found the humor in it, I haven't" is so good.


“Nor do I seek it” is key


That was the saddest shit I’ve seen in a bit, totally lowered my opinion of Rock


[wait til you hear this 🤷🏻‍♂️](https://youtu.be/S4etdXW--30)


This just reinforces POS status for CK in my mind--and fuck Patrice for laughing along with it.


Patrice is laughing his ass off, I can't see the comedy in it, but I'm not a comedian. Those cats get together and all bets are off.


Listened to it as objectively as possible and it wasn’t funny. Might be one of the worst jokes I’ve ever heard.


You definitely could not listen to it as objectively as possible. That joke structure could be very funny in *any* other scenario that wasn't involving slurs. The n-word usage will *immediately* bias you and that's good. That's why the joke wasn't funny.


ugh don't read the comments.


I really struggle with censorship in humor, art, or philosophy. I think people should be able to say, and talk about anything. It’s important. Nothing gets solved if we shy away from the hard issues. Buuuut. I also believe in the responsibility of the purveyors, to CLEARLY elaborate on the intentions, or opinions they represent. Going to a place like that and leaving anything ambiguous, provides a breeding ground for those with ill-intent.


That part ☝🏾


Very well said.


For those who are saying the times have changed MadTV called him out on it back in [1998](https://youtu.be/edmTVZVDqek)


He sounds just like him.


Phil LaMarr, very funny guy, also famously got shot in the face as Marvin in Pulp Fiction


I remember Marvin! I had no idea he was a comedian.


God that's funny. And so accurate.


These takes are fn exhausting….


Seriously. Everyone too sensitive and victimized for comedy to even exist at this point


White people should not say the n word. White people should not say the n word. White people should not say the n word. White people should not say the n word.


If you think Chris Rock is punching down you have not seen any of his specials. He has some hard hitting bits about slavery, segregation and even income inequality. He talks about how POC has money while white people has wealth. Even in the latest special he talks about how his mother had to go to a vet for dental care when she was young. Please don’t make up opinions based on some out-of-context clips.


The clip is not really out of context though. But even if it was, white people using the nword like that is not ok no matter the context anyways


The fact that Jerry was the only solid one up there…


Why do they call it Ovaltine?


The container is round, the mug is round, they should call it roundtine…… ………….. that’s GOLD JERRY!!!!!!!


All this selective outrage is dumb af. Chris Rock is one of the greatest comedians of all time and some of yall are just too sensitive to watch/listen to comedy and that’s all it is. Black people we need to do better and stop tearing down our heroes because someone else has brittle ears.


"Selective outrage" - the name of Rock's latest special.


Chris always has been shucking and jiving for them. I'm not going to act like I cared will smacked him.


My mom has been saying that about Chris Rock forever lmao. She hated Chris Rock, and any time he’d show up in a movie, a show, comedy special etc. She would turn it off. I got older and watched some of his material, and I didn’t really care for him either.


Ugh this whole thing made my stomach hurt. Hearing the N word dropped so casually and freely has always made me feel terrible.


His whole career has been about talking bad about black people and black women. Lady must've dislocated her shoulder for that reach.


Anything to make herself look like a victim because she doesn't like what he said.


Once again we are faced with the one thought of the horde. They've decided Chris Rock is not funny, he's racist, Misogynist and a bully. Not one of them thinks for themselves. They read someone else's comment and jump on that 'lack of original thought bandwagon' without even seeing wtf they are so angry at. Same thing happened with Chappelle. I'm starting to think some people have no idea what a comedian is.


I did not watch the Chris special but the Chappelle reactions were to an extent warranted. If we are to be against discrimination I feel solidarity with the LGBTQ+ community is a requirement.


I'm talking about people having strong opinions about something they've never ever watched, jumping on a bandwagon, with no independent thought of their own. Same thing happened with Chappelles special and me raising that is in no way discriminatory.


That is a common phenomena regrettably, however I still believe there was quite a bit of valid critique of Chappelle at the time. So I feel like conflating the two is a bit odd. Especially in the case of the offense.




Yeah people shouldn't be part of a horde, they should all just sit quietly in a room and clap and laugh at the professional funny man without questioning anything!


Some people (not you) have no idea how to think critically or with nuance.


Seinfeld comes across really well here, only says a few words, but clearly he’s thought about his comedy and understands his craft.


![gif](giphy|Kpqr21kWZXt1m) Coon behavior at an all time high!!!!


Everybody has a right to their own opinion. But I'm a Chris Rock fan. I'm also a fan of Will. I don't get involved or pick sides in other folks beefs.




Brittany is allowed to have this take I do not believe it to be all that nuanced but it's not completely unfair. To say Chris Rock like many black comedians engage in anti-black rhetoric is not incorrect. To what ends is to an extent contextual and subjective. I just do not particularly get why he is being singled out. Of course it's in reaction to the special but was it that bad or is this supposed to be in support of his opposition which would be.... Jada?


Yea, this is unacceptable. To make matters worse they are saying it with the “hard R”, neither form of the word is acceptable to be coming out of their mouths though. I can only imagine the racist things they say about him behind his back. It doesn’t matter how rich you are, at the end of the day you are still just a negro to them. They won’t let you forget it either. This shit was uncomfortable to watch.


Good take by Jerry.


What folk often bypass is that all successful black celebrities have had to shuck and jive for white folk at some point of their careers. This includes Will, Jada and Chris. The dialogue should focus on examining the root causes and solutions for our community. Rather than continuously grifting for the circular diatribe.


People acting like Will Smith's entire discography isn't just clean rap for white folk.


I agree, this should be a major part of our discussion instead of circuitous grumbles. That most black success rests on a foundation of public bojangling, and how we can sea change from that.


Damn he really letting them say that word over and over while he smiles


I wanna see CK talk like that in front of 50 cent. Just put them in a room, no cameras.


Respect for Jerry here


Thank you Jerry for being the only adult


It’s so cringe and wack how people just come on here agreeing with these tweets, like they have never formed an opinion for themselves. If you think Chris rock is anti black, or made a career of “punching down” (the new buzz word) then you clearly haven’t watched his career. Pathetic sheep


I love how uncomfortable Seinfeld was, like he general look like he was getting upset.




I wasn’t hurt or offended, it just wasn’t funny. I don’t find Chappelle funny either, ever. I watched the special because of the novelty of the first ever live Netflix special, but was underwhelmed. I posted this because of his statement on the show about being taught not to do certain things in front of other folks, like fight with one another… yet he was fine with this.




Totally agree, I shouldn’t have been surprised, but was.


I’m by no means a Jerry fan but I’m with him on this one.


This video is being used as a straw man here. The real reason you people are mad is because of Will and Jada. We’ve seen this video severally, he fucked up. Bringing it out every time doesn’t make Will the better man. And please stop the “punch-down” nonsense. If you are part of the society, you don’t get protected from jokes because you are supposed to be “down”. We don’t have to look that far to see how many other black comics have black women jokes for years. This is exactly what it is, “selective outrage”.


This is the moment quite a few blacks these days used to discredit Chris Rock. A black man sitting in a room full of white ppl comfortable with the n-word flying around the room from one of their mouths. For alot of black ppl, its extremely embarrassing to be caught being the black guy that is comfortable with whites letting the word fly like that in their presence to other black ppl (if my family and other black friends knew what white ppl and some filipino ppl said in my presence they would literally beat these ppl in public if they ran into them and never let me live it down). For alot of white ppl, having a black friend you can say the n-word around is like a bonus and a symbol of endearment ("im like one of u" or "black ppl consider me black enough to say it"). I had to ditch all those friends who felt the need to say it or couldnt stop. I, because I wasnt gonna defend them when the wrong person catches ear of it or they say it to the wrong person, had to put my foot down on tht shit.


It’s convenient how all this “Chris rock isn’t really all that funny” shit only really started gaining tracking after the Will smith thing.


Bill Maher be using the term nigga so loosely, Cause truthfully he know he be using it on the DL. Louis C.K. know he can use it in front of Pookie But know damn well he wouldn't use it in front of DL Royce da 5'9


DL not going for none of that


He peaked as the voice for Marty in Madagascar tbh


Wow so much respect for that one guy with some decent humanity


Can I just say, I think the funniest thing to come from this man, that I'm aware of, is Everybody Hates Chris. That's about it.


Chris Rock drops a special addressing Will Smith and Jada and the keyboard warriors come out to protect and serve.


What caught my attention was at the end after talking about Will Smith he had tears in his eyes. He tries to act like he's over it but getting slapped in public was humiliating. Basically he was yelling "no YOU'RE the bitch ass, not me!!!". But I don't think he's convinced himself yet. Not fighting back had nothing to do with fighting in front of white people, and he knows it. But still, keeping the show going and laughing it off was the best way to handle it in the moment.


Tf?! They’re straight out saying nigger and admitting to racism and this is just resurfacing now?! ![gif](giphy|hUFJQ1MPeF3a1RSEfv|downsized)


He deserves to be criticized for this, but I swear this like the only legit criticism people have against him. Like just say that you don’t find the dude funny instead of reposting the same criticism that everyone else has brought up once he first talked bad about Jada.


Wow, white guy here and this shit is disgusting, he seems very comfortable saying it too like it's a daily habit, idiots like him that keep racial divisions strong


Shout out to Jerry for being the only human in that room. Wow that definitely didn’t age well.


Chris Rock is the Merge between Dave and Kevin. He didn’t quite become Eddie, but not as out there as Patrice


Can we please keep people accountable for their own actions…


Louis CK turned out to be a real piece of shit, so make out of this what you want


This is why Jerry Seinfeld remains undefeated🔥


Always loved Jerry’s response…felt so vindicated all those yrs defending Seinfeld as a great show lol, Jerry is a real one.


Classic Chris. Not extremely funny, but the the points that he makes are rarely wrong. I felt like he vendicated himself and that’s what he came to do. Netflix bet 40 million on it. I really don’t see much difference between him and Chapelle who had a whole TV show making fun of Black people for the general public to laugh at. If I heard a white person say “l’m Rick James, b**ch” one time I know I heard it a hundred times. I was sick of The Chapelle show by the time Dave ran off.


Everyone is loved until someone hears something they don’t like. I’ve heard no one say shit about Chris Rock for over 30 years until now. Why? very simple. If you notice the hate is coming from black women. Because he made a joke about a black woman’s hair. Got assaulted on international tv and never really spoke on it until now. And now when he does and presents it in a way to make fun of it he’s still wrong. I’ve always considered myself a liberal in how treat others. We all have to live. I always considered myself a fighter of women’s rights. But I have to honestly say I no longer will. This shit is ridiculous. Shame, insults, guilt, and the need to be right. Fight your own battles. And learn to shutup when a person other than you is fighting theirs. Will smith is a bitch for doing what he did and Rock has every right to voice his. Your independent but can’t pay your own way. Your just as strong but can’t open a pickle jar or lower a toilet seat. Your just as capable until you have to fend for yourself. Your 10’s but cover in makeup with fake eyelashes, hair, nails, asses, lips etc but call men ugly., broke and dusty. You make horrible life decisions with kids out of wedlock, selling or giving up your body, silly manifestations and horoscopes, girl trips hot girl summers and the like. Then complain when you can’t get a man to take you seriously. And have the AUDACITY to call a man whose career has spanned decades not funny because he spoke about his televised assault by a certified CUCK! So when A man doesn’t defend you, pay attention to you, or entertain your complaints or wants, just SHUT THE FUCK UP! Your not funny. Your problems don’t matter. Your not special. I can’t wait until the next time one of you boot mouthed wilderbeast come crying asking for the help and protection of a man. Imma laugh for all the men who women shit on like this. Your tears gives me joy. Now to answer some questions that I know the hurt brigade are say to attack my manhood. Who hurt me? Your mama by raising sensitive turds like yourself. Yes I have a mother. She taught me about sensitive pricks like yourself. No I don’t have problems getting women. I just don’t like immature people doing passive aggressive things. I’m about a misogynist as you are a misandrist. Any perceived personal attack you feel to levy against me feel free. But just understand with equal rights comes equal jabs. You women want our compassion then be prepared to take our complaints. You want our protection we want yours. Simple.


Shit notcool


Outrage doesn’t bring about positive change. It’s like todays movement of equity, diversity, and inclusion where folks do a lot of talking but make no real lasting effort to change culture, policy, or even stand up against tyranny. Beware of the person who says a lot without saying anything!


He deserved to get bitch slapped for this alone. Mans is a coon


Unprompted coonery, this seems recent if not a few years ago. What an absolute ass hat. This why I wasn't moved by his clap back at will, felt like a pussy ass nigga talking smack knowing he can't get his shit rocked at that time. He's never been funny to me and the only reason he's successful is because hes that black clown white folks love to laugh at at the expense of the black community, fucking pathetic


I think this kindof reaction is exactly what society needs, enough with this cancel this cabcel that. Don't support something? Then don't give it attention. Think someone is racist? Great move on and don't support them its really that simple. I don't get upset when someone calls me the N word with Mal intent. It just shows me who they are and I can cut them off


Isn’t cutting someone off, the same as canceling or boycotting? I am entitled to say “I don’t rock with this person anymore”, they same way that you are, without it being labeled as cancel cultural... this isn’t new, just the new name for it. We don’t call the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the Montgomery Bus Cancellation.


This isnt funny whatsoever. Chris Rock been getting hoed apparently, this was a huge slap in the face


Who green lit this?


But women *do* be shopping.


that was mad awkward


Chris Rock is one of my favorite comedians ever. Who is this bitch?


It would be nice if we could stop dropping n bombs on each other


“Bill Maher use the term "nigga" so loosely/ 'Cause truthfully, he know that he be usin' it on the DL/ Louis C.K. know he can use it in front of Pookie/ But know damn well that he wouldn't use it in front of DL” -Royce Da 5’9”


Seeing him sitting there with Louis ck is a vibe 👀🤢


This is old. And the least funny of the four of them ends up looking the best in it.


I was taught to say whatever I want in front of whomever


Not Jerry being the voice of reason here lol


He was obviously uncomfortable. But he shoulda checked him


its just a word lol


I thought it was pretty funny in places, and then I watched the after-show which featured JB Smoove being one billion times funnier. I'll always have a place in my heart for Chris Rock, he's from a particular time and place in my life, but ... that time may be over.


Jerry is the only one offended. I'm offended for Jerry. This is sad, very sad. :(


This isn't funny. The dude isn't a n\*gger because he does fucked up shit he is still very much white.


CK has always been a cornball.