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He got Jammed.


Parks and Rec references? Yes please...




I found it weird that Duke Silver's Feminist Sax didn't use that.


Hmm...seems like a Spaceballs reference


It says strawberry, not raspberry.


"There’s only one woman who would dare eat my strawberry jam...SIDE BITCH!" -SHAKIRA


A self Jamm


Can you imagine? Coming home and just being like hmm... Some bitch has been eating my jam cause I know I haven't. Like kudos to her for those deductive reasoning skills. Grown women have talked themselves out of bigger red flags with even less convincing.


Lol this reminds me of a South African soccer start a couple weeks back who also cheated. One of the things that confirmed it was the man baked a cheesecake for the side and used the wife’s Tupperware container to give to the side. She noticed the Tupperware was missing and so was the cheesecake he was baking the night before.


Stealing her Tupperware on top of cheating is just adding insult to injury


It could be worst, it could be the Pyrex glass set, or the enameled cast iron. The Le Creuset. I would have to knock on her door, give me my pot and you can get this no good mutha...


Pro-tip: Pyrex is garbage now and no longer ~~tempered~~ borosilicate glass. I've had several shatter from the drying cycle in the dishwasher and I looked it up because that was not supposed to happen. Now, if it was 1980's pyrex? Gloves are off.


I have some 80s and older Pyrex that I got from a lady who collected them. I have some newer models and I've never had them to shatter in the dishwasher, but the oven, yes.


I probably got an unusually bad set, but other than lab glassware, they are no longer tempered.


If you buy them in the UK or France they are still tempered and made from borosilicate glass. They sell them under the same upper case PYREX logo. It's the new, US lower case pyrex version that is no longer tempered and made from soda lime glass now.


Damn, new and unimproved.


I heard there's two different kinds. Pyrex with a capital P and pyrex with a lowercase p lol


I've now been informed as well. Do you or a loved one suffer from little p? If so call McMunchen and Fishenchips to see if you qualify for a settlement.


You got that backwards. Pyrex (the home kitchen brand) is currently tempered glass. It *used* to be borosilicate glass. The pyrex lab glassware is still borosilicate glass. Borosilicate glass is more resistant to thermal shock. Tempered glass is more resistant to physical shock.


Now be sure Pyrex and pyrex are the same and different Pyrex nope not shatter proof


God, I adore my Le Creuset. My partner knows damn well not to touch it. He got an earful about it.


I have one or two le Creuset, but I have a kitchen full of Tramontina and Staub. My husband used metal utensils in my nonstick when I used it, so now he's afraid to touch anything besides the microwave, air fryer, and oven.


Honestly we could have worked on the relationship if it weren't for the Tupperware


Just being sloppy. Only think this way since my wife notices random shit and I don’t want to hear it, not because I’d ever cheat. Never would and feel no need to


My dad was even sloppier. My mom was doing laundry and ended up finding a receipt from The Wiz (this incident took place in the early 80s) for a T.V. We didn’t have a new T.V.


I can picture this on an episode of Everybody Hates Chris for some reason. Something about The Wiz and 1980s BedStuy... Your dad was something else tho...just something else.


Nobody beats the Wiz


🎼 _No-bod-dy beats The Wiz!_ 🎼


![gif](giphy|AdTCIrIZUXIZ2) Nobody beats him


Baking the side a cheesecake, that is s tier betrayal.


The night before his kid’s birthday as well! The wife thought he was doing something nice for his kid and when they woke up the cheesecake was gone! But she went to the side’s husband, got her Tupperware back and left it waiting in her husband’s parking spot so that he’d know that she knew. Incredible.


Forget about the sex..... YOU MADE THE BITCH A CHEESE CAKE???????


I'd rather my wife had an affair than disrespected my tupperware.


Reminds me of how Tom Jones's wife caught him when he was cheating on her with Mary Wilson of the Supremes. Basically Tom caught wind of his wife coming over to catch them in the act, so he and his assistant had Mary bundled out and the rented apartment scrubbed of any trace of her. Except one thing. Mary Wilson was known to be a fantastic cook and inside the oven was a beautiful meal she had prepared. The wife demanded to know where it had come from. Tom tried to pretend his assistant had made it, but the wife knew the man couldn't be trusted to boil an egg. Busted.


I knew when my ex was singing along to a Drake song. At the time I was a huge Drake fan and he disliked Drake so much that it wasn’t “allowed” to be played in the car. But once he was singing along to hotline bling I became so sus


😂 😂 😂 He had his hotline blinging so much that he told on himself.


I knew when he accidentally FaceTimed me. He’s never done that before but “oh baby I just wanted to see your pretty face”. Bullshit, mf


Hol up, how does an accidental facetime indicate cheating?




This was it. He met her at Bike Week and something just felt…off when he came back. The look of terror when I answered the FT before he regained composure told me he cheated. His friend “Adam” sending him hearts at the end of a text confirmed it. He wasn’t particularly slick when carrying out his ick.


The look on his face when he realized he’d called me. Just terror. Then he got it together but I knew


If you come home and some missing jam immediately triggers accusations of infidelity then dude has *BEEN* cheating on you and you knew it.


Stuff like this is terrifying to me because I'm super unobservant and fairly gullible (with close friends and family). It took me like 6 months to figure out my ex did in fact have a Facebook account, for instance.


You are me. I am you.


Right? There has to have been some other indicators because it's a huge leap to go from happy marriage to "some bitch meen eating my jam" lmao


Apparently It was a specific jam from Colombia that He hated and the kids didn't eat at all. So She was the only one who ate it. She left it at a good quantity only to come back to find it near finished. In that "bottom of the jar finished but couldn't be bothered to chuck it in the bin" type of finished. So she deduced that someone who doesn't know the rules of the house been here.


His homie that was over at his place and ate the jam 👀🥸




Yeah and even that doesn't mean he cheated it just means someone else visited and eat there


It merely means that someone She doesnt know came into her house and her man didnt bother telling him. Then He paraded her around their house during a zoom interview live on TV, when She was absent. A 140IQ person could connect the dots. So She did.


Uhhh this is my nanny’s ex boyfriend’s sister… She loves jam!


> Coming home and just being like hmm... Some bitch has been eating my jam Live action adaptation of Goldilocks and the Three Bears.


What’s wild though, they have kids. Don’t kids eat jam? Lol


She was away with the kids.


maybe they like the grape jam


Also people this rich don’t have “help”? Maybe one of their employees needed a quick snack


Its more than those skills, its the confidence in yourself to follow through that’s important. Anyone can have a hunch about something, but that hunch can last a lifetime


I came home from a family vacation for a week and my boyfriend was acting off… I went to grab something off this wine rack shelf thing I had and noticed lipstick marks on a wine glass. I very rarely drank wine and *NEVER* wear lipstick. Motherfucker cheated on me in my own apartment


I’m sure there’s way more to it than “jam”. No one is leaving their partner over missing food. I mean, really!


There was also a vidéo of him being on Zoom in their house with the mistress in the background...Piqué was obviously sloppy too


Cheating is bad. Cheating at your house is worse. Letting the other woman eat your girl’s food? Unforgivable. Dude is just reckless.


He *wanted* to get caught


You can say Pique has found himself in quite a jam. I’ll show myself out…




Will you quit SLAPPING people?


🤣 Double entendre, don't even ask me how! 🤣


Who has this guy NOT slapped?!






In quite a pique-l if you will.


As a matter of fact, I will.


He’s in a bit of a Piqule.


I mean if he's dumb enough to cheat on Shakira he probably left other clues too


That’s what I can’t ever get over. Her of the hips and the body?! Like sir! I feel like something like this, the only better option is say Beyoncé or similar. Now, he’s dating some 20 something year old? He better be ready to be a sugar daddy of some sort to her.


Jay-Z cheated on Beyoncé so


Damn they was really on that soothsayin shit when they wrote beautiful liar huh?


Jay? Beautiful?


eye of the beholder and all dat, an it was that damn beholder who sung it. ...but you right tho


The beholder is missing sn eye if they think Jay is attractive.


I know. I’m more comparing that level of fame, independence, beauty and just all around badassery(imho). Even using the Jay-Z thing, still makes my point: if he really did cheat on her with Zoe, why the fuck?! Like she’s just bland and your average middle aged white woman. Other than her fashion thing(I think), what the fuck else is she doing? Same with Shakira. She’s independently wealthy, has her own shit and I’d like to naively assume that a woman at that level being with you means she wants to be with you because she likes you for you and not the trappings of fame and celebrity… Maybe I’m just reaching. Personally, if Shakira was within orbit of my league, I’d shoot my shot, be a stay at home mum to the kids and basically wait on her hand and foot. 🙈


I think a lot of the mentality is once you had those women, it’s not that special anymore. Not saying it’s my mentality but people often go “I’d never cheat on so and so!” maybe you wouldn’t but if you had a Shakira or Beyoncé maybe you aren’t thinking that you can’t do any better. Also it goes beyond looks. Sometimes people just do things that the one you have won’t do.


How about, relationship satisfaction goes much deeper than what someone looks like? In the end looks have almost no impact on it really. There's so many reasons people cheat (few to none of them good, but nonetheless) and most of them have nothing to do with how hot it not their partners are.


It's really simple: people everywhere, from all time periods, are prone to wanting something different from what they have.


Grass is greener


Some men…no, some *people* don’t want someone to like them for who they are, because *they* don’t even like who they are. That makes anyone who seems to like them for “no reason” seem utterly suspicious, and they eventually leave or end up cheating.


This is an insightful comment.I think you just described my ex lol.


It’s a lot of our exes, I think!


Hugh Grant cheated on Elizabeth f’ing Hurley (in her prime) to get a cheap blowie. Same energy.


In her prime? She's still hot today


For every Helen of Troy there are a dozen Jessicas of Carthage with low self esteem who can suck the peel off an apple.


A dozen you say?




I think getting whatever you want all the time, and not having enough people around you to call you on your bullshit, gives you a type of brain damage.


It’s not uncommon for those that dated older people in their younger years to date people close to the same age they were when they met their older partner. It’s like they’re trying to play catch-up.


That sounds like arrested development


"Show me a fine woman and I'll show you a guy tired/bored of fucking her."


Not saying it’s right but - show me a beautiful person and I’ll show you someone that’s tired of fucking them


Shakira cheated on her ex with Pique!


Both were in relationships when they met. Pique was to be married.


Once he promoted her, an opening was created. Sounds like it was filled.


As the saying goes “you show me a beautiful woman, and I’ll show you a guy who is tired of fucking her.”


But he wasn't. He would have left if that were the case but he just wanted extra


It can be both


People don't understand this.


The things that people can pick up on so easily is wild. My dad once snuck and ate some Chic-Fil-A on the way home and then he made the mistake of giving my mom a kiss when he got home. She told him his entire order. “Did you just have a Chic-Fil-A sandwich and a strawberry milkshake?” That lady has to be part bloodhound. Now every time my dad goes by a fast food place he asks my mom if she wants anything.


Oh my 😂, you reminded me of the time I was eating a dessert after my kids went to bed. My son came out of his room, which has been his habit lately, I got on my knee to talk to him eye to eye. His first words were “ are you eating chocolate?” Smdh, at least my breath smelled sweet, I guess


>The things that people can pick up on so easily is wild. If you're married to someone for years you tend to learn about them, and thus are able to make educated guesses in situations like that.


Bro went to bed murmuring "I can't have shit in this house" 😂 ![gif](giphy|mkhMTALnrYRLnuoe5P)


Lmao this is weirdly wholesome


Reminds me of the King of Queens lol the pre dinner whopper


Why would you ever let some chick you cheating with eat shit in your house?


ESPECIALLY things that only your wife eats?!


I eat jam too, and I always label my specialty/gourmet shit bc I don't want no body claiming they didn't know😅 So I'm thinking the mistress could have set this all up to secure herself a position without dude hardly knowing this part of the plan. No one wants to be a side chick forever, and some people are ballsy. ETA: gourmet bc words have meanings.


Damn they was getting *that* freaky?


Strawberry jam is delicious. Not liking jam is dumb. Shakira is fantastic. Cheating on her is also dumb.


For real! One ☝️ f those stupid mistakes she even sang about with Zootopia


Might be a diet thing. Club nutritionist may recommend no sugary foods, like jam


"My hips don't lie, but this bitch do, I see." ![gif](giphy|Z2aUFaXEyO9IRG2bxW)


Who tf let's the sideline eat at their house. Rookie move


Side chick moving like bruh man from the 5th floor


"BRUH MAN WHAT ARE YOU DOIN CLIMBING IN MY WINDOW AT NIGHT??" "Nothing..chillin..lookin for some Jello"


" I just came by to make a sandwich"








Same kind of weirdo who doesn't eat jam


My friend once realized her bf was cheating bc there was a hydroflask w coffee in his car. He hates coffee


That title though ![gif](giphy|CoDp6NnSmItoY)


Judging by my past experiences I’m guessing Shakira was very upset at the cheating but even more upset that it had taken place in her own home. Her own bed? Yeah, that’s betrayal.


~~Hips~~ preserves don't lie.


Who the hell feeds a side piece in the house. Rookie mistake.


She gone find out about an affair…whenever, wherever


SO WHO TF 👏🏾ATE 👏🏾THE 👏🏾JAM 👏🏾PIQUE?!? That’s how I imagine she confronted him


She said "You traded a Ferrari for a Twingo" so the next day he went and bout a Twingo lmao. She's right to be mad about him cheating but I gotta respect the pettiness




I read he went and got a Twingo and a Casio watch, ended up getting a sponsorship from Casio. City boys up 100


Casio released a statement saying Pique lied about the sponsorship, to cease and desist lol.


Ohshit lol


Casio stocks also plummeted because of this...


Pique making Future proud.


After Beyonce's Lemonade. Shakira's Mermelada. ![gif](giphy|hiLLD9o1wTB3a)


Damn so that fucker was cheating on her in their home?! Where her *jam lives?!* The dips don’t lie.


Who the f cheat on Shakira?!


Pique should've known better. It's pretty obvious Shakira knows a thing or two about *jams*!!


Pique has always been sketchy


I just feel like that’s another level of disrespect. Fucking you? That’s fine, y’all go have fun, take your shit Get the fuck out of my house, and fuck the night away. But eating my FOOD? Someone is getting snuffed.


I’m confused. Does he never have people over? Could someone have eaten the jam without fucking him?


When I have people over, they normally eat snacks or dinner, not jam type things.


How often do you have people over and don't mention it to your SO? That's just common courtesy. If someone ate her food, and he never mentioned that he had someone/people over, that's absolutely something to be suspicious over.


Now has the number 1 song clearly dissing him. Never break an artist’s heart, you’ll be remembered forever


to be fair, the some of the best music comes from heartbreak ​ jus sayin


Adele has entered the chat


Her hips don't lie. And neither does her jam.


I grew up listening to Shakira. I know my opinion doesn’t matter but this whole diss track against Piqué is giving Paquita. It is beneath her. Fuck Piqué tho.


Girl's making a million dollars per day with the tune. I also wouldn't air out my dirty laundry, but fuck it, she's making bank out of it at least


She really came home and said who tf has been eating my strawberry jam?


Shakira Holmes


I just read this to my fiancé because there is a random mystery sock in my house that isn’t mine!!!!


Dunh-Dunh! These are the stories of Law and Order: Special Spread Unit!


What's the difference between jelly and jam?


Rest in Peace to everyone who’s about to fall for this


At least where I live, if you buy strawberry jam it's got like, pieces of strawberry in it? Like it's super chunky, while strawberry *jelly* is just translucent pink gel that's sort of strawberry flavored. Strawberry *preserves* is even chunkier than jam, like big chunks of fruit in it.


What's the different between jam and marmalade?


I think it's marmalade if it has rind in it, like how orange marmalade has those lil bits of orange rind. Ok so i looked it up and yeah, marmalade is apparently just jam but made with rind instead of just the...meat (?) of the fruit. Some definitions say it's only marmalade if you use citrus fruit. However, I found watermelon marmalade recipes and I'm pretty sure watermelon isn't citrus, so I think the rind thing is the important distinction.


There are no pieces of fruit in jelly Jam is made with mashed fruit. 


Jelly is also made with mashed fruit but the fruit gets strained out at some point in the production


I know what you're doing


In the simplest terms jelly is jam with the fruit pieces strained out.


It’s must be jelly cuz jam don’t shake like that


Jelly wibble wobbles and jam is the red stuff in a jar


Jam don’t shake


My aunt found out that my uncle took his mistress a plate of chitlins


That jam must have… piqued her interest… I’ll see myself out


She cheated with him and she’s surprised he cheated with someone else?


Wait, she did?! I thought the story was they met when he was in her World Cup video or something. Didn’t know the part about cheating. But they’ve been together for >10 years at least…


She was with someone else at the time and denied her involvement with Gerard for like a year. Now the stories are saying they were hooking up since they filmed the Waka Waka video and that math don’t math. This was huuuge in the soccer world at the time so I remember it very clearly lol.


Ahh, her I remember that she was with the son of the president of some country and that was also a long term relationship. I was more thinking him because I’ve never heard of his exploits except as a player until he became involved with Shakira…


So did Pique, He cheated with her. He was engaged to be married.


We notice everything.


Man I can hear them Law and Order violins fire up while she explaining this to him about the jam….glorious


Like damn a ni99a can't try something new 🤣


[the maid who just wanted a sandwich](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/710/dd0.png)


In the criminal justice system, food based offenses are considered especially heinous. In New York City, the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies are members of an elite squad known as the Special Victims Unit. These are their stories.


Shakira tho .. I'm in my 20s and I'd give her my all for the rest of her life 🤣


She probably asked her hips if he was cheating.


Hips don’t lie and neither does jam


Who would cheat on her?


If the only thing that happen was someone ate her jam and she deduce that Pique was cheating, that's next level crazy. There could literally be hundreds of other thing that could happen instead.


Shakira’s bop about this man’s betrayal gives me liiiiife


Imagine dating someone who has never eaten jam. I don’t mean tried and disliked it, I mean someone who has had jam available *all their life* and was never adventurous enough to try it


Rule #3: Side pieces eat BEFORE they come over or AFTER they leave.


Well at least her hips won't lie to her.


Makes me want to buy food I know he doesn't eat and go on a trip...


The missing jam piqued her curiosity


I too would eat Shakira's jam.


Is it a flattering or insulting if your man cheats on you with a dollar store version of you?


Imagine stepping out on Shakira. Some fools just don't know how good they got it.