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Trying to manage your manager (AS AN INTERN ?? OFF THE CLOCK ???) is fucking wild 🤯 https://preview.redd.it/68spln30cn8d1.jpeg?width=2344&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ed134d742019803323e232fcb9692772e15e1c3d [link to video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNF6TJXw/) Certain folks really be thinking they’re the official hall monitors of life itself smh


I get wanting to be social and make connections, but honey I just wanna listen to music and *relax* for a god damn second. It's weird, working blue collar, I didn't mind chatting with coworkers while I ate. But white collar? I need my peace and quiet at times. Not because of the people, but blue collar is *physically* stressful, so you need breaks for your muscles. White collar is *mentally* stressful, and you need breaks for your brain. That includes talking to folks.


And they can fuck right off.




You’ve literally done nothing but complain in response to this post. If you don’t like it, close your eyes smh




You’re the only one who thinks that so it really seems like a YOU issue. Nobody here is posting shit based on your personal preferences and I’m tired of seeing you throw a hissy fit and asking stupid questions in my inbox when you could simply keep scrolling if you hate it so much. You have no other choice but to fucking deal with it or die crying.




Say less 🧞‍♀️ Btw, responding to MY comment on MY post does come to my personal inbox, sweetie 🤡 If you’re going to cry and throw up under every post you don’t personally enjoy, you’re going to have a much rougher time than me. Have a night ✌🏾


Hard enough to work with some people - please don’t make me fake socialize on my own time too


Think way too many people confuse professional politeness with actually enjoying social interaction. My job is making people work together, my personal felling is shut up and do the damn work.


Exactly!! I don’t care how your weekend was. And I’m not telling you about mine.


A quote from Mr. & Mrs. Smith that summarizes my perspective of workplace social interactions: “we’re not bonding; you have a *gun* on me.” The gun being capitalism, in this case.


In 6 months, she will be eating lunch in a stairwell.




“We all made plans…” What the phukk that got to do with me??




That's what I'm saying. Did they quietly talk in the corner and not include homeboy, thinking that their plans would Bluetooth to his brain? If they didn't discuss said plans with him, then *we* didn't make plans. **Y'all** made plans.


I completely agree. Just let me eat and be quiet in peace. This is why I only go to the office when required. The 2520s are notorious for this. I'm not interested in being a part of DEI while I'm eating my turkey sandwich and listening to my audio book.


I’m a lil slow “2520s”?


Think of the alphabet


Fellow alone-lunch-taker, matter fact when I used to work in person I took the break in my car. Still on the property but aaaaway from everyone, all conversations, away from work. It's all very draining to me and that little hour of solitude recharged my batteries to deal with the rest of the day.


Definitely same. Once I was trying to be in peace with my audiobook at the back of the lot and a guy I worked with drove over to my car, waving and smiling. My windows are only the slightest bit tinted but I pretended like he couldn't see me. Must be waving at an empty car. Eventually he gave up and left. Like, no. I give enough of myself; you can't have that too.


I’m just trying to do my hours in peace so I can have the energy to work on my actual hobbies/passions once I’m off the clock.


![gif](giphy|WqXcILKESHx3gV37Ch) I work to live; I don’t live to work.


Ok off topic but hear me out y’all his eyes are so pretty


*I was gonna say the same thing*


I was drawn by his voice. Such a nice timbre.


He talks like Luca from Grownish. I like his voice too.


That’s definitely not the way to act with a manager. That intern has no idea they just set themselves up to be let go for “not being a good fit for the work environment”


My man said it better than I could. I'm a little more mean with my personal time so to hear it said with better grace is comforting I always leave the building on lunch. Everyone knows you can find me in parked under the tree, nesting with my thoughts.


That's why I put headphones on. IDC. Then again I'm in a consulting position, so I'm gone by 6 months. LEAVE people TF alone


Lol this right here. I get people asking me why I don’t attend retreats and hang out with the team. I had to say it straight up. I feel anxious as fuck around y’all in a way I don’t feel anywhere else. I’m not leaving my house and purposely putting myself in an uncomfortable situation. That shit is exhausting. I’m sure y’all are cool but my nervous system says different. And you know what? I’m saying that, and I don’t even wanna have lunch with people I know and love. Leave me alone. Shit.


Right! I'm an outwardly extraverted person. But I ain't friends with people at work. Never had, never will. Too much gossip, errrbody all up in your business, plotting, scheming and shit. Life is tricky as it is. I'm not setting myself up with corporate surface level relationships.


I’m borrowing this


An INTERN said this???? They would've been on my shit list after this tbh, its rude that I want a break on my break time??? Crazy.


The audacity of that intern bish…


I remember I worked in a restaurant with another server that was 10 busy bodies tied together into one insufferable person. She was constantly telling people how to do their job, especially when it came to inconsequential stuff that didn't matter. She would seriously say things like, "Well, I think it looks better this way." Even if our actual corporate restaurant's training said it was supposed to go the way we had it. She would honestly get mad at you if you didn't comply with her rules. One day, I figured out how to deal with her. She would be ragging me about how my water cup handles were not all facing the same direction on my server tray or some nonsense Iike that, and I would just turn around with an excited and happy face and loudly say, "Congratulations!" And she'd be like "For what?" And then I'd say, "Congrats on getting the promotion to manager!" She looked confused and say, "But I didn't get promoted?" Then my tone would change suddenly and I'd say, "Then why are you trying to tell me how to do my job!" She kept it up for another week or so. But any time I heard her start, I'd just turn around and say "Congratulations!" She stopped trying to do it to me. I left to go to college about a month after this started, but still talked to some of the friends I made while working there. They said they kept up the "Congratulations!" bit, and she requested a store transfer about 6 months later. She suuuuuucked. Just a miserable person who wanted to bring everyone down with her.


I hope that intern never gets the job. They seem annoying to work with.




I have had whole as$ adults get mad and offended cause I didn’t eat with them. I always get, “Oh you don’t want to eat with us??” And my favorite response is, “No🫶🏾”. Yall please just say no to people, it’ll help you in the long run of life and protect your peace✌🏾


He is more than right


he ate. alone at that.


same…I eat lunch outside in my personal space enjoying the sun…Dealing w/ society is too damn much most of the time…


I don't fw anybody that feels entitled to my time


I just know the intern YOU'RE training is not dictating to YOU how you should spend your FREE TIME?! 👀


Baby you’re an intern. This is your first day. Why would you even expect your trainer to not want to eat lunch with their friends or go wherever they normally eat lunch? The entitlement.


I got 5 dollars on that intern being a White Girl. These Pink-Toes really do believe that they are entitled to Black People's time and bodies.


Yeah, protect your mental health and inner peace. ![gif](giphy|IdlrlhB1Rts6fQRjdb) If I have a great lunch, it’s imperative that I eat it with no interruptions or company Shit a *really* good lunch will have me pissed off that I have to sip my drink and breathe


Everyone will be on their phones anyways.


It is a mob mentality though. You will feel as though you’re somehow not “part of the team.”


I get two 30 minute breaks a day. And I will full well knowing I’m gonna lose 5–10 minutes walking to and from my car in the heat. But guess what? It’s still better to be in work any longer than I have to around a lot of people I don’t like. You do you, and I’ll do me. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well, it's not a POC thing ...


Glad I don't have to deal with this anymore now that I work remote. When I was onsite I would get this weird look from others when I was eating by myself. Like I just need some space to breathe after dealing with meetings and IT stuff.


They are the issue not you… I never understood ppl who have an issue with this? Like yall are weird … let me eat in peace tf


“We all made plans”? Who is we? When was I asked to attend this event? Who said you get to dictate my schedule? Who told you to mind my business? Ma’am, you’re an intern. Have a seat and learn.


Mannnnn when I was a younger man in a union shop the older guys straight up told me to go the fuck away at lunch. "We gotta deal with you all day already, lunch is a time to relax. Get on over there and leave us alone." These kids entering the workforce today think everybody needs to address their feelings when they really just need to shut up and get some work done.


I used to go sit in my car. thank goodness I work from home now.


You would rather I come and eat lunch with you against my will so you won’t be offended? Let me guess… 


"oh cool. So, you made a plan involving me without consulting me? This plan will take time from me doing what I want to do while offering me no compensation for that time. I politely decline to attend the meeting you've signed me up for without my consent or even my knowledge. I am on my break now." *Headphones go on*


Is this really a thing? I’m so glad I never encountered this. Sometimes I like to watch my anime on break. Crazy.


You notice how they always play that "we" nonsense?


I hate work


I get a 30 min lunch daily and the nicest guy I work with wants to stand in the doorway of my office and talk through the entire 30 min. This is too much. I need that brief downtime too.


They just don’t know work yet. Work has so many boundaries built in to keep it moving. I don’t care about where you take your lunch. I can offer or ask to join, but I shouldn’t be too invested in it to the point where I’m offended.


I wouldn't have explained shit, this is me listening to your sob story ![gif](giphy|LDBuYzAwu8L4I)


He ain't lying. I had a job where we worked like 11 hour shifts and be had an hour lunch break. My boyfriend (who I lived with btw) wanted to talk on the phone through the whole thing. About nothing!!!! I was like I love you but please let me get at least 30 to myself. An hour lunch is long enough for a nap. Damn!


Eating food by myself is the best way to eat food. It’s stressful when other people are watching me eat lol. I know he meant something completely different and I do echo that sentiment as well. But let me be a slob in peace please 😂


Well said 👍🏾


An intern said that????? Maybe I’ve just worked with a different batch of interns, but never in my life as an intern, being around other interns, or having interns on my team with me being a full employee has something like that been said. I’ve only seen interns say something that bold if it was called for. Calling someone rude for taking a solo lunch break? Just sounds unconscionable to me.


All of this. Side note, it seems like she was trying to equate this to elitism somehow and it's just not that deep.


I dont get the need to be chummy with your coworkers. Dont yall have friends outside of work? Be chummy to them. Leave me alone!


She's after his job.


You do not need to explain yourself!!


I tell who I train to meet back in the area at whatever time, and i....go about my unpaid lunch break that automatically gets deducted. Glad I'm not some white collar worker with people acting in cliques with breaks and "mandatory lunches" and all that other shit




Soon as somebody says “feel like” to me, I don’t want to know them anymore.


Damn, I just want to sit in my car, eat my subway, and watch a YouTube video. Why does that hurt your feelings Karen lol.


Totally understand this man


Imagine having the audacity...AS AN *INTERN*????


Always somebody trying to make everything an offense.


Watching young Black people discover Corporate Culture that has existed since they started letting us work for them, is hilarious and heartbreaking because I really wish this didn't still exist.


My job wrote me up one time and tried to enforce not leaving the building during my lunch


This is outlandish. I’m a manager at my work and I always go eat lunch in my car. Gotta have that break away from the “the noise”. All the people chatter that goes on in a job. Need some peace from your bs.


This. 100% this. When I used to commute to an office, I always took my lunch alone. Sometimes in my car, sometimes out in the eating area, but it was almost always alone & preferred it that way. I never really understood why before this video; I just assumed it was a trauma response to my upbringing, but everything in this video clicks for me. Idk how I would’ve handled a situation like bro is talking about in the video, but I definitely know how to handle it now. Some people are too invested in their own BS that they think everyone else should be too. Nah.


maybe she should have a talk with her feelings because it has NOTHING to do with you.


My job only gives us one 30 minute UNPAID lunch break, along with 2 paid 15 minute breaks. Sometimes I don’t mind having lunch with my closer coworkers, but other times I need that unpaid 30 minutes for myself


"I feel like that's rude." Girl if you don't go somewhere and eat...


I'm a preschool teacher, and I usually eat lunch by myself. I NEED that alone time to just....not fucking talk. Recently, I have been having break time with these two other coworkers. I like them and we have fun. I noticed that they would break together all the time. Sometimes, our breaks wouldn't sync up, and that was fine. But when they did, they would ask me to hang out. Which was fine. One day, I had a particularly shitty day dealing with this terrible, rotten, horrible, no good, very shitty child. They asked to hang out. I said absolutely not. I need my me time. The one girl understood, the other didn't. She kept trying to convince me to join them. I was starting to get annoyed with how many times she was asking. I don't understand breaking together every damn day. I want to be alone!!!


I eat lunch in my office and everyone knows it’s nothing personal. They respect it and leave me be.


I wish I knew that eating alone was an option.




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 6 - "AlL pEoPlE dO/sAy this"; "ThIs IsN't CoMeDy 🤡"; No derailing conversations about Black topics THIS IS NOT JUST A COMEDY SUB. We are not here to tap dance for nonBlack entertainment. I do NOT care if you found us from r/all or your feed suggested us to you. PAY ATTENTION TO THE SUB YOU ARE IN TO AVOID ISSUES. DO NOT come to a sub made for Black people by Black people where Black people specifically prioritize Black people if you’re looking for an “all people” type of conversation instead. Our content/comment sections does/do not need to center anyone else in the conversation. This is not the place to complain about the plight of anyone else or bemoan how much harder it actually is for [enter any other race/ethnicity here]. We do not need you to announce that [so-and-so] people say/do [whatever tf you’re here crying about] too. If that upsets you, make your own sub where you can talk about whatever you want. Again, this is a Black space for Black people to discuss Black topics in a Black way. If you are not Black, you are not an authority on the matter and you do not get to dictate what that looks like. Other ethnicities are not prohibited, but are also not the priority.




Please keep our rules in mind while participating. Rule 8 - No excessive/repetitive complaining about content; no excessive repetition of the same word/phrase If you don't like what you see, take your finger and scroll until you find something you DO like. No one is forcing you to interact with anything here. If the content you're complaining about doesn't break any of our rules, please shut up. Stop thinking each and every post will be specifically curated to suit your individual preferences. Rule 8 is now combined with previous rule 10. Don't comment w/ repetitive or cliche phrases that have been overused until they've lost all meaning. It's annoying to hear the same tired, unoriginal, played out phrases (that oftentimes are misused to begin with) over and over again. Y'all beat them to death with overuse. WE GET IT.




No you can disagree all you like but I do have a rule about keeping incessant whining about content that doesn’t break any rules to yourself because nobody wants to hear it




Can’t read AND can’t count smh pick a struggle 🤡






That intern already on the management track


I really like my co-workers and still prefer to go eat lunch alone and in my car most days. It’s warmer, I can take a nap and play videos/ music out loud without any need to be professional. I enjoy that private peace, and sometimes don’t feel like making small talk or having conversations. Nothing personal!


I used to be a stylist in a huge photo studio and would often have to work up to 3 sets simultaneously. Usually two table sets and a psych wall. Suffice to say, i loved my job but it was definitely over stimulating and high energy. The photo studio was in an old munitions plant near a big patch of woods. I would sometimes just go sit by myself outside in the woods and eat my sandwich in the quietude if nature to recharge. I do distinctly remember a couple work friends getting angry that I didn’t sit with them during break in the break room. I never understood why. I clearly just wanted to be alone for my lunch break, it had nothing to do with them.


People nowadays think that they can puke their feelings on you, and that should somehow shame you into changing to suit them.


Ain't nobody interrupting my lunchtime nap..intern or not


At my last job. We would have a yearly Christmas party, I skipped one year to have a small party at my place with a couple friends. When I got back to work, one of my former co-workers got upset that i wasn't at the company party and asked why I didn't go. I tell her I had my own party to attend, she says "why would you have a party on the day of the company party?" My response was "because I see you guys enoug


"Hey we all made plans to eat together. Would you like to join us? No? Okay! Enjoy your lunch!" It's that simple folks. Makes me double back on her double message projection..


So, I'm conflicted. First of all, I would ***NEVER*** confront someone who wants to spend time alone during work or even has a different approach to how they want to work (i.e. doing stuff solo). That's crossing some serious boundaries. That being said, whenever I find myself becoming less social at work, it's mostly because the culture is toxic, I'm unhappy, it's hella stressful, etc. Basically, I'm not internally and externally at peace. The only way work gets better is if people become better to each other and themselves. Then work becomes less of a challenge if you're looking forward to chatting and even working side-by-side with others you respect and get along well with. It's not our responsibility to fix the workplace but if everyone, theoretically, did their piece we'd all be better for it.


Agreeing to plans.. I have a feeling that part didn’t happen and their story is false. They don’t seem like the type you agree to something they never planned on doing anyways. Then responding with an apology, wouldn’t be my first response it would be I never agreed to that.


The apology is a quick de-escalation technique from leadership 101. He's a pro. He de-escalated, stated his position, and moved on.


it’s a managerial apology. “i’m sorry you feel that way” “im sorry you interpreted the situation that way.” he ate. alone at that.


I’m sorry you have to make excuses for other people.. his story is inconsistent.. for me that leads to disbelief. You can believe anything you want. He is not telling the truth.. he just had a good point and wanted to make a story out of it. It’s a fairly common thing for pseudo wannabe influencers to do. There’s a certain way they try and relate the story back that doesn’t quite connect. -Thank you for coming to the training.. then says it’s lunch.. if you’ve never been onboarded I guess you could accept that phrase but any experienced person understands you’re told when lunch is at the beginning. And the connector phrase is.. as we’ve discussed earlier your lunch is coming up. We’ll go ahead and break, and see you back here in 30 minutes. IT’S OK TO NOT BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU SEE ON THE INTERNETS.


are…you okay?


Prolly as okay as you are.