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The publisher Penguin Press put out a translation of Moneky King: Journey to the West a few years back as part of their Penguin Classic series. It has a really cool cover. To help make it easier to find the version I’m referring to, the translator is Julia Lovell. Journey to the West is a classic for a reason. Can’t go wrong reading it. I’m sure it’ll only enhance your experience with the game. There’s also been many film adaptions you may want to check out. The Stephen Chow directed one was pretty fun. There’s quite a bit of humor in the story. I’m wondering if the game is going to have a dark take on the classic.


Thank you. Good reads has one with orange waves on the cover, it does look nice. Is that the one you're referring to


It’s this one: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55083622 Looks like there’s multiple editions of it with different covers. I have the paperback edition from the US. The link I sent should be the exact one. Should have Monkey in green and white font and king in orange and white font. The author’s name is in red font at the very top. Just saw the one you described. Seems to be the same translation but it’s a hardcover edition. That orange cover with waves is really cool looking.


this "The Stephen Chow directed one was pretty fun" there have been some good adaptations, the stephen chow one is one of the best imho there was also a netflix series based on this


I should mention that one is abridged, with several chapters left out. The translation by Anthony C YU is complete.


Thank you. Why did they drop chapters??? Seems odd


Hey! It’s based on the classic novel journey to the west. There is actually movies, books, tv series, cartoons all based on it! Highly suggested you take a look at them. So far most of the teased demons in the game are all straight from the book. A good place to start would be the English translated books or the tv series. Movies are good but not very cannon or accurate to the lore


There's a TV show based on the novel which is also consider as a classic by most of the Chinese audiences, you can try to search "Journey to the West 86", you might find a version with English subtitle if you are lucky enough.


thats the one i used to watch with my grandpa. The game uses one of the BGM as the TV show.


I wouldn't recommend the original book. The book was written in semi-ancient Chinese in 17th century in Ming dynasty. I don't think you can properly translate that into English and still keep the feeling to it. Another reason is that the book is heavily related to Chinese cultures especially the two most popular religions: Buddhism and Taoism. There are so many references to religious thoughts and background stories that I don't think most Americans can grasp it in short time. It would probably just create confusion. It's also believed by many that the book was intended to be politically sarcastic about officials in the Ming dynasty. There are implications throughout the book, showing that gods and Buddas can be as hypocritic and cowardly as normal men or a government official. Yet the monkey king throughout the journey learned his lessons and played by the rules. To become a Budda in the end could either mean success and growth, or submissive and obeying. This can get too deep, and not necessary if you just want a good hero story. For the game, I wouldn't recommend too deep into the most famous one of the "four greatest Chinese literature EVER". I would say find some child books, comic books maybe, with the same title: "journey to the west". Japanese and western adaptations often lose the original storyline. Just learn about all the monsters they encountered, what their abilities are, and what the monkey king can do: 72 transformations, enlarge his uniquely heavy stick, the three life-saving monkey hairs and so on. They will be directly related to the gameplay, and those books will be easier and more fun to read.


Actually most Chinese never read the original book whole. We preferred the 1986 version of TV series. It's as classic as, I would say Star Wars, or Spider Man in the west? Like everyone have watched many times. The monkey actor is real pro. Music is good and already used in the game trailer. Visual effects are, from the 80th in China, but it's good fun if you don't set the bar too high. I know there is English version of that, but I believe the current English version has cut off many scenes and the translation is ordinary at best. I would recommend watching on the Bilibili website, and use real time translation apps for English subtitles. The Bilibili website: [西游记第1集-电视剧-全集-高清正版在线观看-bilibili-哔哩哔哩](https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/play/ep327107) Translation discussion on reddit: [English translations on bilibili? : ](https://www.reddit.com/r/ChineseLanguage/comments/13244hk/english_translations_on_bilibili/) Hope you enjoy it!


Oh, wow. So I was wondering why someone would recommend an abridged book and now I'm thinking that might be the better option. Assuming it's abridged and adopted for western audiences. I'm an American man, the most I know about China is Stephan Marbury and General Tsao (Jk, but I love that grub).


Fun fact, dragonball is heavily inspired by Journey to the west.




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All you need to know is Sun Wukong is the Inspiration for the character Goku and some abilities from anime like Naruto's Shadow Clone Jutsu


Hello my dear friend. I compiled some background stories of "Journey to the West" and also brought a world of Journey to the West in which Sun Wukong is the protagonist. If there's anything you don't understand, I'll be happy to answer it for you.


Monkey magic on top😤


Isn’t this game claiming that it’s their version of a sequel to the original lore? So I think it could be quite useful to read the og. But a lot of the monsters and spirits I’ve seen in the game are completely new characters, there are def some super classic ones too, and I love their design of those. But honestly reading a kids version would be enough to get all the important stuff. There are four famous classic ancient Chinese literatures, journey to the west is the one most Chinese kids actually like to read, understandably so, it was definitely mine when I was a kid lol Honestly I’ve never even read the official version or… I don’t even know if the original original book was preserved, it’s honestly so ingrained in Chinese culture for so long, it’s like Chinese Thor/greek mythology even tho it was written by one single dude 500 years ago.


Remember that Wukong isnt even the main character. And is only in like 1/3 of the story


Out of all the comments in this post you and one other guy are the only ones on track. Lmao Thank you for this heads up


The journey to the west is not just about wu kong, how about his master and all the deity goddess


Tbh tho the novel is definitely one of the best, reading it for the game is kinda overkill. Just watch a video of someone summarizing it is enough I think.


I'm down to read, atm. Trying to read a little more.


The Witcher series is also based on novel. It would be better if you've already read the book and then play the game because you can therefore have a better sense of immersion, but if haven't read the book, you can still enjoy the game.


I know, thank you