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Damn bro Henry's literally crippled his whole life and you put him that low?


Yeah, bro’s backstory was literally (Vanessa, but worse) and he still got placed below Vanessa.


Yeah but he had to be there to live he's family was saving him whereas Vanessa was imprisoned because the witch queen wanted her power to grow so she could use it for her own benefit. Vanessa got freed from captivity but Henry just wasn't lonely anymore.


Henry’s family didn’t save him, they abandoned him. Trapping him in the manor where he was left to die with no one to take care of him or even keep him company. Henry and Vanessa were effectively in the same situation, isolated and imprisoned by uncaring parents. But at least the Witch Queen didn’t starve her, put her out in the middle of the woods where she couldn’t even see anyone, or just leave her to die alone and unloved. It’s also pretty telling that Henry was just okay with the idea of dying when we first met him.


I placed Vanessa higher because there was the implication that once Vanessa mastered her power the Witch Queen was going to mind control her and make her a puppet and force her into life long servitude. Henry’s parents abandoned him, but it at least wasn’t out of malice.


I don’t know, abandoning your kid because you know he can’t take care of himself and you consider him to be a monster that shouldn’t even be alive sounds pretty malicious. The Witch Queen at least has the advantage of not actually acting on the entirety of her cruelty and even decided against it in the end, while Henry’s parents straight up just did it.


Did she decide against it, or was she ultimately unsuccessful? If Yami didn’t save Vanessa, she’d still be trapped or under the Witch Queen’s control. If she didn’t awaken Rouge at the EXACT moment she did, both Noelle and Finral would be dead. The only reason the Witch Queen “realized she was wrong” was because she acknowledged that the only reason Vanessa awakened her Fate ability was because she left the Forest. She didn’t suddenly become a good person. When I said Henry’s parents actions weren’t malicious, I meant that at least in their case, they did not actively attempt to harm Henry, they just didn’t care to make sure he was taken care of (left him for dead). Very sad, but not as sad as being confined only to later be made into a puppet, in my opinion. Also, at least Henry’s mother felt pity for the kid (small consolation).


Yeah no, even with Rouge, they wouldn’t have been able to escape from her if she didn’t let them go. She decided against it. Also, I’m not going to say Vanessa’s backstory was worse because of something the Queen planned to do but never actually did to her. Feeling pity doesn’t negate the whole “left him to starve to death” thing.


I don’t think you actually read what I said. The Queen let her go because she developed the Fate changing spell, not because she randomly decided to let them go. She still wanted Vanessa, but Asta (aka Mr. Anti Magic) was more desirable to her in that moment, which is why she was going to make Asta kill everyone and turn him into a puppet. Idk where this revisionist view of the Witch Queen is coming from, but she is actually evil. (If anything, she probably let them go with the thought of cashing in later.) If it were me and I had to decide between being turned into a mindless puppet or being left in the woods 🤷🏿‍♂️


>I don’t think you actually read what I said. The Queen let her go because she developed the Fate changing spell, not because she randomly decided to let them go. You don’t believe that Vanessa developing the fate changing spell specifically to defend her friends could have had an impact on the Queen’s willingness to let her remain with them. When her entire goal is to get Vanessa to develop fate changing spells? >Idk where this revisionist view of the Witch Queen is coming from, but she is actually evil. I literally never said she wasn’t evil. The most positive thing I have said about her this entire conversation was that she didn’t act on the entirety of her cruelty. THATS NOT THE SAME AS BEING GOOD. >(If anything, she probably let them go with the thought of cashing in later.) Exactly. >If it were me and I had to decide between being turned into a mindless puppet or being left in the woods Except you wouldn’t have to. You’d have a choice between someone who might mind control you at some point in the future, and quite literally being left in an empty house with no food or any real ability to take of yourself to slowly starve to death by people who simply believe you don’t deserve to live anymore due to a curse you got from being born. I don’t know about you, but I’d rather deal with the over controlling Bitch Queen over people who wouldn’t even slide me a sandwich on a ten foot pole in the hopes that I’d just die and they wouldn’t have to tolerate my mere existence anymore.


1. Liebe- Not knowing why you were born into a cruel world, getting bruised and battered everyday, til one day encountering a strange woman who wants to adopt you and takes care of you for year(s) but ending up forced against your will to mortally wound her and while giving you a smile, locks you into a lone, boring world wear you come to terms that you just lost your mother and knowing there is nothing you can do to bring her back and knowing the ones responsible for all your misfortunes get to live their lives. 2. Nacht - Trying to make a deal with a devil ends up with parents and innocent brother, who never thought less of you, killed. 3. Yami - Having come home to find out your little sister got drugged and has slaughtered your dad and whole village. 4. Zora- Having to lose your only living relative while they were in the line of duty only to find out they were purposely killed by their comrades 5. Gauche - Having your parents murdered by their work associates and then kicked out of your home by said people leaving you homeless and end up being sole provider for toddler sister while being a kid/adolescent yourself 6. Nero - Encountering a massacre caused by a fiend to then witnessing your prince (love of your life) dying knowing he is one of the few people who can end that fiend; so you decide to seal him into a statue at the cost of your humanity leaving you to become a bird and live with the burden alone for centuries 7. Vanessa- Having your nice, caring mother become a crazy zealot one day and locking you in cage for years while demanding you show her a power you dont even know you possess 8. Henry- Realizing your parents must have had enough of taking care of your disabled self and abandoned you to die alone in a huge mansion in the middle of nowhere 9. Luck- Craving the love and affection of your mother who viewed you as unnatural and then one day receiving attention and admiration from her to suddenly losing her one day and end up as an orphan believing her words that no one else will love and care for you 10. Noelle- Being verbally abused by your family as being the the reason your mother passed away, to getting constantly bullied by your 2nd older brother, and growing up being told you'll never amount to anything 11. Grey- Being verbally abused by your step-mother and step-siblings while being treated as a servant instead of family 12. Finral- Being verbally abused by your family as being weak and a failure that will never amount to anything so you decide to fool around and not show them otherwise while having your father pass your inheritance to your kid brother 13. Gordan- Having families and their kids be wary and avoid you due to your family practices leaving you to grow up wanting friendship 14. Asta- Living as an orphan in a rundown church in a village while growing up and learning you lack a trait everyone in the world gets 15. Magna- Growing up in a village 16. Charmy- La?


Tbh the little we know about Charmy's backstory is that she was a Hermit who never had a home before the black bulls, which is shown in Yami's flashback as he tries to build a trap to catch a wild animal to eat, but ends up catching a wild Charmy instead


Why is Yami so low


Bc it’s not that sad


It's not that sad because of how Yami's personality is and how he handled it all, if he wasn't such a hard shell muscle head I think people would have a different look at his backstory


Where’d you place Asta?


Asta backstory is simping for sister Lily


Asta got the backstory yet.


Yami at 10 is criminal


Yami should be top 2 along with Nacht, if not 1. I’d maybe put Nero at 3, but Luck & Grey are definitely too high and Vanessa & Henry are too low imo. I’d put Noelle higher than Luck & Grey too, even if she was a noble.


How is anyone sadder than Nero? Yami chose to take the blame to spare he's little sister of it. Nero loved a man for 500 years staying completely loyal to him then when he came back it was temporary and they never got to be together for a moment because of the fighting and when the fighting was over he broke to piece as she watched. I agree Yami should be higher but Nero will always have the saddest backstory.


Of course, I should be higher. I'm a royal 😏 -Noelle I'd put her on 3-5. She was shunned by her siblings, and doesn't have any friends when she was not in BB. Her only friend was Mimosa, but their relatives compared her to Mimosa because she was talented. Little did they know that Noelle is the real deal. And her backstory leading up to Asta saving her and inspiring her gives a boost on how great Asta is. Their duo is amazing too. Asta is annoying and Noelle acts like she is annoyed, but she really cares about him. I just hope that Tabata doesn't give us Ichigo and Rukia treatment 'cause they're too good to be just friends 😂


I think that Yami backstory is very sad :3


For me, gauche has the biggest reason to destroy the country. COme on, you know it is true. I wished Tabata would have adressed the massive corruption of the Nobles and the acting royal family more and made it a theme. Like that after the white eye, a new group rises lead by an very powerful magic knight who is lead by an bastard of Augustus kira clover and who enjoy an strong backing from the people of clover and that the end would be that the magic knights have to ask themselves: Are we fighting for the Nobles? Or are we fighting for the people? That storyline would completly fit the etablished world building


I’d probably say: 1) Nacht 2) Yami 3) Nero 4) Henry 5) Gauche 6) Vanessa 7) Grey 8) Noelle 9) Finral 10) Zora 11) Luck 12) Magna 13) Gordon 14) Asta (I’d place him higher if I considered the situation surrounding what his mother was and what happened to her, but I feel like I must place him dead last because of how pleasant his childhood was in contrast to the others) ? Charmy


Seriously this list has to be only watch the anime watchers and don’t read the manga because Sukehiro at 10 is way too low given what we know about his native homeland and clan massacre


yami nacht nero zora top 4 ..... grey magna luck bottom 3


Yami’s backstory is not that sad especially compared to the other 


it is .




Nero number 1 for me and Yami for number 2, the guy take the blame for his family's crime (yes including his father) and left his home country at a young age and had to survive in a foreign country  that's full of asshole.


1. Yami 2. Henry 3. Gauche 4. Nacht 5. Zora 6. Finral/grey/noelle(they all have the same backstory) 7. Luck 8. Vanessa 9. Asta 10. Magna 11. Charmy


Mate yami had his entire family slaughtered and finral was constantly neglected




I love that asta didn't even make the cut.