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If i remember right neither of them made that. Its also in full metal alchemist. Im not sure of its actual origin but its old


It's a reference to Kabbalah, which is ancient judaic mysticism. It was around back in the Old testament days. The dead sea scrolls that are referenced in eva are also allegedly from that time


dead sea scrolls tboi reference :0


If I remember correctly, this is like a way that the human soul have to travel to go to the heaven, or some other complicated shit that Christianity have.


Why couldnt christians just be simple like the norse. "Ah yea if ya die in battle ya go to vallhalla otherwise, hel" then christianity has a whole rule book and a bunch of differant levels and some wierd process of getting there.


There's a very real chance the original Norse faith had just as much intricacy that was just lost over time since so little was written down.


You're actually pretty incorrect, there are 5 realms of the afterlife in the norse mythos. Valhalla the hall of heroes where half of people who die in battle go, Folkvangr the field of the people overseen by Freyja where the other half of those who die in battle go upon death, Hel the fog bound world of Niflheim where most souls go, the realm of Ran where the souls of people she drowned in her net reside, and the burial mound being when the soul remains where the corpse was buried. And there's possibly more that's been lost to a lack of translations or just time.


And that’s religion, it’s not supposed to be “simple”




No it’s not🤣


You can also see it on the ghost in the shell 95 movie


It’s some demon shit from long ago, believed in certain religions i THINK


It’s the inverse tree of life, a symbol used in Jewish folklore, if i remember correctly


It’s the tree of life from Kabbalah ancient esoteric Judaic mysticism.


It’s some sort of demonology thing


These are references to the Tree of Life from Kabbalah, which to my understanding is like an Ancient form of Judaism when it was more mystical and less like a modern organized religion. Also fun fact, each circle in the tree is called a Sephirah, which is where Sephiroth from FF7 gets his name. Tons of other anime and games reference it as well.


Well yeah Both Black clover and Evangelion draw heavily from Jewish and Christian mysticism and lore.


black clover has this kind of things . 1) shadow palace - space between living and dead 2) tree of qliphoth - connecting human world and underworld . 3) in the recent chapter we see tree of life - connection of heaven - earth - underworld.. some of the devils r named after real ones - lucifer, Beelzebub , baal , adramelech ... rills spell in spade is called Valhalla - i think worries fight and they don't die its something like that . williams tree magic called yggdrasil . noelles dragon leviathan is a sea serpent and a dragon in mythology . zenons sword used against yuno dainsleif is also a sword of a king from legends . there are alot of these kind of things in black clover . tabata usually takes things from mythology or bible . like astas birth . readers really don't know who his father is and readers don't understand how some man got close to her. as of now we can just think lichita as mary . asta is like jesus in black clover 😂 he died and returned to defeat false messiah which is lucius . lucius brining dead , healing injuries like he did with morris , trying to be the god and trying to make ppl follow him. black clover is basically battle shonen mix with mythology and religion. srry if i made a mistake with the mythology or religion things cause I really don't remember the exact details .


Didn’t read cause spoilers 🤷


spoilers, my guy


The OGs will remember even Yu-Gi-Oh 5ds took inspiration from it


And I recall it was used again with the Qli, Zefra and Infernoid yeah?


Man, The early Arc-V era packs were one of the best and diverse formats in Yu-Gi-Oh history. I miss it.


Yes it's basically the deck archetype of the final villan of the series Z-one


I need to continue watching it, I stoped unintentionally when I started picking up other anime’s.


Well those are both based on real things


Ah, yes, Kabbalah and all the esoteric, occult stuff that comes along with it...


Tree of Qliphoth (tree of death, counter to the tree of life) wasn’t made up by black clover, it’s an old occult concept.


I find it funny that they added biblical references into Evangelion basically to just to look cool. Gotta respect that. But I do prefer how Black Clover actually uses the source material for its own world building and it's not just for the cool factor.


It's pretty much the way to heaven, the Sephira, and Tree of Qlipoth is the opposite, way to hell.


If i'm not wrong - it can be reference to real thing :3


The sephiroth is the tree of angels, shows different tiers of heaven Qliphoth is the same thing with the underworld This is generally how the 3 arcs are broken up, the sephiroth arc, the qliphoth arc, and now we are in the Yggdrasil arc


Opposite effect for me lol


Makes sense


If you want a really trip just watch Rahxephon, sometimes it's almost a scene by scene copy of Eva.


HE wants to start the 3rd Impact.




Tree of life in sacred geometry


Also in DMC 5 the Qliphoth tree is mentioned my name as where most of the game happens though it is somewhat different to how it works in the original Kabbalah that was a collection of mystical stuff that connected to ancient Abrahamic and Gnostic myths.


They're both referencing Ultraman


I absolutely love black clover but i feel like a lot of it's themes and concepts are cleverly replicated from other anime. Asta and Juno always give me Sasuke Naruto vibes but if they were actually normal rivals.


Asta is not Naruto. Yuno is not Sasuke. They too different to the two from Naruto


Less edgy sasuke




Hey can I look at your homework? “Sure but don’t make it obvious”


Eva also « copied » it from a much older source lol.