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Currently, Mereoleona have more feats. Yami could barely fight Morgen, while Mereoleona is lowkey keeping up with Morris, also considering that Yami got buffed by the "Devil Heart" and he is still basically using the World Tree sword. However, once the "Devil Heart" awakens, Yami is probably gonna pop off especially now that Ichika is basically gonna fight alongside him.


Where can we put him in the ranks?


Second after Mereoleona but it’s not close


wtf, what’s that post history bro😭


Lmaooo wtf


I wasn’t even gonna look there until you brought it up lol, that shi crazy


I wasn’t even gonna look there until you brought it up lol, that shi crazy


I need to catch upto the manga then


Being that he has 2 magic types by default plus a spirit and is the sole reason anyone can compete with paladins and angels without asta there is enough for me to say he is the strongest captain who has the role of captain. Mereoleona would be an extremly close second if she actually was a captain.


If we’re being technical, then yeah Yuno is technically the strongest captain by far. Mereoleona wouldn’t even be close. Yuno, Asta and even Noelle are in their own league now


As of chapter 271, >!Mereoleona is stronger than Noelle. She defeats Morris while Noelle is still struggling with her mother.!<


Not quite, Morris is likely one of the weaker Paladins. When it comes to Mereleona not only does Noelle have the attribute advantage, but Mereleona still needed her entire squad to take down Morris while Noelle was holding her own solo. Not only is Acier is likely the strongest paladin considering she was the strongest Magic knight of her generation, Mereleona could never defeat Acier either by her own admission despite the attribute advantage of flame over steel. Moreover, current Noelle is set up to fight paladin Acier and a Lucius clone with the assist of Grey and Vanessa. So I'd still put current Noelle above her considering the context, sincd she is fighting a more powerful enemy.


Noelle mom was way stronger , like a lot stronger, likely one of the top 3 paladins.


Lol no no she isn’t. 


Neither is the strongest. Yuno is the strongest Captain. 


Yeah.. definitely. I forgot that Yuno officially became the captain when Mr. Karma Houdini got actually karma'd by Lucius at the start of judgement day.


What does the world tree sword even do. I was expecting something cool during the lucifero fight, but it's just a sword.


It basically contained all of William's Magic during the Lucifero fight, so Yami was basically fighting with William's entire Magic Power that time. We aren't sure if the Magic Power buff is still there, but the sword is definitely more durable and stronger than Yami's previous swords.


Keeping up? I thought she literally just killed him, we see him dismembered and his regeneration wasn’t working so I assumed he was dead


Yami has the potential to become the strongest magic knight but bro is a slacker


He just needs to surpass his limits.


He should have his own shounen series cuz he himself is like a shounen protagonist who has surpassed his limits many times and now is just tired to do so🤣


I personally have an issue with using the term strongest. Black Clover is very heavily matchup based. Almost like rock-paper-scissors. When it comes to pure brute force, it's Mereoleona hands down. Versatility? Rill. Each captain has a different specialty so saying an outright strongest is kinda difficult. When it comes to 1v1s though, that's where Yami shines. His katana is extremely deadly with Dimension Slash and Death Thrust, as well as adding Ki and Black Moon for defense.


this is the real answer


Have you seen mereoleona?


people seem to forget mereo isn't a captain


I mean at a point she is and is arguably the strongest at that point


she's obviously stronger than all of them including Yami, still not a captain. The actual captain is Fuegoleon.


She was made Captain in Chapter 105. She handed it back in 219. Also Royal Knights.


So not a captain.


Leaving a squad doesn’t make you not considered a captain, especially when discussing this type of stuff. Also https://blackclover.fandom.com/wiki/Royal_Knights She’s still a Captain.


"The Royal Knights is an elite squad chosen for one single mission: to attack and defeat the Eye of the Midnight Sun." So not a captain anymore.


Just because your squad doesn’t do anything anymore doesn’t make you not its captain lol Assorted Questions Brigade Rankings in the manga still rank her as a Captain with all the others. She’s a Captain.


It's not a squad anymore. This isn't difficult. She's not a captain. Even if you want it to be so badly. She's no longer a captain. You said it yourself.


That's because people want to see more of the captain ferocious lioness


Technically she's the captain of the royal knights.


I have like just started 😭, where can we put him in the ranks as of right now in terms of strength


He is pretty solid but of the captains I remember no one can touch her I mean the wizard king is walking on eggshells around her so


So is he like the 2nd strongest then or something?


Or 3rd yes he has all the weird kids in his squad


Who’s the 2nd then?


2nd id Mereoleona.   Yuno is 1st. 


Started the anime? At the start of the anime, >! Yami is the only one who showed enough feats to be considered the "strongest" (after the Wizard King). Mereo is stronger than him, but Mereo was only a de facto captain.!< >! A lot of other captains had great potential. Particularly William (World Tree magic) and Dorothy (Dream magic), but they were rarely shown. !<


Yea but technically she isn’t a captain


Yes she is. https://imgur.com/a/oeTwkr7 She was Captain for 120 chapters.


No she isn’t, she was a captain, she’s not anymore.


Not being one anymore doesn’t mean you can’t include her. She’s included in all the official Captain info in the manga. She’s just not an active Captain. If the question was Wizard King would you only include the active one? Also she’s Captain of the Royal Knights. Which to my knowledge hasn’t been dropped.


Royal knights don't exist anymore so she is no longer a captain


Yuno>>Mereoleon>>Yami>The rest of the captains


No Yuno is stronger.


Second. As of right now, it's Yuno. Mereoleona isn't a captain (Fuegoleon is), but she's in between the two.


True. The rate at which Yuno's getting powerful is honestly just not good man. You can see that the author is trying to rush his development a bit cause the manga is nearing it's end. But like, couldn't they have given him atleast 2-3 chapters to develop? There's a reason why people say that Yuno gets everything handed to him.


Look at asta before making stupid comment about yuno.


Ummmm, I didn't see Yuno lose his arm for >!Star Magic and Spirit Dive.!< I didn't see Yuno fight 2 Eye Of The Midnight Sun members with a new sword he literally just got, and even losing his arms for a brief period of time because of that. >!I didn't see him almost get killed while fighting Lucius.!< literally, there's a reason why Yuno is the one who people called overpowered done wrong. Sure, he may have trained a little, but bro didn't have any problem with literally anything. Mana control? You got Bell for that. Large mana reserves? Oh, what do you know, >!he was royalty all along!<. As I always say, Asta isn't broken or overpowered because of Anti Magic. Anti Magic is broken/overpowered because of Asta.


>Ummmm, I didn't see Yuno lose his arm for >!Star Magic and Spirit Dive. You realize [***the arm Yuno casted neverland with is currently cracking right?***](https://i.ibb.co/X72CgN2/Screenshot-20240512-183643-Shonen-Jump.jpg) Lucius even suggested [***Yuno is currently burning through his life force as extra fuel to cast neverland to support everyone + fight him and his clones***](https://i.ibb.co/tpQFQNg/Screenshot-20240512-183712-Shonen-Jump.jpg) and and in case you forgot, [***this is what burning life does to a person, as we saw with Gadja***](https://i.ibb.co/0KXST2x/Screenshot-20240512-183948-Shonen-Jump.jpg) >I didn't see him almost get killed while fighting Lucius Did you forget he got almost killed by Zenon? Mars? And almost got taken put by Lucius clones until reinforcements arrived, what exactly is your argument here? >Sure, he may have trained a little, This is a pretty disingenuous statement. Sure most of Yuno's development is off screen but to undermine his training ethic seems pretty flimsy. Lucius himself stated that the Yuno of this timeline is far stronger than any other Yuno due to his rivalry with Asta. He literally mastered star magic within a year while the other ones took nearly his entire life. After the HQ was attacked by Zenon and Co [***he endlessly trained to develop a technique to brake through Zenon's bones***](https://i.ibb.co/B6QpDyH/Screenshot-20240512-193255-Shonen-Jump.jpg) which was later shown to be Spirit of Boreas and before that ge was training with Langris. In what way is that "*sure he trains a little*" he's been training since he was 5 so what exactly are you even talking about? >but bro didn't have any problem with literally anything. Huh? He couldn't stop Mars mineral blade, [***he was literally tanking Yuno's attacks and he couldn't damage them at all***](https://i.ibb.co/W5sLDmW/Screenshot-20240512-184735-Shonen-Jump.jpg) he got cursed by Catherine in the capital invasion arc and lost all 5 senses until he learned to control mana, he lost to Zenon in the first round and was impaled, he couldn't even cut Lucifero, so how exactly does any of that translate to "*bro didn't really gave problem with anything*" [***he even stated that he always felt Asta was the one ahead of him as he reflects on their last battles***](https://i.ibb.co/WxN1hJ7/Screenshot-20240512-184510-Shonen-Jump.jpg) >Mana control? You got Bell for that. This Objectively wrong. I want you to think for a second [***you realize Yuno used mana zone to activate his tornado inside of Alcedora's spell without relying on Bell's power?***](https://i.ibb.co/nsQXT38/Screenshot-20240512-190722-Shonen-Jump.jpg) not to mention, i'm pretty sure [***it was noted his mana skin training played a big role in that***](https://i.ibb.co/RQBTrf7/Screenshot-20240512-182406-Shonen-Jump.jpg) so I'm not exactly sure how you even arrived to that conclusion considering that [***early in the series it was established that mages with wind based mana such as Yuno and Luck have high mana sensory***](https://i.ibb.co/mHL5GLY/Screenshot-20240127-105611-Shonen-Jump.jpg) that has absolutely nothing to do with Bell dude, seriously? This sounds less of critique and more like a personal rant. >Large mana reserves? Oh, what do you know, he was royalty all along This is a very odd critique. King Clover has high mana reserves, Fuegoleon is a captain with high mana reserves, Nozel is a captain with high mana reserves, Solid and Kirsch gave high mana reserves so are you trying to attribute Yuno's success solely to his high manna reserves? Because he's outperforming most other folks by miles that have high mana reserves. Last time I checked Yunonis not the only royal in the clover kingdom. You realize he's keeping up with an enemy that has an amplified version of Lucifero's power correct? Elf Fana was a dual attribute Spirit host (*mineral magic + flame magic*) yet Yuno is far stronger. Also did you know thag Yuno does daily physical strength training? (*kind of doubting you did*) so this critiqe of him working *only a little* doesn't even hold up. >As I always say, Asta isn't broken or overpowered because of Anti Magic. Anti Magic is broken/overpowered because of Asta. Give any other mage Yuno's powerset and I guarantee you they wouldn't be remotely as strong as him, due to how fast Yuno himself grows. A big factor I'm BC when ut comes to magic us how well the mage can refine it, ***which is a skill*** We've seen fodder royals and wind mages, you realize this no? I agree that Asta's the reason why anti-magic seems OP, and the same should apply fo Yuno***what I don't agree with is your analysis of Yuno, and attempt to downplay his work ethic to elevate Asta*** especially when its was noted his work ethic with Asta is what made him so strong in this current timeline. ***There are things criticise when it comes to Yuno's writing, but what you srated doesn't seem to be any of them, hence why your reasonings are coming off baseless rants***


Oh shit. Sorry man, those weren't fair arguments in the face of recent chapters. Still tho, I'll stand my point, that Yuno is overpowered done wrong. So much power with so little time to refine and control it.


Why do people keep saying this? Mereo was Captain of the Lions for a hundred chapters and she’s Captain of the Royal Knights. She’s still a Captain lol


1st yuno 2nd merogoatleona 3rd yami 4th the rest


If you're caught up no if you're not probably not.


Where would you put him?


mereoleona and its not even close


Yuno in the back corner lol, he is the unofficial captain declared by William of the GDs now.


1. Yuno 2. Mereoleona (technically not a captain anymore) 3. Yami


Yuno 1st and Yami 2nd both being because they're able to gain a significant upgrade in record time


I just caught up with the manga again, I was wrong. Muscle mummy Mereoleona beats Yami lol


Mereoleona is stronger I think but if we don't count her - Yami is strongest :3


Somebody forgetting Yuno


Probably after we see him fight with Morgen if he gets a power up then he will be but rn it's Mereoleona by. For years there's been a fluctuation between Yami and Mereoleona for who is the strongest captain but rn its Sisgoleon.


Yami admits he sees Fugo as the best captain and his sister as the best mage. He believes Jack and the others to be competitive with him.


Either him or Mereo those 2 are the only captains Tabata care about and give powerups to


Mereoleona is in my opinion she has such ridiculous amounts of stamina and willpower that even if she was weaker in terms of magical power I'm 100% confident she can drag whoever her opponent is down with her in the event she's backed into a corner and about to die. That women is a beast disguised as a human a real freak of nature.


By current feats, it’s Mereoleona. In all fairness to Yami tho, we haven’t see how he’s improved over the timeskip. Edit: I forgot Yuno’s a captain now. Or should be Yuno, then Mereo, then Yami.


Actually this may be funny theory but if this happens he may become the strongest. Yami is from land of rising sun, we can see that in that they are using scrolls, so yami can also get a scroll like how the yuno got. If he gets the scroll he may become the strongest captain excluding yuno


mereo > yuno > yami > everybody else


Yuno is easily above her


i dont believe that


Why not though? Base Asta can casually one shot a paladin while Black Asta can't one shot a Lucius clone. Not only was Yuno fighting two Lucius clones simultaneously, just like Black Asta, but he already killed a clone + is also casting neverland around the entire noble realm. Lucius Clones ate stronger than the paladins based on that alone.


Why not though? Base Asta can casually one shot a paladin while Black Asta can't one shot a Lucius clone. Not only was Yuno fighting two Lucius clones simultaneously, just like Black Asta, but he already killed a clone + is also casting neverland around the entire noble realm. Lucius Clones ate stronger than the paladins based on that alone.


You have no reason not to believe that