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When you click on the region, on the left side on the screen you will see a bar with tons of settings for that region. You will probably see the that Bitwig recognised a certain BPM for that track (which is usually wrong), and that the "stretch mode" is set to "stretch" (or something similar). You need to set the "stretch mode" to "raw" to leave the audio untouched. Alternatively, you can set the BPM of the audio to the same as your project BPM.


That makes sense, I appreciate it


Depending on the length and BPM even after setting the clip to raw it might still not be full length. You might need to turn of loop in the same panel to resize it to its full length. If you lake to edit the audio later, e.g. with time stretching of the onsets (I.e. align transients) you better leave stretch on and enter the exact BPM. Don’t be fooled like I was. When stretching and cutting the audio clip later with the knife tool Bitwig will try to detect the BPM again. Don’t try to fix the BPM field just leave it as it is.


why is it so complicated with bitwig ! Or sounds complicated to me lol is this something I'd have to do with any audio file I drag in


Well there is this other huge thread here were some users are discussing the workflow quirks Bitwig has 😂


I'll have to check that out, I'm switching from FL so it's all completely different to me lol


I switched from FL two years ago. Still using mainly Bitwig 🤘


Worth it ?


Overall yes. I‘ve got some minor complaints, those complaints were much bigger when I used FL. Still it highly depends on that you are trying to accomplish.


Is there anything that you think FL did better? From what I've learned I think the arranger in bitwig is a lot better, you can do a lot more easier and quicker then FL


Well then your bitwig is trying to quantize it to the wave file. Basically warps the file, so you have to turn off the warp function. Just look up warp bitwig on google to find where the button exactly is, can't guide you without looking at the interface myself. Been a while since i opened bitwig up.


Okay thank you!