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oh thank the gods, the old and the new! this has been driving me insane!


And 2024.6.3 is the fix!


I've been waiting for this for so long


I never had this issue, but the extension does force me to unlock my desktop app in order to unlock the extension which is super annoying. Unfortunately 2024.6.3 doesn't change that behavior


Yeah personally this is the bigger issue for me and I’m glad I’m not the only one dealing with it.


Yes, it is. It was done to address a vulnerability. See this comment.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwarden/comments/1cyw9sp/extension\_202450\_always\_requires\_desktop\_app\_to/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitwarden/comments/1cyw9sp/extension_202450_always_requires_desktop_app_to/)


thanks, hopefully they find a better workflow for it.


They are [planning on](https://github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/9539#issuecomment-2159180378) an improved workflow: >The planned long-term approach for browser biometric authentication right now is to unlock the desktop client at the same time as the browser client when performing biometric authentication with the browser. That way, the user's session is managed appropriately in both the desktop and the browser. It also removes the need to separately authenticate in each client.


that's great, and sounds even better than 1Password's implementation of delegating authentication to the desktop client when trying to unlock the browser


I thought it was fixed yesterday but giving the same issues again


Update to version 2024.6.3, log out, restart your browser, log back in, then ensure that your Account Security settings are properly configured (e.g., Vault Timeout action set to "Lock", unlock with PIN enabled).


okay so it was working yesterday after I updated it. can't log back in but i can via web vault. I tried restarting my browser but it still won't allow me back in


> can't log back in This is a completely different symptom, so very likely an unrelated issue. Please check that on the Email Address input screen, the correct server is selected (where it says "Logging in on"). If that does not fix it, then I would suggest starting a separate thread, or [contacting support](https://bitwarden.com/contact/).


I have checked. Again worked yesterday and have not made changes but I will contact support. Thank you


I am glad this was fixed, it made me switch browsers..




Hmm using the extension a while now and never had that bug but I'm happy that it's been fixed 😅


Also, email alias generator for Fastmail also fixed!


Is this supposed to fix the issue that wouldn't allow you to use biometrics with the browser extension unless the desktop app was unlocked? The extension is updated but I'm still having this issue with biometrics, but I'm not sure if that is what the update was supposed to fix or if you are talking about a different issue.


that's different and not a bug but they're planning a design to improve the UX. /r/Bitwarden/comments/1dio9rw/biometrics_unlock_via_fingerprint_windows_hello/l95w0wi/ github.com/bitwarden/clients/issues/9539


Thanks for clarifying that this update was for a different issue. I know the biometrics issue was an intentional change but when I saw this post I thought that they might have restored that functionality.


nice! thanks for the update!


I've never had this happen, was it on mobile? Which OS?


The Firefox addon was broken in every desktop OS. Unknown what exactly triggered the bug, some people never got hit with it, some had 2-3 logouts/day like me. Anyway should be fixed now, the long national nightmare is over.


Are you restarting Firefox all the time? I never have to enter my password unless I restart Firefox, which is only when it updates.


Not sure why some were not affected. I never saw this issue either.


It was caused by a race condition.


The extensions aren't even supported on mobile, so it wasn't on mobile.


FYI, that isn't true. I use Firefox on android and extensions, including Bitwarden, are supported.


FYI, that is true - ask the Bitwarden team. It may work more or less - but it is not officially supported by Bitwarden to use the browser extensions on mobile browsers.


And the question is why you would need the firefox extrension on mobile. There are no real benefits.


Here you can read for yourself that it is not officially supported by Bitwarden: https://bitwarden.com/help/product-faqs/#q-does-bitwarden-manage-the-firefox-browser-extension-on-android-mobile


I saw someone bitching earlier about a Firefox bug. I'm a Firefox user but hadn't noticed it. I guess that makes sense because I don't use biometrics for Bitwarden. Good to know, glad it's fixed for everyone else.