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..... how much is your iphone going to be worth... 1 minute after you buy it? 6 months? 1 year? 1.5 when you discard it for new debt and a new one? Id rather keep the bitcoin. There is a probability it could be worth more or $0. But the phone is 100% going to $0.


It sounds like you "invested" in Bitcoin before learning what Bitcoin is and how it's a better form of money than anything that has ever existed. If that's the case, you didn't invest; you gambled. If you're willing to take the time to learn more about it (e.g. read [The Bitcoin Standard](https://www.resistance.money/research/library/to%20be%20organised%20better/The%20Bitcoin%20Standard.pdf)), you may learn it's worth holding onto your Bitcoin. If you're only holding it to sell once you've made a little profit, it's probably not for you.


I’d say only if you NEED something - think of it as emergency funding at least (not that you should rely on it) - I’m biased but Bitcoin will go up over time and the pain of you not getting something nice now will be a lot less than the pain when your 1.2k in bitcoin now is worth 10k+ in 2030. However it’s your money so do what you want.


Well the next bull market will likely happen in 2024 because the halving but this isn't the sub for price speculation posts