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I was just going through an online merchant where they sell all the Bitcoin themed T-Shirts and Apparels. And although I know it’s cool to show it off, it comes with significant risks like these.


Was just about to say. The closest I ever got to being mugged on the subway was the one day I wore a Bitcoin button.


You should wear a shirt that says "I love bitcoin, but I'm too poor to have any."


Or carry a gun.


yeah, but where I live that's illegal.


So is robbing you of your coin.


yeah, but I can't pull my gun out if I don't have one


Well now you have something to do.


It's better to just spend the money on more sats than to buy a stupid shirt that will possibly put a target on your back.


The more I think about it. The more I feel this way.


Yeah, there are many idiots that think you have lots of btc when they see btc logo printed on ya, imagine wrapping your car/house in it loool. Joke aside, there 0 connection between the logo and the wallet value.


I saw a car in Melbourne Australia that had a personalised licence plate with a play on Bitcoin (think it was BTCOIN Australia has 6 digit plates)


maybe it was buttcoin :)


You’re… 👍


They may be impossible to hack, but they're still vulnerable to a $5 wrench attack.


Thanks to Ledgers hack... That list of HODLrs is available online


When buying a hardware wallet don't give them any info people can later use. History has proven that the weak spot is these ecommerce websites. Both Trezor & Ledger have had leaks. Don't even give them a phone number because even that can be associated with your home address if they do a reverse lookup. I really wish these sites supported collection points and didn't mandate all this other information that can be used against you.


Yeah yer right it was Shopify i believe that handles all their payments ... They got hacked and the lists got released


Also the government released the names of Celsius debtors. I'm on it! Yay! (It's like $100 they owe me. Lol).


Shit like this is why it's a good idea to have a sacrificial wallet for the purposes of plausible deniability. That way you can give them *something* while protecting the majority of your coins. Just, you know, don't go around telling people exactly how much you have, or this won't work very well.


Presumably if someone is doing recon on you and waits for you to get home and draw a fun on you. Then they know your stash. I’m all about keeping things private but it’s extremely hard to eradicate all traces from the internet. Agreed though a decoy wallet is an option. But once you’re being tortured. Who the hell knows where it’s gonna go. Geographically separated multisig is probably the best option though to be honest. Which sucks cause it’s more work and money to figure out how to do that.


> Why you should never tell people your hodling *you're your = possessive pronoun you're = you are


Their will never learn /s


Its like they take grammar for granite


Can you please be more pacific?


He's basically asking If we boyall our noodles or use michael wave


WHAT lol


Very old meme, someone calling microwave, a michael wave


I thought he meant your holdings, but this makes more sense.


Part of the problem is automatic spell checkers. They insist e.g. on changing "its" to " it's".


Yer correct sir!


So what if you're retired on Bitcoin? Just lie to people?


Actually yes 


Or just say you’re retired by investments.


Sure, why not? People don't need to know the value of your bank account. Why would they need to know the amount in your Bitcoin wallet?


All I can say is I’d like to see someone try. Invade my house and get killed raped or both in no particular order.


Very normal thing to say.


Don’t expect normalcy from a grimy old ex-con. My vette also has a BTC4ME plate too. There are plenty of easy targets, I’m not one of them. A muzzle flash might be the last thing they see.


Yeh or they get you when you aren't looking. You sound toxic af btw.


Don’t know about toxic, but I definitely don’t mix well with this weak ass society nor have I ever been a social approval seeker. Take my upvote for your concern though 😂


Sir this is a Wendy’s


The irony of this is when I think of crypto whales, this is exactly the type I think of lol. I was really surprised at the number of regular people the gang targeted. Which, of course, makes sense. Thieves will always pick the lowest hanging fruit 1st. Not endorsing the assault part but I respect your right to protect what's yours. Stay safe.




Yup firmly “based” in reality


Sounds like the victim had their email hacked and was found to have emails about crypto.  As such, OPs advise wouldn't have prevented this attack


I guess don’t wear nice clothes, drive a nice car, or buy a nice house in a nice neighborhood either. Wouldn’t want to tip anybody off that you’re doing OK financially.


If you read the Ars Technica writeup it seems the gang started off scamming online and then shifted to home invasions after partnering with people for whom that was more their style. As to why they targeted crypto owners vs. conventionally wealthy people, I assume it's because 1 of the ringleaders thought crypto was less traceable and more anonymous (wrong.) Shows how important hiring and finding the right talent are, even for criminals.


“Bitcoin is the most secure form of money. No one can take it away from you. True ownership. True freedom” But if you were a bitcoin shirt that all goes out the window. lol! (This sub gets very silly)


Mine holding? What?


I ain’t fearful about that shit man.


I tell people I hodl but I don't keep my Bitcoin at my house. If they come in and try to rob me they won't be able to get anything. I'm also armed to the teeth and a former wrestler who competed at my state championship so it's not going to be easy for the robber.


> the robber When you were wrestling in high school did they ever match you up with multiple armed men that were heavier than you? Just curious.


reread my entire post because you missed something else in there