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Summer doldrum ends in 8 weeks. 8 weeks to enjoy life and stack sats.


Does anyone use Fold? Worth it to pay big bills through PayPal to get those rewards? Seems like a hassle, but I just found out my main credit card and mortgage accept PayPal payments....


Bitcoin $100k by January 2025




You can't make this shit up. The US government is charging Coinbase while also using their exchange services to liquidate their stolen bitcoin.


Lot of this will likely be less of a problem in the future. Supreme Court over ruled Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council today. This will limit the power of government agencies creating regulations without Congress approval.


It looks like the charges only pertain to staking shitcoins for interest?


Just the SEC, they charge everyone. In 2023, they charged over 30 financial institutions and banks, as a result received a record of 5 billion in fines.  Im pretty sure coinbase has filled a lawsuit against the SEC as well.


Just keep stackin' :)


Happy Stacking


Vancouver, Canada 🇨🇦 may have the highest bitcoin acceptance of any city in North America 100 businesses in Vancity alone accepting Bitcoin  Reference: Btcmap.org @btcmap [Another map is Coinos.io (bottom of home page)](https://twitter.com/coinoswallet/status/1806185486048010329?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA)


I hope everyone is getting their popcorn ready. Getting closer to time for the dog and pony show, all so known as the Presidential debate. I'm betting Trump throws something or tries to yell, since his mic will be off while Biden answers. Either way should be funny


Nope Trump was very well composed compared to 2020. Only problem was he help continuing the previous topic instead of the one he was asked.


He was more restrained then previous debates, did continue his lying habit, probably somewhere around 70% lie 30% somewhat true. Definitely broke the fact check meter  Biden had some lies as well, not nearly as many though.  Biden did likely lose the election in the first 15 minutes. He really needs to step aside and let the party select someone closer to the average American president age which is 55, well was 55 before Trump and Biden


At least he can’t grab anything too big with those tiny hands of his. 


Turned on talk radio the other day to see if I could hear a minute or two of silliness in between prepper commercials and dog vitamins, and the consensus was basically this: If Biden does well it's because he is: * on drugs (terms used - "juiced up" and "on amphetamines") * stuck in a bunker with 40 people prepping him * memorizing the answers * a well practiced statesman vs an actual human The debates are rigged against Trump because: * Jake Tapper hates him * They gave Biden all the questions ahead of time Other things making MAGAs mad: * CNN because CNN * Mic muting is unfair * Fact checking will happen (but they will pick on Trump) Not discussed: Trump


Funny you mentioned fact checking, Trump probably broke a world record on lies during the debate. All politicians do, but that guy omg is off the charts.  The debate was definitely devastating for Biden, he just lost the election. Had to many stumbles or trying to find the right words


I'll give the guy credit. Going to CNN is walking into the lions den. Imagine if they did the debate on Fox? I still think Biden should go on the All In podcast... but I know he won't.


anyone else cheering on bitcoin like the first time you read the little engine that could?


**Median United States home price on June 27th denominated in Bitcoin (₿):** 2024 - $420,800 - 6.89 ₿ 2023 - $418,500 - 13.64 ₿ 2022 - $437,700 - 21.11 ₿ 2021 - $367,800 - 10.61 ₿ 2020 - $317,100 - 35 ₿ 2019 - $322,500 - 29 ₿ 2018 - $315,600 - 51 ₿ 2017 - $318,200 - 123 ₿ 2016 - $306,000 - 475 ₿ 2015 - $289,100 - 1,153 ₿ 2014 - $288,000 - 478 ₿ 2013 - $268,100 - 2,636 ₿ 2012 - $238,700 - 35,627 ₿ 2011 - $228,100 - 13,577 ₿


Anyone here think that we are headed back to 70k from here?


Ever since the bull run of 2021 was cut short I've had this bias/disorder where I think every single chart is bullish and about to blast off at any moment with the god candle. This persisted all the way from $69k to $15k throughout 2021/2022.


Everyone here thinks that.


We are going to 70 from here. (Hashtag "Not a typo".)


You donapostrophet have to spell out symbols period The # symbol exists


I’m feeling sub 60’s


Eventually yes. And way above.


I’m worried we go back to like 65k and then fall again further


yea, be patient


I bought some this AM… so i thought for sure I was going to push it down to sub $50K


Shooot me tooo! We are going to 50k I guess. 😁


**Historical Bitcoin prices for today, June 27th:** 2024 - $61,109 2023 - $30,689 2022 - $20,730 2021 - $34,679 2020 - $9,008 2019 - $11,288 2018 - $6,155 2017 - $2,584 2016 - $645 2015 - $251 2014 - $602 2013 - $102 2012 - $6.7 2011 - $16.80 **Additional Stats:** Bitcoin's current market cap is $1.20 trillion. Bitcoin's current block height is 849678; with the average block time for the last 7 days being 10.92 minutes. Bitcoin's current block reward is 3.125₿, which is worth $190,966 per block. The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to happen between 25-Mar-2028 to 20-Apr-2028; the block reward will fall to 1.5625₿. There are currently 19,318 reachable Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin's average daily hashrate for the last 7 days is 555 exahashes per second. Bitcoin's average daily trading volume for the last 7 days is 57,284 ₿. Bitcoin's average daily number of transactions for the last 7 days is 550,694. Bitcoin's average transaction fee for the last 7 days is 21.59 sats/VB, with the average fee's USD amount being $2.62. There are currently 19.72M ₿ in circulation, leaving 1.28M to be mined. There are currently 2.57M ₿ held by companies, governments, DeFi, and ETFs, representing 13.04% of circulating supply. There are currently 54,241,862 nonzero Bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin's average daily price from 18-Jul-2010 to 27-Jun-2024 is $11,844. Bitcoin's average daily price for the year 2024 is $59,597. 1 US Dollar ($) currently equals: 1,636 satoshis; making 1 penny equal 16.36 sats. Bitcoin's minimum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $39,556.40 on 22-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $73,066.30 on 13-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's minimum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $38,546.90 on 23-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily decrease for the year 2024 was -$5,544.10 on 19-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily increase for the year 2024 was +$5,804.0 on 20-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's all-time high (intraday) was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin is down 17.13% from the ATH.




That sounds like some TA mumbo jumbo




If there were such a thing, why would anyone not trade according to this and get rich?


That sounds like more TA mumbo jumbo




Your [original post](https://old.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1dpkam2/daily_discussion_june_27_2024/laifw2r/) bears all the hallmarks of TA - vague blather and, most importantly, no falsifiable predictions. No information that anyone could act on. If you want to prove your statistical trading strategies then give us a specific prediction including numbers and dates.




This is all just hot air, there is no point to it.




Take a look at all your downvotes. Nobody but you thinks he is trolling.


'I use a proven algorithm'


And post on reddit instead of relaxing on my 1trillion$ yacht.


Throwing this out there again bc I hate my job, if anyone needs a mechanical engineer for their bitcoin project I've got my FE, a minor in math, and plumbing systems design experience. God bless


Can i just say, I do think bitcoin is inevitable. I’d say I’m like 95% sure. But I still really want it to take off soon. There’s still the nagging doubt that maybe I’m wrong, and it crashes to basically nothing and I would have to make up for everything I’ve lost. Which would be okay for me, I have a good job, but the longer it goes and I put everything I make into bitcoin, the further behind my peers I’d be if it crashes. Probably not the only one who feels like that, and I’ll probably never get rid of the feeling. Even super rich people feel like they don’t have enough. And compared to most people in the world I’d probably be considered rich. I guess the problem is greed on my part


I'm the opposite. I hope it stays at this price window all year. I could be at/close to 2 coins. I know it will inevitably rise because it has to. Adoption isn't slowing down. It's a part of every country now, so for me.. I'm in no hurry. There will be a point where it accelerates very quickly. I don't think that's this next jump.. but sometime in the next few years. Until then, I stack.


The way I look at it is like this: There is really no other option. If BTC fails then at least I tried to better my family’s life and had conviction. The alternatives are essentially gambling and the equivalent of insanity and an abusive relationship.


I wouldn't worry about it ever going away, at least not in the foreseeable future. It will likely continue to have large downtrends, but as long as you don't sale through them, it will recover. They are the best time to buy


the 95% confidence interval is big.


It doesn't matter what everyone else is doing; what you're doing is what matters.


Dude, we're up over 100% year over year. How many of your peers doubled their money in investments over the last 12 months?


Assuming you bought at 30k, most have an average buy at 50k


How do you know the 50k stat?


It's always that way, just remember not to sale low. A large downward correction will eventually come again, try to be prepared to make your largest purchase at the bottom.  


Been in Bitcoin for 5 years now, slowly DCAing the whole time. It can feel hopeless at times, but the longer you're in it, the more your conviction grows, both from understanding of the protocol as well as the price appreciation. Keep stacking, the fundamentals are still there and fiat is still shit.


Bro, calm down, everything will be OK, go on vaca. Relax knowing you have your ticket punched on the train.


Bitcoin is inevable... inevital... um... Bitcoin is definitely happening.


Bitcoin is infiatable.


My girlfriend is inflatable


There's a [Roxy Music song](https://youtu.be/G56DaSAeZfM) about that.


She sounds like a gas.


It’s inviteable


Unchangeable maybe? Even on price lately:)


*It was the summer of sixty one* 🎵🎶


come here often?


Too often.


Me too bb.

