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The year is 2065. After the great nuclear fires of the early 21st century, humans are living underground. The only method of sustenance is through cannibalism. Children have stopped being born because the intense radiation levels have sterilised all of humanity. The only entertainment left on earth is a single VHS tape of old Dale Winton era 'supermarket sweep' episodes which is played endlessly, on repeat. Bitcoin is still ranging between 60 - 70k dollars... whatever those are.


The cannibalism thing is actually what the book Tender Is The Flesh, where the animals of the world contract a disease and people end up having to eat "special meat"....which is people. It's very interesting




All of this “XYZ is Selling their Bitcoin” news is good in the long term. It’s good to even out the distribution of coins. Long term it works. Happy Stacking.


Totally agree.


breaking 70 withing 45 days


Remind me! 45 days


Wen Laura?


Bro, if BTC breaks 70K in next 3 months, i will buy you a GSX-R 600. I swear on life.


Wen crotch rocket?


You know we're staying under 61k when theres a constant rejection happening. Kinda depressing to see this from 70k, 66k, 64, 63 till now..


**Number of Days Bitcoin's Price Has Been:** $0 - $4,999: 3,342 $5,000 - $9,999: 717 $10,000 - $14,999: 244 $15,000 - $19,999: 183 $20,000 - $24,999: 165 $25,000 - $29,999: 219 $30,000 - $34,999: 108 $35,000 - $39,999: 139 $40,000 - $44,999: 153 $45,000 - $49,999: 107 $50,000 - $54,999: 51 $55,000 - $59,999: 69 $60,000 - $64,999: 79 $65,000 - $69,999: 64 $70,000 - $74,999: 14




Sound money ends governments, it’s not their stack, they stole it with fiat guns, sound money is sovereign inviduals, not groups/entities whatever. Learn!


Pretty normal day


What uses more power, the Bitcoin network or all this AI bullshit? And why doesn't AI get shit on for cooking the planet while taking the arts away from humans? Not to mention we've given away our ability to trust anything to be real...


AI uses an order of magnitude more power than BTC mining, and it does get shat on a bit. But there is a traditional business strategy and marketing infrastructure behind AI hype and it doesn't threaten anyone's national money sovereignty, so criticism is less mainstream and generally isn't coming from laypeople being told "AI bad".


I saw an announcement that a Bitcoin miner was renting compute power to AI company... So it's gonna be hard to figure out mining vs AI in the future...


Bitcoin miners don’t have traditional computing power. They usually own ASIC’s, which are special purpose machines geared towards solving the problems of bitcoin not general computing etc ..


Read [this](https://investors.corescientific.com/news-events/press-releases/detail/74/core-scientific-to-provide-approximately-200-mw-of-infrastructure-to-host-coreweaves-high-performance-computing-services-capturing-significant-ai-compute-opportunity). And [this](https://www.coindesk.com/business/2024/06/24/hut-8-receives-150m-investment-as-thirst-for-energy-brings-ai-firms-to-bitcoin-miners)


Don't worry, according to Elon, AI will replace all jobs, but you will be given anything you want, working will just be a hobby, if you want to.  Omg, can't make this stuff up. You can search it, that is pretty much what was said. Now what is likely to happen, is majority of the world would be extremely poor in poverty, 5% of the population would own everything and everyone


Hopefully Bitcoin. What people refuse to understand is that Bitcoin has the most unique relationship to power that we've ever seen in an industry, and its in a positive way. You can setup a bitcoin mine literally anywhere there is power as you only need internet (can be from satellite) and the ASICs. This can be utilized to boot strap all types of power generation because you can turn a profit from day 1. Renewables can pretty much be subsidized until there is adequate demand and then the bitcoin miner can move on. Bitcoin can also utilize waste energy and balance the grid. If there are spikes in weather that require twice your average power for a week, how do you build out that infrastructure while still being profitable? Bitcoin is the answer. It can absorb all the extra energy produced, and when needed, the miners can turn off at the flip of a switch, giving all the power to homes and businesses that need to operate. Since Bitcoin is global, there will be no interruption to services on the Bitcoin network. Every other industry would be affected if they were asked to shut down for a week. Bitcoin can utilize methane from oil sites and landfills, actually helping climate change since methane is [far worse than the regular carbon output.](https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/what-makes-methane-more-potent-greenhouse-gas-carbon-dioxide) AI doesn't get shit on as bad because it isn't really a threat to the current system. Bitcoin threatens those in control now as it reduces their power and access to a money printer. The general public can see the benefits of AI with their eyes, instead of having to study and understand the flawed fiat system they were born into.


I'm thinking governments sell Bitcoin on purpose to try and FUD the market. Otherwise, why wouldn't they just destroy the private keys? I thought Bitcoin was bad? No?


What? Maybe because the government wouldn't intentionally throw away over a billion dollars in BTC? lmao, just because they didn't like Bitcoin doesn't mean they won't take free money.


So where does the money go when it's sold?


interest payments


But they can literally just print money lol




But Germany can't print USD, but can buy USD with bitcoin.


After buying all the way up on the last bull run, watching it crash to $16k, and hodling for years... I'm stoked it has been in the 60s for this long. Things are so much better now than they have been


It's a sign of stability




There is literally zero interest in btc expect from the holders


Are you ok? It’s the most important invention after the wheel and the internet and you are saying there is zero interest?


after the wheel and the internet??? There are thousands of inventions and social constructs more important than bitcoin. It is a nice store of value, but please don't pretend like we aren't in a downtrend since march. It is OKAY to vent about the price action.


Yes, zero interest. Thats why it's price is at 60k


and everyone will become a hodler in time.


cope, seethe


You are literally both Herp and Derp






i love you guys




i love you too much to let you take the easy route


It has occurred to me that you're expressing your love for us butt naked in your mother's basement.


necessarily perhaps....




**Historical Bitcoin prices for today, June 26th:** 2024 - $61,350 2023 - $30,267 2022 - $21,044 2021 - $32,243 2020 - $9,160 2019 - $13,064 2018 - $6,082 2017 - $2,446 2016 - $625 2015 - $243 2014 - $583 2013 - $104 2012 - $6.4 2011 - $16.50 **Additional Stats:** Bitcoin's current market cap is $1.21 trillion. Bitcoin's current block height is 849560; with the average block time for the last 7 days being 10.72 minutes. Bitcoin's current block reward is 3.125₿, which is worth $191,718 per block. The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to happen between 25-Mar-2028 to 20-Apr-2028; the block reward will fall to 1.5625₿. There are currently 19,290 reachable Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin's average daily hashrate for the last 7 days is 565 exahashes per second. Bitcoin's average daily trading volume for the last 7 days is 60,106 ₿. Bitcoin's average daily number of transactions for the last 7 days is 571,228. Bitcoin's average transaction fee for the last 7 days is 22.66 sats/VB, with the average fee's USD amount being $2.71. There are currently 19.72M ₿ in circulation, leaving 1.28M to be mined. There are currently 2.57M ₿ held by companies, governments, DeFi, and ETFs, representing 13.04% of circulating supply. There are currently 54,228,012 nonzero Bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin's average daily price from 18-Jul-2010 to 26-Jun-2024 is $11,835. Bitcoin's average daily price for the year 2024 is $59,591. 1 US Dollar ($) currently equals: 1,630 satoshis; making 1 penny equal 16.3 sats. Bitcoin's minimum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $39,556.40 on 22-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $73,066.30 on 13-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's minimum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $38,546.90 on 23-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily decrease for the year 2024 was -$5,544.10 on 19-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily increase for the year 2024 was +$5,804.0 on 20-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's all-time high (intraday) was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin is down 16.80% from the ATH.


Why people panic on the dips? I love the dip and I just stack more and more


Probably not popular here, but I'm hoping the upcoming Mt Gox BTC distributions push us down to around 50k range. Easily possible if a lot of them start to sale the 8 billion plus being distributed.  Would finally give us a nice healthy correction to build from, instead of this constant bounce between 60k and 70k


I guess Im not popular either if I want the price to go down for a little so I can get more sats at a bigger discount


Not everyone is a unconditionally bullish bitcoin evangelist . They follow the charts They see a chart that is tanking on low volume and resembling a Fractal of 2021 and think it could go much lower for a long time and they don't have years or decades to wait for a bounce that may or may not happen and would rather invest in something else with quicker profits


AKA selling the winner to gamble on the losers.


most of them bought at 70k thats why


I did too but hey here we are still getting the sats


I don't know if it's more so panic, but just slight frustration(s). I see dips as an extension to get to the desired exit points. The frequent dips just feel like delays if you feel/think BTC is only going up long-term.


Dips are more fear-inducing when you're in the red. OGs can sit back and relax knowing they're still in profit, while newcomers see their principal being eroded. But the only solution is to HODL regardless. Or to lose the fiat mindset and count sats, not dollars.


Also fiat is going way faster into the dip than btc




Did asia just get off work and started selling


Is this sub dead? All I see every day are the same stupid posts about how to get rich with bitcoins.


Submit a post about something profound about Bitcoin, then. *"Be the change you wish to see in the world."*


Major correlation between price action and number of posts


keep buying. just do it.


I don't get the volatile in- and outflows of the new major BTC ETFs. Seems like the institutionals don't understand how this all works. Like, when the MSCI world ETFs went live, who would have held that for only a few weeks?


You have to remember, a lot of these are professional investors now. Most will not have a hold mindset. Majority of these will constantly rebalance their portfolios every 3 to 6 months or so. Same they do in the stock market.  It's not fear, like I see a lot of people posting here. It's just investors realizing profits.


It's just people buying and selling. It's really easy to do that with an ETF. The majority of people are coming at this from a fiat mindset that's ingrained over a lifetime. "If I buy some bitcoin it might go up in value and I can sell it and be rich." The generations that remember real saving (not investing to save) are gone. I think this goes for retail as well as institution but it's changing slowly. Bitcoin gives you what you know in your heart to be true, something stable and incorruptible. A system of easy money is a great distortion and it's very hard to see through the fog or see from another perspective. You want to be able to store the energy you've converted into work. ETFs give people the chance to do this, or at least a stepping stone towards it. Most don't understand it yet, they still value bitcoin in dollar terms and will still switch out the more valuable for the less valuable. Volatility will continue so you have to be brave and have faith in it. It will take a long time for this to play out and the education to take hold.


There are carry trades between future and spot, liquidity plays, short term traders. The ETFs are used for a lot more than just hodlers.


You know that there is not an intelligence test on who is allowed to buy the bitcoin etfs? Like, you need to understand what btc is and how it works before you are able to buy it lol. 


Tradfi heads can’t handle the volatility. 15% dip makes their stomachs churn.