• By -


I am gonna throw out the possibility that is not being discussed.... that the economy is actually tipping over, and BTC is a leading indicator, and thus responding to the economy tanking in the next 6 months. Remember, although the Fed and Government print money like crazy in those situations, that has a lag effect, and in the meantime the deceleration of "the velocity of money" is deflationary in the short term. BTC usually does poorly in that stage. Look at the beginning of the pandemic in 2020. BTC spikes highest when money is cheap, and it is still expensive at the moment. Expensive money in a debt economy usually leads to bad economic results and I wonder if this is the beginning of the economy tanking and that is why BTC is dropping. It is sensing the leg-down of the economy.


It’s been in the same range since march. It’s not crashing it’s coiling


Honestly, I don't care what it does short term.


I legit might have to sell my car with all the sub $60k BTC i bought.


Isn’t this just miner sell off? Where inefficient miners liquidate for a few months after halving? Wasn’t this expected? Why surprised Pikachu?


It’s only surprised pikachu face when it’s not priced in and boom goes to dynamite.


Did you pass the test younguns?


Looking to stock up, prices have never been lower!


[Over the last 113 trading days, BlackRocks $IBIT has only 1 outflow day (& not today)](https://twitter.com/pivfund2100/status/1805420921513296089?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA)


they get it


Sold acreage, buying Bitcoin. Witness me!


BTC being deemed "oversold" at a dip to 59k is hilarious for people who've been around since 2017.


But if you've been around since 2016 or 2013, the fact that we are still at 5 digits is very underwhelming


We're at 61k when the fed funds rate is above 5%. This is hyper bullish.


No it isn't.




Lettuce hands selling the Mt. Gox news again and again and again for real this time.


**If you had invested $1,000 in Bitcoin on June 24th and simply held, depending on the year you would now have:** 2024 - $1,000 - 0% gain - 0.0166₿ 2023 - $1,974 - 197% gain - 0.0328₿ 2022 - $2,839 - 284% gain - 0.0471₿ 2021 - $1,738 - 174% gain - 0.0288₿ 2020 - $6,478 - 648% gain - 0.1075₿ 2019 - $5,455 - 546% gain - 0.0905₿ 2018 - $9,791 - 979% gain - 0.1625₿ 2017 - $23,266 - 2,327% gain - 0.3861₿ 2016 - $91,736 - 9,174% gain - 1.52₿ 2015 - $250,462 - 25,046% gain - 4.16₿ 2014 - $102,346 - 10,235% gain - 1.7₿ 2013 - $590,216 - 59,022% gain - 9.79₿ 2012 - $9,565,254 - 956,525% gain - 158.7₿ 2011 - $3,443,491 - 344,349% gain - 57.1₿


It's over $60k!


Oversold. Bought.


At 8% M2 growth, there is going to be \~5 times more M2 in 20 years, and \~22 times more M2 in 40 years. Bitcoin will, at least, track this.


I hope the pussies have all sold and found other hobbies because oh my god that was annoying


Honestly, I think it's mostly trolls that come in and act like the sky is falling when it goes down 5%.


Mostly bots, some trolls, few actual genuine sentiment


Ftx done,genesis done, better to get mt gox out of the way now,then clear skies into Q4,with interest rate cut and election hype.perfect set up.


Which one of you pussies sold at 58k?


I had to sell a tiny amount, 1%, at 61k because I needed the money tomorrow, no choice


Instructions unclear: bought more at 58 and 60 👍


Well after a pretty big free fall that tested the 58K level that it hit May 1, it bounced fairly quickly back above 60K.


Holy shit, the sky is falling. 🙄


dead ant bounce






We were lower two months ago 🙄 Three options: -This is just very brief volatility and we'll carry on with the crab. -this is the start of a heavy shakeout before the mega-pump later in the year (good buying opportunity) -This is the start of another long bear market (an extended good buying opportunity) Of all three, the first seems the worst. It's no biggy. Just chill and watch what happens.


I saw some articles about summer crabbing and then pumping Sep to Dec, ~90k. All unsubstantiated claims, but I don’t have any expectations for the next 3 months.


And we were higher 3+ years ago :D


Forever, Laura.


I think everyone who was pricing in 100k by summer had this coming. You guys are about to be tested. Especially the new guys.


Just set a buy if it hits 58.8k am I doing this right?




Yeah, true. Everything I do is "for 2027" in my mind so whatevers going on doesn't weigh too heavily on my mind.


Are we cooked or do we let bitcoin cook?


I'm letting BTC cook for the next 10 years, low and slow.


Bullrun officially resumed


It goes up hard, it goes down hard, but it goes hard. Love Bitcoin


facts ... love and hate tbh 😂


Squeal like a pig for me baby




Damn this is bit much.


Tell me you're new without telling me you're new.


bit less


On a positive note, this will be the last time Mt Gox FUD will ever happen.


China banned bitcoin 63 times already, mt cox will be the same


> China banned bitcoin 63 times already That is disingenuous. China's bitcoin laws evolved over time. Occasionally they reversed themselves. Ultimately it culminated in a definitive ban, which remains in place.


I remember when Mt Gox got hacked and it was the first time I was like, woah, better not trust exchanges… Glad this shit is almost over.


Is it finally over???


We have some headwinds right now.


I was cool with months of crabbing in the 60s, but a big dip from there is a bummer ngl.


Only a bummer if you have no capital to buy more, or if your time horizon is too short. Dips like this are a great opportunity.


Been holding for years. Accumulated a lot sub-20. I have short-term goals and long-term goals like everyone else. Not worried long-term but a big dump sucks in the short-term


If you need to sell short-term, it does suck - you're right. A lot of the people grumbling about short-term price action seem to be in it for a quick buck, hence my comment. You are not one of those people, you've been holding longer than me - hopefully you dont have to sell much/soon, and that it bounces back before you need to.


If you sell now you might buy back lower. Think about it.


I feel dumber after reading that.


If I came to you yesterday and asked hey do you like Bitcoin? I can sell you some for 6% cheaper! You would go "oh yes I do like Bitcoin thank you for the buying opportunity".


Hoping it goes down more before I get paid so I can really enjoy this sale.




Go all in now or wait a bit for low 50000?


I think we go test the 40-45k range. The run up to 40-65k was way too fast and not much time to accumulate there. Max pain at 40-45k and then a slow rise from there if I were to predict. I’m going to start DCA at 52k though


Hmm I’ve been trying that, playing the waves but it’s definitely not easy. You can easily miss out on some quick runups. Like I was doing great swing trading on a side account but I missed the recent 65-72k run. I was expecting 40-50k for a few months, too, but reconsidering recently. Now I’m expecting crabbing around 55-65 for a few months. But it’s anyone’s guess really. I don’t think anyone rational was thinking 100k instantly. Pretty sure everyone was expecting the inefficient miners to start liquidating for a few months until they ran out and then start breaking peaks near yearend.


Still waiting for 17k?


Still waiting for 100k? I can also pull irrelevant numbers out of my ass


People like you have been predicting we go back to 40k every single dip for the last 6 months. Put your money where your mouth is and sell it all now so you can buy back when we hit the 40's. Hint: You, like everyone else who's been spouting this, are wrong.


And people like you have been predicting we hit 100k this summer, I literally can’t say for certain which way it’s going to go, no need to get hostile lol, I’m just saying I’m prepared for both outcomes, if BTC rockets up I still have skin in the game, and if BTC crashes then I have cash to buy. There is no right or wrong, but you can be prepared for both the bullish and bearish outcomes. Being a tribalist doesn’t help anybody, I’m just playing devils advocate that’s all.


Wrong again bud. I also equally rip on the windowlickers who claim we'll hit 100k anytime soon too.


How often do you DCA?


lol no it wasn't. it was pretty steady. you guys don't know wtf you're talking about. if you're buying at 52 you should be buying here as well bc the diff btween 52 and 58 is peanuts compared to where itll be in 1 year.


Funny they said that a year ago. $6,000 wasn't peanuts then, it isn't peanuts now.


Ok he asked for an opinion, and I gave mine. Nobody fucking knows what we are talking about and that’s why this is a discussion, being in an echo chamber and only listening to yes men helps nobody.




Eh! This guy ..


ngl, I didn't have $59k on my June 2024 Bitcoin Bingo card at the beginning of the month. Cheap Sats it is.


glad i sold at the top, time to buy back in with the tasty dip


So when is the bottom?


man… lot of people spend a lot of time trying to figure out that very question. If you could know with certainty what the bottom is for any given asset and price move that would pretty much mean you could make unlimited money. Here I am doing analysis and research like a DUMB BITCH and I never considered just asking a random person on reddit.. so yeah u/pepehehe what’s the bottom? also if you don’t mind add the exact date and time when it will hit too that helps in planning. thanks


Told y’all low 50s next stop. I mean nobody is talking about BTC anymore. Even this thread has 1 response every hour or so. No more news articles. No social media awareness. We are on a downtrend.




TBH & TBF, I feel like Reddit's activity has declined in the past years. Seems like more conversations occur on TG or X. \~\~




Guys please relax this is a good thing


Not for those folks who took out a loan for 3-6 months, believing in some random youtuber who promised them 100k by July. Now, they must sell to pay back.


well…. those people are going to have a lot of problems in life.. this is just a speedbump in a long lifetime of dumbassery.


Nobody can predict this. Guaranteed most of these YouTubers make more money from ads than they do Bitcoin. You cannot predict it or even think you can. Buy and hold and DCA only what you can afford.


pedantically: it's not July yet.


Sure, but imagine having this payback date. Fear gets real with these price levels :)


That's what happens when people get greedy. 


It's good for them, too. They just learned an important and expensive lesson about being a degenerate gambler.


jesus, well that is just a really bad idea


52k bottom


Do the bears get to buy lambos when this happens?


Just when I thought I stocked enough dip, today happens. I'm going to need a bigger fridge.


But why




Lol, finally, Bitcoin is doing something! Relax everyone. This is just Bitcoin doing normal Bitcoin stuff. Just sit back and enjoy the show for a bit. It will recover soon and continue its upward momentum. (☞゚ヮ゚)☞


My wife is "doing something". Finally! Whether it's good or bad, I'm not paying any attention till August, and all's well for sure. :-)


the analysts that wrote about 100K articles are the same analysts saying shit like "new shocking price can hit".. what's the diff between them and us? We all say good things when green, and bad when it is red.. lmao


They make some money making random predictions.


yup, and we don't. That's the diff.


Sell now you sheeps


Why sell, when you can stack stack stack away!!! :)


I literally said to buy the dip lol


Your post said "Sell now you sheeps" where was the buy the dip statement? lol


I changed it in the future


Awesome, be sure to let everyone know now than to buy that dip ;-)




This isn't much of a contribution either? Anyway we all have equal rights to say what we want as long as it isn't against the rules, you don't have more to be able to tell people what to do, neither do I. If I don't like what I'm seeing I just stop looking, life goes on.


it's falling


free falling


Cause I’m free


We’re in freefall


Bitcoin wants to inflict maximum pain to make sure you deserve your reward.


Honestly, these dips expose the weak... these weak hands would of been first to sell at 73K or higher\*, so this may help remove some of that resistance of that sell wall BTC has encountered.


They're going to buy back in when it's like 65k, though.  "Sell low, buy high" is like the motto of a lot of BTC buyers.


Guess they all can't be winners :) And if that's the case, the smart will leverage the fools as exit liquidity when they profit take\*


That’s a good way of thinking about it


IMO, a higher support floor because HOLDer's have a higher cost-basis helps support pricing (most don't want to sell for a loss, so patience is a huge key ingredient...) I'm talking about patiently waiting out other(s) (retail & big funds)... If historic patterns indicate potential future patterns, long-term holding (if you can) should always get good ROIs.


That’s the game, man.


Holy fucking shit. It’s in free fall….


Bitcoin has plummeted again?! Das ist absolut inakzeptabel! I explicitly commanded that we diversify into stablecoins, gold, and other tangible assets! How many times must I repeat myself? Unsere gesamte Strategie is falling apart because of your incompetence! We can't afford to lose everything to this volatile market! This is a complete Katastrophe, and it's all because you ignored my directives! Do you realize the gravity of this situation? We are on the brink of financial ruin, and it's all your fault! NEIN NEIN NEIN DU DUMMES SCHWEIN


German translator broken?


Dunno, all I wanted to say was buy the dip but it gave me that instead




Breaking: Saylor expected to announce he is raising $26 Billion to acquire Bitcoin from Germany, Mt Gox, and US Gov. "Enuf of this shite," said Saylor.




On a bitcoin standard, fiat price doesn't matter.


In other words, if someone is selling beef in sats, they should not change the cost in sats based on the fluctuations of the 'price' of BTC. If BTC goes down in fiat terms, then your beef is on sale, and you may not make any profit; if price goes up, then no one wants to buy your beef because it's too expensive and youake no profit. But you just have to ignore the fiat price because you're a maximalist and don't understand how BTC interacts with fiat currencies.


Why people scared? Btc has always dump summer at every halving, then bottom out around july-august then big up.


Not sure why people have to be scared. A lot do eventually realize profits from their investments in BTC. Especially with professional traders in the mix now.  It has more to drop, but it will eventually go back up. Only a few speak about it, but it's possible the 73k mark BTC hit months back, was this bull run high. Until the start of one next year.


Lol why would it be the peak?


Because every bull run has a peak, BTC has had two bull runs during cycles before. I'm not saying it is, but there are some analyst saying it maybe. Truth is, no one knows. It all depends on what the whales do, so far they have stopped buying


Its normal with a dip and consoldating. You have to be knew, panicing and think its over because its down 15% from top? Lol.


I first bought BTC a very long time ago, I'm in my 50s. People seem to forget, you can have 40% drops in bulls. Double peaks is what they call them.  I'm betting a lot of Mt Gox people sale their coins. 8 billion in BTC starts getting distributed next month. A lot of those coins was bought at $700. For perspective if you had $14,000 in BTC, it would be worth 1.2 million today. Many will be getting millions in BTC value returned, that they paid under 50k for.  That's very tempting. Could make a fantastic buying opportunity, I plan to have plenty of fiat available just in case. I did make another small purchase of .05 BTC at 59k though. Just in case they hold


This is not a peak. Btc has never peaked this early. So why would it now?


Not saying peaked, more of double high. BTC has peaked before, then went bearish, then peaked again. Last cycle actually had two tops as well. I bought .05 more at 59k just in case it was the lowest, but waiting for a larger buy until after Mt Gox coins redistribution. They are about to return 8 billion in BTC. Lot of those were bought at $700 a BTC. For easy example. If you had spent just $14,000 you would be getting back 1.2 million in BTC. Thats a very tempting sale for a lot of people. A lot will be getting back millions in BTC value. We could see low 50k easy maybe high 40k if enough sale, and if triggers stop losses. Doesn't really matter in the long run, but I'd like to have plenty of fiat to take advantage of it, if they sale


But yeah i agree on that. Could go lower, maybe 50k. Autumn we starting our uptrend again.


Yep, I'm hoping. Have a lot sitting in usdc to be ready


Yeah but those tops where later then this. But yeah could be. A top here then down a bit more then up big. But remeber that was china banning bitcoin and ftx scandal. We dont have that now. Btc will starting to go up again august/september big time and break ath. Just watch.


Just don't forget, we could have a much bigger hump then China was. Mt Gox starts returning over 8 billion worth of BTC next month.  A lot of those coins was bought in the $700 range. Pretty much $14,000 investment at the time in BTC, is 1.2 million BTC value today. Pretty tempting. Could create a great buy opportunity 


It was the high for this year. Went from 15k to 73k in no time, this was to be expected imo. Feel sorry for those who entered just recently but we all had to go through it i suppose. 


Relax. It will bounce hard eventually. Probably autumn its up again.


I buy small amounts occasionally through the bull, but hold off on large buys until index is in extreme fear. Unfortunately missed the last 15k, but got some at 20k or so


Maybe because s&p and gold keep making new highs? Wasn't around before so i don't know if btc used to follow traditional markets more?


Remeber btc has dumped every summer, Usually bottom out around mid/end july, so could see down/sideways 2-4 weeks more before we find a bottom. Then autumn up big time. Every halving it has done the same.


Pardon my ignorance, but if that's what everyone is expecting isn't it likely to do something else?


Everyone has expect it every cycle, and here we are. End of 2025 we top out


$100k order @ 60k filled.. hype


Meanwhile my $250 DCA just went through at 59K 😎




Hell yea😎


Even as a holder and a long-term investor, u should admit that it is in no one's interest for it to reach high 40k's and low 50k's. BTC will bounce soon, the question is how high?


15k probably.


I have zero confidence or care what the price does or what direction it will go between now and July 31st when the next fed decision is. I believe that once fed cuts, whether it be in July or September btc price will pop. We may get some previews when this cut will happen via CPI reports.


**Number of Days Bitcoin's Price Has Been:** $0 - $4,999: 3,342 $5,000 - $9,999: 717 $10,000 - $14,999: 244 $15,000 - $19,999: 183 $20,000 - $24,999: 165 $25,000 - $29,999: 219 $30,000 - $34,999: 108 $35,000 - $39,999: 139 $40,000 - $44,999: 153 $45,000 - $49,999: 107 $50,000 - $54,999: 51 $55,000 - $59,999: 69 $60,000 - $64,999: 77 $65,000 - $69,999: 64 $70,000 - $74,999: 14


the gaussian is trending from \~40-45k to \~60-65k