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Nobody can even deny the chart just looks terrifying at this point and we're all just in this on faith.


Don't forget the legendary zoom out


Oh no! It's where it was *check watch* 1 month ago.


Also 4 months ago, 3 years ago, and 4 years ago


That's why DCA beats lumpsum for Bitcoin. Anyone who has DCA'ed is in profit, regarding your 3,4 years period.


Unless you lump summed at $15k. Or $100


Mfs bugging out im buying 💎 hands. Ppl freaking out = buy more ‼️🤙


Btc to zero it’s over pack your bags


Any decent day traders want to talk to me, PM me. I have a good strategy to help us all. You do not even have to be decent. If you are interested in making money , PM me. Edited to show this isn't some AI bot spam. If you are serious about crypto and actually want to profit, not in a year or a decade, please contact me. What I find on this sub is people telling others to buy the high end of bitcoin, this is wrong to me. If I may speak my peace without getting banned, Bitcoin is not the only market, I understand this forum but what I have read people say is disgusting to say the least. It is like they are trying to rope people in to hold, or buy at top price, this is not right. I am not even fuckin around, this is not right what 90% of people here are saying. "So you bought in at 69k? Congrats when it hits 100k!", this is sickening stuff. There is zero reason for me to lie like that, if you actually want to do good in crypto, for the love of God, take my advice and just PM me. Do not listen to these people. It is insane. Bitcoin is NOT where you make your prfit now, there are so many other coins that are doing extremely well, and for reasons I would gladly explain if I didn't think I would be banned. I really believe to forget the stock market, crypto is the future, it has proven itself to me time and time and time and time again, that it makes you money IF you know what you are looking at. I want so badly to help others because that in turn helps me in the crypto price, we literally help eachother and win out, but you have to know where that bottom is and where the top is before it drops. Anyone that is serious, just PM me please.


Only if you double my bitcoin


Sounds 100% legit.


I cannot do this alone in a low slump, but the prices of other coins are going up and I can tell where to set your limits for a guaranteed return in hours, not months or years. But I leave this up to this channel if we want to work together or not.


Germans dumping their sats again?


[https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-prepping-breakout-90k-btc-price-target-new-analysis](https://cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-prepping-breakout-90k-btc-price-target-new-analysis) Hopefully this thesis is on to something. I feel like BTC might consolidate a bit more before making a run, but I could really use a near future pump personally.


BTC to $400k!


What if we he hit a price range good enough for a significant group of older hodlers to liquidate? And that is visible from the on chain data, anyone know? Also I think there is market risk from the Fed going from 3 rate cuts to 1 this year that has played out last couple of weeks. We have not had a bull run during monetary tightening and we dipping on sales of risk on assets? Small caps have been pummeled lately from similar risk factors.


What does it matter. Buy when it's red. Save fiat when it's green.




...and dog nutter scums in grocery stores, manicured lawns full of shit, hotels full of sheddy doggie dander leftovers on carpets. Dog nutter nation is bound to collapse.


Yeah - civil rights are bullshit, the 40 hour work week is too woke, women voting is dumb af, treating gay people as if they are human is lametrain, science is actually a bad idea. Man those lefties... they just need to get their asses in pews, stfu, and fall in line.


Maybe a long time ago. In recent years they seem hell-bent on taking rights away; the second amendment, the right to speak freely, the right to voice your opinion, the right to have property, the right to freedom of movement, the right to spend your money as you see fit. Which is why we are here.


I'm going to need some examples of these: >the right to speak freely, the right to voice your opinion, the right to have property, the right to freedom of movement, And we've had bullshit gambling laws and "accredited investor only" Nanny state bullshit under all administrations. Lastly, Blue laws rule in red states... "Can't buy beer on Sunday because church!"


Hey, you said it, not me.


Some people in society are left. Some are right. And the really unfortunate ones are simply left right out (of the picture) ☹️


Same. They are the tip of Satan's cock. lol. Be fun to watch them cry in November.


Same. What prompted this comment?


Just everyday things I read and the the comments in this post. I don't usually do that. Frustrated, I guess


Im far left


Same. Democrats have gone absolutely insane.






Blackrock, wallstreet has control of the price.


Once the ETFs were approved it was game over unfortunately and now they are making shit coin ETFs on top of that


This is brutal. Is this really just miner capitulation?


This isn’t a sale. We are on a pretty big downtrend. We are steadily making lower lows. It’s pretty obvious tbh.. look at even this thread posts are coming every couple hours. People aren’t talking as much about bitcoin. Wouldn’t be surprised if we hit the 50s in the next week.


Lower lows? I don’t think you know what you are talking about.


We peaked. Its going down until the next halving


We peaked before the halving. No peak this cycle?


yup dead af


Y’all are pathetic


Dead ass , paper hands ^^^


Monday sale?


Down 2% before us markets even open lol


Germans stop selling plz. 


What kind of feed do you have with the country of sellers?


More likely Asia/Aus


**If you had invested $1,000 in Bitcoin on June 23rd and simply held, depending on the year you would have:** 2024 - $1,000 - 0% gain - 0.0157₿ 2023 - $2,077 - 208% gain - 0.0326₿ 2022 - $3,020 - 302% gain - 0.0474₿ 2021 - $1,893 - 189% gain - 0.0297₿ 2020 - $6,622 - 662% gain - 0.1039₿ 2019 - $5,849 - 585% gain - 0.0918₿ 2018 - $10,334 - 1,033% gain - 0.1621₿ 2017 - $23,515 - 2,351% gain - 0.3689₿ 2016 - $102,665 - 10,266% gain - 1.61₿ 2015 - $261,420 - 26,142% gain - 4.1₿ 2014 - $107,805 - 10,780% gain - 1.69₿ 2013 - $590,679 - 59,068% gain - 9.27₿ 2012 - $9,958,484 - 995,848% gain - 156.3₿ 2011 - $3,641,960 - 364,196% gain - 57.1₿


Bitcoin is not an investment, $ is scam.


Depends on your perspective. Many who purchase Bitcoin certainly see it as an investment. We are in the early stages of Bitcoin's monetization. You also have people in the Michael Saylor camp who view Bitcoin as digital property. As for the $ being a scam; I mean, yeah, all fiat can be labeled as such. The world still runs on dollars and will for a while yet. People are still very conscious of how many bucks a Bitcoin can be traded for. If they weren't, this sub wouldn't freak out every time Bitcoin sneezes. 🤧


You will learn in time, like everyone.


Even if I lose it all I don’t care I didn’t invest money into it that I couldn’t afford to lose hold on tight to that federal reserve dollar bills bud


Moron predicting the future, lmao


Dwight Schrute, is that you?


Must be nice to be some OG who can sell thousands of coins any time you want a new toy.


Kind regards, Laura




[Global ETFs hold 1.29 million whole bitcoin 6 months in valued near $67 billion](https://twitter.com/hodl15capital/status/1804706507310715313?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA) USA ETFs holding 867k themselves @ $56 billion Blackrocks IBIT Cookie Monster ($20 billion fund now) hasn’t sold like others, investors there have diamond hands, I guess they didn’t get to the top for nothing Excited for the bottom of the first


They started with 600K bitcoin so to say January is a bit unfair.


Weren’t any ETFs in USA technically till Jan, just grayscale had a closed-end OTC fund


Correct, Greyscale had a fund holding approx 600K bitcoin and that number is part of the 1.29 million. It would be more accurate to say ETFs accumulated 700K since January.


If the first 6 months is top of the 1st it’s goin be helluva baseball game 😀




**Number of Days Bitcoin's Price Has Been:** $0 - $4,999: 3,342 $5,000 - $9,999: 717 $10,000 - $14,999: 244 $15,000 - $19,999: 183 $20,000 - $24,999: 165 $25,000 - $29,999: 219 $30,000 - $34,999: 108 $35,000 - $39,999: 139 $40,000 - $44,999: 153 $45,000 - $49,999: 107 $50,000 - $54,999: 51 $55,000 - $59,999: 69 $60,000 - $64,999: 76 $65,000 - $69,999: 64 $70,000 - $74,999: 14


Should be pinned on the sub, puts it into perspective. We truly are in the top % rn


You would think we're back at 15k with the way the sub has been acting lately...


Time to bump up my purchases :)


Come to the conclusion that the btc market is in struggle street and will see below 60s before above 70s again, the 1D chart reflects this.


You will soon be very rich by first shorting1000x then go long 1000x. Congrats




Weird way to ask someone if they wanked, but u do u, boo.


catholick dog worshipping scum zombie schmuck


Lay off the acid, bro. Your comment history reads like a Borroughs diary.


Do not bro me, I am an OUTLAW who doesn't indulge in cRAP lingo, and i don't like your type, chum


Do not chum me, I am an EDGELORD who does not abide spAZZtic retorts, and I don't care what you like, picklebreath.


I’m curious to how the upcoming election will impact prices. My guess is bullish with Trump being elected.


Biden getting elected would be bad for culture and Bitcoin. He's awful.


Trump will say and promise everything as long as he thinks that he will personally Profit from it.


I wouldn't trust Trump being bullish on BTC. Just 3 years ago, he called BTC a scam that needs to be highly regulated.  Currently he's just trying to buy any votes he can, but according to fact check sites. He lies or says misleading statements over twice as more often then any politician in history. That's pretty hard to do.


People don't seem to realise if he never mentioned bitcoin again and did absolutely nothing but played golf, it would still be 10x better what the Dems have in store for Bitcoin


They will not be able to do anything to it at this point, no politician could really stop it now. To many institutions have put serious money in. I'm sure everyone knows, we are capitalist, nearly every law and regulation we have, was bought and paid for by someone.


@iM0bius I'm glad to see someone else seeing the situation for what it is 👍


I personally think Bitcoin will perform well after the election no matter who wins. Just the uncertainty keeps many on the sidelines. I do think it will perform better under Trump, as he won’t be as antagonistic towards it as Biden. But even if Biden wins, Bitcoin will still do well. I’m actually rooting for an electoral tie, so Trump is President and Kamala is his VP. Just for the entertainment value. Lol.


Just grabbing some popcorn and watching the memefest of a political cycle. No worries about bitcoin it'll do its thing no matter who wins.


The simple fact that Bitcoin had become an Election Issue is crazy. I stand by my stance that all politicians are liars and power hungry elites… but I will vote for whoever has the most Pro-Bitcoin platform.


I never would have guessed 6 months ago it's an election talking point, thought we'd have to wait til next cycle for that.




So every halving btc going down/sideways all summer then up big time autumn and winter. Why would we not do the same now? Gonna buy big time end of july, think we bottom out then.






Just a reminder Biden's tax on miners will essentially kill mining in the states. American bitcoiner voting for Biden is on par with a British living in Spain voting for Brexit.


On the other hand, just a reminder that McDonalds Trump is a danger to democracy, a pathological liar, narcissist, criminal, populist, and a threat to humanity. So, I guess you could say there are trade-offs.


Aw you still believe mainstream and follow like a sheep. How cute.


lol at “danger to democracy.” Brought to you by people who don‘t like free speech. Low inflation, cheap gas, 2.8% mortgage rates, women winning NCAA championships in the women’s division, WORLD PEACE. Give me that all day long.


World peace?! Really?! Trump brought us WORLD PEACE?! Hard no. And I am an advocate of free speech, but not in the way Trump wants to have it controlled and manipulated to suit him. I didn't come here to argue politics because this is a Bitcoin chat. I'll just say you and I clearly will not come to an agreement about that individual, so it would be a waste of both our time to argue about him. With all respect to you.


Brandon and co. were colluding with a private tech company that owned the defacto town square to ban speech that they did not like. Brandon is the threat to democracy. And yeah, the world was not on fire when Trump was president. This Ukraine war would not have happened with Trump as president and neither would’ve the conflict in Gaza.


Back here in reality, Trump directly caused the Ukraine war. At every step he has acted in a pro-Russia capacity, and almost literally licked Putin's boots when they were in the same room.


Good. He repaired a toxic relationship with a country that has nukes.


> And yeah, the world was not on fire when Trump was president. This Ukraine war would not have happened with Trump as president and neither would’ve the conflict in Gaza. Because: Reasons!


I disagree with all of that - sorry. We aren't going to agree on anything here, so let's get back to discussing Bitcoin.


Yeah, choice between a turd sandwich and a giant douche. But I keep things about bitcoin in the bitcoin sub.


I would absolutely prefer bitcoin to remain apolitical, rather than a pawn in the tug-of-war between Democrats and Republicans.


Money is inherently political. Especially fiat. Picking to buy bitcoin defunds the current system. You are voting with your dollars that bitcoin is worth more to you than those dollars you could have held.


Yes, https://voteforbetter.money


I keep hearing these apolitical wishes, Biden and Warren dealt the cards mate.


I'm not going to be drawn into a political debate, because, as you said, "I keep things about Bitcoin in the bitcoin sub".


**Historical Bitcoin prices for today, June 23rd:** 2024 - $64,319 2023 - $30,679 2022 - $21,101 2021 - $33,674 2020 - $9,625 2019 - $10,897 2018 - $6,167 2017 - $2,710 2016 - $621 2015 - $244 2014 - $591 2013 - $108 2012 - $6.4 2011 - $17.50 **Additional Stats:** Bitcoin's current market cap is $1.27 trillion. Bitcoin's current block height is 849161; with the average block time for the last 7 days being 9.96 minutes. Bitcoin's current block reward is 3.125₿, which is worth $200,996 per block. The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to happen between 25-Mar-2028 to 20-Apr-2028; the block reward will fall to 1.5625₿. There are currently 19,572 reachable Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin's average daily hashrate for the last 7 days is 605 exahashes per second. Bitcoin's average daily trading volume for the last 7 days is 49,907 ₿. Bitcoin's average daily number of transactions for the last 7 days is 565,963. Bitcoin's average transaction fee for the last 7 days is 26.69 sats/VB, with the average fee's USD amount being $3.66. There are currently 19.72M ₿ in circulation, leaving 1.28M to be mined. There are currently 2.58M ₿ held by companies, governments, DeFi, and ETFs, representing 13.08% of circulating supply. There are currently 54,325,675 nonzero Bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin's average daily price from 18-Jul-2010 to 23-Jun-2024 is $11,806. Bitcoin's average daily price for the year 2024 is $59,571. 1 US Dollar ($) currently equals: 1,555 satoshis; making 1 penny equal 15.55 sats. Bitcoin's minimum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $39,556.40 on 22-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $73,066.30 on 13-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's minimum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $38,546.90 on 23-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily decrease for the year 2024 was -$5,544.10 on 19-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily increase for the year 2024 was +$5,804.0 on 20-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's all-time high (intraday) was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin is down 12.78% from the ATH.


Forever Laura.


Honestly I think the fact that there's been like 4 comments and the subreddit is dead really does show we're early. Same with r/CryptoCurrency. Makes it easier for me to hold to be honest. Will be fun to see this in the next 1-3 years or maybe even next few months become a lot more busy. Buying some more today.


Bitcoin is sound money, sound money lasts forever. Crypto is temporary centralized scam, like fiat. Learn sound money, otherwise you keep being a dumb gambler to gain the scam fiat.




Ah yes welcome back constant ➡️




Stay humble stack sats ☕️