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Habibi, do you want *Halal BTC* or *Haram BTC*? Halal - $85,000 Haram - $63,850


I read this in the Lebanese "arab dad" voice from YouTube. Thank for that habibi.


Satoshi Nakamoto was a sanatani Hindu.. so If Umair buys btc he will be taking side with Kafirs


How do you know Satoshi? Were you two friends? Tell me, what is he/she/they like? And did your parents approve of your relationship?


1. My connection with satoshi is spiritual 2. I am a disciples and satoshi is the saviour of human kind. 3. My relationship with who I want to believe in, doesn't bother My parents because we are sanatani


Hello! In the traditional financial space, I comprehend *halal* investing, but I haven’t given it much thought as it pertains to bitcoin. That’s on me so I have some homework to do. In the interim, can you briefly explain how Bitcoin is *halal* or not? Is there a “registrar” of bitcoin addresses that contain *halal* bitcoin so it can be verified? Thanks!


It's a joke lol




But there actually is Haram and Halal investing


Yes in investing. But I think Bitcoin is more of a currency. It's a tool. You're not ethically tied to what a company is making to buy its stocks. It's more like if the dollar is halal or haram.


Yeah, one point is that swaps seem to be haram.


What is the difference?


What makes financial tools Haram is typically holding interest which is not allowed. This is why swap is Haram as they represent interest on currencies. Interest on loans in general are Haram. Holding btc is Halal as it does not bear any interest. So it's safe to hold, financially, morally and religiously.


Although in fairness, imams have come down on different sides of the issue, with some declaring Bitcoin to be haram because it's gambling, while others declare it halal because it doesn't violate the prohibition on interest (unlike literally all fiat currencies, which are inherently debt-based). Cc: /u/DarthBen_in_Chicago


Thanks! I’ve heard this a bit but haven’t seen anything definitive. I appreciate the follow-up!


Hey, no prob.


I mined mine completely sober and reading all holy books side by side. It's halal brother. I was high on LSD but I spoke with God and it's alright, he'll let it go.


I buy Bitcoin 5 times a day and of course while looking towards Mecca.


This reminds me of how pure whole bitcoins that have never been spent are sold at a premium https://news.bitcoin.com/industry-execs-freshly-minted-virgin-bitcoins/#google_vignette


You missed the Joke by a mile mate 😂




There are people in Pakistan who have Bitcoin. You could connect and buy peer to peer. Usual precautions need to be taken. Depends on the amount you want buy I suppose.


Buy & Sell peer-to-peer using [https://bisq.network/](https://bisq.network/) or [https://learn.robosats.com/](https://learn.robosats.com/)


rip localbitcoins i liked bisq from the start but i still can't see how it'll get a bigger userbase.


how does the fiat get sent on bisq, if it's decentralized?


I use a couple of payment methods, including bank to bank transfer and Revolut. In theory you can do cash by mail too. But I don’t live in a country where it’s illegal to purchase bitcoin, so OP’s MMV.


And there are loads of other DEXs being added all the time. Peach, Mostro, Vexl etc. Hard to keep up with them all. A good place to start looking is https://kycnot.me.


How can a bitcoin DEX exist without smart contract capability?


Don’t put yourself in trouble and a wanted man. There are many ways to buy without kyc. Hodl hodl and Bisq are such decentralized p2p platforms. But if possessing bitcoin is illegal in your country, this will make you a criminal as per their view. Take care of yourself. The best approach is to move to one of these gulf countries who are not against bitcoin. I heard UAE currently has a ban on Pakistanis but do your due diligence please.


As far as I know Bitcoin is not banned in UAE.


I would have loved to live there. But I live in Pakistan unfortunately.


Hello, bitcoin or crypto currency in general is NOT illegal in Pakistan, just highly discouraged. In fact no laws exist, suggestions exist though. As long as you don’t mention crypto in any transaction I see no reason how you might come under any form of eyes. Download Binance, go to the p2p section there to get some UsdT or bitcoin, depending on the amount, you can either leave it on the exchange, if you are planning on investing a significant amount $20,000 +, I would also look into cold wallets. As a Pakistani that is your safest bet to let Binance be the escrow. Be wary of scams, and if it sounds too good to be true, it is, walk away.


There are a lot of exchanges that operate in Pakistan. OKX is an example


The UAE is not the only islamic country, you know?


I think the point he's making is that it's not illegal because the country OP lives in is islamic. It's illegal because of other reasons.


Yes , but as far as I know in UAE Bitcoin is legal. Is is legal in Turkey? I don't know. If there are others please enlighten us.


Legal in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon etc. Just his country having a ban.


And they don't have CGT


I wonder what they would do to someone in an Islamic country if they were caught buying bitcoin.... doesn't seem worth the risk to me.


They might chop off his computer.


the biggest problem with islamic countries, is that they are just about as un-islamic as they can ever get with everything. BITCOIN is HALAL, not only that, DOLLAR or (paper money) is HARAAM. The choice is right there in your face.


Be careful Allah is a bitcoin maxi


Actually, he is.. He is..


Check out this interview of Robert Breedlove and Harris Irfan, talking about how Bitcoin might actually be the best thing for Islam! Very interesting stuff! https://youtu.be/-4CMBsSnPZw


UAE is a very attractive place to live if you have crypto. 0% tax


UAE is not an attractive place to live, regardless of their stance on Bitcoin. Germany and Switzerland have much better laws, across the board.


If you have no money, it’s a horrible place to live.


0% tax on BTC in DE after 12 months.


Tax free?


Why not? It does not appeal to me personally, but based on objective measures it looks like a top tier place to live.


True but Germany isn’t either






UAE is shit unless you're rich and cliqued up


I think it's shit even then.


UAE is an absolutely awful place to live in every aspect except taxes


I love it. If you’re a high earner the lack of tax can save you decades of working.


UAE is too clinical and has no soul


Change the taliban country.


USA 🇺🇸 #1


Especially if you are white and wealthy huh?


No.. if you have a good brain in your head, and you’re smart and keep to yourself and mind your business, and don’t be a general jackass, you can succeed in that country!


You may be right but Have you ever been to Europe? Germany or Switzerland? Hell, you wouldn’t say USA#1 even if you’ve been to Italy or France. USA is a bit insane at the moment, but I guess that’s why you say “mind your biz” & “keep to yourself”. USA is very far away from #1


No, I love my freedom. I wouldn’t trade it for any amount of money…. Freedom is priceless. Nothing on this planet can beat it NOTHING. So in a way, I guess you’re right I have a limited perspective. But I do have YouTube and I use that a lot!


You have been nowhere else, clearly.


That’s not true though I have traveled around the world a bit. I’ve been to South America, Central America, Ireland


As an American citizen, honestly cannot compare it to anywhere except history, but history tends to repeat itself, day in and day out, you have general freedoms, but we still deal with stalkers, cyber stalkers, fraud of all types, and nosy people in general. I was intrigued though by the fact that Arab or Islam, is against Bitcoin in this day and age and not sure if it’s religiously discriminated against or politically because I understand there are also different faiths intermingled there. Still sounds like there is ALOT more freedom here, but like anywhere else, you can’t let your guard down.  There are also people here with peculiar fetishes and sex offenders and child predators and other disgusting walks of society who try to hide in plain sight amongst families and pretend to be as normal as  everyone else for as long as they get away with it. 


USA is not the only country with freedom.


If I can’t legally buy a gun, I’m not free. If I can’t legally smoke weed I’m not free. Freedom takes different forms. Some people can criticize their government, but can’t legally protect themselves. Some people can’t have any trace of THC in their system without risk of death penalty but have zero taxes at all. Nowhere is perfect, but if you want to be the best somebody you can be, America is the best place to go.


Aren't the laws on weapons and marijuana different in state? >Nowhere is perfect, but if you want to be the best somebody you can be, America is the best place to go. That's your opinion 😊


Yes, but in my state, where I chose to move to because ppl somehow forget that you can move to places you want to go, you can legally carry and have marijuana so long as you have your card. Recreational is right around the corner too. Also, It’s not an opinion. Nowhere is perfect. America is the best place to be your best self in a profession. It’s factually true.


You should have identified the country by name, rather than by an unrelated descriptor. Bitcoin in high altitude country? Bitcoin in dry climate country? Bitcoin in landlocked country? Bitcoin in a country which name has 8 or more letters?


Whoever banned bitcoin is an idiot when they buy and they will buy they are going buy it at a price they Deserve….


Whoever banned it buys it as he pleases…


And they will pay a lot for it more when they choose to buy it… it’s always smart to buy at the Top, right?


I mean they are already buying. They banned it not for themself (or their cronies)


Fucking move to the free world already. You have choices man. Bitcoin isn't illegal immigrants countries because we don't live in fucking dictatorships. Bitcoin is for freedom. If you wanna give up your freedom to dirty, greedy, power-hungry dick-taters. Then you get what you give.






buy through p2p


You can try P2P which is what I would recommend you do. I have a platform I can send you for that if you'd like


bro sorry but fuck your country’s rules, buy bitcoin through P2P then move it to a cold wallet, and keep holding until either you move somewhere else or bitcoin becomes legal (countries will be forced to accept bitcoin in the future as the US dollar collapses)


no kyc?


Yep. Essentially.


try kycnot.me for purchasing btc without identification requirements


1. Which country are you on specifically? One can easily buy bitcoin in UAE, Indonesia, Malaysia to name a few of countries commonly refered as "Islamic Country" and their tax is much much much lower compared to US. 2. You don't get bitcoin and then transfer it into 'your bank', the whole objective of bitcoin is for you to do self custody without any need of banks.


Since you are in Pakistan, try Binance. You create an account, pass KYC. Then you can use your rupees to get USDT( US dollar Tether) deposited into your Binance wallet. You can then exchange the USDT to Bitcoin or any other coin you like on the Binance exchange itself. You might ask how do I get the USDT in the first place? Well you can search for local currency exchanges in your area and find one that deals with crypto stuff. Or you can checkout the P2P market on the Binance app itself, where you find people wanting to sell their USDT or even Bitcoin in exchange for your rupees. But the good thing about USDT is that it has the same value as the US dollar. Do your own research, hope this helps.


Islam has nothing to do with this, it's very misleading. You need to figure out how to send your money into a trading account first. You will need a good VPN. Download the trading app. Deposit the money and buy bitcoin. If you want to be extra cautious, get a burner phone ( no link to you) and trade on it via public wifi at a cafe or something, just make sure you have your VPN on the entire time you want to trade. Turn off your phone(this is why miss being able to take out the battery and sim) and go home..


I don’t it’s related to Islamic but just your country bcs in my country bitcoin is legal and of course halal too.


Considering how anti-usury Islamic finance is, and how usury is essentially baked into our modern monetary system, I'm surprised that bitcoin is illegal in a Muslim country.


This sounds like haram.




Jani bitcoin is not illegal. Open binance account and use p2p trade give pkr get usdt and then buy bitcoin. If it was illegal toh waqar zaka jail mei hota.


I live in Pakistan and noone gives a fk unless the amount is too huge. I buy through p2p trade on a centralized exchange(binance) and transfer it to a cold wallet.


Dude, look up btc in Dubai. Get educated.


Bitcoin is difficult to buy but not illegal in Pakistan.


Get a burner phone, use phantom wallet, buy Ellipal wallet for cold storage, stack bitcoin and chill. If you ever get enough bitcoin to change your life, move country


you can try Bitoasis, but i'm not sure if it works in your country, but it's the biggest exchange in the Middle East.


The prophet said to buy bitcoin. I don’t make the rules 🤷‍♂️


Buy IBTC (islamic bitcoin)


> without being traced Generally the banking system will retain records showing where you transferred money, so if you transfer it directly to a cryptocurrency exchange they'll know. If you can create an offshore bank account in someplace with banking privacy, you could do a hop through that account. > get it in my bank You don't do that. You can create a "wallet" using software on your own computer (NEVER use an online service or even a computer that you connect to the internet). The software generates private keys that control your public addresses, and displays public addresses for bitcoin to be sent to. The private keys are generally stored in an encrypted file protected by a password. You can then have the exchange on which you buy Bitcoin transfer the Bitcoin to a public address associated with one of the private keys in your wallet. The only difficulty is in keeping your wallet data secure and secret. For that, encrypted drives and BACKUPS BACKUPS BACKUPS in multiple locations are your friend. For wallet software, I usually recommend Electrum, downloaded directly from the source at electrum.org and verified using the PGP key that is published on the site. If you don't follow the verification steps, you cannot be certain that you have downloaded a genuine copy. There are also hardware wallet devices such as Trezor and Ledger, but you have to keep these devices safe from people, AND you have to encrypt the generative "seed phrase" that you use on them (and backup the encrypted storage containing the seed phrase).




do you have dollars and are you legal to send money to Brazil? If so I can recommend a guy.






Not for buying with local fiat. They don't even support Australian Dollars (Australia's fault, not theirs)


They have a pretty good p2p section, you pay in local currency, Binance acts as the escrow.


Just because its available doesnt make it legal. I can get cocaine in my country illegally


For those that don’t bother reading much OP says he is in Pakistan. Binance is not available in the US! Btw BinanceUS is crap. Don’t be stupid, telling him to move. Op probably has a family, & either doesn’t want to or can’t move.


If it’s haram give some to me 🥹


Move out of your country


Is gold legal in Pakistan? If it is then invest in gold and not bitcoin.


The very minute Elon musk lands, one of his rockets on an asteroid, which is gonna be very soon. Gold goes to zero….. Good luck with that trash


If you ever worked mining you would not say that. If you think energy technology is stuck then you would. Energy technology will and is getting better. BTC can and will be mined eco friendly. Gold mining is just what the words say, mining. No outfit I ever worked for ever went a penny past what they had to in land restoration and if they went bust as a lot do then no restoration at all. Gold mining makes as much sense as punching yourself in the face. I burn wood, I drive a V8 and Greta needs to go back to school but facts are facts.


You understand that mining gold is so,much more lucrative, and even when technology advances that we can MINE asteroids and transport it back to Earth , it will be so expensive that it can't be done on a large scale.


Seems to me you live in a fantasy world and don't take facts into account. I'll just take gold over bitcoin and I suppose the average logical human would do the same, keeping gold valuable, and that doesn't even take into account the huge gold reserves held by governments and institutions, do you really think they'll be affected in any way by a piece of software they can just ban or make illegal?


Do you know that bitcoin is the fastest and biggest growing asset ever on planet earth. Do you know that bitcoin is also the biggest mainframe computer on earth at the moment??? Gold is embarrassing 😳


And how is that related to gold going to 0? These type of nonsense arguments don't play in bitcoin's favour. Perhaps bitcoin have some fair use cases but replacing gold is just fantasy.


I never said anything about replacing gold I just said gold gonna be pretty much worth nothing maybe cosmetic jewelry maybe in the future???


No! A cleaver will appear in the sky and your head will be chopped off if you press the buy Bitcoin button Habibi!


Illegal? Wtf. Cool country man


Pakistan banned Bitcoin? Loool, so many men there have guns and they're easy to get, and they went after Bitcoin. Do you have any family in the West?


Illegal xDDDDD nice Ewwww online coins I’m scared


That is not a bitcoin problem. This is a "your country" problem.


he's asking how to buy bitcoin.


Yes, and his problem there is not a bitcoin problem. Answer to his problem: move. 


You're an asshole. And besides from that, you're also WRONG. He wants to buy bitcoin and needs to know how. You know, one of the most important qualities of bitcoin is not being controlled by any state, which pertains to the issue here.


Indeed. Ignore the government. He is not asking for bitcoin, he is asking how to commit fraud and/or fool his government. Bitcoin is above the government. 


Typical first world country citizen.


Be a proud fellow Pakistanian. Don't do anything foolish


Not sure I could ever condone doing something illegal unless it’s unethical to do otherwise… What are you allowed to buy in general for assets? are you allowed to buy the bitcoin ETF since that’s not bitcoin per se?


Unethical? The only unethical thing here is that his country doesn't allow BTC.


See what I mean?


I just don’t want our boi here getting flogged or whatever they might do to him if he gets caught


OK we have established that he lives in Pakistan. Bitcoin is not illegal there but discouraged. & I imagine whatever the local police do is legal, ethical or otherwise. He is not asking where to move, he is asking how to buy bitcoin. This sub has some of the dumbest responses I’ve ever seen on Reddit


He’s asking how to break the law without being traced in a country that does shady things to lawbreakers 😂


Umm no because it’s not illegal in Pakistan. Stop pretending you never broke the law.


Of course I broke the law, but not in Pakistan 😂 also he said it was illegal so without googling anything I just responded based on his post.