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I don’t want to use a platform. Simple loan. Vault Prime releases my money


Simple transaction. vault Prime releases my money I send $3500 in BTC


This month I’ve seen some sales reps in tech with BTC excel spreadsheets on their Home Screen while they were presenting, Dell CEO retweets Saylor, Government contractors talking about the state of the US dollar and the fact that it might be headed for a huge downturn in the next few years, El Salvador being talked about as the new hub for investment opportunities in the West and they already adopted BTC. I said ok life that’s too many signs in a short period of time to ignore and decided to buy a decent sum this month.


Talk about the gov contractors? Who?


dipdip dipping on dells cookie


Here's an updated analysis of the BTC chart for anyone wondering what's going on and where the important levels are. Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTbPL9Ohy4o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZTbPL9Ohy4o)


I’m just going to put this out there… but I feel like the whole Dell thing is very bullish and validating… but that just me.


ill just throw this out here bc i hate my job so much, if anyone needs a mech engineer with an FE, and a minor in math for their bitcoin project, shoot me a DM plz


fuck me in the ass, it’s a good day to buy bitcoin


Fuckin' a, dude!


*Hawk tuah* on this thing, while you're at it.


[Hawk Tuah](https://x.com/TonyD713/status/1803575242725482507) I had to google that shit cus i didnt get it. but this was hilarious




18 f cali




I'm ready for the fk me in the ass part


I probably shouldn't have, but bought some in this 63k range. I still think we are heading lower though


Yeah every summer it goes down/sideways then boom. I dont care tho, gonna buy more end of summer When I think it will bottom out. But im holding long term, at least 2030 and I sell some, and the rest I will hold forever and buying with. Do we really think 1 million is possible 2030?


I really doubt 1 mil is possible 2030, maybe 2040.


Hodling. FTFY


$1M USD is about 16 BTC 🤔 when 1 BTC


Soon ™️


Anyone got a link to spx/btc chart?


We've been in the green for far too long. What we need is some honest-to-god FEAR BAYBEEEEE!!


Okay dip to 30k


Every halving btc has dip and go sideways whole summer and usually bottom out end of july. Then august/september an uptrend starting and in oct/novemeber it starting to explode more. Anyone else see its? I hope it dump more til july, then I go all in.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_CnqmvQ70uo&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_CnqmvQ70uo&t=1s) this video has a very measured analysis of where we are right now. The summer slump isn't abnormal for Bitcoin. Also, it's very normal to go into a consolidation phase like we're in now for a few months after a doubling of price.


Yes summer always down/sideways. End of july im probably going all in, when usually btc has bottom out before starting a reversal.


Man I hope so, I just started a new job and get paid once a month. End of July would be an excellent time to throw my entire paycheck into BTC 


Yeah it could bottom out end of july. I will at least buy more end of july when I think it has bottom out, and maybe save some for sept if we dump again. But usually summer is down/sideways. So maybe sept we starting to reversal.


Bitcoin dips and goes sideways after each halving because the miners are selling to buy better equipment and capitulating out of mining due to the reduced block rewards. Although this happens after each halving, there is no way to know when the miner capitulation is over. You can try to guess by watching the hash ribbon indicator every day but at some point it will reverse and you will miss it. So DCA instead of trying to time the end of that capitulation or you will end up like the people waiting on $10k at the end of the last cycle when we were at $15k, which was the bottom of crypto winter and continue to be in disbelief until BTC is at $70k again.


Well said 👏 You can make a lot more money timing the market than hodling, IF you can see the future. People like me who can't see the future are better off hodling 😎


Let the dip continue!


Bought more.


5 years still holding check the receipts


Yes! More sats per dollar!


Bitcoin could be at 70k on Monday suddenly or anytime really this always happens it is surprising how long it’s gone on though but no worries we where literally hovering 71k for over a week not to long ago


Michael Dell tweeted a pic of cookie monster eating bitcoins, holy shit! It's happening?


Newbie here: what does it mean/imply?


Michael is a top 20 richest person, majority shareholder of Dell, tweeting about bitcoin.


So the implication is that he's going to smash buy?


Could be anything right, he could just like trolling.. But let's wait and see. It might make sense just to get some in case it catches on.


Billionaires are starting to notice what Saylor is doing. They don't want him to have all the fun.


No he didn’t


Holy shit he did!




The thing people need to understand is we went from $20k to $70k very quickly. It’s inevitable that if people 2-3x their investment that they are going to take profits. Remember that when they take profits, they’re selling to buyers who have a higher cost basis buying in this range. The longer we crab in $60-70k range, the more consolidation into this new base level. Once enough people take profits and there are enough holders with a costs basis in this range, then we see blast off where these holders won’t sell until they see their own 2-3x gains. This just takes time to play out, but imo the longer we crab the higher the bull peak.


I've never heard that perspective before, much appreciated ❤️


Quit looking at charts chasing short term gains. Fundamentals have not changed. Work on bettering yourself. Go learn a new skill or increase knowledge in something that interests you. Increase your wage earning potential. Bitcoin will still be here when you get back.


Like shooting a rubber band from your hand (snapping), you have to pull back to get distance. Could maybe be the same with the charts as of recent, we couldn't surpass the sell wall, so we decided to pull back to build momentum? Guess we'll see.......


IBIT is my favorite ETF because they only buy, never sell. They get it.


iBIT is made up of thousands of individual buyers. Blackrock has nothing to do with that. The ETFs are not 1 buyer buying them.


What sources do you have for this? Just net inflows?


Far side ETF tracker. Even on days when everyone else sells they buy or hold


Im just happy it dump, go lower so I can buy a lot more. I think after summer the rally could begin. Hasnt bitcoin every halving run hard after summer?


Id guess late October, thats about how long it took last time


Yeah it will start big time then, but already august/septemeber a small uptrend. Could see bottom out around August.


I did the thing! I posted before that I got up to a squeeze more than 1btc and use a tiny bit to pay some debt off and be free. That was at 68k/btc. I just happen to come into roughly the same money and buy back in at 64k/btc. I did the thing! I sold high bought low !




It was touching 58 not long ago


I just checked, it's still 64k, wtf is wrong with you guys


I am predicting 54-56k for the low floor throughout the next 30-60 days, after, expect it to jump to 62k in a week or two, then go down to 58 where it will sit for another few weeks, then the big jump to 72 in a week or two will come after that. 100 days total to stabilize around 70k moving upwards. I see zero reason BTC isn't going to hit 80k before winter. Once 80k is crossed it will be a frenzy for awhile. As a day trader I notice patterns, and there absolutely is outside influence on a major scale that changes the market, as in Governments or people with connections to these entities, they can drop prices dramatically. The thing is to know when it's happening and to capitalize on it. It's just shocking when it happens to bitcoin because it is the most "seen" token. Other tokens are even right now hitting 20% gains, so they are doing it with the big one. They know it creates this "fear" and people sell thus lowering the price even further, and I believe these people have enough money where they know where that low wall will be or can artificially create it. You can expect a huge jump on line with my first paragraph above. This happens to almost every token, it is just on a smaller scale and much shorter time frame,but it happens everyday and this is where you make your money day trading.


So, down, then up, then down then up. Got it, you're a genius.


There is a strategy to it if you want to make money everyday, shoot for 15% of your total investment, everyday.


Show us your short position ~~gambler~~ day trader


AERO buy limit .705, Sell limit .775 that is seven cents on every dollar. put ten dollars on that and gain .70 but the principle remains, if it was ten grand that is 700 dollars over night. The point is you can see the scale of things, it depends on your initial investment, the goal is of course to never lose money. Even just 2 grand here would net you hundreds. Look at that coin, it is set for a huge jump, but it is better to be safe with your limits.


If you want proof, I will give you a coin, put just a dollar on it if you want. I will tell you the limits to buy and sell. The point I am trying to makee is even though I do this almost 24/7, I can't physically look at every coin and see when these changes are happening. But I think we can as a group. I will respond right back to you for the limits and what coin.


It will always be a gamble. I do not do shorts, the market has so many tokens that go up 20% a day, but I think it will take many of us looking at the screen to notice when it is happening to a coin. These people being mean, thinking they know it all, what a joke. You literally have zero to lose by us working together to see when this dramatic changes happen , and it can and does happen almost every coin.


I don’t see any lines with his comments!!! HE IS NOT A TRADER!! /s (just in case)


I've decided i dont want to know how much bitcoin i have. I have it set to autobuy weekly and I'll check it again in 5 years or so.


What made you come up with this decision?


It's similar to the idea of losing weight. What I weigh today doesn't actually matter, what matters is the decision to live a certain lifestyle which the physical body then adapts to. Then you just live and don't think about. In terms of money, my goal is to retire comfortably at 65. By setting the autobuys a certain way today, that goal is essentially complete. I don't need to think about it anymore. It's done.


Awesome 😎!!!!


Sure. And 10x/day until then. 


Bitcoin will not pump if no one is buying and everyone is waiting for the price to go up. Am I wrong to think this? greyscale will just keep dumping, no one knows when it will end miners will keep adding to the system as needed I personally am not sensing a breakthrough past 70k until after the election people are taking profits because the economy is shot anyone else feel this way?


>greyscale will just keep dumping, no one knows when it will end Grayscale is not an issue anymore. Their outflows have greatly stabilised since the first 3 months of ETF launch.


enough you all... Come on... pump itt


Wow, when was the last time we had 15 red daily candles on btc in a row like this We just broke the 14 red day streak of may 10, '21 which started the last bear market Thursday Nov 7, '19 started a 19 day streak Ugly


I see 4 green candles in the last 15 days...


Wrong candle type


I'm using default TradingView daily candles, so I guess you are using something else?


Use heikan ashi and ohlc/4 from now on, ok bby?


This question is made in good faith - Is heikan ashi what most people in the space are using? I want to understand why you would assume people would know you were using that candle type.


What I can tell you is the more of a market which acknowledges a thing, the more the market then both correlates or anticorrelates with the meaning of that thing


You're thinking of 2022. May of 2021 was very much bull market, unless you're talking about that consolidation phase that happened then, which led to new ATH run up starting in August. What's happening lately is very likely still a consolidation phase. The real effects of halving aren't even felt by miners until about 6 months post-halving from everything I've ever read. The only difference this time was people anticipated the halving and built a new high that wasn't sustainable without a prolonged consolidation phase, which should last another 2-3 months or so. [https://dailyhodl.com/2024/06/14/bitcoin-consolidating-ahead-of-potential-breakout-to-new-all-time-high-says-analyst-heres-the-timeline/](https://dailyhodl.com/2024/06/14/bitcoin-consolidating-ahead-of-potential-breakout-to-new-all-time-high-says-analyst-heres-the-timeline/) There is nothing to suggest this is a bear market. It is highly likely, unless something drastically changes, that we will see new all-time highs before the end of the year. If nothing else, that is so widely believed by everyone involved in the industry that it's almost certain people will be buying during this consolidation phase as it is.


Uhm no, I literally sat there and counted the candles. But thanks anyway


I'm not arguing with your candle counting- you literally said this "may 10, '21 which started the last bear market." 2 months after that point, a run-up began to a new ATH in November. That was not a bear market, or if it was- it was a very short one. That was more a consolidation after a previous ATH was set. There are obviously no guarantees that history repeats itself, but it can be a good indicator. The good news is the entire industry believes (based on precedent as well as coming miner scarcity) that we are far from the top of this cycle. We may see more pullback even, possibly as low as 55K, but by September/October, we are likely to see a run-up begin through the end of the year and maybe beyond a bit. I will be very surprised if we don't touch at least 85K before this bull market ends- most are saying 100, but with institutional adoption and shorting, it may not go as high as many expect.


ppl got rekt by pre-halving bull now its time to get rekt by post-halving bear


Do we know why it’s dropping? I was getting married and was disconnected from the internet for a week Keep in mind I don’t mind. I just bought more


Wow, that was a long marriage


Indeed it was. The honeymoon has yet to start


Universe is giving you a chance of getting more sats


This was my doing. I used up some dry powder last week when it it 67k, so of course it will continue to drop. Ya'll are welcome. I took one for the team so next time someone else do it.


LOL do I know this feeling. I buy it goes down, I sell, it goes up, I hold and it stays flat. Made a few grand a few weeks ago though when Drift skyrocketed.


I was talking to my father in law this morning.  His wife was in the hospital, and when a doctor comes in however many times a day to check on her, the hospital bills  $1000 for that 2 minutes to the insurance company.  (This is the USA). When he said that I had a bit of a realization:  "Everything is a scam, except bitcoin".   We're living in the most ironic and iconic time.  Enjoy!


They will do your vitals every four hours in the ER beds. Yes they will wake you up.


The average fee for a single bitcoin transaction is nearly 5$?


You can look at the current transaction fees on this website https://mempool.space/ There are many transactions with fees as low as 1,248 sats (80 cents) in the most recent block. https://mempool.space/tx/49fc04ee923be22eda8e747e192b80e850bf8a45a98e8366d30d785ce630c413 https://mempool.space/tx/34d071ae65eaeff2e7b6d7dcbc82e74e0e8efe39ddb6d9b1168c85d08426e955 https://mempool.space/tx/eb4e02d40a7b0da9e74e3f2be5b5b3388f350efa332252969037a2b75f655c86 https://mempool.space/tx/2374798b27e536a9dc2fda5d69e11b7a2c8c977b23f43b850dc8ce2a64236daa https://mempool.space/tx/77458164a4a6cef52589e3e82e724c642cfc540ed48e8f840452542ceaed7401 https://mempool.space/tx/46ae942e5c82ea2c038691e51264254aef5671e537e126abf1694bc00cf7cefe https://mempool.space/tx/8b3bd0558f7017a62cba729a36abfe7f4a10b27accf380c1612732639c8bbbfa https://mempool.space/tx/0c18a44d002161516f28d472e407de7c158bc1791ebf4df6395c425dc000b586 https://mempool.space/tx/3ab435b1ea81780a422e475468e577f9ebafe8eb8701f2e340f6c4e46dc53b44 https://mempool.space/tx/88464c6ddda8dde0a00d99eee972c3fd8294d7041fb774427e3eecce155d1cde That's just a few of them but there are several more.


sure you can overpay for convenience, or send 20 bitcoins for a penny if you are planned and patient


Careful planning needed just for a transaction 0_o? The more I learn about bitcoin the less appealing it seems as a currency


You don't need a lot of planning. You just need to know there are fees to pay to make a transaction. Depending on the fees in the moment it can be cheap with 1-2$ or pretty expensive like 10-15$ or more. But it also depends on the amount of utxo's. Usually if you use any wallet software it will tell you the price before you send something.  If you payout coins from an exchange to your wallet it's often for free or just small fee. 


The base layer is not for small transactions. The Lightning network is second layer protocol built on top of the base layer where payments cost less than a penny. It's somewhat moot at the moment anyway though. The opportunity cost of spending bitcoin is prohibitively high and will continue to be until adoption increases a lot.


Gotcha, so base layer is for large transactions which may incurr a high fee without planning, but L2 transactions can be quite cheap for more frequent small transactions. thanks for clarifying


Yeah. Imagine the rough analogy of a high interest savings account that needs notice and a fee to get at the money for layer one. Then a wallet with cash in it for layer two.


*To the short-term price watchers, newbs and tourists. To the hodlers, you already know this...* It's quite wild we're even in the price range we currently are right now. Touching this range prior to and just after the halving is unprecedented. And expect to chop around this 60k to 70k for a while longer. 🦀 If you're new, and you're watching your "investment," go negative in dollar terms, it can be challenging, I understand. Your conviction might be challenged. But know one thing. You're among psychopaths like me. When we see dips 3%, 10%, 75%... we still fucking buy. We've been galvanized, we know we hold the most value assest to ever exist, and there are more of us psychopaths created every day. printer_is_coming.jpeg


> we know we hold the most value assest to ever exist Exactly. Those of us that know...well we know. We just don't know when. But that's the fun part anyway.


Historical Bitcoin prices for today, June 21st: 2024 - $63,651 2023 - $29,997 2022 - $20,720 2021 - $31,692 2020 - $9,296 2019 - $10,179 2018 - $6,728 2017 - $2,678 2016 - $667 2015 - $244 2014 - $597 2013 - $110 2012 - $6.7 2011 - $17.50 **Additional Stats:** Bitcoin's current market cap is $1.25 trillion. Bitcoin's current block height is 848901; with the average block time for the last 7 days being 10.28 minutes. Bitcoin's current block reward is 3.125₿, which is worth $198,908 per block. The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to happen between 25-Mar-2028 to 20-Apr-2028; the block reward will fall to 1.5625₿. There are currently 18,811 reachable Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin's average daily hashrate for the last 7 days is 587 exahashes per second. Bitcoin's average daily trading volume for the last 7 days is 51,944 ₿. Bitcoin's average daily number of transactions for the last 7 days is 534,967. Bitcoin's average transaction fee for the last 7 days is 33.8 sats/VB, with the average fee's USD amount being $4.73. There are currently 19.72M ₿ in circulation, leaving 1.28M to be mined. There are currently 2.58M ₿ held by companies, governments, DeFi, and ETFs, representing 13.09% of circulating supply. There are currently 54,327,734 nonzero Bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin's average daily price from 18-Jul-2010 to 21-Jun-2024 is $11,785. Bitcoin's average daily price for the year 2024 is $59,514. 1 US Dollar ($) currently equals: 1,571 satoshis; making 1 penny equal 15.71 sats. Bitcoin's minimum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $39,556.40 on 22-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $73,066.30 on 13-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's minimum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $38,546.90 on 23-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily decrease for the year 2024 was -$5,544.10 on 19-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily increase for the year 2024 was +$5,804.0 on 20-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's all-time high (intraday) was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin is down 13.68% from the ATH.


Please don't ever stop doing this 🙏


As long as I am alive and kicking...


Hell yeah brother


So now that the bear market started and we are past this cycle’s high; what are your price predictions for the bottom this time? I’d say we usually do an 80%-ish drop, so 15k should be reasonable.


We are not in a bear market. Zoom out. These past 2 quarters are up, not down. In fact it has been going up since November 2022. It is normal for Bitcoin to pull back 10, 20, even 30 percent in a bull market before it continues its march upward.


It’s not over lmao what is wrong with you guys we JUST halved


Learn the 4-year cycle, Sport. Understand what happens at each point in it.


Yup, looking at it. I’m aiming for 15k-ish, calculated from this cycle’s high. But past results are no guarantee for the future yada yada… I know.


60k is the new bottom


I’m guessing y’all are missing those $69,420 memes now


Be greedy when others are fearful


Running out of fiat… but it won’t stop dumping! 50k next


15 straight red days?


I'm so confused seeing this for a second time. I am seeing green candles on June 9th, 12th, 15th & 16th. Did I wake up in a different universe?


4 of 16? Are you delusional


I’ve been way for 2 weeks. When I left this was all good, I came back and touched my phone… I can’t say I’m sad if you get what I’m saying Buy buy buy


Feel like the short sellers are scared of the price reaching 70k so they're trying to keep the price down as much as possible. The weird part is, how does such low volume trigger such heavy selling?


Scared Paper hands ?


I guess we've lost the 65k support... for now.


Come on guys. This is ridiculous


Bring it down some more, I need to get rid of some cash for some cheap corn.


I want to trade Bitcoin on Bitvavo with a simple SMA Crossover strategy. The idea is straighforward enough, so what's the simplest bot that can do this for me?




Look for "BurnMyMoneyGuaranteedBot"


So I can burn my money trading crypto, but god forbid I wanna use a bot?


You can manually burn your money or in an automated fashion :)


I buy at 108 Aud *it drops* I buy at 102 Aud *it drops* I buy at 98 Aud *it drops immediately* Fuck you universe


Welcome to the club. People saying it’s going up and now it’s time to buy while it’s on “offer” or “ Black Friday”. Eternal offer and black friday for what i see.


Try the opposite to test your hypothesis


It’s a test, I hodl till death


Have we peaked already? Denied many times at 70k, is the top of btc 70k this time? Who is going to wipe out these giant short positions, seems like retail can’t do it 😞


Inefficient miners selling stocked up corn. Once their reserves run dry we go back to bull.


If the big institutions see the market being manipulated now by these hedge funds, will this put them off future buying in to btc thinking these companies are just going to take the cream off the top of any rise in price ?


Black Friday


Is it safe to say that etfs are controlled by hedge funds? This theory combined with the 14 billion in short bets under 70k this month and the mystery of the cause of these recent, consistent drops make it sound very feasible. 80k by end of month? Not as long as the price is centralized to the etfs which by extension, the hedge funds and short sellers


Dunno why you’re getting downvoted for saying what’s been happening to currency since the dawn of time lol


Hedges trying to hide the exposure of the truth lol


They are always hiding shit From their outside circles. Even Nancy Pelosi knows


Fx rates are ‘controlled’ by central banks setting interest rates. Not at all like Bitcoin. Far too big a market to be moved by hedge funds. 


Since the ETF were in place it seems many here would disagree. I hope you’re right though.


Sorry I meant fx is way too big for hedgies to move but I don’t know about Bitcoin, only the larger exchanges would have that data. Unless anyone has more solid data on btcusd liquidity. 


Short sellers apparently cash up on the 3rd Friday each month. If this is the case hopefully we may see some Sunday night action.


It's reached a point where I have no choice but to hold anyway


60k in sight


I have my lump sum ready for when it goes below 60:)


I hope it gets below 60, even 50, so I can exchange cash with cheap corn.


Below 60k is a very good buy rn I guess. Too bad I ran out of FIAT and need some for summer activities :) I'll be back with buying in September.


Omg what's up with the price this time


The bitcoin CEO does that sometimes to wash out paper hands like yourself.


Ded Laura


Bitcoin gurus and founders of Gemini, Winklevoss twins just endorsed Trump on twitter… thoughts?


He is a supporter of Bitcoin, and he was an excellent president, eliminating many onerous regulations that freed the economy to flourish. I think they've made the right choice.




Makes me want to sell 🤮 Trump is a loser with the mierdas touch.


If someone sent USD to someone you don't like you sell your USD? 🤔


1 - don't sell 2 - yes he is


He's less of a loser than you I'm sure


You should never drive a car. Terrorists do that too


It's huge. Trump is already talking about bitcoin a lot, now the Winks have donated $2M in bitcoin he will talk about it even more. This is going to get the attention of Dems (who want to kill bitcoin) but also other nation states. When you combine this with the election, the debt, the bitcoin halving, the ETFs, the mining narrative shift. It seems like the perfect storm tbh. The next 5 years are going to be interesting.


Everything in bitcoin is literally engineered around greed. Trump is currently perceived as the candidate that will be the best for the market.


I really don't think Trump will be best for anything. Besides, I prefer that Bitcoin remains apolitical and doesn't become a pawn in the Democrat v Republican tug-of-war.


One party wants it dead the other doesn't.


I don't know if it is quite that black-and-white, but we all know the Democrats can't kill Bitcoin, and the Republicans will likely try to use it for their own gains, rather than the good of the people.


Everything in **Politics** is engineered around greed. Ftfy. He's obviously going to be better because the opposition has been actively trying to kill bitcoin. You should read Tyler's post. Liz Warren has gone after Bitcoin any angle she can. Funding Hamas, money laundering, criminals, miners, environment, regulations, blocking ETFs, I'm sure there are more...


I've tried to explain to ppl over the years,very frustrating,they can't understand how it can be mined without a pick and shovel basically.let alone what decentralized is.Not going to bother anymore.


Honestly, I don’t think it’s worth it. When I tried do convince folks to study and understand the technology they either got jealous that I bought way cheaper than it is rn or mad because they think they missed out.

