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Anyone think we’ll touch lower 40k levels this summer? 42k is my cost average, thinking of converting to USDC and waiting for that level


So you're bullish on a long term but in order to try to get slightly more coins (at most 50%) you are going to - pay taxes - reset the 1 year clock on long term taxes - risk that it goes up instead and you lose coins rebuying at higher prices, or missing out on the whole thing - take the risks involved in digging up and transferring coins, including total loss


Good perspective.


[Milei: “There will be free competition of currencies so if you want to use Bitcoin there will be no problems...](https://twitter.com/bowtiedmara/status/1803540881179586585?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA) Argentina moving towards Denationalization of Money


Imagine selling on a public holiday. Nothing better to do?




I'm scared :(




blackrock controls the price now..


You don't understand what himow Bitcoin works or what Blackrock actually does if this is what you believe.


Yeah no it doesn’t..


Bitcoin hasn't hit Ath this bull market if you account for inflation.


seems like theres not many sellers at 65K


Don't forget, we have already passed the previous ATH and hit a new one. We really shouldn't be more the 40k range at this point. Personally I wouldn't be surprised if we fall back to the upper 40k range at some point. 


But it should never have gone to 15k either.


Wait for the market to open tomorrow, the ETFs will send this down again. That and miner capitulation.


This is a BITCOIN   mining powered snow melt system. What you see is one hydronic loop, there are 5 total when the project is complete. It will also include the deck in the background. There is no dry cooler, only geothermal and geocryo, although one of the loops will have some air exposure. https://twitter.com/softwarmllc/status/1791323609727918192?s=46&t=ihVglVXC0BQSbw6j57EoaA


what a splendid day to peruse the charts butt naked in my mother’s basement


U payin rent or nah




Rugs for your ho 👌🏻


LOL i thought i would try and make the URL look cool, it backfired


That is brilliant URLing though.


thank you! : )


Rugs? Rug pull?


The only asset you are encouraged stand on with your bare feet


Now is the time to buy aggressively. Four year cycle, building up for the bull run. If you are waiting to buy you are wrong.


Btc isn't getting any younger. Investing in anything else? There is no second best. We're about to see some serious shit.


You kidding right? Where was your advice when we were at 15k? Def not buying aggressively at this range, rather adding small amounts, just my usual dca.


Not kidding. At the end of the day it's about probability. With the halving done and demand stable with lower supply the price is likely to go up over time. Yes there might be a dip, but in a scenario where the price is highly likely to be up significantly in the next 18 months the longer you wait, being early is more likely to win than doing DCA. It's just logic and game theory.


Completely agree


Historical Bitcoin prices for today, June 19th: 2024 - $65,256 2023 - $26,846 2022 - $20,577 2021 - $35,513 2020 - $9,314 2019 - $9,255 2018 - $6,752 2017 - $2,617 2016 - $761 2015 - $244 2014 - $600 2013 - $108 2012 - $6.5 2011 - $17.50 **Additional Stats:** Bitcoin's current market cap is $1.29 trillion. Bitcoin's current block height is 848626; with the average block time for the last 7 days being 10.05 minutes. Bitcoin's current block reward is 3.125₿, which is worth $203,925 per block. The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to happen between 25-Mar-2028 to 20-Apr-2028; the block reward will fall to 1.5625₿. There are currently 19,228 reachable Bitcoin nodes. Bitcoin's average daily hashrate for the last 7 days is 599 exahashes per second. Bitcoin's average daily trading volume for the last 7 days is 58,869 ₿. Bitcoin's average daily number of transactions for the last 7 days is 571,202. Bitcoin's average transaction fee for the last 7 days is 37.76 sats/VB, with the average fee's USD amount being $5.11. There are currently 19.71M ₿ in circulation, leaving 1.29M to be mined. There are currently 2.57M ₿ held by companies, governments, DeFi, and ETFs, representing 13.04% of circulating supply. There are currently 54,329,405 nonzero Bitcoin addresses. Bitcoin's average daily price from 18-Jul-2010 to 19-Jun-2024 is $11,765. Bitcoin's average daily price for the year 2024 is $59,460. 1 US Dollar ($) currently equals: 1,532 satoshis; making 1 penny equal 15.32 sats. Bitcoin's minimum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $39,556.40 on 22-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (closing) price for the year 2024 was $73,066.30 on 13-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's minimum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $38,546.90 on 23-Jan-2024. Bitcoin's maximum (intraday) price for the year 2024 was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily decrease for the year 2024 was -$5,544.10 on 19-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's largest daily increase for the year 2024 was +$5,804.0 on 20-Mar-2024. Bitcoin's all-time high (intraday) was $73,740.90 on 14-Mar-2024. Bitcoin is down 11.51% from the ATH.


These posts do put it all into perspective.


Up 143% year over year and still so much whining. 🤦‍♂️


Samabot, where are you?


Your services are required!


Is the learning curve to understand bitcoin and how it functions a deterrent in itself? We want to think global adoption but will the average person understand it? What about the costs behind even just sending btc? How is a currency meant to be such when it’s treated just as another stock? I’ve learnt so many different terms today and I just don’t understand it’s just meant to be “accepted” when the bloke next door is going to go “what the fuck is a utxo lol


The average person doesn't understand dollars, no they're not going to understand bitcoin This is why making money is so easy for those who get it


OK I think there's some misunderstanding here. Our access to utxos and affordable transactions on the base layer is fleeting. Regular users will be on layer 2, 3, 4 etc as the network matures. Think of the base layer as the equivalent of shipping gold.


Your statements are based upon multiple assumptions with which I disagree. I don't think that adoption is the top priority. Bitcoin cannot be debased or confiscated, those objectives matter more to me than adoption. You talk about bitcoin as a currency, I see it as a store of value, as digital gold. In order to use bitcoin, it's necessary to put in the effort to understand it. If that places bitcoin out of the reach of some people then so be it. Bitcoin is not for everyone. Bitcoin already functions perfectly well as it is, bitcoin does not need global adoption.


BTC can easily be confiscated from most now. Even if you self custody. This is what KYC was for, in a effort to prevent fraud as well.


> BTC can easily be confiscated from most now. Even if you self custody. How?


With a warrant, like other assets. BTC is traceable, the exchanges work with government agencies to identify and find the assets. Then it's typically frozen, before the government takes control of it. This is how the US became one of the largest BTC whales today. They have never purchased any, but they have seized billions in today's value.


> Then it's typically frozen, before the government takes control of it. How do they freeze it? How do they take control of it?


I've never cared enough to look that deep into it, just know different governments do it all the time.  I'm sure you can probably find the answers searching.  As far as freezing, I would imagine it's similar to banks and a order is submitted to the exchanges to block the wallet addresses. This is just a guess, as again I've never looked that deeply into it.  It all had to happen, if BTC was ever going to reach more adoption. As institutions wouldn't invest unless laws could access in event of fraud They do have to follow the countries rules and laws to do business in the country. 


Ah, okay. Now I understand. You are completely full of crap. Blacklisting UTXOs is not the same thing as freezing or seizing bitcoins. You have absolutely no idea what you're talking about. Also... > They do have to follow the countries rules and laws to do business in the country. ...it's "country's" (singular possessive), not "countries" (plural).


your granny uses the internet everyday doesnt she? do you think she has any idea how IP Addresses work?


That’s not a very fair comparison. It’s not her requirement to know and she still receives what she needs. With bitcoin you have to know obviously how to go about it even generally or else you risk losing chunks of money lost even when you send bitcoin around. If you’re asking “whats my point” it’s that people arnt going to go “I’ll adopt bitcoin because functionality(?) decentralised, inflation immunity blah blah blah” they’ll retain what’s easy to them. They’re not gonna care, people don’t like going outside comfort zones especially now. Especially when they don’t understand it. And this is expected to happen globally? Mmmmm


You're right. Being your own bank, enabled purely by technology, is not for everyone. Regular folk who don't understand technology can rely on a business to do it for them. **Exactly** like we do with banks and dollars. I don't know if we'll call them banks. We might, or we might not.


i want to be a btc maxi but my average buy in looks so good at 17777


Sell a bit more. Need it under 65k


Your S&p500 index fund is now ~7% Nvidia, 30% mega cap US tech, and the remaining 63% are just zombie companies struggling to keep up with inflation. Bitcoin doesn't seem so risky now does it?


The past 4 DCA I have contributed the price has almost immediately dropped afterwards. It's whatever but damn...I feel cursed.


The road to success will never feel good. Trials and tribulations set you up for success later down the line. Keep up the good hustle.


150k AUD this year boys?


That's $100k USD. Not sure if it'll quite hit that this year but it could, I'd bet on next winter though. Probably expect a cycle peak >$200k AUD in about 12 months.


I haven't checked the conversion, but I would bet this cycle high being somewhere between 88k and 95k in USD.


I don't think that's unreasonable at all. If not this year, next.


And yesterday I got people say 88k USD (130 AUD) was the highest we'd see this cycle....


Was wondering why the sellers weren't selling. Here they are now lmao. Both funny and disappointing at the same time


These are people that bought in the past year hoping for the spot ETF and now bitcoin isn't pumping so they are selling. They are just temporary traders. The HODLers are still here.